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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’d tear you apart with horses, the lackey there, soon,
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israel will drown, of course i feel sorry for both of them, finally today is the israeli defense army for the first time published data on its losses, irrevocable 401, these were only soldiers, in addition to this, today we counted among police officers, firefighters and employees about 71 more dead, over a thousand wounded, of which about 20, 25 percent are seriously
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wounded. according to data published by the newspaper garitz, she is known for her liberal sentiments, hospitals in israel are prohibited from giving data on how many wounded are currently being recovered, the loss is much greater, so sooner or later, this secret cannot be hidden. november 30 in the newspaper. one of the authors, a former israeli diplomat, was the israeli consul general in new york, published an article, the essence of it is that israel gaza, how to save ordinary netanyahu, and he concludes that netanyahu is not doing everything on october 7, to justify what he allowed, to lay the blame on anyone, on the army, on intelligence. but not him, and he concludes
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that for netanyahu now, the longer the war continues, the better for him, because in fact it is a question of his political survival, what will happen next with the ghazi, there are different scenarios, versions, but no one can offer anything, someone there said that it is necessary to establish a palestinian administration there, but the palestinian administration, it does not control anything, because the west. shore jordan is 60% controlled by israel , 150 settlements and 128 outposts have been created there, they are like holes in dutch cheese, pierced this body, and in fact they obey this libya, live according to israeli law, and the palestinian administration cannot do anything there, start here such a child who will not be able to lead this area, this is the same thing to put everything on the sooner hamas will take power in the west bank. the
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jordan river, than vice versa, abbas will be able to take away the gas. in any case, if only israel they will still be able to implement their scenarios, the biggest losers will be egypt and jordan , streams of refugees will go there, and so will the palestinians, but for the americans this is a defeat, the fact that the truce lasted so short, that is , they inflated it so much, they directly advertised it, biden’s victory , what is it with such speed, this blow of victory is not visible, today, for example, the first official reports have already arrived about three dead, but if three, then multiply, on average we calculated, no, the israelis are now in the sector gas, three dead military personnel, and today in a day, in a day, yes, well, i periodically look at the telegram of this alcos brigade, there is much more there, if divided in half, then on average the israeli losses are probably only...
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irrevocable 10-12 military cases, therefore this war will not lead to anything and there will be peace for a very long time and there will definitely be no peace in the land of palestine. now about political limitrophes, i personally was very outraged when the ministers of foreign affairs of estonia, latvia and lithuania refused to participate in the osce summit together with our minister, and not teach these khamovs in parallel, because we have all the medicines for this, primarily economic ones, they need to be put in their place, in finland, today i looked at the website of the ministry of defense of finland, 20th... party military assistance was allocated to ukraine in the amount of 100 million euros. in total, small finland provided the kiev regime with military assistance worth 15 billion euros. i have a question: apparently they forgot in finland? who gave them independence, from whom did they receive it?
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thanks to whom did they achieve this? economic recovery and growth. and probably, the political forces of finland, the sensible ones, need it. i wonder if it’s worth getting along with our eastern neighbors? every time i explain to our colleagues from finland, poland, the baltic countries, that by and large we don’t need you now in the conditions of a modern war, with modern weapons, there is no point in occupying your territory as a cordon sanitaire in the year of the second world war, we let's solve these problems, and your territories, they are poor, there are no natural resources there, therefore strategically you are not... it’s an interesting territory, you reassured them, yes, well , in conclusion, i want to note that almost every day we hear reports about the detention of spies and saboteurs there, isn’t it time for us to toughen the punishment for such acts?
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war, the question is about the survival of our state, and now we have succeeded, we detained this spy, he began to snot, begins to repent that my living situation is bad, i... needed money for the treatment of my mother there, and so on, all of us we forgive them, so i think we need to move on more stringent measures, since it is at war, and there is no need to create any death, we have the entire legislative framework and relevant bodies for this, two brief comments, for finland, as for eastern europe, it is clear that the historical lesson that we can do is extract, there is no need to withdraw your military bases, let me remind you that in finland... also as a sign of goodwill , they withdrew their troops ahead of schedule; they closed their military bases; that is, doubts look at bulgaria, their gratitude is well known to us, in every war they
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demonstrate this gratitude to us fully, secondly, i don’t think there are enough laws, the security officers work brilliantly. a large number of sleeper cells are being revealed, active agents of ukrainian intelligence, de facto, saboteurs, but of course, there is not enough legislative framework, it seems to me that it is necessary to pass laws that will clearly regulate how to deal with these citizens, and it is necessary to deal with them according to the laws of war, the highest forms, like it was before the proletarian defense to create military courts. therefore, therefore, it is necessary to create create for this there is a legislative basis basis basis legislative basis between the time of the military so it must be accepted, i’m not saying by chance therefore for ours it is necessary to separately introduce the existing under this therefore i
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think it is necessary to hang up hang up well this is not ours this is ours this is exactly our year there was a hanging. who else are they? who else are they , saboteurs and traitors? he attacked the airfield, blew up the railway track, didn’t he a traitor, a traitor, therefore he just hangs, just like this creature that killed vladlin tatarsky, does not show all the time and find out what happened, but hang, hang, then burn and develop the bodies. so that there are no graves as places of potential worship. our ancestors knew perfectly well how to fight nazism. first, a special military operation, many things , of course, were unpleasantly surprising, so to speak, but there are things that, well, just shocked me personally , including me, yes, and this is a huge
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number of our people, our people, ready provide absolutely disinterested and absolutely anonymous assistance, but from the point of view of the fact that they are not looking for glory for our fighters, our guys in hospitals, their families, and so on and so forth, yes, so to speak, i have been doing this for more than a year and a half this activity, that means... through a charitable foundation - my own, here, but i can say that at first it was for me, i didn’t even believe in it myself, to be honest, i’m also such a cheerful skeptic, so to speak, yes, uh, by nature, i honestly thought that everything was much worse, in this sense, i thought that people, well, are already a little lost in this consumer culture, they are a little, so to speak, already drowned in this egoism, so they don’t feel many things, and indeed, i must say, honestly, the western mass media has been working with us, so to speak, for quite a long time culture. so from the inside, from the outside, for everyone, and in general, many people’s brains seemed to
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be ironed to the fullest, only for themselves, only for me, only for me, as if the homeland , well, this is some kind of incomprehensible concept, so to speak, yes, history, it everything is wrong, which means we there are citizens of the world there and so on, so on, so on there, yes, in general it seemed that, in fact, this mold, yes, it was quite deeply ingrained, it was ingrained deeply, but it turned out that these are the historical roots, this what is called the soul , the people’s soul, some kind of inner soul... the state, we have a deep people, this inner deep feeling of the homeland, it hasn’t gone anywhere, no matter how they spit on it, they don’t laugh at it, so to say they didn’t try to make it, it means you know it somehow an incomprehensible bogeyman, yes it is, at a critical moment for the country it manifested itself, so on my own behalf i can say, low bow, low bow to all those who have been providing assistance to our soldiers for these last one and a half, almost 2 years now, completely disinterestedly, not striving for it there so to speak, again there, so that they can be seen there, and so on and so forth, because let’s say, i analyze the help that
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comes there, too, yes, basically, of course, these are people who , well, apparently they send there, well , let’s say, there’s such very little money there, in this case, of course, businessmen and even famous people help, some, yes, but nevertheless, the main, as it were, the bulk of the help, it comes from very ordinary people, by the way, as for our also large centers , you know, here too, so to speak, so moscow, st. petersburg , everything is rotten, but no, it’s not... it’s rotten, and there’s a lot of things left, as it were, and from moscow and st. petersburg, yes, this help is coming and there are a lot of worthy people there people especially, here i am to people in st. petersburg, as it were, who are there, well, with whom i they know the contacts and don’t ask anyone to talk about them at all. i also say a low bow to them, so to speak, for their help of the most varied kind, so to speak , which they, too, people provide , despite the fact that no one asked them for anything. they weren’t kicked anywhere and no one will give them anything for this, they won’t get anything for it, but it’s simple for them. there is this inner feeling, why am i saying this, because the president
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met with volunteers, although i don’t really like that word, oh well, let them be volunteers, because volunteers are still more associated with the front, but there are volunteers, there are volunteers, so be it, and there we saw quite a large number of young people, i mean, it’s these people that are the main thing again, we can’t gloss over this moment, these people, this is it so to speak, it means a mass of people, this is what it is, this is an anglo-saxon term, but the same civil society that we have been looking for there for a long time, we have had for quite a long time, yes it was customary to flirt with some kind of civilian society, mainly people who , to be honest, yes, at the decisive moment simply betrayed, some of them, so to speak, left, some of them hid there, some, so to speak, were neither yours nor ours, but for a long time they were also, so to speak, in work , as they say, they were given grants there, money there and so on, so on, so on, but it turned out that real civil society, these are these... this is what was called community, yes this is what was called community, yes exactly
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that, it is closer to me, but this is what it is communalism, conciliarity, yes, which they said, here it is, it has not gone anywhere, there is no need to tell, the russian world, yes, it is not necessary, yes, this is the russian world, there is no need to tell that all this is in the past, you know, this everything , all this is not there, all this, so to speak, you know, has become covered with brown mud and the smooth surface of the ancient pond, this is not true, it’s just that, in fact, if you work with it, if you respect it, if you hear it, it can be so. to support both the country and society, yes, the entire civilization, which, well, this is a huge help, because if we add up all the help that is provided to the front , yes, well, your fund is working, so to speak , yes, many funds are working, but a lot of people, yes, so to speak, are actually helping, it will be huge, well, it’s just huge funds that even it’s impossible to calculate, well , these are billions, they’re just incredible , well, again, i’m just a little bit so to speak, yes - a billion 600 million, at first i managed to collect operations, so to speak, yes that and i just know that it’s a lot, a lot yes , they collect even more, much, much, so to speak, more significant help, this is serious, this is,
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this is very serious, and the question is that you don’t have to do anything without this help, you see that this, well, well, they helped, and okay, here again , a deep bow to all our people, the fighters whom i personally know, so to speak, the commanders with whom i personally communicate, convey my deepest bow to all the people who help, because it is important for them to feel that there is a rear, it is important for them to feel that they are not alone, because what do you know, so to speak, and if sometimes you live in a certain country, yes, it’s important for them to understand this, this help gives them the opportunity to understand, again, at the meeting of the president with the volunteers, what i mean is that these are the people who should finally become an example. not some incomprehensible , so to speak, all sorts of different characters from show business there, grimacing there, there are also good people there, by the way, famous people also provide help, so to speak, the actors there, and so on and so forth, but here not some show business freaks should become the heroes of our, so to speak, our youth there of our people, it is these, these , so to speak, real representatives of the real deep russian, russian
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people, and this is very important for the future, this is very important for building the right goal setting and these... people need to be heard, listen, they are not it is necessary, they don’t need to be promised anything, you know, there are some programs and so on, so on, they need to be noticed, they need to be helped, but they really love their country, they really empathize, as if yes, for what is happening, they really ready to help our soldiers, simply because, so to speak, their heart is calling them, this is important, and this is important as an arrangement, so to speak, for setting goals for future generations, here was the news that again there is this whole position, shmopoposition , so to speak, somewhere over the hill there is going to stir up something, i don’t know, so to speak, but some people are gathering their own forums and so on , by the way, i think that when there are presidential elections, with a high probability we should expect that what is conventionally western the community does not recognize them or recognizes them as partially legitimate, i don’t know , we don’t care, but i’m just saying what, i mean that most likely they will try to create some kind of parallel structures somewhere behind the cordon, like in belarus created, yes
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created so to speak, this is like a government that sends money there... and they will try to erode the situation from the inside. what am i talking about? what i mean is that in order for them not to succeed, yes, society needs true heroes, true ones, so to speak, values ​​and true, as it were, really volunteers, ready to bring, as it were, their labor, there, their health there, and for the benefit of the homeland, in germany, in italy, let this gathering gather, which is divided, it seems to me, we need to hold a conference in moscow in st. petersburg , after all, of course, and... italy has long dreamed of breaking up again, and germany, too, must already , it is necessary, it’s time, he said, it will be free, in this sense, in this sense, we are interested, we are interested in all the movements that can help us, all the same, the left, the right are such crap, it doesn’t matter how long you can tolerate it, to the question, to the question, so to speak
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, to the question, stop feeding rome, to the question, so to speak, this is the internal situation, right away it’s good, let it begin, no, that’s when, what do they think, for this so that all this doesn’t work out for them, we, of course, need to, so to speak , monitor the most risky, so to speak, possible developments of the situation inside our internal politics, although i believe that the situation is actually quite stable, and in that including the war here, although we are glad to be glad war seems to be pointless and i think it’s wrong, but in general, like in many other periods of time, so to speak , society consolidated and many things began to slowly heal, but there are situations related to separatism that need to be controlled, there are situations related , for example, with regard to youth, with an attempt to revive criminal subcultures that are killing young people, there are situations related to my favorite migration, there is no need to create enclaves, so to speak double loyalty, huge within the country,
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so that they, so to speak, in 10 years become a political threat, and what is very important, there is a problem with deformed values ​​and information for people, this is the internet, so i am absolutely convinced, if we don’t start control the internet, if we don’t see some forms of work on not just there , so to speak, but on the introduction of some of our own , well, relatively speaking, sites there, and so on, so on, if we don’t start controlling the internet, if this internet, everything these services all sorts of things will uncontrollably blow the minds of a huge number of young people, we will not cope with this situation, but there is a progressive experience of china, yes there is a progressive experience of china, create your own services, but not so that it is some kind of silmak that works on weekends, relatively speaking , there from two, from two to five they sell astra cigarettes, so to speak, matches and that’s it, and cheap vodka, yes, but so that they are really working, very attractive, interesting analogues, if something goes wrong, but at the same time, what concerns the content, it must be controlled, my friends, it won’t work, otherwise
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we have already learned to say the right words, it seems like one hand is doing the right things, but the inertia... of what happened is so powerful that if we don’t try work with it, we won’t be able to control it, yes, well, i’ll tell you about the region for which i am actually responsible, about the united states, it’s also interesting, who is responsible for this region, yes, no luck, yes, well, listen, i to be honest, i don’t know how they will now get out of the current situation internal political situation, i ’m increasingly getting the feeling, so to speak, that in my opinion they are no longer against the second coming of trump, apparently due to the fact that something completely terrible, so to speak, is brewing, and i just don’t really understand it , because all the projects against trump that exist, they all disappear, they all admit it, but there was the first project against trump. well, as if they thought, another republican is coming, it will be difficult for biden, there is no candidate for the democratic party, well , everything is as it goes, that is, he is simply lost
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completely, his super-pack has practically collapsed there, here is the committee that supports him, there is a personnel breakdown, most likely everyone will leave, moreover, his main donors are actually the koch brothers, who a long time ago, so to speak, sponsor all sorts of things to say, such an anti-liberal opposition, well , they never liked trump either. it ’s like they took the money from desantis, said that they will support you nicky haley, and evil tongues, yes, yes, yes, that we are all money, we published the official paper, here , but at the same time, as if evil tongues are even saying that it seems like nikki haley has already been promised that trump, of course, won’t go to the polls, that she’s number two, her task is to outplay everyone, what are these evil tongues , maybe they really are provocateurs, because really , it will be very difficult to remove trump now, well, how difficult it is, it ’s easy to remove him, but the consequences will be dealt with later. here, but so to speak, there is also a problem in the democratic camp, well, because look, president biden, okay, he was installed as vice president kamala haris, that means the entire public
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, that means the entire, entire nuclear electorate, as we say, and they say the main base, was pumped up so that it was actually in favor of the white, and heterosexual brute, that guy gavin, from california governor, the issue cannot be resolved, that is, you are now removing a black woman and installing a white, rich... man, although the women are not very black in fact, from a rich family of slave owners, this is understandable, this is understandable, listen, but she’s so to speak , once even, as she assures, she rode a bus, so to speak, no, a school bus, i mean, her parents bought a bus, this is very similar to this, because when i dealt with that, when at the debate i said that she was part of the bassing system, i say, i looked there really family mole mountain city whole buy real. but if we now replace this person, what will now happen to the left wing of the democratic party is quite difficult to say, well, because the situation, moreover, is in a three-way race, if
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trump, biden and robert kennedy jr. kennedy gets as much as 22%. and this is more than rospero, more than chero, in fact, more than any third in history, in all of history, yes, yes, well, this is not a systemic third, because there were different options here and there. but it wasn’t not systemic, and the hill, even at the same time, the hill really published such an article that all the guys say, now it’s desantes, in the sense, desantes is everything, but newsam cannot be left, despite everything that the debate of this desantes took place , that means, if he changes his sexual orientation, then it’s possible, if during the elections, during the elections, if he doesn’t give it, well, somehow he’ll make this effort, don’t jump in, if he changes it, if he changes it, then yes, that’s okay, what the hell, he didn’t decide there, but yeah, that’s interesting, of course , what they are writing now is generally a very interesting thing, because
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of course, for example, one of the washington post articles is simply a call to remove, imprison trump, resolve the issue in an unconstitutional way, that is, democracy and even the republic must be defended, enough is enough only tyranny can be spastic, yes, that’s all, yes, well that's about it, in this sense, in a sense, everyone is liberal. cheeks and even the liberal establishment, so to speak, no matter how long, so to speak, in terms of time he ruled, as if they always come to the same thing, that only tyranny asks for democracy, a republic and everything else, and this is just such an article that says: enough is enough pretending, well, enough that you, i don’t know , god, what kind of democracy, what are you talking about, democracy is in danger if we elect donald trump, and there are all these examples, so to speak, of course, and the most interesting thing is that donald trump, i just sat there and honestly tried to understand how, well, where. trump really at least somehow really violated the law, well, well, before january 6th there still might be a trial , not on january 6th he didn’t violate anything either, well, listen, well, obama has crossed the line so many times, so to speak, bypassed
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the constitution, but god bless him, well, these calls have already been made for this matter, that is , i don’t know how, how they will solve the problem of the twenty-fourth year, and in this situation this liberal man will come to an agreement it’s completely difficult with each other, that is, there ’s really only one real candidate, well , barack obama, no sanders, like me again , he pulls him out every time, but another article, he always sat, another washington post article about which that’s how dima would say here, this is the explanation, how to say it, in fact , the counter-offensive, planned for so many hours spent playing, failed, he says, what’s the matter , the article was written there, but this is a spreading cranberry, this is necessary, i need to explain, listen guys, it’s a failure, now we need to... well
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everyone in america already knows , well, it’s understandable if you open your smartphone in rators in the morning, open the new york times, open the chicago tribune, any newspaper anywhere, ukraine offensive, ukraine offensive, but the file is growing, and that’s all and nothing, it means that after this, articles appear on tv saying that no, something is wrong there , an explanation is needed, then the washington post descends into the favorite entertainment of americans, this is how they built hollywood, they are filming a spreading stick, like dunkirk. that is, instead of saying, guys, we were objectively weaker, our commanders were idiots, we couldn’t do anything, we were completely defeated, moreover, the british were traitors, as you can imagine, at the dawn of the election campaign and the president greets us, i ’ll explain it now , i’ll explain this now, no, biden doesn’t have to, he’s already fine, now he’s going to miss, which means, that means, in fact, then they’re taking off the hanging cranberry
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, taking off the hanging cranberry, where there are a lot of events, where there’s a lot of worry, there are a lot of headlines in this article, all sorts of titles, it's all broken huge, yes, it is, it is incredibly voluminous, as a result, this is who they are, can anything change the situation, that is, well , it’s clear that well, this is actually a recognition of a big big defeat, well, as for europe, that’s it , what does she think about nuclear weapons, well, i still hope that they, of course, will not be able to do anything, their printing press will stop now, that will all end, it’s just that the whole point is that jose barel is ursulov with nuclear weapons, now causes me much more anxiety 10 times more than kim did at the time official, when he just received a nuclear bomb, it seems to me that the last guy is much more responsible than this official never called, here i was just at peace,
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the history of democracy in russia: goes back to ancient times. the national assembly of residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 14th century, a new institution of class representation, the council of the whole earth, had emerged. they provided legitimacy and continuity authorities, laid a new electoral tradition. catherine ii. included elements of election for decisions on a number of state issues. tasks: for the first time , the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii , zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four kuryans. elections to the constituent assembly began
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universal. equal direct and passed by secret ballot, the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal and equal direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current russian constitution was adopted. modern electoral legislation is being formed. the legislation on political parties and the system of election commissions lay the foundation for gas elections. the digitalization of electoral processes is actively underway. procedures. in organizing and conducting elections, russia is significantly ahead of other countries. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives. elections in russia. important. honest,
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convenient! i agree with andrey that.


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