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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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spoke loudly and clearly, this victory belongs to the entire people, he united for the sake of our homeland, the people decided how to respond to the provocations and impudence of guyana and exxonmobil, he showed the way, and we intend to begin a new powerful stage, because we have a mandate from people and carry out their will. the main battle was for turnout, to set an example for citizens; president maduro voted first at 6 a.m. local time. to maintain the proper mood of voters, the aircraft of the venezuelan air force aerobatic team demonstrated in in the air the word si, that is, yes, the national electoral council extended the work of polling stations by 2 hours. we inform the people of venezuela that the overwhelming majority of voters answered yes, with 10,554,320 votes cast according to preliminary results. it turns out that about half of the country's voters voted. they, in particular, agreed with
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the government's assurance to include the disputed territory of gayan and sikiba into venezuela as a separate state. caracos claims 70% of the territory of what is now guyana, about a third of its population. dispute over 160,000 km jungle has been going on for over a century. in 1899 , the court of arbitration in paris transferred these lands to the then british colony of guyana. in 1966 , venezuela concluded a geneva agreement with the no longer guyana on border demarcation through direct bilateral negotiations, but the dialogue reached a dead end and george town filed a lawsuit against caracas in the international court of justice; venezuela does not recognize its jurisdiction in this case. however, on friday the un international court of justice banned venezuela from taking any action to seize esequibo. gayana considered it the interim decision was a victory, but the court did not say anything about holding a referendum, which was called its own success already in venezuela. in the meantime, the sides are exchanging
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blows in the information war. on november 24 , the president of guyana demonstratively raised the national flag on one of the highest points of esequibo. on the day of the referendum, on the same prudently left capital flagstaff, representatives of local tribes raised the banner of venezuela. i want to assure guyanese that they have nothing to fear in the coming hours, days and months. of course we will strengthen vigilance, but we are already working around the clock... to ensure that our borders remain inviolable and the country lives in safety. the interstate sport for the vast jungle turned practical in 2015, when oil fields with a potential reserve of 10 billion barrels were discovered in the city. guyana granted exsonmobile a concession for offshore oil production, also in the disputed area. on september 19, similar licenses went to six more transnational corporations, but it seems the last straw for... was the november
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statement by the same exxonmobile about the actual start of production at one of the sites. venezuela and gyana's neighbor brazil is calling for restraint, but according to unofficial reports, it is simultaneously sending additional troops to its northern border. if there is something that latin america absolutely does not need right now, it is the conflict between venezuela and guyana. we cannot think about using force, i hope common sense will prevail on both sides. guyana is the only english-speaking country in latin america, this state maintains close ties with its former metropolis, great britain, as well as with the united states. what is happening now in venezuela is preparation for national elections next year. maduro is trying to gain popularity. we are monitoring the situation in guyana very closely. this democratic partner is very important to the united states. george town has already intensified contacts with washington. not
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the ministry of defense, guyana hopes for the support of the international community, and the un international court recognizes proceedings over a territorial dispute can last for years. anton dadykin, lead. magic conditions - real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money. gazprombank - it’s time to make your dreams come true, i demand that the banquet be continued, it’s fabulously delicious,
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think this is how the rosselkhozbank video should begin? yes, rosselkhozbank is the main partner of the entire agricultural complex of the country. we also have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million clients and financial solutions that suit everyone. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens live and journalists. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 40 40 via sms
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to 04040 or through the moscow websites. all the details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14, at 12:00 moscow time. high-quality communications and internet access for all citizens of the country and domestic industry businesses. the government approved the development strategy. communications until 2035 . the emphasis will be on secure infrastructure and the implementation of innovative solutions and technology. details by anna lazareva. high-quality communication services for people , regardless of their place of residence. the industry development strategy for the next 12 years is aimed at this,
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mikhail mishustin emphasized in his speech. at the end of this decade, it is important to provide our households with the ability to connect to the internet at speeds no less than. 1 gigabit per second, the phased launch of promising mobile networks will also begin, 5g base stations should appear in all cities where more than 100,000 people live. for this purpose, only domestic equipment will be used; the necessary funding for the implementation of the strategy will be taken into account when preparing the national data economy project. the development of the development strategy was carried out jointly with leading industry experts, leading companies, telecom operators and specialized associations. about 300 people were involved in the preparation process. the main goals of the strategy are, firstly , to provide high-quality communications and access to the internet to all citizens of the country, business, and domestic. secondly, build information infrastructure based on
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russian systems and equipment, as well as providing the industry with highly qualified personnel; achieving these goals will help ensure the technological sovereignty of national control over communication systems. according to the strategy, by 2035, 98% of households in russia will be able to connect to the internet; home connection speeds will increase to 1 gigabit per second or more. the average mobile internet speed will be at least 125 megabits per second, while network coverage 5g will be provided in areas where more than 60% of the country's population lives. another task concerns updating the state orbital constellation of satellites in geostationary orbits. by 2035 , 19 spacecraft should be created and launched into orbit. the capacity of trunk lines for cross-border
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data transmission will increase by 4 and a half times, compared to 2022 figures. the level of reliability of fixed communications will increase and, as a result, the level of technological sovereignty of the industry will significantly increase. for citizens this is a comfortable, safe operational connection anywhere in the country. based on the approved strategy , changes will be made to national projects, state programs, and initiatives. within 3 months, the ministry of digital development will prepare an action plan for the implementation of the strategy, an important task of which should be the creation of favorable investment conditions for companies in the industry. valentina matvienko commented on numerous statements by politicians on the topic of possible restrictions on abortion in russia. the state will not follow this path, she said speaker saffeda. over the past 5 years by 25%. the number of abortions has decreased , however, uh, the numbers are still very alarming, uh, and,
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of course, we are all thinking and working to solve this problem, but i am absolutely sure that no prohibitions, no sociability, no pressure, uh, no, no criminalization of legislation. in this area cannot and will not be able to solve this problem, and the state will definitely not go down this path, in my opinion, now we need to reduce the intensity of the rhetoric, move this discussion to the plane of common sense, to on other topics, on the night of december 4, the israel defense forces attacked 200 hamas targets in the gaza strip, while at the same time, ground units were fighting in the territory... and the enclave. the army press service reports this. earlier, idf representatives said that they were going to use
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all possibilities to free their hostages from the gas strip. the topic will be continued by the head of the middle east news bureau, sergei pashkov. about 140 hostages are located in the gas sector. most of them are israeli soldiers, young men and girls, but also among the hostages there are children, elderly, men and women. to the extent that it takes time to go to israel. only 81 people were able to return from the respite; from the moment when hostilities resumed over the gaza strip, cannonade sounds continuously, 24/7, israeli air forces strike hamas military infrastructure targets across the entire spectrum. moreover, in the first 24 hours , 400 such strikes were carried out; in total , during the war, the israeli military counted the defeat of 1000. from the air, so the fire air canopy allows troops on the ground
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to maneuver and continue to advance deeper into the palestinian enclave, after hamas decided to stop the release of hostages , they again began hostile actions, sahal resumed strikes on terrorist targets, over the weekend strikes were carried out on more than 400 targets, including large-scale air attacks in the khan yunis area and liquidation... now the southern city of the palestinian enclave, which is called the israeli military stronghold of hamas, has become a new hot spot on the map of the gaza strip, now artillery and bomb attacks are being carried out on the city, the day before merkava tanks were already seen on the outskirts of this southern city of the gaza strip, but military operations are being carried out in the north, refugee camps are being cleared there, beitlohii, sajiyas and the military are conducting
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offensive operations, constantly reporting about destroyed militants and first of all, the liquidation of the leaders of the el-qassam brigade units. yesterday and today we liquidated the commanders of brigades, companies, many militants, yesterday morning we began the same process in the south of the gaza strip, it will be carried out with no less power with no less results. hamas commanders will meet the israeli defense forces everywhere and they will be given a very decisive rebuff. we have the ability to do this in the most thorough manner possible, just as decisively as we do. did this thoroughly in the north of the gaza strip, we are doing it now in the south and continue to consolidate our achievements in the north, meanwhile, relatives of the hostages who remain in the gaza strip are demanding immediate solutions from the government to return their relatives home, they are afraid that a large-scale operation is endangering the lives of israelis every day who remain
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captives of the islamists, we can destroy hamas later, but many of the hostages... will live another week or month, they must return home now. i hope this ends soon, that in a few days there will be another ceasefire and hamas will begin to understand that it doesn't matter whether you are a man , a woman or a child, everyone needs to be released. the resumption of hostilities in the south in the gas sector has again deteriorated the situation in in the north of israel in the area of ​​the lebanese border , firefights with militants have resumed there, the lebanese shiite group hezbollah, every day comes... the message of an air raid siren sounding in the northern cities of israel about mortar attacks on the positions of israeli troops, just the day before they reported eleven wounded tsali soldiers as a result explosion of a mortar shell fired from lebanese territory. israel responds with powerful strikes against shiite positions in
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lebanese territory, so the situation remains tense, continues on day 59 war. poshkov, lead israel. at least five people were killed in the attack on the mosque by the israeli air force. a message arrives that the israeli army has launched an active invasion of the south of the enclave. our special correspondent stanislav wernwalt will tell you more about the situation in the region. the situation in the gas sector is still extremely tense. really intense battles and strikes are being carried out from the south to the north as a result of the latest attacks by the israeli army on the surrounding area. in the kamala advan hospital in jebaliya died as at least four people, nine more seriously injured. israel continues to control the volume, quality and logistics of the medical teams that work in the gaza strip to overwhelm the healthcare system. it remains impossible to provide necessary health services to those affected by israeli
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aggression due to a lack of therapeutic, clinical and human resources. meanwhile, medical staff are dealing with hundreds. in the north and south of the enclave , israeli aircraft are destroying residential neighborhoods, the palestinian ministry of health said yesterday that more than 1,500 people have been killed in the enclave since the beginning of the conflict. we woke up to the sound of an explosion, went out to look, it was my uncle’s house next to our house, it was destroyed, the children died, there were three dead, several wounded and missing. from all sides, using artillery and aviation, earlier in israel they claimed that it was in this city that a high-ranking hamas military was located, as a result of massive strikes on the city , dozens of residential buildings were completely destroyed, under
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there are hundreds of bodies of the dead in the rubble that cannot be removed from there. does not differentiate between old and young, everything is the same for them, let the world see know that this is a crime, this is not normal, the whole world is silently watching what is happening, god is our only help. we slept peacefully , felt shaking, there were no warnings. a shell fell on a nearby area, all the houses around were damaged, including ours. about five dead were found here, many were injured, the houses here are located close to each other. well, a very important point is epidemiological. the situation in the south of the gas sector , where forced migrants from the north of the enclave are heading, it is indeed a critical situation, doctors and un representatives are talking about this, in the near future it may begin there. since forced migrants from the north and other parts of gas continue to flock here,
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this the place is becoming overcrowded, adults and children are also getting sick, it is difficult for children to get treatment here, the situation is extremely difficult and completely unbearable, more and more people are becoming refugees, the incidence of diseases is growing, viruses are circulating more and more actively, we are all exhausted. the israeli border is also restless, last night... they reported numerous casualties among the israeli military. stanislav, andrey potapov, inna loschenova, vesti beirut, livvan. volunteers from adygia, who are now defending russian positions in the zaporozhye region, were able to communicate with their relatives via video link. in maykop, the conversation participants gathered in the technology assembly hall. with details igor pikhanov. fifty fighters the eighth army of the southern military district is preparing for a teleconference. with the help of special equipment, they will be able to talk via
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video with their native university students in the city of maykop, where they study. the guys joined the army as volunteers and are located in one of the hottest areas of the front, so due to the secrecy regime they are not often able to talk with their loved ones. thank you guys, everyone, everyone for your courage, for your courage. for your desperate actions, for which we are terribly worried and worried, but you are great, you are our heroes, every single one, no matter who is there, we are very proud of you , although we are worried, we are waiting for you, we are waiting for you to win, and we are waiting for you all alive and well in the assembly hall of the maikob technological university there are no empty seats, dozens people came here to see their classmates and relatives via video link who... are now on the front line, they all went to the front as volunteers, in total more than 100 university students joined the ranks of the armed forces, this is the first a large-scale teleconference with fighters always
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motivates me even in simple things, that this is my brother, stubborn, brave, and this gives me the strength to simply live and yes, victory, muslim achkhanov and oslan ehutel participated in battles with the enemy near the settlements of verbovaya and ... the units in which they serve protect the residents of the zaporozhye region from ukrainian militants, the fighters say that the enemy has suffered heavy losses. they mobilized 2,000 people, sent them, but did not advance even a few kilometers at the front, then there is a huge amount of people’s resources , but they are throwing them away, but they cannot do anything, they should already realize that everything they do is pointless, that they have nothing against us... the young man serves as an electronic warfare operator, intercepts enemy drones, these are kamika drones, copters equipped with grenades and reconnaissance uavs, during a teleconference he
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was awarded a departmental medal, for saving a wounded comrade he was presented with a state award, aslan yakhutel grenade launcher. according to him, the counter-offensive of the militants bled the ukrainian armed forces, the shells are running out, the specialists who can operate military equipment supplied by the west have been disabled, they shot with their vaunted... no, m777, and they hit next to each other, they aim all electrons, they just hit next to each other and don’t hit, we don’t even have a sighting officer, our crew worked so well, the fact that we immediately hit the target, we were also able to communicate with our loved ones and teachers, volunteer fighters from birabidzhan, there was a video link with the amur state university, i studied to become a civilian specialty, since i... had experience serving in the fourteenth separate guards engineering brigade, i know what military affairs, military craft are, i know how to properly
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handle weapons, there i was a squad commander, here i was also reinstated , promoted, now the students are on academic leave, after the completion of the special operation they are going to return to the educational institution to graduate from universities, while all of them in the future are going to connect their lives with the armed forces, the ministry with universities in order to volunteers could communicate with family and friends. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, anna povetyeva, vesti zaporozhye region. the tver etalon plant received support from the industrial development fund; the enterprise produces electronic printed circuit boards for computers, navigation and communication systems. nadezhda semyonova with details. in parts it is meticulous, like an ultra-technological puzzle. more than a thousand walkie-talkie radios are assembled at the tver plant. they will be used by police officers, firefighters, ambulance officers and the ministry of emergency situations. the communication device here is created from scratch. in this workshop
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, electronic modules are literally born before our eyes, for... preparation they are sent for screen printing, then the necessary elements are installed on the boards, hundreds per second, machine operators control the smooth operation of the equipment, this is how electronics are created, now i have a ready-made one in my hands amplifier module, it started, as we saw, literally from a blank plate, now thousands of electronic components are installed on it, and this is the future filling for the base station, transceiver equipment, which is assembled at the tvers... enterprise along with walkie-talkies, receives radio signals from subscribers , simply put, connects their conversations. our niche is a professional network for government agencies and private enterprises in the b2b segment. subscriber and operator equipment for professional radio communications is developed and assembled at our enterprise here in tiberias. networks built on tver equipment
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have already been deployed in most large ones. has changed a lot, before great luck for a company producing electronics assembly was lucky enough to be built into a foreign chain of cooperation, but now everything is produced in russia, and what is important, for itself, the state helps, the etal plant is from... annual enterprises in general in the tver region and it is possible to be even in russia and financial support, including this enterprise , is critically important for us. the industrial development fund has already allocated funds under the working capital program for the development of enterprises. to support the regional industrial development fund, the etalon plant can count in the future. in total, since the beginning of 2023, 17 preferential loans have been issued to enterprises in the upper volga region, for a total amount of more than 708.
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vesti tver.
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18,000 vehicles and 135,000 people in moscow are eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfalls. how is the work progressing, what is the situation in moscow and neighboring regions and what forecasts do weather forecasters give? exhibition plan: vladimir putin today at vdnkh at the russia exhibition. what events are planned within the forum and what is the president’s program. there are more and more questions about how the call center works folk


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