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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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russia is ready to cooperate in matters of protecting the rights of citizens, although it has withdrawn from a number of international institutions, vladimir putin stated this at the human rights council. december 10 marks the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the un universal declaration of human rights. unfortunately, we are celebrating this anniversary in a difficult situation, when the process of degradation of the international system for ensuring and promoting human rights continues. its institutions are actually... politically biased,
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hypocrisy and openly selective. so, for 8 years, we have seen their helplessness and direct ignorance of flagrant violations in the relations of the residents of donbass. in these structures they not only do not notice , but even encourage the manifestation of russophobia, they support those countries that are in a hurry to take first place in this shameful... competition of russophobes, as you know, russia has withdrawn from a number of international human rights organizations, but this does not mean that we are abandoning the principles laid down in the declaration, on the contrary, we are ready to cooperate with all interested countries and partners, to find a solution for the formation of an effective, fair, equal system for ensuring human rights for all. the declaration of human rights is against oppression. and tyranny, but the west
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discredited it, maintained double standards, undermined the sovereignty of other countries, emphasized the head of the human rights council valery fodeev, among the problems he also noted security and problems related to migrants. strict compliance with laws is necessary. for example, it is no secret that migrants can work for 60 hours per week. this is beneficial to employers, but violates the labor code. not uncommon. when migrant families do not allow their children to go to school, this primarily concerns girls, this , of course, violates the family code, russian language exams in many cases are accepted formally, to put it mildly, military registration, people receive russian citizenship, but are not registered with the military, but in addition to the rights and citizens, the rights of citizens also have a duty, all visitors must, i repeat this again, comply with russian laws, treat with respect, treat
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our cultural traditions, to the traditions of our peoples and so on, uh, well, of course, and their rights too, as a civilized country we must ensure, this is a large complex of issues and it is very important that , first of all, of course, we must frankly speaking, the interests of citizens of the russian federation, first of all, in all areas. the russian army in the krasnoliman direction repelled five attacks by ukrainian army assault groups on kherson, two brigades of the ukrainian marine corps were immediately attacked, zelsky’s formation lost over 800 more soldiers, mercenary officers, 16 armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as three self-propelled guns and howitzers, including the american m777 system, 30 combat drones were shot down. december 5, the day of military glory of russia. december 5, 1941, the beginning of the counteroffensive near moscow. the victory has begun. counteroffensive of the red army against
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the west at 250 km. enemy groups of nazi troops in the battle of moscow. in a month of fighting, the german troops were thrown back, defeated and hastily retreating, abandoning equipment and weapons, suffering huge losses - the soviet information bureau reported in december 1941. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. december 5, 1484 , pope on kent. marked the beginning of the witch hunts in germany. on this day, he issued a bula about the need to combat heresy and witchcraft. the holy inquisition was allowed to use any means, and those who interfered were excommunicated. the pope gave powers to two representatives of the dominican order, heinrich kramer and jacob sprenger. later they wrote a treatise "the hammer" of witches about demon witchcraft, about what methods should be used in persecution of witches. with especially . they were executed for heresy in germany,
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switzerland and france; those declared to be the devil's lovers were burned. the pan-european madness continued for more than 200 years until the 17th century. according to various estimates, from several hundred thousand to 3 million people were killed by the absurd accusation. on december 5, 1924, in the ancient russian village of palikh in the ivanovo region, an ancient painting artel was created and thus the palikh art of lacquer miniatures was born. for many centuries, palikh was the center of iconography. palikh icons were famous for their special the subtlety of writing using gold on the clothes of the saints. the palevsky style... the masters transferred it to lacquer miniatures, adapting their art to the new atheistic realities. at the request of maxim gorkov, artel workers from palikh were presented with art albums, including works by masters of the european renaissance. thus, the subjects of lacquer miniatures were works by italian artists. since
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1936 , the gorkov art school has been operating in palikha, where to this day the subtleties of the art of lacquer miniatures are taught. palikh presenters and artists teach. on december 5 , 1931, the bolsheviks blew up the cathedral of christ the savior. it only stood for half a century. it was built in honor of saving the fatherland from napoleon. the cathedral was painted by outstanding artists, including vereshchagin, surikov, kromskoy. the new government decided to build a grandiose house of soviets on the site of the temple, which was to become the tallest building in the new socialist moscow, 415 m, along with a huge statue of lenin at the top. because of the war projects. didn’t have time to implement it, but then it was transferred, and here an open swimming pool moscow. at the end of the 20th century , they decided to recreate the temple. the new cathedral of christ the savior has become the largest orthodox cathedral in russia. it has the status of a patriarchal metochion and can accommodate up to 10,000 people.
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the total height of the temple is 103 m. this is one and a half meters higher than st. isaac's cathedral in st. petersburg. on december 5, 2003 , the longest railway tunnel in russia was put into operation. it was laid through the thickness of the severomuisky mountain range in buryatia. a 15 km long tunnel closed the baikal-amur highway. before the train we walked around dangerous bridges with large slopes. this limited the length of the trains and, of course, the speed. the tunnel was built intermittently for 26 years. in the most difficult geological conditions with tectonic ones. faults, groundwater and high concentrations of poisonous radon gas in mine workings. difficulties were overcome, the tunnel was opened, and travel time in the section was reduced from 2 hours to 20 minutes. the tunnel is still single-track; now, to increase its capacity, the option of constructing a second
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severomoisk tunnel is being considered. december 5, 2019 the premiere of the russian film rzhev took place. the military-historical drama is dedicated to the battle of rzhev, one of the key battles of the great patriotic war, undeservedly forgotten in soviet times. in modern historiography , the term battle of rzhev or rzhev meat grinder includes four offensive operations of soviet troops, the western and kalinin fronts, against two field armies of the german group center. the red army soldiers had to liberate rzhev vyazma in order to block the germans’ path to moscow. the goal was achieved, but incredibly at a high price, more than a quarter of a million red army soldiers died on the battlefields alone. the film, directed by igor kopylov, tells only about one episode of the battle of rzhev; it is based on the story redeemed by the blood of the soviet writer fontovik
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vyacheslav kondratyev. the creators positioned it as an extremely honest and realistic film about the war. this is what this day was like. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. it is necessary to separate the people of ukraine and the criminal power. we are fighting against the nazis. 10 years after the maidan. how did this turn out for ukraine? that we are fighting. our position remains unchanged - the neutral, nuclear-free status of ukraine. this is the complete demilitarization and denocification of ukraine. every time there, several times a day, they prick these children’s fingers. this, of course,
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i think is a mockery. we think we have achieved a solution; continuous glucose monitoring systems will be purchased in the regions. when monitoring appeared, i generally realized that this is... an invaluable thing, in fact, with diabetes, we have a lot of children ahead, great, good cinema, the minister reported to the state duma on the status... what was approved, and what is proposed to be corrected, so that along with the english breakfasts, representatives of russian national gastrocultures would also be at the breakfasts, we are adopting a basic employment law that meets the challenges of the threat of today , guarantee of labor rights, protection during the construction of private houses, support for russians. what other bills was approved by the state duma this week, as well as how the country can make money on the creative
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potential of russians, about this and more, further in our program, russia and libya for expanding bilateral cooperation. a delegation from the north african republic visited the state duma this week. mecheslav volodin met with the chairman of the supreme state council of libya mohammed takaly. this visit will give impetus to the development of relations between the countries, the state duma speaker noted at the meeting. russia and libya have great potential for cooperation in various fields. trade turnover is growing, this year alone it has almost tripled. muhammad takala proposed creating a joint contact group to coordinate the work of parliamentarians. vyacheslav volodin supported the initiative. noting that for cooperation it is necessary to look for new, more effective formats. between our countries have deep roots, we have always advocated the development
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of cooperation with libya, we need , within the framework of the parliamentary dimension, to do everything to ensure that the dialogue is on an ongoing , systemic basis, so that relations develop not only within friendship groups or one-time visits, but also at the level of our specialized committees and commissions, on the principles of mutually beneficial cooperation and certainly the absence of double standards, as well as non -interference in the sovereign affairs of independent states. live without constant painful injections. this is the dream of many russian families where children with type 1 diabetes are growing up. continuous glucose monitoring systems help eliminate the need for injections; by law, they are required to be provided to families free of charge. but alas, in many regions this occurs problems. there are not enough funds in the budget. the wait for the device sometimes stretches out. over the years, deputies have repeatedly drawn the government's attention to this problem:
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the president instructed to resolve the issue. a corresponding article appeared in the federal budget for the next three years, and already this year, at the request of the state duma, the government allocated an additional billion to the regions for the purchase of glucose monitoring systems. maria burkova saw how these systems change the lives of children with diabetes. at four. sasha's first diabetes like, the boy’s mother admits that as soon as the disease became known, i had to master the skills of a nurse, i had to measure my son’s blood sugar almost every hour, i pricked a lot, i pricked my fingers 10-15 times a day, a lot, because i couldn’t understand what would happen with sugar, because i had to adjust, the child is small, everything is literally affected by activity, mood, weather? everything has an impact, when monitoring appeared, i generally realized that this is an invaluable thing, in fact, with
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diabetes, such systems of continuous glucose monitors allow you to measure the child’s blood sugar level without pricking a finger, a sensor with a small and soft needle is attached to the shoulder, with such a device a child can walk for 2 weeks without removing it even during bathing, the introduction of the availability of means of continuous glucose monitoring, it allows maximum to preserve... and the body without complications by the time the disease becomes curable, so that these children and adolescents live without complications, and perhaps they will already have other prospects, continuous glucose monitoring systems , as a rule, such boxes contain a disposable sensor, which is installed on the child using a special applicator, after which you can download an application to your phone that will send glucose readings to the child every 5 minutes, the average price of such a device about 6,000 rubles , and this is for 2 weeks, that is, you need
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to pay 12,000 per month, not every parent has this opportunity, so the state tries to provide systems for free, but not everyone gets it, explains sasha’s mother, in moscow had problems obtaining monitoring for children under 4 years of age. it turned out that the provision of children over four years of age was improved, here is the monitoring that was shown to them, and it... appeared almost immediately, but we could not get it for a very long time, glofrach wrote to me about the warehouse defect, due to the fact that the metronik company came under sanctions and these american sanctions... because this is american monitoring, there is some kind of chip there, that’s the difficulty with this. the situation will change, following an appeal from the state duma, the government has allocated funds and regions will purchase glucose monitoring systems for children with diabetes, russian president vladimir putin has instructed to ensure a solution to this issue. as state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin recalled, deputies
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approached the government with a request to allocate funding within the framework of the project fighting diabetes in the region in the current year. the government decided to allocate 1 billion this year for these purposes, and accordingly, 4.1 billion rubles were allocated for the next year, there was an order from the president, so we were all able to do everything together in order for the issue to be resolved, this means that many children will undergo testing painlessly. vyacheslavin thanked kostenko, who was one of the first to draw attention to this problem during the government hour of the minister of health in the state duma. nowadays, diabetes is detected even in newborns , and of course, every time there are pricks on the fingers of these children several times a day, this, of course, i think, is a mockery, and therefore, as if we, as if with all our minds, now stand for this, so that this issue is resolved, last february
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year, the chairman of the state duma appealed to prime minister mikhail mishustin with a request to take special control and provide children with such a diagnosis with non-invasive monitoring systems. during the report , the minister of health reports: the program has been approved. domestic developments are on the verge of implementation. today there are sanctions measures for glucose monitoring equipment, adopted by the united states in the eleventh package. therefore, in advance, why so to speak, it took time. today there are three registered medical products. alternatives, we hope that in the near future they will undergo this procedure, and accordingly, all the money is provided for this. particular attention was paid to this issue during the consideration of the budget for the next three years. then , amendments were made to the second reading to allocate additional funds for the purchase of continuous monitoring systems for sugar levels in children with diabetes. they had to
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constantly prick these little fingers several times a day. the very fact that we they said that this needs to be transferred to the level of state obligations, which led to the fact that the american company refused to supply these funds to the russian federation, now we ourselves can produce these devices and the children will be provided for, so they won’t prick children’s fingers anymore, maria burkova, anna melikyan , maxim koul, sergei vergunov, alexey chebburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin instructed to take control of the issue of the quality of school meals. the relevant committees will send a corresponding request to rospotrebnadzor. the department should constantly monitor the quality of food for schoolchildren, the speaker of the state duma emphasized. let's ask the health protection committee and the control committee to send requests
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to rospotrebnadzor so that they monitor issues of children's quality. meals in schools, for you and me, are organized everywhere in primary schools; it needs to be constantly on their agenda. the issue of school meals was raised by deputy biysultan khamzaev this week. while working in the regions , parliamentarians received complaints from parents primary schoolchildren on the quality of food in schools. individual unborn entrepreneurs, unfortunately, in the pursuit of super-profits in this matter, slides down to the level when. oil , use palm oil, margarine, rotten meat or some other specific actions, and here, of course, there must be a reaction, constant control. it is also important that deputies in the regions, respectively, each at their own level, control this issue. another important decision of the state duma this week is the employment law, a large-scale document now meets the latest
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requirements of the time. for example, it introduced the concept of platform employment, which means protecting the rights of those... who work, for example, in online trading, taxi or delivery; more about this and other bills of the week in our review. the new version of the employment law was adopted in the final reading. the document that is still in force was developed 30 years ago and has long lost its relevance, noted co-author of the initiative vyacheslav volodin. we are adopting a basic employment law that meets the challenges of today's threats. this is the result everyone's work. political factions, the government of the russian federation, employers, and of course, trade unions that guard the interests of working people. the amendments fixed the amount of minimum and maximum unemployment benefits equal to mrod. the new law stipulates the government’s obligation to index unemployment benefits every year, and
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not lower than the inflation rate. the emphasis is on preventing unemployment and an individual approach to the person. so, when selecting a suitable vacancy, they will take into account not only the size of the salary, but for example the distance of the job from the applicant’s home. the approach by which a person-citizen can now be recognized as unemployed will be clarified ; new concepts of such developing forms of employment as self-employment and platform employment will be clarified. svo members and their family members, as well as, for example, pre-retirees and people with disabilities can count on special support from the employment service . it is directly written that the employment service should deal with the employment of disabled people in the state sector. this is very important in many countries; the public sector is the leading provider of employment for people with disabilities. deputies supported another initiative to guarantee the labor rights of single fathers and mothers. the bill, adopted in the first reading, will protect from dismissal single
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parents of children under the age of 16, not 14, as now. and today, at the initiative of the employer, such an employee from such a family is not protected after the child reaches fourteen years of age. we suggest increasing the age when initiated. the employer is not an employment contract can be terminated before the age of 16, that is , before graduation, before graduation, this will be an additional guarantee of labor rights, in order to have a constant source of support for the family, for existence, about authorization on sites on social networks, from 1 december, a law came into force that obliges users to register on the runnet through a mobile phone, government services, a unified biometric system, or... with authorization that is in full, or more than 50%, under the control of russia, however, it turned out that large internet services, for example, yandex or azon, are not yet able to provide these
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conditions. this week, deputies decided that russian digital platforms will be given time to bring authorization systems in accordance with the law until 2025 . of course, the law is important and necessary, but this decision on a transition period for a year was made not... for the sake of digital companies, but for the sake of users, because if we did not pass this bill now, then our users will feel discomfort, it will be inconvenient for them to use a number of large services. in the first reading, the state duma adopted a bill to support athletes who are civil servants or military personnel, as co-author of the bill anton shipulin explained, athletes, candidates in the national team represent, for example, the dynamo or csk society, they today do not have the right to receive additional remuneration or prize money from the ministry of sports . this is a big problem, since without signing an agreement with the ministry sports to the sports training center,
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athletes do not have the right to be sent by the ministry of sports, pay for flights, pay for accommodation, and even take them to international competitions. it is proposed to lift the ban for candidates for russian national teams. the idea was supported by both the ministry of sports and the ministry of defense. 10 years ago there was a coup in ukraine, after the maidan, this country lost more than half of its population and a fifth of its territories, but most importantly it lost its sovereignty and came under the complete control of washington and brussels, he said chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. when it comes to ukraine, it is necessary to separate the people of ukraine and the criminal government, we are fighting against the nazis, and civilians who live in ukraine must understand that liberation is coming with our soldiers, peace,
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harmony, freedom are coming to the territory of our fraternal country, neighboring country, the chairman of the state duma was supported by faction leaders, we are not at war with ukraine, we are liberating it from the nazi-fascist bastard who confused this country. from the cia officers, who, in fact, they have stuffed the whole country with what allows them to carry out terrorist attacks and fight against us, we are fighting for ukraine, for our friendship, for our history, this is a fundamentally different approach, and we must cultivate and promote it in every possible way. our position, unchanged, is the neutral nuclear-free status of ukraine, this is complete demilitarization and denazification. ukraine, only on these conditions can we return to the negotiation process for the sake of peace on the land that the collective west
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has turned into a springboard for confrontation with russia. for his part, the chairman emphasized state duma, deputies must do everything in their power so that the families of soldiers do not need anything. today, more than ever, it is important to unite around the president and his decisions. we are lucky that the country is headed by vladimir vladimovich putin. you and i remember what happened, what we went through, and many times over, our president does everything... for the prosperity of the country, for its unification, and here, regardless of party affiliation, we must also lend a shoulder, unite for achieving the goals of the tasks that the president set as part of the country's development goals, strong women, mothers and wives of defenders of the homeland gathered in the state duma at the beginning of the week, on the initiative of the committee on family protection, issues of paternity, maternity
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and childhood. a meeting dedicated to mother's day was held. the focus was on those who raised the heroes of the special military operation. every mother, both those who are here with us and those whom they represent, and these are many mothers in our great russia, have their own quiet front. many have lost their sons. touching videos with difficult life stories showed towards. any mother. in such cases they feel hard, but all i can say is that i can’t help but be proud of my boyfriend, the guys said a lot of good things about him, about many of his heroic deeds, our son has a medal for military distinction, and the order of courage, event , which will bring together mothers, wives, teachers, prominent citizens, will become
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an annual tradition of deputies... of all factions, along with the day of family, love and fidelity. i want to say thank you, dear mothers, for raising such protectors. one time they said that military-patriotic education is not important, it is not necessary, why? do you really need a war? so, as long as russia remains strong, it needs defenders. look, in the second part. our cultural policy program, what emphasis we are willing to spend money on, the report of ministers in the state duma: rent a room by the sea, under what conditions guest houses can operate and support for creators, what the bill on creative industries promises.
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the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. national assembly residents made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 11th century, a new institution of class representation appeared: the councils of the whole earth. onander ii, zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized. as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years. the elections were multi-stage, held in four chickens. elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct, and took place under secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also
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to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution of the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are being formed, and gas elections are being laid as the basis. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. by organization. holding elections russia is significantly ahead of other countries. today , every russian voter understands how important it is to make their choice in order to support the changes in the country.


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