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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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leave me alone, smiled, well , i think it’s just a slogan, this is ma’am of russian isolation, leave me alone, and this was a photographer from the organizers, and who apparently, i think so, based on what they came up with with these photographs, i just couldn’t believe that the russian minister was at the meeting, i decided to crawl so close that , well, really, maybe i could believe my own eyes, but it’s monstrous, all this... it’s monstrous from beginning to end , then of course the press the conference was a small room, well it was directly for holding press events, well, how can i say, it’s not a thousand-meter hall, and this happens, well, in general, yes, you know, how many people there were, it was impossible to get through.
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thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight. i am a pashtum afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have. they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in and will not let them in. calmly. i ’m trying to motivate them to move on, well, there were legs, well, no, we need to move on, doula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want to sweat in vain.
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cameras stood around the perimeter, and many correspondents could not get a seat because they - stood against the wall, because everything was packed, there were more than 100 people there, it was not even imagined that such an event... could gather so many people, and what’s most amazing, i ’ll tell you now, is, no one knows , i didn’t tell anyone, yes, we invited all the journalists, we, as you know, have segregation no, absolutely , westerners, non-westerners, nato countries, no need, whoever wants , please contact the organizers, i mean the organizers of the osce smith, submit your agration certificates, so to speak, and come, that is, we never have here these dividing lines. that’s it, journalists from all
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countries applied, no one controlled anything, there were no real countries at the entrance, so to speak, or don’t stop, as they usually do with russian journalists, in particular the french authorities, remember how they weren’t allowed in press conference with macron, how our journalists are segregated in germany, in other countries, in britain, by the way, when you remember, they held a conference on freedom of speech and russian journalists were not allowed in, we were all allowed in, everything was fine, there were no questions. the press conference begins, we give the floor to russian foreign journalists, russian and foreign, what do you think, in the middle of the press conference, they send me a screenshot of the internal chat of correspondents, westerners, where westerners say: we will never to give the floor, because we were invited only as extras, literally a minute or 10 minutes before that, we begin to give the floor to just everyone who raises their hand, that is, no one... who, so to speak, sits
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in the front rows, and from the back rows, and there , westerners, and doichiveli, the british , whoever, that is, you understand, to the last, this is russophobic, this... russophobic pulse, it beats until the last, now you are hammering with facts, it doesn’t matter what- then hope, some dirt, some story to compose, well, at least something , to cling to something, to hold on to, but there is nothing , well, we just arrived, worked, left, we do it with dignity, with the feeling that yes, although we see what a deep crisis this organization is in, but out of respect for its... the best pages of history from the understanding that there are not only russophobic countries there, based on the fact that indeed much that was possible to do was possible to do on this site, indeed, we are not drowning this structure, but using those opportunities to
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to convey to sergei viktorovich with a number of colleagues, that is, we had bilateral meetings about any isolation, it was clear that with very great sympathy, warmth, that this... he said, why doesn’t lavrov ever listen to me, why , why, this , this is the same, this is the same component of this absolute absurdity, i’m getting ready, getting ready, and he just named me, let’s still tell the audience what we’re talking about, and when the smith ended, annalena berbock, minister foreign affairs of germany, i will still add, as it were, minister, because this beyond, this is beyond , said or wrote that what a bad russian minister, how could he allow himself to appear at the speeches of others, but at the same time he still came to his own speech and spoke, well , this is absurd, wait, well, let's start with the main thing , but still, a year ago, poland
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did, the polish chairmanship in the osce did everything to ensure that the russian minister could not come to poland for the osce summit, which was then held with the council of ministers. foreign affairs took place in poland, and where was annalena berbock, she didn’t notice that the russian minister was not given the opportunity, no invitation was sent, well, there was another fraud, non-flying documents were not agreed upon, she didn’t notice, she didn’t raise this issue at a meeting of the council of foreign ministers, then a year ago, either she doesn’t remember, or she doesn’t understand the cause -and-effect relationship at all, i’m not even talking about the fact that for some reason, for some reason she didn’t ask herself the question, where is everyone, where is blinkin, where is barel, who, as you correctly they said literally fled the day before, she did not have a feeling of dissatisfaction from the fact that she did not see the very five who are now involved in events in europe more than
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everyone else, this is the kiev regime, these are the three baltic states, which are endlessly blocking everything, because her russophobia was constructive within the european union , but she did not have the feeling that something was wrong, because the ministers of those countries, or in particular the kiev regime, which were discussed there, for some reason were not in the hall, she was not interested, she didn’t complain to them, so what? this is such hypocrisy, it’s not even hypocrisy, you know, when we talk about hypocrisy, it’s always with a negative connotation, it’s always bad, it’s always condemned, but it still doesn’t negate one’s... intelligence, some kind of knowledge , well, you must admit, here we no longer need to talk about hypocrisy, everything that i told you today is absurd, this is allagism, this is some kind of crazy, self-destructive tactics, alas, this is the world in
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which we we live, but sergei viktorovich is simply beautiful and of course, the performance was amazing, read the speech, someone heard it. there is also a video and text on the website of the ministry of foreign affairs. thank you, maria vladimirovna, now there is advertising, after it we will continue with a new composition, what the hell is happening, where am i, so, we are acting according to the old proven scheme, she is a serf peasant of a cruel landowner, when everything does not go according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, improvise, what do we owe to a slave for escaping, set it on fire, no, i won’t, okay, i myself, a slave, want you to look me in the eyes when i look at you i will extinguish, soon, the virtuoso thief,
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repeat offender jacob saturday first spoke about his crimes, in order to commit this crime, i needed one crowbar, his lists of the theft of a handwritten gospel of the 16th century and rare stradivarius and steiner violins. they cut through the mesh and entered through this hole at night. the glass was lying and the crowbar was lying, all saturday he led a group that skillfully robbed the banks of st. petersburg, they opened the vault on us, they fell from the ceiling, as he was preparing for his crime, he was an ideologist, he was the brains of our team, at that time i was already a very gambler, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. a few months ago
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i said in this studio that russia is a country of long will, therefore russia always wins, that is , it is impossible to destroy russia through external efforts, unrest, if the power in russia is strong, then no one has ever had a chance to defeat russia, there was no and it won’t be, why the west suddenly decided that the russians should run at the sight of german tanks can only be explained by the fact that there in general the specialists were transferred, because well, many people with whom i spoke, today i want to congratulate the cuban, this is the commander of the already... legendary leopard primorsky tiger, he received the title of hero of the dpr, and he says:
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my grandfather knocked out german tanks, that is he has a mark for me, but it’s literally his life’s work to destroy german tanks, for some reason they thought that we would run away, they actually came up with something about a russian soldier, lack of initiative, cowardly, weak, this is... who are you talking about ? in general, well, at least you read some books, you’re with people we talked about how many centuries there have been in russia, for so many centuries the russian soldier is invincible, and no matter what nationality, religion, when he is a russian soldier, he is invincible, when he begins to serve foreign kings and kings, everything is lost, because holy russia is strong gives. this just doesn’t fit western heads
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so much that they are now saying: no, you don’t understand , the russians put it there, they name some numbers, why are you telling fairy tales, we understand everything well, if god forbid there were such casualty figures as you name, but they were all there already, you would have already filled everything with videos from cemeteries, and there are a lot of videos from cemeteries, only ukrainian ones, they tell fairy tales , abandoned conscripts, a complete lie, we don’t fight with conscripts at all, that is, an absolute lie, and so time after time, they come up with something, come up with something, come up with something, and then they realize that something didn’t go well, start talking, but what’s happening, the west can’t say, that they are idiots, that they don’t have there was a misunderstanding about what to do with us, no way that they were even from the very beginning they were wrong in all their calculations. they can’t say that biden is stupid, his entire team is schizophrenics and degenerates who
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made all the calculations and got it wrong, so they start saying, oh, it’s ukraine’s fault, it’s fighting with itself, so now who’s in charge, zelensky, the zelensky people immediately pop up, here he has a wife of 8 million dollars , this is some kind of democracy at all, they are already starting to hint that wait, wait, there will be no elections, so in a few months it ’s not legitimate at all? since the times of kyiv i have been jealous, while the west says: “ukraine, well, you defeated the russians near kiev,” the ukrainians are so coquettishly silent because they didn’t win, they deceived, and the russians withdrew their troops. but they didn’t win, it immediately arises, but on the other hand, you
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did a great job on the russians near kharkov and kherson, you didn’t, because the russians understood that, like it or not, they must preserve the army, this is more important, as clausowitz wrote , the winner is the one who saves the army, and does not lose it, so if you want an enemy, his army. who will fight there? it was hard it was very painful. a year ago the mood in this studio was very complex, of course. but again, the russians have a long will, there is no hysteria, but here once, they gave everything to the ukrainians , while yes, they honestly said how much armored vehicles you need, zaluzhiny says: give me a thousand armor, they gave me 1,500, zaluzhiny says, either they gave it or not, because the minister of foreign affairs said back in june, but we got everything we asked for, everything,
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you see, and so on? well, they appointed a lawyer as the minister of defense, who says, you are not for us then they gave, he says, they gave us that everything is on fire , this is not the same equipment, you say that now, of course, the poor fellow, he jumped out, said, so, where are the cartridges, where are the shells, it even directly reminded me that - where are austin’s shells, how many millions did he ask for, 17 million? what 17 million? axis looks at him like this, he says, okay , he says, you can’t give 17 million, give 400 billion. he says what, we say, we can’t break it for you, you’re just 400 billion and 17 million, let’s assume you read everything in the world so many no, no, where can i get you 17 ml, well, okay, you ’re not 105, but 155, including everything there, he says,
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well, he says, you’re generally friends with your head, and it’s so... pissed everyone off that all of a sudden ben hodges , who so seemingly always speaks for ukraine, you are generally beggars, you will come to your senses, where have you done with everything, that’s what he says, i know that some companies, such as rine metal, baya and several others have stated that they are going to produce certain things in ukraine, but in reality we need to pay attention to this, let's be honest, what has ukraine been doing since 2014? there should already be mountains of artillery ammunition. ukraine was the heart of the soviet union's defense industry for decades. therefore, i believe that ukraine should do everything possible to increase production. yes, for example, german aircraft production during world war ii peaked in 1944, when germany had already been
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bombed by the british and americans. so yes, it is possible to increase production during a war. ukraine can produce itself, only the supply of gunpowder and some materials is required from the outside. they're like that, you're just surprised. david sachs, in an interview, basically said bluntly: that’s it, ukraine won’t win the war. there is no agreement between zelsky and his advisers, between zelsky and his top general about what is happening in the war. but i think that now the truth has become obvious, namely that ukraine will not win this war. the counter-offensive has failed, and unless they do something differently, disaster awaits. remember since 4
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june a counter-offensive began, ukraine advanced for about 5 months. now they are throwing their troops and weapons at russian fortifications with huge casualties and losses. time clearly shows that these orders to advance - this persistent desire to continue the offensive, to move forward at least a few meters per day, come directly from the office of the president. some sources claim that even if the us provides more weapons and ammunition and so on, ukraine will not have enough personnel to use. they say they don't have enough manpower, so there is now a big fear that if zelensky continues with this crazy strategy, the ukrainian side will collapse. the ukrainian side will collapse anyway, and even all these movements of the bundestag, where cdu mp rodrich kiesweter proposes to return to the front,
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that is, return to ukraine, citizens from 16 to 60 years old, i don’t understand that he will face so many lawsuits, this idea is completely unproductive, but very sad the news is actually coming from ukraine, well, there’s a woman there, a tanker died, why did they put a woman in a tank, why, a boy died, an orphan, 16, 17 years old, 17 years old, 17, what are you doing, well, you’re leaving a deserted place altogether earth, oh, radion , you know, you’re wondering, why , why didn’t they understand what was happening with russia, why did they underestimate the moral, moral attitude and motivation, you know, probably pr people, like among drug dealers, yes, that is... such an important criterion is how not to start sniff your own, your own, your own drugs , in the eighties they said that the soviet army had already degraded, it was bad, it
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failed in afghanistan, it could not provide anything, in the nineties reformers came who said, they say, why do we need a bad army , let 's destroy it completely, yes, that is , let's sell it for this mute - i don't know, to africa, to asia, our tanks, our missiles, our weapons, we'll leave them, we'll leave them to a large extent, we'll leave huge warehouses in eastern europe , which at one time belonged there the soviet army , which belonged to the warsaw pact organization, because they propagated this for decades in the eighties, nineties, two thousand, yes, that is, by this time they had already reached the state that there was no such thing as a russian army, but they did not notice at that moment didn’t notice what happened, reincarnation took place, a certain revolution of consciousness took place, that listen, well, already when putin’s munich speech was, yes, that is, consciousness already happened then, that is, guys, we are undergoing a reversal, we the reversal of our industry , the reversal of the structure of the army, the reversal of the fact that we ourselves must ensure our own security
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, yes, we did not understand many things, we did not understand, because probably after all there were no real military actions, of the kind that now they are going, well, now over the past 2 years we have changed how the army has changed , it has changed radically, the military-industrial complex, which was radically remembered at times, and in some positions the number has increased tenfold , now that the european union is groaning, he says, we can’t produce a million, a million shells, he says, but the russians there , he says, are fussing around like crazy, he says, the russians have set up their factories, they produce in crazy volumes, and we can’t oppose anything to them, we just we can’t say anything, but what about the russian military-industrial complex, that is, the voices are already quieter, quieter, quieter, yes, that is, that when, when vladimirovich, when we had, they said how many missiles we have left, yes, how many shells do we have left, how many not the same , maximum two or three, the first month so they said yes instantly. now it’s all over, but where are they, where is danilov with these stories, where is reznikov with these stories, that the russians are all over, there are no tanks, no planes, the missiles are all running out,
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which means they didn’t build the uavs, because iran isn’t there delivered and so on and so forth, that is, it still passed and yes, like there are no microchips, there are not enough washing machines, there is no washing machine, yes, that means microchips, listen, we haven’t been delivering machines there for two years, but where do microchips come from? - they take it, well it’s a disaster, so how should we deal with it, but in ukraine , a completely opposite story happened, now it’s happening, now there’s this conflict going on, which, the beneficiaries, which are after all zelensky and zaluzhny, because understanding ukrainian politics, we can say for sure, this is not a conflict between these people, these are games between groups, and groups of external influence, they control, some influence groups control zaluzhny, others control zelsky, these are bets that were made from the outside, but ukrainian politicians, in their own way beloved tradition of the maidans, they understand that they need to react. now, you need to quickly run , take seats on the train that will take you to the coveted power, so now bets are being made, and klitschko comes out and says: no, that’s it, i don’t like zelsky, i’ll go to
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zelzhny, because he, i believe him, he us, the fruit of the democracy of the municipal government, says little, yes, yes, yes, you understand , that is, yes, why did he even decide that he was poor, but a kind of stronghold of democracy, public administration, tell me, in what administrative position, there governor's, i don't know, the mayor 's district manager worked there, well, at least somewhere, yes, that is, the situation is repeated in exactly the same way, zelsky defeated poroshenko only by the absence of negativity, that is, he was a cheerful, cheerful , sparkling guy, that is who , who had a very high recognition rating, a similar story is happening now, zaluzhny, he has a high recognition rating, because he commands the armed forces, because during the war, well, you are supposed to respect your army, but you need to know who else you are will you rely except on your army? so now zaluzhny is automatically, well, he is some kind of well, a man in uniform, a man-defender, yes, that is, accordingly, as if his ratings are in this sense, of course they are growing, they are now, well, according to
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sociological data, i don’t know it’s worth should we trust her, but the ratings of zelsky and zaluzhny are approximately equal already today , the anti-rating, yes, they are incomparable, incomparable, because zelsky’s anti-rating is extremely high, now all the problems associated with the counter-offensive, they political statements fall not on zaluzhny, but on zelsky. fortetia bakhmud returns to zelensky, that we will take gorlovka tomorrow, returns to zelsky, it all comes to him, because he tried to exploit every step precisely in his political agenda, and now, well, the military are starting to say, listen, the military they were in favor of preserving the army, yes, that is, but the politicians needed, no matter what means, but to preserve the symbols, it was for these symbols that the war was going on then, so now there is discord, now there is a split, now there are already speakers from one side to the other, now they are starting... what
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in the twenties, what now, that is, this is such a classic, well, the maidan, the maidan brought up an instinct in a politician, now there is a turning point and we need to have time to get there, so the one who managed to run to the maidan there, managed to speak at the time, managed to say a blow to the forehead, yes, that is, after standing there, he was then corrected by the prime minister , went to buy in canada in the usa, went to a hotel chain, well, okay, life happened, this is the history of the ukrainian success, all all all ukrainian politicians, this is exactly what they are moving towards, this is exactly what they want, but there are still interests in this, of course, western ones, look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. cholera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of botulism.
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there is one in ukraine. biological research objects. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with washington's support tbilisi has a unique public health laboratory. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will just sell. and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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you showed ben hodges, of course it’s amazing, yes, now he’s talking about how the ukrainians haven’t built their equipment there, haven’t created shells since 1914, listen, you remember, even with 14th year does not leave all screens, including ukrainian ones, yes , that is, he never talked about how ukraine will easily defeat russia, what is needed for this, yes, how much weapons should it be given to train in the west, he never talked about that that you are producing your own shells, suddenly - the ukrainians themselves are to blame, not hodges, who predicted a quick victory, you remember, he was stubborn, that well, almost until july he proved that by the end of the summer of this year ukraine would take crimea,
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yes, i just admitted it, yes, probably still, something won’t happen, in this sense, and now he says, it’s not the ukrainians who are to blame, not hodges either, but you know, hodges, okay, he’s a talker, of course, he’s the one to blame, let the ukrainians present the bill, well, that’s who we are must present an invoice, after today's publication of the washington post website, in the newspaper, i see there is no such thing, there really is a huge article posted there, and we know the washington post is close to washington, to the official... source, that is, they are aware of the fact that happens on the sidelines, they analyze in detail who is to blame, you know, people like that yes, they say, american strategies, staff and


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