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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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began to cool, next year the volume of issuance will decrease to 5.200 billion rubles. in russia , over the past 5 years, the number of vacancies has almost doubled, while the offered salaries have also doubled. experts from the consulting company yakov and partners in labor market research came to these conclusions. according to them, the country is now experiencing a labor shortage; by 2030 , the personnel shortage will range from two to 4 million people, while at record low levels it finds... unemployment in october was below 3%, the company noted. and the bitcoin rate crossed the $41,500 mark. during the day it gained more than 11%. the second largest cryptocurrency ethereum is also at a yearly high and is trading above $2,200. investors perceive cryptocurrency as a defensive asset. in addition, the scandals surrounding the binance exchange, which were dragging the market down, have subsided. in a day, the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market grew by
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$60 billion, and in a week by $150 billion. this was economic news, in short. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive supercake every month. and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. pay less. toothpaste splat 1390. pyaterochka helps out. watch the sks fonbet khl championship match on december 21. this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year for billionaires. buy tickets on the website and company. hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone,
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buy an infinix from the connection and get a second smartphone, a gift only in the megaphone, vtb savings account rate is 15%, buy it faster for a wedding, cool, everything it turns out that vtb, unexpectedly, there is a sale on avito? and a new dress and a drill, and a grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale very much, even on avido, don’t miss the discounts of up to 80%. we’ll take you to the train, but there’s no need, another half hour, well, let’s go, let’s warm up at least, he doesn’t say anything about himself, they’re not interested.
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how do i live, you ask, be offended, exactly, offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, a winter combo, delicious and point, in the donetsk people's republic, a national guard officer saved a woman who was seriously injured in an accident, a man approached the policeman, his wife fell into a hole and hit her head hard, receiving a laceration and concussions. a medical officer with the call sign expert provided first aid to the woman, stopped the bleeding, applied a bandage, after which the victim was taken to the nearest regional hospital. in nizhny novgorod , they are reviving the traditions of charity; they held a white flower day. as part of the promotion, which were established even before the revolution, organized exhibitions and master classes. one of the central events was opened.
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ekaterina solotkova has all the details. the emperor’s gaze, with a compass and a map in his hands , is fixed on the nizhny novgorod kremlin; on a pedestal 4.5 m high, the general plan of nizhny novgorod, which the emperor personally drew, is carved. those exits that were built were built before the kremlin bypass, which we still use today. in 1834 he changed a lot in the appearance of the current capital of the volga region. the garden where the monument is now located named after the emperor's wife alexandra feodorovna. the authors of the monument were sculptors from the moscow region, irina makarova and maxim bataev. the consecration ceremony was performed by metropolitan george of nizhny novgorod and arzamas. the figure of nicholas ii is also valuable to me because many of us, when engaged in educational work, use him as an example, because he is the first sovereign who seriously drew up a program. upbringing and education of our
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leadership, so to speak, yes, their own children, grand dukes, children with childhood, they were involved in charity work under a special program. the traveling exhibition of st. luke, the physician-teacher-pastor , was presented to nizhny novgorod residents. she talks about the life and spiritual feat of the doctor bishop valentin feliksovich, a warrior of the yaseninsky saint of the russian orthodox church. traditionally , the descendants of nicholas i continued to do good deeds. thus, already under nicholas , the day of the white flower was established in russia. on the days of the campaign, the person who donated money received a white flower in return, thereby making a feasible contribution to fight against tuberculosis. today this tradition has been revived; anyone can purchase a drawing or any other memorabilia at the charity festival. the masters were students from educational institutions in the nizhny novgorod region. proceeds from the sale will be sent to the nizhny novgorod defender of the fatherland foundation to support the families of participants in the special military operation. ekaterina soladkova, evgeny fakhruddinov,
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irina mustafina. news privolzhye. asia welcomes you, the heart of the continent beats here, and we keep our finger on the pulse, today on the program there is a death trap in the almaty hostel, people died during a fire, the french set their sights on the sky of central asia, brussels is again meddling with its sanctions, nursultan nazarbayev spoke for the first time about his second family and sons, and kyrgyzstan will go forward under a new flag. and again the auditor, if only the west would be vigilant,
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for the third time this calendar year, european official david osalivan sent a special message to central asia, namely to kazakhstan and uzbekistan, an unkind sign, even if it was a good person. by sanctions will not be called: brussels approved the punitive position back in january of 2022 to ensure continuous high-level discussions with third countries about restrictive measures against russia. since then, osalivan has been solving a difficult problem: to intimidate, but not to offend, to put pressure, but not to push away, and simply to force him to act in a way that is harmful to himself. it is obvious that central asian governments are unlikely to follow the instructions of brussels and washington, with any secondary sanctions automatically transferred to the state. central asia will be drawn into the camp of opponents of the west and will be brought even closer to russia. therefore, at least publicly, osalivan states that there will be no secondary sanctions. they play along with him. eastern diplomacy, that ’s what it is, public assurances that , of course, no one will circumvent sanctions, while trade turnover is growing, joint
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projects are developing. it is europe, with its tolerance elevated to a cult, that takes pleasure when it is hurt, and is ready to lose both honor and industry at washington’s go-ahead. therefore, it is still sanctioned the caretaker apparently convinces that punitive measures, for example, against the uzbek strategic enterprise khangarantsement, are actually for the good; astana and tashkent prefer to act pragmatically. demonstratively, right during the sanctions official’s visit, shavkat mirziyoyev had a telephone conversation with vladimir putin. the presidents of russia and uzbekistan discussed issues of bilateral cooperation , in particular the implementation of agreements following the october meeting in moscow. and the meeting. this one was very effective agreed on 100 joint projects worth $28 billion. for example, russian capital is actively involved in the creation of an industrial park on the territory of the navai free economic zone. 46,000 km answer to mr. osalivan,
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the production of building materials, household chemicals and cosmetics will be located there. cooperation with kazakhstan is also developing intensively at this very time. right now , about 40 joint projects in the metal and chemical industry are being implemented worth more than 16.5 billion dollars, that’s tens of thousands jobs, the interests of millions of citizens , billions of budget revenues in the form of taxes, which are then spent on pensions and other social benefits, it turns out that the west cannot intimidate russia’s partners , there is neither the opportunity nor the obvious desire to offer an alternative, then petty ones are used provocations, the publication of the politician shoots loudly... kazakhstan thanks european officials for the fact that the eu helped to withstand moscow and beijing, and they refer to the deputy minister of the kazakh foreign ministry roman vasilenko. the news is immediately picked up ukrainian media understand what kind of reaction they are provoking from russia, where there is a harsh rebuke, an angry response, which, naturally
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, will be painfully perceived in astana. the only thing is that the statement given in the article goes against not only common sense, but reality. an absurd thesis, his own speculation. author of the article, here is a verbatim quote from the kazakh minister. the fact that the eu, the us and the west as a whole have today recognized the importance of kazakhstan and other central asian countries and are now participating in the construction. to more stable connections with them helps to improve the status of central asian countries such as kazakhstan in relations with other international partners. agree, the provocative title has almost nothing in common, and these are just isolated cases in a whole series. we dwell on it in detail, only to remind those who are especially impressionable, first of all, with us, with our enemies , everything is already clear, emotions are not the best adviser when you are so deliberately pushed to take some drastic steps, plan... who benefits from this? what else do you remember about this week?
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asia. tragedy in almaty, 13 people, including citizens of russia and uzbekistan, died in a fire in one of the local hostels. it worked for only a month and a half and was located in the basement, which is strictly prohibited by the legislation of kazakhstan. people did not have time to get out of there; they were poisoned by the acrid smoke. athletes are female athletes from more than five. countries visited the capital of turkmenistan to participate in the world kurash championship. this is a traditional turkic wrestling, in which the winner is determined by the number of successful throws from standing position. the host country of the tournament led the medal count, with five gold, six silver and four bronze medals. and the revelation of nursultan nazarbayev. in his book of memoirs, my life, the former president of kazakhstan admitted that he had a second wife, whose marriage was concluded in muslim custom; according to elbasy, in the mid-2000s, asel isabaeva gave birth to
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two sons, tauman and baiken, and his first wife sarah and her three daughters ended up taking it all in stride. french rafale fighters targeted kazakhstan and uzbekistan. according to the french press, uzbekistan may purchase 24 aircraft. kazakhstan is also being actively persuaded. we'll make a discount and a statement right away. the french press, in this case , british scientists proved this in a series, that is, my grandmother said it twice, and kazakh officials have already publicly denied interest in such weapons, but still, what kind of beast is this rafal, let’s still see. doso rafal translated as shkval is a fourth generation fighter, maximum speed at high altitude is about 2,200 km/h, service ceiling is 15,240 m. rafal is capable of performing strike tasks at a distance of 100.60 km from the base. the combat radius in the role of a fighter-interceptor is more than 1,000 km. the detection range of target destruction
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by the on-board weapon system is up to 150 km. the first combat use was afghanistan 2007, then there was libya 2011, when gaddafi was overthrown, it was also used in mali for its colonial needs and against isis in the fifteenth and sixteenth years. non-combat losses of five fighter aircraft in crashes since 2007 to 2012. cars are complex issues depending on the models and specific agreements, for example, for india the price per unit was $219 million, but in the case of such toys, this is no longer a business, but pure geopolitics. contracts with egypt and greece have a pronounced anti-turkish orientation. in fact, they cement the anti-turkish alliance from france, greece and egypt that has already formed in the eastern mediterranean, and supplies to india and indonesia are a strengthening of the anti-chinese bloc. the rafale fighter belongs to the fourth generation, well more precisely, 4 plus, and these are aircraft developed
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in the eighties, and which made their first flight mainly in the eighties, this is a multi-role fighter that can carry out missions both to gain air superiority and carry out strike missions, that is, strike ground targets , rafal, in recent years, well, if we take a decade, approximately... the last one, he began to move into the international market, it was quite interesting and unexpected that they became interested in rafal, or let’s say so, they are also considering rafales for delivery, well, kazakhstan, and apparently uzbekistan, where the initiative was there, the question is quite complex, that is, perhaps this is a french initiative, well, actually, no one is stopping the french from promoting their equipment anywhere , of course, this , well, let’s say, it’s expensive, the transition to western
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technology, to western technology, plus you need to understand that this is a new service structure, new, well, let’s say, operating methodology, that is, everything will be different, everything it will be a little bit, well otherwise, that is, it’s more complicated, maybe a little more expensive, there’s a real epidemic in central asia. they say that anti-vaxxers are to blame; through their efforts, the infection is spreading rapidly, especially among children. now kyrgyzstan, its capital bishkek, as well as the jalabat and chchuy regions, may not yet be in the grip of measles, but the situation is definitely alarming, with thousands of cases since the beginning of the year. measles is a disease that can be contracted instantly and spreads very quickly; if you suspect it, you should immediately contact see a doctor, but it seems that not everyone trusts medicine, according to the republican center for immunoprophylaxis, most often unvaccinated children are infected, whose parents for some
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reason refused vaccination, i would like to appeal to parents that children should definitely receive a second dose of mcp at the age of 6, because they will soon go to school, to kindergarten intensively, now vaccination is carried out specifically among 6 years old, a similar picture is similar in uzbekistan in the hospitals of the namangan region, the number of patients is most likely now in the hundreds, about a third of them are toddlers, for comparison, last year there were only eight such diagnoses in the entire republic, but the most difficult thing these days is for kazakhstani doctors... already 17,000 people, including infants and pregnant women, are suffering from measles. the country's ministry of health is forced to admit that infectious diseases hospitals in astana, karaganda and kakshitau are overloaded. in the usual case , a very high temperature begins and lasts until the entire rash goes away. even the petropavlovsk military university was under the threat of quarantine. one of the cadets infected
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at least fifteen other students. in other matters the authorities of kazakhstan intend not only to solve the current problem, but also to insure themselves for the future with the help of a large-scale vaccination company, and here it may be worth taking an example from tajikistan; the country’s leadership annually holds national vaccination days and assures that the population’s immunity from measles is very high. it looks like there will be a new flag in kyrgyzstan, it was so, and so it is. the motivation is this: the shape of the rays needs to be changed from curved to flat so that the image does not look like a sunflower, this is a quote, the idea has already been supported parliament. in general, the idea of ​​changing the main state symbol in kyrgyzstan has been floating around for a long time. there were more radical options, for example, changing the color from red to blue, but this idea was abandoned. almost at the finish line, the ministry of economy of kyrgyzstan talked about work on a route that will allow cargo to be delivered to russia, bypassing kazakhstan. the transport corridor from the south of kyrgyzstan will go to uzbekistan, then to turkmenistan, from there
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it will go to the caspian sea and then go to russia. the new route is multimodal, that is, for various... types of transport. previously problems have repeatedly arisen with crossing the kyrgyz-kazakh border. the idea of ​​a new route was proposed this summer by the governor of the astrakhan region, igor babushkin. uzbekistan and turkmenist also expressed interest in the project. but again, about emotions, you should not perceive the new direction as an attack against kazakhstan. new routes are one of the steps to build transport interconnection of the entire macroregion. there are a huge variety of different chains now appearing, everyone is in demand, it’s like the silk road, stupid to believe that this is one road, it is a whole network of branched routes forming a single system. another element of such a modern system was opened this week in jizzakh, where the russian-uzbek agro-logistics complex was solemnly launched as part of the already existing agroexpress project. thanks to its scale, the complex
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will become a strategic facility for food security in russia and uzbekistan. sorting and processing will be done here. products, provide storage, help with customs design. and in the development of logistics history, another brick is the foundation of the united great eurasia. a new checkpoint has already begun on the kazakh-uzbek border in the turkestan region of kazakhstan. the construction of a new railway line, darbaza maktaaral, has begun. the project consists of two stages: the first is the construction of the erdaut line, the state border of uzbekistan with access to the syrdorya station. the second stage involves the commissioning of vetkisai. border with access to the same station, a total of 152 km of railway will be built canvases. the project is also interesting for russia, it will allow increasing trade with the countries of central asia and in particular afghanistan, first of all, new opportunities will open up for the supply of russian and kazakh grain, as well as petroleum products in the direction of the south.
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minerals from afghanistan, which are still locked in the country, will go in the opposite direction. preliminary forecasts, in fact, of the participants. projects say that somewhere around 10, well , there is a dash of 13 million should give an increase in cargo traffic, this project, in the future there may be more in the future , it cannot be said that there is just a local project, closed in on itself, this is wrong, yes, because any transport and logistics projects, here they open up more opportunities, and when we talk about what appears a new route, this means that other routes are unloaded somewhere, and supplements appear somewhere. way, we are talking about the appearance of a new railway infrastructure, which, for example, allows cargo to move faster towards afghanistan, iran, uzbekistan and these are important points, because somewhere in some other areas there will be unloading, cargo will move faster, turnover will be higher, this is good in any case, and in general here we are talking
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about logistics and corridors, transport corridors, logistics infrastructure, this is one of the very good tools for regional development. and to other events at tashkent airport. we solemnly welcomed chess player afruza khamdamova, who became the best at the world junior championships. she was awarded 100 million soums and other gifts, including from the president of uzbekistan, whose daughter and assistant saida mirziyoyeva called khamdamova’s victory an important example of the fight for respect and recognition of women’s rights. an international round table dedicated to nuclear energy was held in kazakhstan. one of the central topics of the discussion was the construction of nuclear power plants in the almaty region, where it needs to be expanded. the long-standing problem of electricity shortages, already in the twenty-second year a lot of energy was purchased, it cost us quite a lot, in principle, when we in the eighteenth year we made our forecasts, we
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received such forecast calculations until the thirtieth year and said that in the south there would be a deficit of base power of up to 2.7 years . why did we also, well, this is one of the arguments, and we chose this particular region to accommodate. nuclear power plant. let me remind you that on the short list of potential contractors is the russian rosatom, which considers its project the most profitable for astana. we are very flexible in this regard and are ready to implement any model that kazakhstan itself wants directly. we are also ready work in cooperation with international foreign companies. in this regard, we also have colossal vast experience ; we will not have any problems with this. dramatic footage from the kazakh capital. a random passer-by came to the aid of a teenager who for some reason ran out onto the fragile flow of the akbulak river and fell under the water. the situation was
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mortally dangerous, but a caring eyewitness tied himself with a rope, pulled the boy out of the hole, and then successfully pulled him to the shore. a nugget from tajikistan farukh khasanov became the winner of the fifth season of the show well, all together on the russia-1 tv channel, the young singer conquered the star jury with his soulful vocals, the song conversation with the moon brought him victory and 5 million rubles.
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after such a bright victory at the dushanbe airport , farukh was greeted as a national hero in the pencil case, only the very vocals remained, and i, i was, i was pleased with my performance, i was very pleased, the moment when i performed, i just like that nikolay baskov sat down and was just next to me and he said you’re great, you did it, and at that moment i felt this uh, such an easy vibe that even if i don’t win, i performed with dignity, at the end, when we stood and showed the results. i couldn’t contain myself anymore, i already burst into tears and screamed, this, it was just incredible, i would like to just, probably, this is how i should say it, this is one
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of the best moments in my life, this is all thanks this project, come on, everyone together, i’m just grateful, just from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone, thank you all so much for your support, for the love that you gave behind the scenes, during filming and during broadcast for the fact that all of you believed in victory , thanks to tajikistan, special thanks to the tajik people for loving, loving, supporting, at the time of the project in the process of everything, and so warmly i was accepted into the country, i am farukh khasanov, i promise, that in the future this is not all, this is far from all, i showed you a certain percentage, everything that we can do, then other large-scale projects await you, that’s all for us, see you, as usual, in a week in the center asia, take care of yourself.
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we continue to monitor the work of the forum exhibition russian dnh, now my colleague alexandra nazarova is in direct contact. alexandra, greetings, i give you the floor. yuri, thank you, we continue to work at the international exhibition forum of russia. alexey gennadvich, hello. good afternoon. today you are presenting the awards, we are together in the nomination “country” of opportunities and what does the award mean for the russia platform , the land of opportunities? it seems to me that this award is of great importance for our entire country, because it unites volunteers, caring people, those who helps others, helps those who especially need support, in recent years this help has been especially important, especially valuable, but as for this nomination, i am pleased, firstly, that it echoes the name of the presidential platform russia is a country
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of opportunities, and well secondly... wonderful projects that everyone probably deserves an award, it was hard for us to choose the best of the best, i don’t know if it’s possible to share some projects, if we have, of course, this year, then more than a record number of 40,000 applications were submitted, which do you remember the projects more than others and how do you make decisions and what are you guided by? we are guided by the fact that the project brings maximum benefit. although it is very difficult to choose in this sense, because as i already said, really everything, all the projects are wonderful, well, i really liked the project that brought together teacher educators, mentors, there are now more than a thousand of them, they help children, orphans, children from the poor families, but to study, prepare for exams, develop, and they do it also in a playful way, so that the children
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are really interested, they include psychologists , they do everything to ensure that the child receives not just knowledge, but an interest in learning and a desire to learn, and there are many projects that are aimed at helping older people, to help , and for the children of military personnel, especially those who are now participating in the siberian federal district, and well, i repeat, every project deserves an award and i would like to sincerely thank our volunteers, all those who... give a piece of their soul to help other people, we we are at the international exhibition of russia at the vdnkh site, as a platform russia, the land of opportunity, is represented here, what exhibitions and activities are planned? the exhibition is generally amazing, if anyone has not been yet, you should definitely come and see it, and more than once, in order to see everything that is here, you probably need to spend at least a week, and the russia land of opportunities platform
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has been presented before.. .just in the first pavilion, we have a big joint project with the russian children and youth movement, and that’s all, whoever comes there can get acquainted with the achievements that exist in our country and guess their dream, at the end there is such an interactive exhibition, and perhaps find out how to make this dream come true, and we are also represented in the fifty-fifth pavilion together with youth, there there is a stand of our workshop management senizh, where you can learn about all... the educational programs that are being implemented, and there are many partners here who work in one way or another from our platform, in particular there is a pavilion of the government of the russian federation, where take place, you can see real meetings of government members, find out how everything works, how decisions are made, and how you can get a job in high positions in the government, so


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