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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, at what point will you say, everything i did in this project, everything i could, never i’ll tell you whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe, in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change at any time? is there a revolution going on in the structure?
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on the russia 24 tv channel, it’s time for the main legal news. hello, the duty unit and i, andrey ivlev, are with you. in stavropol, investigators are conducting an investigation after a helicopter made a hard landing; the vehicle was seriously damaged. the mi-2 made a scheduled flight over the territory of the oil pipeline. after monitoring the situation , a hard landing occurred, the helicopter turned over on its side, there were two people on board, they were not injured, who owned the car and how the incident happened, experts comment, chronicle of the emergency and the first version in the report of bulat shakkiev from the stavropol region. according to the preliminary version, the mi2 helicopter was returning from another flight, when suddenly its engine suddenly failed, and the crew had to make an emergency landing. the pilot and passenger were lucky with the space. at the entrance
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to the village there is no evil, only fields, but the landing still turned out to be hard. when landing in soft ground, the right leg fell through, the main rotor caught the ground and tipped over on the right side. but both survived and didn’t even need medical help, so the pilot will probably return to flying soon. and what do you think, that’s why the engine could behave like that. well, i don’t know, there could be all sorts of reasons, they’ll look into it, yes, well, yes. but the helicopter will not take off again soon. you see, the helicopter is lying on the tank, there was a small fuel spill at the crash site, in case a fire occurs, the emergency services of the russian ministry of emergency situations are standing nearby, they are ready to extinguish the fire, if of course it happens. foam will be used to extinguish fires at the scene, work now there are many specialists, some of them pull the batteries away so that they don’t spark. others
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take readings from devices and conduct tests. the mineralovodsk investigation department for transport of the western interregional investigation department for transport of the investigative committee of the russian federation is conducting a pre-investigation check on the fact of the hard landing of the helicopter. the causes and conditions of the helicopter crash have not yet been established. the investigative committee is working on the spot; based on the results of the inspection, prosecutorial response measures will be taken and procedural is forced. what is the reason for the engine stopping, they will tell you based on its results. blachakiev. lead the duty unit from the stavropol region. former russian minister for open government affairs mikhail abyzov paid more than 20 billion rubles to the budget. this was reported by his lawyer in the preobrazhensky court of moscow. there are now hearings on the merits of the case. let me remind you that he was detained in march 2019 , after which the court sent him to a detention center. the former minister is accused of creating a criminal community of fraud, illegal business activities.
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the state duma requested 12 years in prison for the former governor of the kirov region, nikita belykh, in a new case of abuse and abuse of power. as follows from the materials, while in the chair of the head of the region, he entered into a loan agreement for a mortgage corporation with one of the companies in the kirov region for an amount of more than 300 million rubles. and then he organized the distribution of these funds according to the financial obligations of various organizations. let me remind you that on february 1 , 2018, the presnensky court in moscow sentenced belykh to eight years in a maximum security colony for accepting a bribe from a businessman. the involuntary convict mastered the unusual profession of toy stuffer. these unique shots were filmed by the film crew of journalist eduard petrov. he's not only that. the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, arrived in china on a working visit. he is accompanied by the film crew of the program and conducted by the duty department. we will be the first to report all the main statements and news on air. and now my colleague
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maxim movchan joins from beijing, his report straight from the ramp airplane. a warm welcome to china, the minister of internal affairs of russia, vladimir kolokoltsev, arrived on an official visit. to beijing on the agenda to discuss the most important issues with chinese colleagues. tomorrow the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs will meet with the minister of public security of the middle kingdom wang xiaohong. the dialogue promises to be constructive, we will discuss the joint fight against international challenges, outline further plans for cooperation, and, of course, exchange experiences. now it is especially important to join forces in the fight against crime. definitely on agenda. drug trafficking and extremism, there are plans to discuss migration policy; after the lifting of covid restrictions between countries, mutual trips between residents of russia and china have resumed. the busy program of vladimir kolokoltsev’s visit includes not only meetings in beijing; a visit to xi’an is also planned, where the head of our ministry of internal affairs will study the work
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of the chinese crisis management center . in fact, this is a single center for city management, and the innovations of colleagues can be a good help for our police officers. let me add that xin is not only a venue for prestigious international events, but also a huge transport hub, within the framework of the joint one train one track project with china, ensuring security in the city is the most important task, and the exchange of experience in this direction is extremely useful for both countries. maxim ovchan and sergey soldatov, lead the china duty department. employees of the federal penitentiary service have the best skills in self-defense without weapons, the all-russian sambo directors cup of russia showed, the tournament was held for the fourth time in moscow region, the best athletes from national teams of law enforcement agencies fought for victory, fyodor eliseev talks about the intensity of passions and how samba helps in law enforcement work. for employees of the federal
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penitentiary service, whose work involves constant risk, samba is one of the main areas of training, which is why they were represented by two teams at once. in the fourth all-russian cup. rovsin russia was attended by the best sambo wrestlers not only from the penitentiary system, but also from the ministry of internal affairs, the ministry of emergency situations, the national guard and the airborne forces. half of you are not only members of the national teams of their law enforcement agencies, but the russian national team. therefore , it is important for us that you participate in such events and demonstrate your sportsmanship. wall by wall, it was in this format that the tournament organizers decided to identify the best squad. the teams in ssin and the russian guard reached the final confrontation, the girls were the first to take to the mat. the preparation was quite serious, on our days off we tried to exercise as actively as possible, we have a close-knit team, we have known each other for a long time, so we tried to give our best full, but in the final there was a rather difficult fight, i won by only one point, this is
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a minimal advantage, but i still brought points to my team, which i am very happy about. if girls competed only in sports sambo, without the use of striking techniques, then among men there were two disciplines. besides sports. still fighting, in the final fight the current world sambo champion zagid gaidarov came out onto the mat. preparation as usual, i was preparing, nothing new, well, to my championship, as i am an employee of my son, i must represent my team is even higher at the level, i think every day i have to peer with the world champion, so this fight turned out to be a good one for me, and a good experience, in total , more than seventy athletes took part in the tournament... more than seventy athletes representing different parts of our country, with the vsin team won with a score of 7:00. why are we so militant, because we have a sambo championship in sin, uh, where about seventy regions come, and that’s about 500, 550
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people. the competition winners received the cup personally from the hands of the director of the department. you are already idols, idols, among the younger generation. this is very important, especially now. when russia is trying to close us down, isolate us, and so on, but they won’t succeed in hell. everything will be the way we decide, the way we will do it, a lot from the point of view of patriotic education of the younger generation, including events of this kind. the next tournament will be the fifth anniversary, the organizers and the head of the department are confident that it will gather a larger number of participants, and its geography will become. even wider. fedor eliseev, alexander bikarevich, lead: duty unit.
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the pyromaniacs were replaced by bouncers, unknown persons attacked a family from a balashikha near moscow, as if they returned entrepreneurs to the nineties, our program has already told about this story earlier, the victims wrote several statements. to the police, but the attacks do not stop, what the aggressors are trying to achieve and whether a former business partner could be behind a series of incidents, our correspondents continue to monitor development of events, maria bukata's report , come on, where is he jumping, filmed, filmed, filmed, well done, this is how former partners in balashikha, moscow region, are dividing business these days, a meeting with raised voices for trying to film a video... immediately overtaken by punishment, first a blow on the camera, then the participant
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in the events gets a blow of such force that the man falls down, i was attacked here, i didn’t expect it, i thought we were having a conversation, so i stood calmly, talked, communicated, as i thought with people, and from where actually, it hit the jaw, the cheek, from the country, they broke the cheek, they stitched me up from the inside, businessman khusainov assures that he was allegedly literally hunted down, cafes, sports clubs and parking lots, it would seem that such disputes should be resolved in court, but instead, almost criminal passions are boiling between businessmen with the participation of armed hammers with arson threats , the attack in the parking lot is one of the latest cases. the husains previously owned this territory, they believe that it was taken away from them illegally, in this booth. that they do not pay money to scammers, they do not allow us to enter our property, which is
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a booth appears, unidentified people are sitting there, they have nothing to do with hitchhiking , including, as in our opinion, they are engaged in collecting funds for resettlement, unidentified, extremely uncommunicative, through the glass it is clear that there are people in the room, and numerous forms and the standard agreement is confirmed, someone’s business is really in full swing here, the land under the parking lot has officially returned to municipal ownership, two receipts, one for the amount of 7,000 rubles, the second for the amount of 3,500 rubles. since the land is now municipal property, the court ordered the businessmen to dismantle the guardhouse, the fence and the barrier, however , they cannot do this either; as soon as they arrive, a dozen armed people immediately appear on the spot, the businessmen believe that their former partner sergei aleshin may be behind all their troubles. here he is in the video surveillance footage in a cafe, as if the owner of life is patronizingly communicating with the staff.
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they started insulting me, asking the waiters where the little one was, yes, most likely there was a gun, i began to worry more about the staff, about the guests who were in the hall, and there were also children. irina kravets is also a hostage to the situation, the owner of the premises, which is located within the boundaries of another parking lot, also cannot enter the territory, if i appear here, armed people come here, i make an official statement, if with me, with my family or my property something will happen, i ask you to blame sergei igorevich aleshin, because threats were repeatedly made in my direction, they tried to burn my car, arson has already appeared in the story of raider takeovers, strangely enough coincidentally, as soon as the partners parted ways, the khuseinnovs’ business was engulfed... in a series of fires, relatives ’ cars were set on fire, the flames almost destroyed the bath complex,
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then aleshin was reluctant to talk to journalists and only meaningfully conveyed greetings to his former partner, tell khusin to the policeman, he was overbearing , businessmen have already filed 40 applications to the police, and they plan to resolve land conflicts with their former partner in the supreme court, after the attack in the parking lot, eduard spent a long time recovering in the hospital, he was tormented malaise and dizziness, the man... is about to undergo surgery, but apparently he still has a long trial ahead of the main cause of the headache. maria bukaty, galina khungureeva, alexander mostovaya, host the duty unit, the swan song of a virtuoso thief, this weekend there is a big premiere on our channel, a new exciting investigation by eduard petrov, the film tells about a cultural recidivist from st. petersburg, yakov subbot, he was a hunter of rare violins and rare museum items and created a group whose members entered banks and jewelry stores, stealing
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valuables and money. the bandits were even secretly nicknamed ninja turtles, as black monday came in the criminal career of yakov saturday, unique footage and interviews in the film robbery to the sound of stradivarius, already this weekend on russia 24. the masterly thief, repeat offender yakov saturday, spoke for the first time about his crimes, in order to commit this crime, i needed one crowbar, on his list is the theft of a handwritten gospel of the 16th century and a rare script. in extradivari and steiner, they they cut through the mesh, at night they penetrated through this hole, the glass was lying there and the crowbar was lying, that’s it, saturday led a group that skillfully robbed the banks of san petersburg, they opened the vault on us, they fell from the ceiling, how did he prepare for his crimes? he was
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an ideologist, he was the brains of our team, at that time i was already... a very gambler, we took up this matter and conducted our own investigation. capital investigators opened a criminal case into the death of two children after a fire; a four-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl were poisoned combustion products. according to preliminary data, the cause of the incident was a short circuit in the electrical wiring due to a poor-quality garland. during the new year holidays, the number of such fires increased sharply. rescuers constantly, and now especially , remind you that the best gift for the new year is a fire extinguisher and fire detector. these devices can save lives, because during smoke in a person’s sleep, a person does not smell the smell, the signal from the detector can be life-saving. well, since the beginning of the year
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, almost 338,000 fires have occurred in russia, more 6,500 people died, of which 267 were children. another terrible story in andrei romanov's report. it’s like a terrible scar, a huge black spot of soot, on the facade of a high-rise building in the center of moscow, visible from afar. this is a consequence of a strong fire; a fire broke out in an apartment on the tenth floor the day before, late in the evening. damn, this is a happy new year gift for people, because it burns so well. the flames instantly spread throughout the apartment, thick black smoke came out of the windows. the residents of the upper floors were the first to smell it, when we smelled it, at first we thought in the apartment they started climbing on the gratings everywhere, and then when i looked out of the window, i saw smoke coming, it was scary, and then when i found out what happened there, it was worse, the firefighters arrived quickly, got up, opened the door and took the father and two children out of the apartment , they were all unconscious, inhaled smoke,
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despite the efforts of the doctors for a four-year-old boy and an eight-year-old girl, the dose of carbon monoxide turned out to be... the people are absolutely social, wonderful, they were friends, there was no noise from them, never, they loved the children very much, they cared for them , vasily is a wonderful person, his wife too, there were never any conflicts, nothing, but the whole house loved them , respected them, on the tenth floor there is still a strong smell of burning, the walls are smoked and there are even traces of soot on the window, if... you open it, then there you can see a burnt-out apartment, one of the window openings was knocked out and it is covered with plywood, here are the things that were taken out of the apartment, children's crafts, a sled, here is a child's drawing, this is how an entire family was destroyed in an instant, according to neighbors, the cause of the tragedy could have been pranks children who were left without supervision, the day before after lunch the adults went out
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on business, the kids were left at home alone, admiring the lights on the garland, the parents hung it on the curtain a couple of days ago. investigators are now looking into why it caught fire. a criminal case has been opened under the article of causing death by negligence. previously, the source of the fire was a new year's decoration installed in the apartment. investigators of the capital's investigative committee have appointed a fire-technical examination. the investigation is ongoing. the case is terrible and far from the only thing in the last few days in crimea, investigators are looking into the causes of the death of a family of four, early. in the morning, in a private house, the bodies of spouses and their children aged 8 and 12 were discovered, all with signs of poisoning, combustion products, the last month of the year has never been without sad records, state emergency situations ministry employees. the number of fires in december almost doubles, and along with it, the number of victims also increases. for example, last year 56 children died in december,
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this year the month has just begun, and already four children's lives, everything is possible. a decent number of such fires, when the parents have left, the children are left to themselves, as a result, the death of the children occurs from the fire, i myself started as a firefighter, and when you enter the house, where you are always looking for a child, not in the corridor, not in the room, in a secluded place, somewhere under the bed, in a chest, in a closet, that is, does this mean that we want and don’t want fear? when december comes, our number of dead children doubles. some more reasons why children die in fires careless handling of fire, including when using a stove. heating and low-quality electrical appliances, often we are talking about the cheapest garlands of semi-prepared production in some nameless foreign factories, these can
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spark or explode at any moment, almost always this leads to a fire, in december ribbons with multi-colored light bulbs appear almost everywhere every window, when purchasing, rarely anyone is interested in quality certificates and the origin of the product, forgetting that they are dealing with a full-fledged electrical appliance, now they they sell on every corner and often even the sellers themselves are not sure of the quality of their products, it is normal, there is a certificate, what kind of certificate is for chinese ireland, where you need to especially carefully monitor the quality of these electric drills, purchase them in specialized stores that have certificates, reliable suppliers and so on, because it very often happens that products are of poor quality. to fire and even human casualties, but even if you have a high-quality garland, experts advise having fire extinguisher, it is preferable to choose a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher and place it
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in the hallway, because electrical panels are usually located in the hallway, they very often become sources of fire, so an extinguisher will not be superfluous there. and so-called fire detectors will also help save lives. very often, according to emergency situations ministry employees, people die in their sleep from asphyxiation. smoke, these compact boxes will help you avoid trouble, their price is low, only 500 rubles, but often from this amount life depends, these are the most common smoke sensors, they react to smoke, thermal sensors, they react to heat, to an increase in temperature and flame sensors, that is, they react to the radiation of the flame, what would be the ideal option for an apartment, rather a brownie, a brownie is the most widespread, it is necessary to install a sensor in the hallway , install it in the kitchen, but in the kitchen not above the stove, not above the heating devices, just a little closer to the door.
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three is enough for a standard two-room apartment. devices, they will warn even before the concentration of smoke in the air becomes lethal. now we will try to simulate a situation when a christmas tree catches fire, here is the tree itself, there is a smoke chimney under it. a cloud of smoke appears, we substitute ours under it. fire detector and wait for the sound signal to appear , you can already see that smoke is entering its sensors, and well, after about 20 seconds a sound appears, the sound is strong enough, it will wake up even a sound sleeping person. recently, fire detectors must be in apartments of large and disadvantaged families, employees of the ministry of emergency situations have been periodically conducting since 2018... charity raids have already installed more than 900,000 such devices. during this period of time, more than 4,000 people were saved, half of them
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were children, you never know, 2.0 children in 5 years. i believe that any human life is priceless, especially a child’s. a huge number of lives can be saved if among the new year's gifts, instead of dubious cheap garlands, there are devices that will not hesitate to distract people from new year's celebrations and will be warned about trouble, andrei romanov, olga mazurak, victor bormin, alexander zarubov, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty unit. to return wealth to the state, in samara the court accepted for consideration the claim of the prosecutor general's office for the return of the lands of podzhabny island to the state. they ended up in private ownership, thanks to the machinations of several private companies associated with the now former judge, alexander efanov. previously, he headed the sixth constitutional court, but when a scandal broke out, efanov was stripped of his robe and disgraced... resigned, a criminal case was opened on the fact of fraud, now the police are finding out how 40 hectares of unique municipal land went into private hands, all
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the news is in our telegram channels, led by the duty department and an honest detective, also watch us on the platform, watch, on that's all, see you later. the young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment with her own hands, shot at the peasant’s hut, bang, miraculously no one was killed to death, what’s the difficulty? mother is an important person at her court, everything is fine with my daughter okay, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, the singer repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, it could be forgiven, but according to the law, siberia is supposed.
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siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i would tear you apart with horses, where are you going to drown yourself, soon!
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am pashtum, afghan, i am a russian soldier, honest, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it is theirs beckons, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in. i
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’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, but no, we need to move on, the doula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses.
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russia is ready to cooperate on the issue of protecting the rights of citizens, although it has withdrawn from a number of international institutions, vladimir putin stated this at the human rights council. december 10 marks the 75th anniversary of the un adoption of the universal declaration of human rights. unfortunately, we are celebrating this anniversary in difficult times. a situation where the process of degradation of the international system for ensuring and promoting human rights continues. it actually controls its institutions.


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