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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 8:00am-8:30am MSK

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and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebrand, temporary musicians, grab them soon. are military personnel in such high spirits? there are no weapons, there is nothing, people are dying, from the battlefield, no one is locked up. the nationalists of the kiev regime surrender to our soldiers, what the prisoners say about forced mobilization in ukraine. white house speaker karine-jean-pierre interrupted the briefing and literally ran away from an uncomfortable question: what were the journalists interested in? israeli
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troops carried out new attacks on several areas in lebanon are under fire and the south is under gas. we'll tell you all the details. in krasnoyarsk , cars are driven by a snowstorm; even a bus couldn’t resist. abnormal frosts in magadan, where you can still expect weather troubles. russia is ready to cooperate internationally on issues. effective and equal systems for ensuring human rights for all. vladimir putin stated this at the annual human rights council. the meeting also discussed support for participants in a special military operation, development of the information sphere and ecology. what other topics were raised about this anastasia efimova will tell you. russia is ready to cooperate with interested parties, although it has withdrawn from a number of international institutions. statement by the president, which was made at a meeting of the council for the development
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of civil society and human rights. among the global topics that the council deals with, valery fodeev highlighted information security, environmental issues, and labor migration problems. strict compliance with laws is necessary. for example, it is no secret that migrants can work 60 hours a week, this is beneficial for employers, but violates the labor code. there are often cases when migrant families do not... this applies to girls, this, of course, violates the family code, russian language exams in many cases are accepted formally, to put it mildly, military registration, people receive russian citizenship, but are not registered for military service, but besides rights and citizens, citizens have rights and a duty, all visitors must, i repeat this once again, comply with russian laws, respect our cultural traditions, the traditions
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of our peoples, and so on, here, well of course, their rights too , as a civilized country, we must ensure, this is a large complex of issues that is very important, so that we put at the forefront, first of all, of course, it must be said frankly, the interests of the citizens of the russian federation, first of all, in all spheres. another topic that was already discussed at the council meeting, russophobia, its wave, as we see, has not only not subsided over the past time, but seems to be gaining strength; in latvia, russian citizens living there for decades, often elderly people are forced to take exam in the national language , fill out a form in which they demand de facto to abandon their homeland, in germany bank accounts are closed, in europe as a whole assets are confiscated, even cars with russian license plates are confiscated at the border. it seems to me that it is important, uh, to give a signal that we are waiting for these people from unfriendly countries, also so that
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they feel, well, a certain formula, which, it seems to me, is high time to declare publicly, it simple, home is better, come back, the country is waiting for you, we are always we proceeded from the fact that in the modern world, a person has the right to independently choose the country where he wants to live, but what you said, what we are faced with, of course, requires us to pay attention to these processes, requires our adjustments in relations with these countries in which things of this kind are happening, and requires our attentive attitude towards people who want to return to their historical homeland. another topic that is raised within the council every year and given serious attention to is the criminal-executive system. the rights of those
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who become involved in an investigation or serve a sentence imposed by the court must also be respected, just as the law must be respected, by everyone without exception. the problem of torture , how unpleasant it is to pronounce this word , nevertheless, it is necessary, of course, it is necessary to continue monitoring the situation in this area without any doubt, and to identify every such ugly phenomenon, if they arise, these ugly phenomena in our system, in general in our activities in law enforcement. we definitely need to keep an eye on this, otherwise , if we are here even for a moment, we miss something, yes, we will have very serious consequences from the point of view and the unity of our society, it is extremely important, the issue of torture was raised by eva merkacheva, she has been studying for many years respect for human rights,
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including within the framework of criminal enforcement proceedings, formulated specific proposals to try to solve the problem, which is not the first time discussed within the council. the investigation into torture cases is extremely sluggish, this is due to the fact that their investigative committees are run by regional ones, but they are not interested, and moreover, i can say that the investigative committees in the regions interact with the staff of the colonies, their work is well established, so they are very, well, what can i say? often such a story, when the investigator, the prosecutor of the region, and the chief cheremist there, they are very friendly and very friendly with the families, so i repeat, such investigations do not end with anything, two simple solutions that could... restore torture, here are two simple ones, i ask about them, first, that the person who complained about torture be transferred to an institution in another region, second, that cases of torture are investigated not at the local regional level, but at the central office of the investigative committee. i think it would be possible to create a similar unit; they would
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go out and investigate on the spot. this , of course, is not all that was discussed during the meeting that lasted more than two hours; the problems of teaching work and the difficulties of large families were also discussed. and work in new russian regions, for active the president thanked the position of the council members and asked them not to slow down the pace of work, recalling that both the country as a whole and specific people, its citizens, need it. in the orekhovsk direction, the russian military grinds down the enemy at the slightest attempt to advance towards our positions. the armed forces of ukraine do not change tactics; they abandon militant groups and they suffer heavy losses. igor pikhanov. will tell you more. landmark first left 100 short fire. soldiers of the ninth company of the 503rd regiment open fire on the enemy, aerial reconnaissance revealed ukrainian militants who
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sided with the position of the russian military. tactics in the ssu have been changing for many months, small groups are trying to break through to our crepurain, machine gunners and artillerymen are stopping the attack attempt. don’t let the dergeshniks pass, we stand around the clock, we also watch, making sure that they don’t pass , it often happens, yes, here are the dergeshniks, there are five of them, seven of them walk, this is one of the hottest sectors of the front in the zaporozhye region, orekhovskoe direction, between the crepes of our military trenches militants are only a little more than a kilometer away, the ministry of defense specialists have created serious fortifications, points where... the enemy, with an arrow from artillery and tactical aviation, but despite the heavy losses, the command of the armed forces every time throws their subordinates into battle, we smoke them out, what do they they come up with something new, but still they don’t go very far from the old positions , because it’s still labor-intensive to dig up, especially since this is the season, that is, they
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are working from the old positions, as if we overtake them there, it turns out that we are very we are strongly suppressing, but the destruction is strong , so they are still afraid, the edges of the front of the ministry of defense units are destroying manpower and military equipment in the ssu, for professionalism and courage, a large number of fighters have state awards. everyone seems to be holding on well, strong, that is, well, a close-knit team, everyone stands for each other, well, you have many nationalities, yes , yes, we have kabordino-balkaria and kalmykia and the russians, as if everyone is here together. according to the russian military, the counteroffensive in the ssu has stalled. the enemy is forced to retreat defense, the number of shelling by militants has noticeably decreased, as prisoners say, there are not enough ammunition and trained specialists, there are many casualties among personnel, unprepared mobilized people are being sent into battle, for many ukrainian soldiers the only option to save their lives
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and health is to surrender, was a lot of summonses were issued on the street in minibuses, the fourth summons was already told that they would forcibly take me away, i went myself. military registration and enlistment office, what are the moods of the military personnel? well, the military personnel are in no mood, because that all the oppressed understood that they were going to be meat. well, there are no weapons, there is nothing, people are dying, no one is being taken from the battlefield, the name defense unit regularly sends leaflets to enemy positions with an offer to surrender, there are detailed instructions on how to get in touch with the russian military, the easiest way is to use a radio station, a round-the-clock wave called the volga has saved dozens of lives; those who decide to voluntarily lay down their arms are guaranteed decent treatment and, if necessary, health care. igor pikhanov, konstantin pionov, alina zyyova, vesti, zaporozhye region. democrats and republicans in the
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us senate have not agreed on a deal to provide financial assistance to ukraine. bloomberg previously reported that kiev would not receive assistance from washington until mid-december, and even possibly until next year. journalists note that broad support for the kiev regime is already bursting at the seams, since the counter-offensive in the ssu has reached a dead end. the topic will continue. the us senate could not agree on a deal to allocate funds to ukraine, about nbc reports this. at the hearing , republicans said the request for assistance to kiev would be approved only after changes to us immigration laws. to encourage his colleagues to vote correctly, the democratic majority leader even announced a special guest at the next funding hearing. i would like to announce that the administration has invited president zelski to address senators via secure video at a closed briefing to be held at a later date so that we can hear directly from
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him, what exactly will happen when voting on this issue. the problem was discussed in the white house. jake sullivan, national security advisor, at the briefing again repeated the traditional thesis about the need to fight russia. according to him, ukrainians are now fighting for western values ​​and global democracy. with congress inactive, the administration will run out of resources to purchase weapons by the end of the year and. ukraine votes for russia's victory, voting against support for ukraine is voting for russia's dictatorial interests, understand this. senators must remember, their voice is important in the context of democratic values ​​around the world. meanwhile, the western press moved on to correcting its mistakes. they are dismantling the ukrainian summer counter-offensive. according to the washington post, its conductors were american and british military personnel. used figurines with board maps and computer war games. it didn’t help, experts comment.
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the administration and congress have always focused on technology. we have this idea that if we just spend enough money we'll buy the right one. equipment, we will win. we think that technology solves all problems, this is not so, and we are convinced of this in ukraine. pseudo-advanced methods did not produce the desired results. american journalists recognize the united states initially. save money in kyiv. as an example, they cite the pentagon’s april strategy until the last ukrainian, when in the spring american curators demanded that kiev carry out a mechanized frontal attack, believing that this way washington could do without additional costs. as a result , huge losses in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. alika komarova, news. and now a frame from telegram channels is the american city of arling, where eyewitnesses managed to film the moment of a powerful explosion that literally destroyed a residential building. the police tried to enter there in search of the suspect, he responded by firing from
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a flare gun, after which the building suddenly flew into the air. this night, israeli fighter jets attacked military targets on lebanese territory, in response to yesterday's rocket attack on northern israel by hezbollah forces. the tsakhals stated that they carried out artillery strikes on several areas to finally eliminate the threat. and the city of jenin on the west bank suffered a major attack that night. more than 50 military vehicles and four bulldozers of the israeli army stormed the city, the palestinian agency reports. the publication reports that idf forces have stationed their troops in the vicinity of the government hospital. bulldozers began destroying infrastructure amid violent clashes. ihan yunis in southern gaza is under intense fire. previously, dozens of tanks drove there tsahal. and residents were asked to evacuate towards the rafah checkpoint on the border with egypt. the world health organization
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says a ground operation in the southern part of the enclave will deprive thousands of people of access to medical care. and now it’s time for alexander’s economic news; russians’ funds in brokerage accounts have increased by almost one and a half times. tell us, what did you invest them in in the first place? tatyana, the promotion was especially popular in the third quarter, i’ll continue the topic. russians' funds on the stock exchange in the third quarter exceeded 9 rubles, this is one and a half times more than for the same period last year, as the bank reports , the shares were especially popular, which is associated with an increase in quotes and dividend payments. as a result, private investors invested more than 90% of their funds in securities, which is almost 8.5 trillion rubles; they bought not only shares, but also corporate bonds, primarily in the oil and gas sector and the chemical industry;
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russians keep only about half a trillion rubles in brokerage accounts in domestic foreign currency is approximately 6.5% of all... funds. russia is ready to support a fund that will mitigate the consequences of climate change for developing countries, but only under the condition of full participation in its work. finance minister anton siluanov told tas agency about this. it is important for us to have access to the management of the resources that accumulate in the fund if russia finances it. lately we have seen that they are trying to exclude russia from participating in international formats of such discussions. that's why we want. understand to what extent russia will be represented in management of fund resources. we are talking about a fund that should help developing countries cope with damage from weather anomalies. at the twenty-eighth un climate conference, currently taking place in dubai, several countries have already pledged funding. germany and the united arab emirates are ready to give 100
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million dollars annually, and italy - 200. nazima findiyev is leaving the post of ceo of metalloinvest, he has been in the company for 20 years, and he has held this position since april 2020, and now nazim effendiyev will take over board of directors and focus on making strategic decisions to improve business sustainability. operational activities will be managed by oleg kristinin, who has been appointed acting ceo. over the years, he was responsible for metalloinvest’s commercial activities in domestic and foreign markets. oleg kristinin is faced with the task of continuing to implement the company’s development strategy and introducing new approaches to managing business processes to improve operational efficiency. metallinvest - one of the world's leading producers of iron products and hot briquetted iron. now the company is in the process of replacing
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retiring export markets and adjusting logistics chains in the conditions of western restrictions and at the same time continues to invest, so it invested 2 billion rubles with vat in the modernization of the ninth section of the lebedinsky combine concentrating plant, it will be able to additionally produce up to 250,000 tons of concentrate in year. at the end of the issue , let me remind you that exchange rates for today are usd 90 rub 67 kopecks, euro 98.57, that ’s all i have for now. we have made significant steps in developing our relations in the world. this is of genuine interest, the neo-colonial system has ceased to exist, thank you for coming, for not forgetting us,
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there is strong inter-confessional peace in the country. no fundamental changes have occurred today in terms of the goals that we set for ourselves at the beginning of the operation, it is important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know our neighbors, we are praying for you, cool, god. you're probably better off you know me, no, hello, my child is a christian, he lived in a village, in tserskaya province. thank you, results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow
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time. there are some snowstorms in the krasnoyarsk territory. on the highways , the movement of the car had to be restricted; a bus with fifteen passengers was blown away by a strong side wind, it overturned, but no one was injured. in the regional center the situation turned out to be no better; there were nine-point traffic jams on the roads. the prosecutor's office intervened in the case and discovered dozens of areas where there was no snow. cleaned up. citizens' calls to medical centers have become more frequent. today the snowstorm has subsided; restrictions on transport on country roads have been lifted. to the magadan region. extreme cold came, -55° at night, a little warmer during the day. in a number of areas, bus services have been canceled, and schoolchildren from the suburbs are allowed to attend classes freely. lyudmila shcherbakova will tell you in more detail, schoolchildren in the suburbs of magadan, the villages of sokol and uptar today are free to attend, the decision on whether
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to send the child to study or not is made by the parents, to the ptara school out of 120 six students came, there are six people at the school today, six students, the bulk are from elementary schools and two from the fifth grade, organized educational activities, organized a hot breakfast for children. the rest of the children are studying remotely. bus service to the yagodin and sosuman districts of the region has been suspended. there is no mobile communication on the highway; during extreme cold weather, drivers prefer not to risk the lives of passengers. any breakdown at -50 will be a big problem. there is frosty fog on the columa highway, in the suburbs in magadan today it was down to 40° below zero; in the central regions of the magadan region, the thermometer dropped to -55°. in a neighboring village. zhiri transport is running, the drivers say that the cars are modern and ready for anything. while everything is heating, everything is working, you see, it’s warm, everything, everything is working, the stoves, everything
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is being brought out by the bus, everything will not be in the old ones, rescuers are recording a large number of fires in houses due to faulty electrical appliances, reminding residents of the region to be careful. we are experiencing a surge in man-made fires, before they are associated, of course, with the active use of heating ... equipment, both electric and stove heating, in this regard, we recommend not to leave it unattended, not to entrust control over it to children, not to leave children unattended, not to overload electrical networks, weather forecasters they say that this cooling near the magadan region is carried by air masses from yakutia and specifically from the cold pole of the aymikon, frosty weather in the central regions of the region will continue for another 3 days, minimum temperatures are expected at night air, -50-55° on december 5-6, on the okhutsk coast, also at night
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the air temperature is expected to be low within the range of -25-30°. according to forecasters, it will become warmer in the region by the end of the week. on thursday , a snow cyclone will arrive on the coast of the magadan region and the air temperature will rise by 10-15°. lyudmila sherbakov alexander feshchenko vesti magadan. and now the news is sports alexander, the seventeenth round ended yesterday. summarize it. tatyana dynamo beat rubin yesterday and returned to third place, two points behind zenit dynamo, leading krasnodar by four. so, the program of the seventeenth round closed the night before in moscow. dynamo played against kazan rubin. the outcome of the match was decided by one goal, scored by konstantin in the middle of the first half. the striker completed a cross from the left flank by dmitry skopentsev. konstantin tyukavin, in excellent form, scores for the fifth game in a row. dynamo extended its unbeaten streak in
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the championship. let me remind you that the last time dynamo lost was back in september. the blue and white returned to third in the standings place. dynamo is two points behind zenit and four points behind leader krasnodar. in the eighteenth round, the last before the winter break, dynamo will play on sunday in voronezh against. the torch, in the rpl there is just one round left before the winter break, it will take place as scheduled, decisions on individual matches, for example, on two matches in moscow, will be made privately. the teams in the first leagues have already gone on a winter break; the championship will resume in early march. just the president of the national football league nail izmailov became a guest another issue about the russian football program. broadcast late this evening. many. the clubs believe that this is unfair, many clubs of the national football league that participate in the cup, so we will discuss with the rfu the possibility of changing and redistributing income, the income pool and
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possibly changing the rules for the participation of teams, well , introducing the same dable elimination as for premier teams -leagues, including for fnl clubs that have passed a certain stage, this is probably important, this is necessary for interest in cup, not only as the rpl cup, but also as the rfu cup, the entire football system. the next game day of the continental hockey league included only one match, avangard hosted amur on its ice. won a strong-willed victory 2:1. as a result of this match, avangard takes first place in the east in terms of lost points in the summary table of the entire league metallurg. also, forward irit
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boucher took first place with another goal scored by vladimir tkachev using the goal plus pass system, tkachev also took first place in the khl. in the list of top scorers he surpassed spartak player nikolai goldobin. in the national hockey league , tampa forward nikita kucherov, the best scorer of the season today, strengthened his position. last night , the russian scored two points, scored a goal and gave an assist. kucherov scored his goal in the middle of the first period and got the puck free. on the ice he turned around and threw it into the top nine, where he won 4:0. in the list of the best in the kgl according to the goal plus pass system, nikita kucherov is in first place in twenty games of the season, he already has 42 points, and russian tampa goalkeeper andrei vasilevsky for the first time this season, he kept a clean sheet, for the goalkeeper, this is the thirty-third dry match in enkhailovskaya career. this coming saturday, december 9, the united arab emirates will host
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the congress of the world boxing forum, the international boxing association. more than 170 national boxing federations will take part in the congress, and the main topic of the forum will be the protection of the physical, mental and financial health of athletes. let me remind you that the sports organization is headed by russian umar kremlev. the forum will host the eighth night of iba champions. within this tournament will host a fight for the first professional title of the international boxing association. the historic match will be held by the olympic champion tokyo. russian albert. gaziev, three-time olympic medalist, cuban lasra alvarez. last sunday, the third qualifying day took place as part of the children's rapid chess tournament chess stars 3:0. about 200 children gathered on the territory of the vegas croc city complex. the tournament participants were divided into four age groups, both in men's and women's categories. according to the results of the qualifiers, 120 the best participants qualified for the final tournament,
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which will be held in luchnyaki. from december 14 to 19, where children will compete in a rapid chess tournament in parallel with famous grandmasters, sergei koryakin, taimur radjabov, alexander grischuk, alexandra goryachkina and many others. the winners of the tournament are determined by the results of two disciplines - blitz and rapid. the total prize fund of the tournament is 15 million rubles. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. look how very safely they kept drugs, there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera in the ukrainian
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nikolaev, new cases: in ukraine there are biological research facilities, people began to realize how insincere and deceitful it was us government. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. nobody does not attempt to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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