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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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if the language is, well, not so deep, you know , this is already a deep question, it’s difficult to answer, i can just say with the car, we came here together and he immediately told me about this topic, and there, well, school is like that, i’ve been studying for 5 years already , what sexual techniques there are and such things, and of course, he doesn’t like it and he didn’t want his son to go to such a school. i thought orthodox, probably, well, conservative, christian faith anyway, he probably came here for the reason, that’s what i didn’t like there, there are always two two, two reasons, two reasons, yes, the first reason - this is what i didn’t like there, the second reason that i liked it here, as i generally said, i felt pressure from switzerland at one time, i didn’t feel free, i felt
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like it wasn’t me, well, it may be difficult for a person to understand, but i didn’t feel me, it’s a mentality, like a doorman, i had something else, what is the mentality of a swiss, for example, specifically, that they are more hidden, more so neat, and i’m more different, i’m very sociable, not very neat and, but behind this i find it difficult to explain, i’m just here i immediately felt at home, it’s an honor to say a lot about what’s going on there in the west, well, i don’t like it either, if i didn’t want the simdom virus itself, i have more traditional, well, family values, this is of course also a reason, yes there’s a difference the mentality can be explained very well if the swiss, friends, meet themselves in front, they make a picnic, they eat meat, so
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everyone brings their own, their own meat, their own beer, their own salad, their own chips, they share, they sit together, communicate, but everyone eats his own, in russia, it’s all back, it’s gone, just a common table, and well, this communication doesn’t matter, it’s another, and it’s more like me, this is common, it’s us, and not me, and you, or him, my favorite question too, when i communicate with those who decided to move here, say, from europe, and how, well , family, friends, how the environment reacted there, well, maybe they thought you were crazy, that’s why you came here, or, well, they knew a long time ago that you are passionate about russia and were ready for it, now the way they view it is with suspicion, with alarm, well, maybe you somehow, by your example , infect someone, or simply show that there are some attractive
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sides of russian life that people in europe simply don’t even know about, that’s how it all was? well, of course, in the west there has been a lot of negativity about russia for a long time, and several acquaintances or relatives said that this was accepted, but it was a long process, i knew this for a long time, i was traveling all the time, my father, he misses me very much, but he sees that i there is a good flower here, and that too... gives me joy and yes, i read such emigrants like us ian, we are also, well, one might say , a little like diplomats, if i am switzerland, i will say, no, this is not everything like on television, i will say our prospects, and people begin to think a little, i read this doshi sadach to us , well, show our russian perspective a little, because
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there is no vision of such a perspective, only one side, we recently, oleg, talked to you, another foreigner who moved to russia, this is a frenchman, francois mademe, also a very interesting person fate, was an officer, graduated from the french academy, yes military, yes, in my opinion, the general staff academy, he was an officer in the french army, and then he left for russia, went to the donbass. he fought there, even then he became , well, actually a russian military man, and then, in addition to his passion for military affairs, he was also interested in the art of opera, and he basically went to study at the conservatory, became an opera singer, well, in general, a very interesting person, we’ll call him someday, when we talked to him and when we talk to you, veniam and ian too, you often say there, we are russians, we are in russia.
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and it’s clear that this isn’t being put on, that this is straight up honest, you, say, francois or i, you already feel like russian people, citizens. of this country or the residents of this country, if someone else has not received citizenship, by the way, you received citizenship, but i probably already received it two or 3 years ago, so the citizen of russia, benjamin forster, is swiss, so when you say , we are russian, and when this happened, when you realized that everything you, russian, you and russia are one, what a moment, well, i thought it was a long process, it’s not one day after another, you just... live here, you accept this culture, you grow up here, and just if i fly to switzerland, usually once a year, i don’t feel it, i ’m going home, i’m going to switzerland , i have a lot there, i grew up there, i remember a lot, but i don’t
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feel it, it’s like my homeland, and then i fly back, then i go home, it’s this feeling, it’s in the heart, and sometimes it’s not the same. .. was born, i just feel, still russian, even if , of course, there is still an accent, i generally noticed that many foreigners who moved to russia they become even more russian than we are russians, well, that is, for example, veniamin, yes, that is, he has already united in himself the cossacks, the old orthodox faith, that is, it’s like very russian things, which, which you and i , well, we are deprived of these things, and another friend of mine is the farmer john kapisky, an englishman from... the region, here he is, when i came to his farm, he has it hanging, well, that is he is an orthodox man, he has icons hanging, and he also has flags hanging there, for example, there airborne forces, there is a flag there, border guards, and he celebrates all the holidays, all orthodox,
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airborne forces day, border guards day, he answers, he simply says, well, these are our holidays, so we should all celebrate them together and have fun, so i think how well , it’s great in principle, but i can’t... i can’t wrap my head around the fact that you can directly celebrate everything, everything in a row, a person who likes to celebrate in russia is good, there’s a lot of celebration, please tell me, we ask everyone to bring something with them , what you want to bring to russia in 2062, that’s what you i brought it, i just talked a lot about how good i am in russia, but i didn’t care. i won’t say against switzerland, there are people who have other values, their switzerland is good, i don’t mind anything, and i brought such an anniversary postage stamp, it’s about the anniversary of 200 years of suvorov,
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who moved his army through the alps, it was september 24, 99 the year is 200... years, and this brand is available in russian and swiss versions, and i want to bring this into the future, because this is history, this is the common history of switzerland russia, we see here it is very friendly, if they make one brand instead, and i wanted people not to forget history, because the past is also the future, and we are good... but i’m wondering, well, the transition, well, that’s how it seems now, the transition of suvorov and the russian army through the alps, well nowadays, this is some kind of attempt at occupation, it’s just that in switzerland they somehow made stamps,
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that is, for them it turns out, for switzerland this is some kind of positive day when the russian army attempted to occupy switzerland. of course you were very positive, this is the only time in history that switzerland did not exist, he completely existed, was caught up with the french, napoleon of the helvetian republic, and russian soldiers, but around zurich and sovarov, he came as a liberator, of course, the people are tsinul, and switzerland also knows our alpine territory, and this is the transition that suvarov , if i remember correctly, in 10 days, it ’s simply incredible, we can say that switzerland was liberated by the swarm, well, not completely, but he helped, and the russian soldiers for this,
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out of 22,000 soldiers, only 15 left switzerland, 700 read life and switzerland has not forgotten, behind this there is also a very big one, which is the only general, a foreign general , there is a monument to switzerland, this is suvorov, the only general who received a swiss... a question for you, i know that you, well, you are on social networks, accounts, you write there on the internet, about your life in russia and you have a youtube channel where you post videos about family life, and you just told me once, he said that this is the main reason why i shoot these videos, write, take photographs , show it to some relatives, acquaintances, people, who stayed there in holland, well
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, this is how i live here in this small provincial town and often - well, you see some kind of surprise, because they thought that here, well, i don’t know, bears walk the streets, how scary it is here , and they see that you and your family have settled in well here and that you are somehow showing real russian life, uh, i’m sharing my uh youtube kanaal, ja deele manike filmlandië.
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for russia, people look at tv, people see, russia is very bad, and the president doesn’t like it, and this is propaganda, very negative propaganda against russia, it’s very expensive , 15 years and even more, because now i’m making small films for absolutely clear, understandable, everything was fine, yes, you know, just in the nineties, i had, well, a small bookstore , with a partner with a german and a frenchman, the german had an older sister, yes, yes, as in the joke, exactly, ah, the older sister, she lived in germany,
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an educated woman, she graduated from the university, she came to russia to see him already, when he lived here for several years, she told me, oleg, i’m just very surprised, that moscow is such a normal european city, and this was back in the nineties, now you can’t compare moscow with the nineties, i say, what did you think... see, she says, well, i thought that it was such a small city , very dark, surrounded by forest, i say, i probably thought that bears were walking, but i laughed so hard, she says, no, seriously, i thought that wild animals come into this city, and that there are several hotels near the kremlin, where foreigners live only accompanied by the police, the police are allowed leave this hotel and walk around the city, well, that is, i was amazed. well, because there has always been a normal country here, in general , yes, moscow has always been a big, well, world
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city, i wouldn’t even say european there, yes, but just a city in itself, a russian city, comfortable, bright, there with all sorts of fun there and so on, pure, again, i don’t call it television syndrome, you need to watch less television and read more books, i thought yaon would agree. he said on tv, here's the same question actually, ian about the thing, if you were instantly teleported to 2062, what would you take with you, what thing would you take with you into the future, would you bring this with you? i'm an overflow and quarrel of books , i have books, i have books, this is my work, of course, this is the gospel, my, my parents gave me away when i was young, and i
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think that's good, i used to consider the gospel, and i think this is good for life, because we are christian people and i think this is good too, for life there is, but russia, this is mine compass, this is golyansky... the binding was done by you yes yes of course yes well the last question - after all about the future, here is benjamin, what do you think, here is ours. our hypothesis , our thesis, of the russia 2062 project is that here is the resettlement of foreigners from european countries, from the american continent, close to us in spirit, from the christian, post-christian world, those people who feel you there now somehow uncomfortable, uncomfortable in connection with this new,
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new ethical ideology that is now triumphant there, well, this is what we waiting, yes, it is. which, on the one hand, will give russia more opportunities to develop, because we have large territories, we need new residents, on the other hand, it will help these people find themselves in a more comfortable environment, where, among the values ​​that we are closer to, you are an example, is it just this trend or is it some kind of exception, well, i heard and i know, it’s about the same with us already... it’s the second time we held such a meeting with foreigners, well, i wasn’t looking for a contact, i migrated well, i was just already filming, an article, and you see the same people, but you haven't seen them on in this article, foreigners, we organized meetings, got to know each other, uh, now i did it for the second time every year alone, and yes there are
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people, how many, approximately, i thought there were already 30 people there, we are 23. only in one area and me i saw trends, more people who have christian values, and they have thoughts of moving here, i read, if a person really wants to immigrate here, i read, this is a plus on both sides, i’m like mine or as advice in the state, such people read, it can lead to something. a country, of course, it shouldn’t be millions, but on the other hand, i think it’s also important, if we speak in christian terms of value, this is also a family, with russians children do more, then i see the future, and if we move further from the christian faith, as a sabotage, then automatically the children will be smaller, and i
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think we should work in this direction too, listen, and you... it seems like a ritual, but not like i’m an old ritual, but why? well, because, how can i tell you, i read the right path for me, for the salvation of my soul, besides, i also want to tell you, you said, well, switzerland, i’m still not as neat a person as they are, the swiss, yes, but, but here, you’re a super neat person, i ’ll tell you, yes, when i asked you, for example, how to make organic honey? i remember that you started telling me in great detail how bees should be treated, why they shouldn’t be treated differently and so on, i thought, what kind of swiss is this, how useful it is that such people come here after all, they tell you clearly, well, i understand that some kind of mixture is already in your children
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it will be, right? i’m probably still some kind of kibrit instead of swiss and russian , and i thought it was a plus for russia if such people exist, because switzerland is not all bad, there are good things there, or the netherlands has good things, and if we can bring , this is only a plus for the country, well , i already said here recently that these foreigners in russia often become more russian than we ourselves, but oleg and i tried here in connection with this program just as well russify a little, so... we agreed with some russian designers that they will help us look a little more russian than we looked before, and now he wants to say thank you to the men’s atelier, level suyut, who provided this russian jacket, this vest, the russian one, and the russian braid, and she makes everything else russian, too, so you see, we
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also became a little more russian after you met, in general, you didn’t exactly convince us. rather, you confirmed our belief that a great migration of foreigners to russia is coming soon, to this will have a positive impact both on the lives of these specific people who will come here, and on the life of the country, we are taking you into the future, and ian and veniamin, everyone else who will follow in their footsteps, welcome to russia, the present and the russia of the future, i can, maybe i can also say, now i also hope for the future, well, i personally have been welcomed here very well, very kindly in russia, they accepted me.
12:51 am
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thank you very much for your devotion
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to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them there and we won’t let you in, fumble around calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to move on with their lives, well, they had legs, well, no, we need to move on. dula leaves to campaign ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want to sweat in vain.
1:00 am
russia is ready to cooperate in matters of protecting the rights of citizens, although it has withdrawn from a number of international institutions. this was stated by vladimir putin at the human rights council. he named support for special forces fighters as one of the main issues. he noted that all migrants must respect laws. anastasia efimova will tell you what other statements were made at the meeting. russia is ready to cooperate with interested parties, although


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