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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 4, 2023 9:00pm-9:27pm MSK

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zlikova and her organizational interaction with the regional commissioners for human rights, the effectiveness of resolving issues that arise among citizens has increased significantly, it’s just that we have established these horizontal connections, in current day-to-day activities, the permanent commission of the council’s working group, based on the results of studying certain topics, is preparing a request and the proposals of the ministry of the department, in general it can be noted that the responses to our appeal are from the business workers of all gatherings and the general work for victory, but perhaps the most effective and productive form of our activity is working with your instructions based on the results of meetings such as today’s, well, in general, however , these meetings themselves have a positive effect, even without instructions, sometimes the reaction of officials is already evident during our meeting or following its results, as was the case last year, literally, this is really right away.
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council meeting we take control of every assignment, regardless of whether there is a responsible council or a chairman of the council, we take control of any of your instructions , thus we exercise public control, and the best control is ensured through participation in the design, development and implementation of decisions, and even where our participation is not specified in the instructions, we try to enter the corresponding work of the group constantly monitoring directorate of the presidential administration, acts with the council in the course of carrying out instructions, that is , we still exercise bilateral control, i will translate several results of such activities and i would like to immediately thank you for these instructions; i think that as a result of our meeting today there will be a lot of meaningful work. the special military operation donbass and novorosiya, the creation of the defender of the fatherland fund, which we mentioned today, will also develop a reaction to a number of reports by council members on the topic of sevoy.
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in addition, as a result of the instructions to the government, the ministry of defense, the ministry of health, and regional authorities , a number of measures were taken aimed at helping the participants of the military training, as well as new ones, well, here are just a few of what was done: ensuring medical supplies, dressing materials for soldiers and healthcare facilities, approval of rules for compensation payments for new territories, as well as in other border regions, were allowed... military service , prosthetists , orthopedic surgeons, so necessary in civilian hospitals, much more was done, and quickly and efficiently. issue of social justice: one of the most pressing social issues, one of the most pressing social issues, is the exponentially increasing number of cases of account fraud citizens in banks. the council reported , an order was given, in pursuance of it, the central bank developed a bill that...
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supports the methodology proposed by the council, the bill is now under guard in the state duma, that is , in the works, additional monthly financial support has been established for those awarded three orders of courage, issues of freedom words, together with the union of journalists and journalists of russia and the presidential demi-envoys , recommendations were developed to ensure the protection of rights in the constituent entities of the russian federation journalists, specifically the work was carried out in different federal districts. and the humanization of justice. the topic of the need to criminalize the concept of torture was worked out by the council in pursuance of the relevant instructions of the president; a federal law was adopted, which included in the criminal code, representatives of the authorities of the corresponding actions. work continues on the topic of delaying the investigation of criminal cases and the length of detention of suspects in pre-trial detention. there is no solution yet, but the problem that the council raised: recognized
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the current general prosecutor's office order remains for execution. the council also drew attention to a number of cases with resonances within the limits of self-defense, when the spirit and letters of the law could diverge. the law demanded that the defenders be punished, but a sense of social justice was on their side. plenom - the supreme court of russia adopted a resolution in which it gave a comprehensive explanation to the courts on law enforcement in this matter. sphere slowly, but the law enforcement judicial system is being rebuilt, although stick records are still unfortunately, digitalization works negatively. as a result of the implementation of the order in the twenty -first year, changes were adopted to the legislation , new strict requirements were established in regulating the activities of foreign digital companies that allowed themselves to block the content of russian producers, public opinion leaders, while distributing... experience has shown that
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this the approach was correct, since after the start of the war, for example, the sites were being used with all their might for propaganda against russia, as the result was announced. desirable locked down. at the suggestion of the council , a concept is being developed to ensure the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the digital space. based on these developments , the government plans to adopt a so -called digital code. non-profit organizations and civil society institutions. previously, banks, when making decisions following instructions from the central bank, prepared and distributed methodological recommendations with special criteria to the bank. assessment of socially oriented non-profit organizations, it should be noted that the approach control of other bodies of npos as commercial, non-profit, as commercial specifically, became acutely evident during the pandemic, but we must give
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the government its due, they promptly responded to the attacks, completely normative legal regulation of the activities of non-profit organizations, the ministry of justice has now created an interdepartmental working group in which members work council and members of the public chamber of the russian federation. not everything has been done yet, but there are already real results, this is work. in addition, at the end of november, literally at a few days ago, the state duma adopted the law on the founders of non-profit organizations in its first reading. a question of education. the council responded to the response with specific proposals. specialized programs and modules have been developed and implemented for pedagogical medical universities, aimed at early identification of prerequisites; following the instructions of the head of state , the ministry of education took into account in the calendar plan of educational work the day of the liberation of the red army of the largest death camp asventsem, also known as the day of halakhost and also the day of remembrance of accomplices during the great patriotic war.
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patriotic war. ecology. after the topic of managing specially protected natural areas was raised, the government conducted an analysis that confirmed the existence. this affects, for example , the effectiveness of the system for protecting these territories from fires and many other things, the need to adjust federal legislation has been recognized, the topic of the law for the protection of lake baikal, but valery spoke on this topic, and you said, this is only a small list, such a small part of that , what , how the council works, what, what is being done fulfilling your instructions in the course of current work, but this is a serious benefit for citizens and for the country. i believe that today’s meeting will be no exception, my colleagues on the council have prepared proposals on various areas for the development of civil society,
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the protection of citizens’ rights, and i also hope that today’s, today, government and municipal employees will also begin to respond to our proposals, without waiting for the release of your instructions . report law. thank you, thank you very much, if you allow me, a couple of comments, so, you said that it is necessary to count more different various bodies of power, management, i don’t remember whether we discussed this or not, so it seems to me that we need to ensure that our agreements with you take the form of an order from the president, and then to this, the control department, the administration as a whole, and then, it seems to me, we can achieve even more, the time frame for responding to the president’s instructions, you and i see that the council is working very actively, you will actually act on
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the instructions of the president, formalized accordingly, in my opinion, this would qualitatively improve, help you in your work, improve your work. council itself, i also ask you to continue working to support the fatherland defenders fund, you know, it is not an important function, to control how the state reacts, organizing assistance to participants in a special military operation and members of their families, whether the state is achieving the goals it sets itself in this in this area, you need to get a reverse, reverse reaction from those to those people for whom the work is intended the foundation itself, at whom it is aimed , at the target group of svo participants , the state duma is also thinking about this topic,
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the corresponding ministry, the deputy prime minister in charge of the social sphere, so i would ask you, in no case should you forget it, uh, no forget this area of ​​activity , now regarding social justice, you said, but you mentioned the work of banks in - in this area, but this is still not really a question of social justice, these are other, other aspects of this problem, well, if you do you think that this is important , of course, well, it’s probably important, absolutely, it’s just in my opinion, this is not a question of social justice, now there are problems, problems of torture, how unpleasant it is to say this word, nevertheless it has to... of course we need
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to continue monitoring the situation in this area without any doubt and identify every such ugly phenomenon, if it arises in ours, keep an eye on it, otherwise, if we miss anything here even for a moment, yes, we will have very serious consequences from the point of view and the unity of our society is extremely important, that very... social justice that you are talking about, we will have a lot, a lot, look differently, self-esteem will be completely different, which will not allow us to develop, which means this concerns the timing preliminary investigation, there were many decisions here, i won’t dwell on this now, but of course, not everything has been decided, we need to monitor it very carefully , not everything. it’s been decided, people are under investigation, for years, yes, until now,
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this is unacceptable, i won’t go into much detail now, just like digitalization, which means education, ecology, non-profit organizations, attitude towards financial institutions, they just talked about this now, but i don’t see a single secondary issue, i want to thank you for the fact that you are doing all this, thank you, arises, but there is current work in which our chairman writes to certain departments, sometimes we receive replies, but if we receive replies, then citizens, this is what we are talking about, what about the fund , yes, we work here i called the group by svo, it is headed by belikhova, the chairman of the committee of families of warriors
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of the fatherland, she also works closely with the foundation, we will continue, i present the floor to belikhova, the head of the non-profit organization committee of families, warriors of the fatherland. dear vladimir vladimirovich, during the first days of the special military operation, the human rights council got involved in resolving issues, and for a more effective one. a working group was created on military issues, which in fact the members of the hrc pooled their personal and public resources specifically to help the fighters and families, we work here in close cooperation with the legislative and executive authorities, we have a working group, for example, marina akhmedova, who identifies crimes, today in the donbass, a nazi, we have a chairman, in fact... this the fair assistance of dr. lisa, who is helping today
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, including elena shishkina, this is, of course, legal assistance of the dpr, we all united to help, i head the committee of families of warriors, the fatherland, these are mothers, wives, participants in the special military operations, and exactly almost a year ago, you and i met in novoogoryovo with the mothers of the svo participants, where there was such a frank, difficult conversation, after which your instructions were given, for which we thank you very much, since this allowed for free legal assistance and spiritual-psychological assistance, today we are organizing groups mutual assistance in the regions, we have headquarters throughout the russian federation, we have cultural and patriotic projects, a humanitarian mission, because today our mothers weave networks, pour candles, and today they knit and collect and transport humanitarian aid, and in fact this is such a rear for the front, this is very important, so thank you very much, and you know, there is no big or small help here, absolutely
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everything is important here, this is expressed in care, because when a fighter understands that he cares about his family, and fulfills his duty to defend his homeland with full dedication, and this is important for us, there are a lot of questions, support measures and benefits today, but there are those that require your attention and decisions, there are fighters who gave their lives in defense... of ours countries, there is a measure of support that applies to them if they return from the front, to children, this is, of course, free higher education, this is the opportunity to receive a special education. education is free, it seems important to us that if a fighter gave his life, this measure should also apply to his wife, because you know, socialization is important here and we need to help socialize, including spouses, especially for personnel officers, personnel wives military, because moving from one
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military camp, from one to another, of course , affected the receipt of education, higher education is understandable, there is special education, perhaps this is retraining, which can be done today through specialized non-profit organizations, as well as through the presidential grant fund, and we ask you to support , back, you gave instructions, we were provided with support measures, today these are thousands of united mothers and wives throughout russia and today we are engaged not only in those projects that i spoke about, but also you you know, we are not letting this boat rock, because they are trying to... exert psychological influence on us, but today we have rallied, helping each other like us, and of course, it is very important for us that the support measures that were , so that they spread over the next year, we are with our country, vladimir vladimirovich, we are with you, thank you, uh-huh, thank you very much, thank you for your words, especially at the end of your
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speech, thank you for the work that you do, that’s about it. .. shortcoming, therefore, everything that you find, please, promptly pass it on to us, this applies to everything that you have listed, retraining, material support, medical support, and wives, especially those women who have lost their loved ones, their fathers, their children, their husbands , uh, what i would like to draw attention to, we need to be careful, of course, so that there is no abuse here, but certainly think about the topic of supporting those women who lived in a civil marriage with their
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husbands, there is - with such women who find themselves in the well-known situation that you described, who do not have a marriage certificate with that man, with their loved one with whom they lived together for some time, and there are even cases, and there are many of them, when they have children together. so that no children are left behind, if there is a need to make some adjustments in terms of organizing their support, then this must be done, thank you, next speaker, kirillovich vyshinsky, editor-in-chief of sputnik radio,
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thank you very much, good evening, vladimir vladimirovich, if you allow me, i’ll start with what we talked about a year ago, during the same meeting, we then agreed that a very serious wave of russophobia had risen in the countries of the european union and the so-called collective west, and we then asked you to give instructions to carefully look at the legislation, introduce a legal qualification for such a phenomenon as russophobia, and provide for the possibility in legislation to strengthen measures to combat this phenomenon, colleagues from the state duma from the ministries and departments that directly deal with issues of law and order, despite the difference in legal approaches, nevertheless agreed that russophobia is indeed a serious phenomenon, that it has practically turned into an ideological program of discrimination and, in fact, the dehumanization of our fellow citizens
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of the russian federation, our compatriots, everyone, we we know that a whole package of draft laws has already been prepared in the state duma, it is now being examined by the government, and we hope that in the near future, it will be implemented, there will be changes to our legislation related to the strengthening of the fight against russophobia, but these are the measures that we are taking within the country, knowing full well that over the past period, realizing the scale of russophobia, a vivid example, the last one, you probably know about this, we we know very well that even on this occasion... special instructions were given, this is the situation with our citizens living in latvia on temporary residence permits, who were forced to go through a rather humiliating procedure. passing the language exam, but it was humiliating not only that elderly people who had lived a huge part of their lives in latvia were lined up around them,
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hugging each other and forced to go through the exam, but most importantly, they were also forced to fill out completely humiliating questionnaires , where they were required to answer, demonstrating their disloyalty towards the russian federation, i repeat, these are citizens of the russian federation who lived in accordance with the law in latvia on the territory of latvia by type of owner. eventually more than three thousand people, or to be precise 3,255 people according to the ministry of foreign affairs. i repeat, i know that a special meeting of the security council of the russian federation was held, that instructions were given to all competent departments, as well as to the heads of neighboring border regions with latvia, and yet, nevertheless, i would ask you again. pay attention to this problem, since we may find ourselves in a situation where people in wheelchairs are simply executed by the courts, and yet among those who fell into this zone of forced eviction,
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possibly, there are many pensioners , those who were brought to the exams in wheelchairs , and those who did not go, even more so, might simply not even have known, being there deeply ill people, bedridden, they might simply not have known about it that such an exam was held, maybe it would be figurative to organize a direct line of the red cross so that people would report that such an event is happening to them and receive some kind of first organizational assistance right at the border, russia and latvia, but i repeat, this another special case of the manifestation of russophobia , which indicates that this phenomenon is only gaining momentum, in germany, our citizens who live there according to the types of money-grubbing people who moved to germany at one time have their accounts closed, the well-known story with the confiscation of cars
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for - russian license plates with russian registration, i repeat, the process will only be in our opinion based on the assessment of a sufficiently large number of people, including in non-governmental organizations that deal with the problems of our compatriots abroad, the process will only increase, thanks to yours. but it seems to me that it is very important to focus on repatriation from unfriendly countries, it is possible to create some kind of specific infrastructure related specifically to repatriation from unfriendly countries, this is due to the fact that there our compatriots essentially find themselves in an extreme situation when they begin to be squeezed out, deprived of certain social guarantees, deprived of simply the opportunity to exist in this infrastructure, are ready to move to russia, but are faced with a large, serious tangle of problems , including the withdrawal of money that they earned there, creating businesses, developing
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the economies of these western countries, nevertheless, now they find themselves in such a situation, it seems to me that it is important to give a signal about the fact that we are waiting for these people from unfriendly countries, also so that they, well, a certain formula, which , it seems to me, is high time to declare publicly, it is simple, it’s better at home, come back, the country is waiting for you, we are all fine we remember the processes that took place in the soviet union, in the late and early years, i think that now the time is coming for the opposite and if this is a formula and in general this is the expectation of people who are ready to return to the country from
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states that are currently unfriendly, and their number is growing, unfortunately, if this is a formula will be stated, if this formula is heard, i think that we will get quite serious people, where they have formed some businesses, created jobs, have a serious one. technologies, but strictly speaking, which will definitely not be superfluous in our country, it seems to me that the country is ready to give such a signal, so i would ask you, perhaps, to give an instruction , to really clarify the term repatriation, to introduce, understand the instruction, to create a certain infrastructure so that this process receives serious support from the state, thank you, yeah. thank you, kiril valerievich, well, what is russophobia - we know this, we have been faced with this for a long time, and first of all, of course, this all happened before the eyes of the whole world in the baltic countries.
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long before it has absolutely nothing to do with it, someone may have decided to use a special one.
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