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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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probably, you need to spend at least a week, and the russia country of opportunities platform is presented primarily in the first pavilion, we have a large joint project with the russian children and youth movement, everyone who comes there can get acquainted with the achievements that exist in our country, make their dream , at the end there is such an interactive exposition, it is possible to find out how to make this dream come true, and we presented 5 more together with the youth, there is a stand of our workshop management senizh, where you can learn about everyone educational programs that are being implemented, well, there are many partners here who work in one way or another with our platform, in particular there is a pavilion of the government of the russian federation, where they take place, you can see real meetings of government members, find out how everything works in general, how decisions are made , and how it might be possible to get a job in high
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positions in the government, so there are really a lot of opportunities, come, look, participate, the results of the digital breakthrough season competition were summed up as part of the exhibition artificial intelligence, what tasks were faced by the participants, we often now all talk about how important, how important information technology is, how programmers are needed, because the world is changing and such specialists are really in great demand, this project, a digital breakthrough, seasonal artificial intelligence , it allows you to find such bright specialists who manage to literally solve some problem in two days, which is set by our partners, the task is always real, that is , it is a problem that needs a solution and business or in some government structure, and it can be solved with the help of it technologies with the help of artificial intelligence, guys...
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they do it in an amazing way, and recently we had a final, not only russians, it specialists, specialists in this area , but foreigners, we have a large number of people from other countries, from all over the world, some connected remotely, some were in person, everyone said that in russia there really are good opportunities, interesting projects, they would be happy them here. the year ends teacher and mentor announced by the president, we talked about this a little at the beginning, i know that the third season of the flagship education project has ended, it took place on december 1 in raanhiks. how was this season different and what benefits did the winners and finalists receive? the season turned out to be very bright and interesting, firstly, it was the largest, the most widespread, this year we received more than 106,000 applications from all 89 regions of our country. the final, which
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actually took place at the presidential academy , 265 of the strongest representatives of this wonderful profession, these are teachers , managers in the field of education, they already competed with each other, and we learned the names of ten winners, but perhaps the main difference of this season is that the minister of education sergei krovtsov signed right at the finals to sum up the results order to create... a reserve of the ministry of education, some personnel appointments were announced on the same day, the winners learned that they had received a job offer, some as minister of regional development, some as heads of departments, some as the director of the school, and the minister promised that there will be many more promotions, many appointments, and i think this is very important, because teachers need...
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to say words of gratitude many, many, many times, but in addition to words of gratitude and in addition to support, which both states and regions provide them, also provide the opportunity for some kind of career growth, but at least for those who see such growth for themselves, who would like to advance and make not only their class, their school better, but contribute to changes in approach to education in your region, in your city, in your village, and what awaits us next year? next year has indeed been declared the year of the family, we are very happy about this, because this year we launched a big competition, which we call it family, and until december 18 you can still register, you can still register, so don’t miss the opportunity to do this , those who win will receive powerful prizes and certificates for improvement. conditions and incredible travel
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around the country from our partners, and this one the project has already become the most widespread, we literally just received registration, from - there are already 550,000 registrations, this is a record and we think that the meaning of this competition is not only in such a large scale, coverage and not only in victory, but also , that families will get to know each other better, be able to make friends , find like-minded people and, perhaps, some new approaches to family time so that... in the family, traditions are preserved, so that grandparents share their recipes, their experiences, with your knowledge youth, and youth may have taught parents and the same grandparents some modern technologies, and generally helped in
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those issues that young people often understand better, alexey gennadvich, thank you very much and see you on the sidelines of the russia exhibition, thank you thank you very much. yes, i thank alexandra nazarova and her interlocutor, but now a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. the far east is a land where everything is real, here a youthful dream can truly come true, here are valuable forest species and valuable breeds of people. the pace of housing construction is really high, but mortgage interest rates are low. everything around here is truly inspiring. the far east is a territory of advanced development, which begins 9 hours earlier. more prospects on the far east-2030.rf website. the feed has everything for the new year, and even a
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the regions of the european part of russia they are eliminating the consequences of abnormal snowfalls, we’ll talk more about the situation and forecasts with meteorologist ekaterina grigorovay, she joined the broadcast again, ekaterina, hello again , now there is information that limited traffic due to bad weather on highways in the chelyabinsk region is the same cyclone , yes, you know, and there really are freezing rains, it is in the warm, these regions are in the warm sector of the cyclone, but in the central region they record records for the height of snow cover, in moscow, this figure is significantly exceeded, in relation to the previous one. in the capital , today is the day when some drivers removed snow with their cars. brushes and shovels , it turned out to be too much, those who dared to go to work in a personal car spent a lot of time parking, the journey in some directions was also long, difficulties on the roads persist even now, according to the weather service of the state budgetary institution of highways, over the past per day , from 12 to 17 mm
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of precipitation fell in the capital region, in the zelenograd area the increase in snow cover was 17 cm, in the center cities on average 20 cm; in the southwest of the capital, snowdrifts grew by 22 cm per day. at the reference weather station of the capital vdnkh the snow cover height reached 36 cm this morning, which is 6 cm more than the previous record, well in the city center at the balchuk weather station the snow cover is even higher than 43 cm. on average, every millimeter of precipitation corresponds to a centimeter of snow cover, but of course a lot depends on the characteristics of the snowflakes themselves, and what shape a snowflake will take depends on the conditions of its formation. in frosty weather these are thin plates, when temperature is -10, snow can fall in the form of columns, well, yesterday the conditions corresponded to the formation of so-called dendrites, this is the most beautiful and familiar type of snowflake, and the one that gives the maximum increase in snow cover. lots of snow today
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throughout the central region. in the north and east, the depth of the snowdrifts approaches 30 cm, in the capital to the west of it it exceeds 40 cm. and more. snow in the smolensk region, here the height of the snow cover reaches 48 cm, in the neighboring kaluga region the maximum value is 40 cm, in the vladimir region 38, well, in the center of moscow, the snow cover reached 43 cm. snowfalls were brought by another southern cyclone, which rushed across the russian plain, and this cyclone passed south of its predecessor, so the central region remained in the cold air, precipitation occurred only in the form of snow, the whirlwind moves to the east , volga region and the urals. as the cyclone moves away, snowfalls in the central region will weaken, but frosts will begin to intensify. firstly, the cyclone itself draws in cold air from the polar region. where it’s already -30 now, and secondly, the influence of anticyclones will increase, this means that there will be fewer clouds, the air will begin
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to cool more at night, and the cyclone , gradually weakening, carries the crust to the east of the russian plain, under the influence of frontal sections, today the south, the middle volga and the urals, and the southeast of the russian plains today on the path of southern flows, in the zone of a warm front, in the saratov and chelyabinsk regions there were freezing rains, traffic on highways in orenburg along the same line stopped there... flights were not delayed, supercooled precipitation was observed also in bashkiria and the samara region, in moscow, light snow is still possible until the end of the day, the temperature is gradually dropping, now it’s -7.5, by the evening it will get colder to -8, -10°, and at night the air will cool down to -12. tomorrow afternoon there will also be light snow in places, the thermometers will no longer rise above -9 , and in the future it will become even colder on thursday night in the capital -20. well, on friday night , according to preliminary calculations, the temperature will drop to -23°, but we continue to monitor
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the progress of the cyclone. dakaterina, thank you, ekaterina grigorova told about the consequences of abnormal snowfalls in the european part of russia and the frosts that will replace them. now, in addition to the news from the special operation zone, volunteers from all over russia, from kuban to siberia, have joined the units of the dneapran group operating in the kherson direction. the tornado and hail systems also work against enemy positions. do you have some kind of tradition, or i don’t know , or is there some kind of general slogan when you go to work? slogan, everything will be fine, bro, we will defeat everyone, with such a fighting motto they fight tuapse friends in the kherson region, they serve in the same artillery regiment, all together, from the city of tuapse, and the city of military glory, between about the city of military glory, yes, all young and strong and all in fire crews, some in galubica, some in... for the sake of who is where , who are the doctors, in short, it’s normal, everything, everyone is working
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, no one is slacking, a vivid example of real male friendship, we went to the front one after another to be close, to help, to support together to beat the enemy, our parents actually introduced us , our parents worked together with our mother, so we were once 13 years old, we went to the camp and met there, we’ve been communicating since i was 13, very close. and decided to help him come for a summons from siberia to crimea, a volunteer from the irkutsk region traveled thousands of kilometers to sign a contract, his relatives supported him, now he is the commander of the rszzo grad combat vehicle. well, to be honest, my grandfather came from ukraine in the fifties of last year, well, last century, well, he lived in siberia, and when he found out about this information, well, he honestly cried and said that he had to work until... the last, and so they all work calculations are united by the idea of ​​nationalists hunting for nato weapons.
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the reactors work mainly in the evening, closer to the night, because it is at this time that the drgs begin to move towards our coast, the sky is overcast, but nevertheless, this does not prevent enemy reconnaissance drones and the so -called ethereal aircraft-type aircraft from flying into our territory while we and our crew are working in positions, our safety is ensured by anti-drone fighters. we shoot down the target with this gun, so that in the future we can the quadcopter is then planted and shot down there with machine guns, sometimes they are also shot down there with a machine gun, we also have a machine gun here , sometimes something else because there are gasoline ones , but only electric ones fly. soldiers of the dnepr group of forces in the kherson direction blind the enemy, shooting down enemy
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drones and destroying nato guns, leaving no chance for the enemy to return fire. margarita semenyuk, alexander smychik, vesti kherson region. the name of? less than two weeks remain until the results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast with answers president's questions from russians will be held on december 14 and will be an anniversary event. already the twentieth in a row. the first one, let me remind you, took place in 2001 . uh, two large annual formats, direct. line and the final press conference, this time they decided to combine, questions for the president are taken by operators of the popular front call center, but it has been working for the fourth day, the editors will select the most relevant topics and offer the head of state to ask. you can by phone, sms on the website on social networks. petrovich, slow down, go to lunch, you think it should
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2:19 pm gazprom bank - time make dreams come true. i do not need. flower , seven-flower, so that my wishes come true, this year i achieved my dream myself, i wish i knew spells to do several things at the same time, but the main thing i learned this year is to choose yourself, the scooter, the holiday is you .
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in moscow, at the vdh, the international forum we are together starts today, one of the events of the russian exhibition, vladimir putin is expected to speak at the forum. we will find out the details from our correspondent. varvara nevskaya, she is live. varvara, hello, tell us about the forum program? yuri, greetings, today before vdnkh the main event in the field of volunteering and volunteering between people started. we are together, and today the president of the russian federation vladimir putin will take part in the award ceremony for the winners of the volunteer of the year nomination as part of
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the international we are together award. and this was announced by the presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. it is also known that vladimir putin will visit the exhibition itself. it is important to understand that we are together, this is a colossal forum, here will be collected. 10,000 participants, not only from all regions of our country, but from another 40 countries of the world, who were able to arrive in moscow, and most of the delegation is already here. the large -scale program of the forum includes not only a business program, but first of all, of course, we are talking about an educational track, but a useful track, which is actually aimed at attracting volunteers to help in a variety of areas, from environmental... to our families military personnel, but the key event of the forum is certainly awarding the winners of the international award, we are together, the award, let me remind you, is dedicated
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to civil contribution to achieving the national development goals of russia until 2030, and there are 11 nominations, five special nominations, and participants of various ngos, volunteers, representatives of business and the journalistic community will compete for them, in this year will be awarded for the first time in honor of the year of the teacher-mentor, which is set for 2023. it’s very good that today , on the eve of volunteer day , an award ceremony is taking place in we are together. bonus is expanding, today it also has a distinctive one. this is the holding of a mentor teacher in the year, and i think that it will reach even more people than in previous
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years, the movement is expanding and the award is expanding, we have many participants from foreign countries, and they will also be present here today, which means what they know about us, and the principles and ideals of this award, we are together, they begin... to win hearts not only in our country, but abroad. volunteering, absolutely, there is no limit, dry numbers speak about this, so, for more than 40,000 applications were submitted for participation in the award, just imagine how many different social projects were implemented in our country this year alone, and of course, this is not the entire number, these are only those who wanted to compete, it is possible to participate, after all win the coveted... award, while it is important to understand that the map of the forums and together, it is not limited only to the seventy-fifth pavilion of the all-russian exhibition center, where we are now, but other pavilions are also involved, and even beyond, in denkh, in
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moscow, there are a lot of points and locations where everyone who wants to do good deeds can find a use for themselves, that is, in fact, this is a unique space that today has covered absolutely the whole of moscow, which allows everyone who wants to do a good and useful deed right here. you can become a bone marrow donor right here, you can go to one of dozens of social medical institutions in moscow, together with the city we have chosen various museums, hospitals, shelters, where for animals and so on, where volunteer help is needed, and guys, someone chooses business program, someone is coming to help, for him it’s for all of us and it’s important there. to congratulate patients of medical institutions , to collect humanitarian aid, in general, in principle, help to the families of military personnel, this is such a key and the topic of the forum is we are together in
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2023 - this is the red line, and it is important that for the wives and for children, fighters who are fighting right now protect our country, a large, extensive program has been organized here, that is, in addition to collecting humanitarian aid, and for children, various master classes will be organized, these are cultural events, educational events, and this is indeed, as the organizers say, one of the most important areas, we are together this year, when we come to our historical regions, when we just travel around greater russia, we meet with the wives and mothers of our mobilized servicemen , we understand how important this help is to them, and it’s not even about material help. this is about psychological support for the people around them, who must understand that these families gave the most precious thing, what they have, yes, when you come to schools, communicate with the teaching staff, i say,
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you understand that you must form in children... this image, that here are the children sitting, class, yes, but vanya’s dad went to fight, and he gave the most precious thing, he gave his father, and we must all support him now, we must be with him, we must help him, the award together will begin very soon, and we will find out the names of the organizers of the most key, most important, the most useful, kindest social projects of our country, i will keep you updated on developments what is happening within... a form of international civic participation, we are together. yuri, yes, varvara, thank you, i ’ll remind you that my colleague varvara nevskaya was on the direct line, now there’s a short pause and we ’ll continue, don’t switch.
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i spent my whole life working on this, we expect to do it in 10 days, this will be a record. ruby,
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on the verge of possibilities. we are all with him, because he is the only one, at the maximum height, higher, don’t rise, you’ll just fall like a stone , with the speed of the wind, it’s a super cyclone, a killer cyclone, it’s like he’s chasing you, what do you want, lord of the wind?
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citizens of venezuela in a referendum overwhelmingly approved the authorities’ intentions to annex hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of jungle and part of the atlantic ocean coast to the country, but it is true that neighboring guyana considers the disputed territory its own, as well as the oil-rich area located there, with details by anton dadykin. glory to the brave people who threw off the skull, respecting the law, dignity and honor, these words of the national anthem of venezuela, the country's president nicolas maduro sang along with hundreds supporters at a rally to celebrate victory in the consultative referendum, according to the national electoral council, about 95% of participants in the plebiscite approved the government's intentions to seek the return of the disputed territory of guyana by all means.
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the people of venezuela have spoken loudly and clearly: this victory belongs to the entire people, they united for the sake of our homeland, the people decided how to respond to the provocations and impudence of guyana and exxonmobil, they showed the way, and we intend to begin a new powerful stage, because we have a mandate from the people and we carry out his will. the main fight was an application to show citizens an example; president maduro voted first at 6 am local time. to maintain the proper mood of voters, the venezuelan air force aerobatic team aircraft demonstrated the word c in the air , that is, yes, the national electoral council extended the work of polling stations by 2 hours, we inform the people of venezuela that the overwhelming majority of voters answered yes, according to preliminary results, 10,554,320 votes were cast . 320.


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