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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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they say congress and the white house or it could even be some kind of political game, like a discussion about raising the national debt ceiling, they argue and argue, but in the end they will highlight what you think, well, good afternoon, first of all, i can say that after all, issues of the state budget, including defense spending, including expenses related to assistance from another state, after all, all these decisions are made by congress, in principle, the president... has the opportunity to allocate some emergency funds with the help presidential executive acts or presidential orders, but when we are talking about significant monetary spitting, and calculated for a year with a possible continuation, then this is, of course, part of the state budget and here everything is in the hands of congress. to a large extent, the issue of military assistance, ukraine has become a hostage... of internal political squabbles,
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which in the united states are now intensifying against the backdrop of the 2024 presidential campaign, which has actually already begun; in this context, the republicans are striving put pressure on the biden administration, believing that the assistance provided to ukraine is military and does not bring the results it promised. the biden administration , there is a strategic defeat of russia and other fantasies, so it is diverting funds from other tasks in the field of national security, and this is a comprehensive understanding of national security, for republicans it is focused not only on external threats, but on issues such as migration, border control , control over migrants entering the country is also something that
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americans call it home security. as far as external threat challenges are concerned, in general this is a very long-term trend, which was actually outlined by the trump administration, but , not surprisingly, the biden administration continued and intensified many times over, this is a significant increase in military spending with a view to simultaneously containing everything - after all, this is a political discussion, some kind of political political theater, but in the end the aid will be allocated, or will all this really come down to the elections in in the end, within the framework of the election campaign , so to speak, both sides will stand their ground , as they say, the white house will not have the opportunity to finance kiev, no, i am sure that the money will be allocated, another thing is that this will be another subject that the republicans will
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exchange for the allocation of military assistance to ukraine , they will ask something from the democrats, here the administration will bargain with congress, in general, but i am sure that, given, unfortunately, the remaining bipartisan consensus is quite rigid regarding the need for military political containment of russia, money will be allocated to help kiev, because there can be volumes, look, here - our colleagues , citing ukrainian journalists, write that during lloyd austin’s visit to kiev, zaluzhny allegedly asked the head of the pentagon for 17 million shells , in general, the figure was mentioned almost in the amount of 400 billion dollars in aid or even more, as far as possible, or we are talking about those 106 billion that were mentioned by biden, what could this new package be, or will they get off with a formality? with some kind of help, they will say, well, we are allocating some amount there, i don’t know, it’s in
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the millions of dollars, just to, so to speak, extinguish these political discussions? well, look, ukrainian fantasies and desires, they have nothing to do with the financial reality of the united states, the financial reality is this, which means that 830 billion dollars are requested for defense spending, which means 842 is the initially requested amount, 830 with a little... this is what can be allocated, as for military assistance to ukraine, it is about 60, there are different amounts appeared from 60 to 64 billion dollars , with regard to non-military assistance to ukraine, this is approximately another 40 billion dollars, here they are 100, 100 billion, which could hypothetically be allocated, in fact, i think that after quite a long bargaining, the amount may be reduced somewhat, but in reality we are talking about military assistance, in billions,
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tens of billions of dollars, i think that in the limit the ceiling is 60-64 billion dollars, which means that as far as 18 million shells are concerned, it is not military.. .cannot within more than 5 years to release such a number of artillery shells, the reality that now exists in terms of industrial capacity, it certainly does not correspond to the generally qualitatively changed forms of warfare, even the one that is now being waged as a hybrid war against russia in ukraine by nato countries, because the reality of the ukrainian conflict showed that all the beautiful high-precision systems that are designed for remote combat operations, for destroying the enemy without direct contact, means on the ground, they
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applicable only for demonstrations in relation to afghanistan, iraq, even. major significant opponents from a major military power. and in fact, all nato countries and the united states, including in ukraine, saw that traditional means of warfare are needed, and this is not even a means of maneuver warfare, not tanks, but artillery is needed, air defense systems are needed, the possibility of using new means, drone and so on, they generally complement such very traditional means of warfare, in this attitude of continuation of trench warfare, it will of course have a very serious influence on the logic of military planning, on the logic
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of sending out the thinking of the military, american nato, and at the same time this very serious impact should have on the development of the military-industrial complex of the usa and nato countries, just about loy tost spoke about his reform. yes, yes, yes, this is exactly what lloyd osin was talking about; it is natural that the united states first pushed its nato allies to waste soviet-style weapons in ukraine, including reserves - that is, shells for artillery, then they pushed them to spend a significant part of the old-style weapons, and now, in fact , the united states in europe has created a demand for modern american weapons systems, that is, they have created a demand for so that the american military-industrial complex, factories located primarily in the united states, with the necessary
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modernization, can be provided with orders for many years, and the united states will again be the winner. fedorkhovich, yes, i thank you for your comment, thank you very much. your expert discussion, andrei valerievich kortopolov , analysis is very interesting, always, let’s connect to the chairman of the state duma for defense, he is also in direct communication, andrei valerievich, hello, fedor and i discussed the largest modernization of the us defense industry, which was announced by lloyd austin, how do you think why this is necessary, the states are preparing for some kind of big war, or is it purely economic? well, it’s kind of both, you always want peace get ready for war, the fact is that at the turn of 2000, after the completion of the hierarchy of the company, the inglorious afghan company,
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the united states came to the understanding that their main weapons fleet, it was quite outdated, we were not taking it again.. .. these are the main types of precision-guided ammunition, as fedor spoke about, strategic weapons, although not everything is great there either, they still had conventional tactical weapons somewhere at the turn of the eighties, well, the same bradleys, these abrams and many, many , many others, because hundreds of these humvees and other armored vehicles burned in the ukrainian... open spaces suggests that the americans have stopped thinking about high -intensity military conflicts with the use of a massive amount of equipment and weapons. they tuned in to these standard police
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operations and intimidation operations, so ukraine basically opened their eyes, and of course, today the task is to create the necessary reserves of weapons equipment for their interests and needs to provide their own armed forces, in addition, this the workload, of course, of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, and this is additional investment, this is the development of production and much, much more, especially since now they have practically imposed their weapons standards and, in many ways, their own designs on the europeans, so austin was not lying absolutely, let it slip, yes, well, we have to give him credit, he’s not afraid to tell the truth. but it’s true that nato factories, particularly in europe, not only lack power,
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not even that much, but also lack the resource base to produce shells, including related to the production of gunpowder there and so on, this is indeed true, well, in part this is true, because the fact is that they produced many dual-use components, and even purely military ones, including from raw materials that were supplied to them by the russian federation. today, for obvious reasons and even the most imaginary, this is impossible, urgently finding a replacement in modern markets is not easy, they practically have no resources left, the european part of the continent has essentially been completely sucked out, saying, minerals, not to mention rare earth metals, further, many components were in
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china and with china now, by the way, under pressure from the united states, the europeans also do not have very good relations, so of course problems arise, and the third, important component, because in order to produce you need energy, energy, in europe was largely produced from liquefied gas by thermal power plants and simple gas, which was supplied by, who again is russia, now the northern flows have been undermined, now there is practically no gas flowing through the territory of ukraine, but where does the electricity come from? yes, this is a really important factor, that is , it turns out that this story is about 17 million shells, but it is utopian, the figure itself is understandable, but uh, nevertheless, in general about shell support... well, that is , the prospects are not particularly rosy in kiev in this
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regard? well, their prospects are really not very different, rosy, or rather, they are different, but not rosy, as for 17 million shells, you know, this is not a utopian figure - this is an estimated figure, i understand where it comes from took it, as the ukrainian general staff believed, why the hostage voiced this figure, in military science there are such concepts as just... calculated figures or calculated ammunition, this suggests that there should actually be 17 million of them, however less, this is not a utopia, but a desire, a desire, another thing is that the desires must correspond to the opportunities, today there are no such opportunities in europe, practically none in the united states, and most importantly, the united states no longer has the desire to do this, and this very obvious viewed based on their latest. body movements and based on the statements of many speakers, in ukraine itself, by the way, too,
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andrei valeevich, when we talk about the upcoming reform of the military-industrial complex of the united states, which has probably already begun, uh, the question is brewing, we need some kind of reform in this area, are any changes required in russia? well, in fact, we carried out this reform, thanks again to our former partner, over the past year, a lot has been done this year, now, there are enough left targeted measures that need to be carried out so that our military-industrial complex fully complies with modern realities and the needs of the armed forces, look, we fully provide the armed forces with everything necessary, not just according to the states and time sheets for peacetime states, in the context of a special i repeat once again, this is a high -intensity conflict that neither the united states nor european developed countries have seen since
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the middle of the last century. and remember, they are how many times have we promised each other that the missiles will soon run out, then the shells will run out, then the cartridges will run out, then the toilets and washing machines will run out, where did we get the chips for these very missiles, but it never ends, an old soviet joke always comes to mind for me , when they are talking about this, when in the battle near moscow, the machine gunner ran out of ammunition, he shouted, commissar, commissar? the cartridges ran out, the commissar came up, put his hand on his shoulder and said: “well, you’re a communist, vanya, you have a machine gun.” stitched again." therefore, let them not hope that something will end with us, it’s more likely that everything will end for them, but with us everything is just beginning. andrey valevich, yes, thank you for your comments, optimistic assessment, i’ll remind you, that we talked with the chairman of the state duma committee on defense andrei kortopolov, now we will take a break for
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a short advertisement, and after that we will continue, focusing on the ups and downs of internal ukrainian politics, there is a lot there. it helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and rinnost estra is active from 25 seconds , for everyone has their own renostop, it’s impossible to drive through such traffic jams, so it’s time to fly, dear ladies and leonid, fly there, back and wherever! with 5% cashback, pay for tickets on the aeroflot website or app through sbpp. but first , register at hello sherbakov. well, let him register for now and at the same time learn about all the advantages of the world card. can i have some coffee?
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the political squabble, i’m not afraid of this word, that has been unfolding there lately , political prospects, prospects for the election campaign, if it takes place. we have connections with a respected politician, former prime minister of ukraine, mykola azarov, mykola yayanovich, hello, hello, but here are some politicians, political scientists waiting a military coup in kiev is not expected in the next few days, tell me, do you have such expectations? no, i have no such expectations, moreover, i have complete confidence that there will be no coup, due to the fact that the situation in kiev is controlled by the security forces... with the west, it is the east with the british and americans, and is controlled quite tightly, therefore who can carry it out, and how do you assess the conflict between zelsky and zaluzhny? if he is? i don’t think this is a political game,
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because everyone understands that zelsky’s time is so to say, it ends, he understands this perfectly well, the narrow-minded one, that he has political ambitions, i have no doubts, and quite good prospects when these elections take place, that zelensky, if the moss had removed this narrow-minded one, would have been attributed to all of him are failures, this is also obvious to me, but he cannot remove him, there are several reasons, as they say, one of the reasons is that the americans do not allow him to do this, the second reason is that removing zaluzhny will only increase his popularity rating , and will give him confidence, so well, there are a number of other reasons why... zelensky still wants to blame everything on the narrow-minded, and for this he must, so to speak, remain in this position, especially since the development prospects are so
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to say, this whole military situation is not brilliant , on the contrary, it is tragic, so zelsky prefers to keep him and indirectly blame him, so to speak, for all the failures, but i understand correctly that there is also a tendency in the opposite direction, the military security forces want... it’s understandable, because look, after togo, like such persons as, for example, stoltenberg declares that the prospects, so to speak, are very difficult and the future of ukraine is also difficult, but what to talk about this, they know about this in ukraine, so naturally everyone strives for something like this to say , blame this whole difficult situation on someone, politicians blame it on the military, the military blame it on politicians, all this is a common occurrence, especially for us, how can events develop in
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such a case, do you think that there will be no coup, er from zelsky tired, mm, west supervises the security forces, what will it be, elections or some other scenario, maybe, as you see it, well, i still think that the west will put pressure on the elections. why , because, well, somehow, zelsky’s legitimacy must either be strengthened, or another person must be brought to power, the best way, which means the way for this is elections, do it through the maidan, well, after all, this is the umpteenth time firstly , it will happen, so it seems to me that the west will still put pressure on the elections, but we’ll see, there’s very little time left, because according to the constitution, it will the end of december, well, not he, or rather, the supreme council should announce. that there will be no elections, but first of all, this is beneficial to them,
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because the supreme council has already lost its legitimacy, the deadline for its renewal has passed, so naturally, so to speak, they have a desire to extend their term of office, the situation is not easy, but to me it seems that the americans are planning, because they are the masters. now of this regime, still transfer the conflict into a positional channel and drag it out as long as possible, that’s when i read what it means that the americans want at or there the british want to force zelsky to negotiate, then negotiations are only a means to delay the defeat of the kiev regime and freeze the conflict, this is in their interests, because the more conflict persists, the more damage there will be , including for russia, because they are absolutely not interested in ukraine , this has been clear to me for a long time, and the conflict, of course, is the continuation
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of the conflict in any form, frozen, not frozen, it will simply completely destroy ukraine, now it is coming, or winter has already arrived, the situation in that part ukraine, which is controlled by the kiev regime, is very complex, it’s just like that , i would say, from any position, from a financial position, from a budgetary position, from an energy position, from an economic position, from a social position, you name it, it ’s critical everywhere, and therefore, of course, first of all, ukrainians would need to think about this, but there are some political players who can raise such an agenda, and in general can lay claim to political struggle within the framework of elections. if they take place, well, the same poroshenko, yes, here we are discussing the last days, how he was not allowed to go abroad, they are calling him under various pretexts, at first they said that
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the sbu banned him there, then they say that the verkhovna rada. it seems that, too, who herself gave permission, spoke out against it, it’s interesting that this is also a political conflict, poroshenko, how strong a player is he now? well, you know that in ukraine, in the part controlled by the kiev regime, there are only forces left that are absolutely loyal to the americans and their opposition lies only in, so to speak, coming to the authorities, that’s all the opposition , well, poroshenko has nowhere to test himself, he... himself as president to such an extent that more than 70 percent of ukrainians voted against him in the second round, so in my opinion he is a broken card, but he may show some ambitions, he has a party structure, unlike the same zelsky, by the way, there are some people who can say something, the second why, why, by the way, in your opinion, is he not they released something they were afraid of,
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but why is it needed? for him to say so somewhere there he met someone, he, in my opinion , was going to go to the states in poland, well , now everyone goes through poland to the states, so the fact that he planned to go to poland is absolutely obvious, but in the states he has preserved contacts with whom he can meet, say something, use it as an informational occasion, revive himself so that they don’t forget, there was also a version that he would meet with orban at some point, well, maybe he would meet with orban. so although i wonder what orbán's desire is to meet with poroshenko, who has not done anything good for the hungarian community for hungary in his 5 years, but i think klychko’s candidacy is more interesting, i also consider him absolutely inappropriate for this means, well, klychko’s presidency is an incompatible thing, but klychko has been spinning up for a long time germans, he is first a citizen of germany, for about 20 years, approximately, yes
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, that means he has a passport of a citizen of germany, he has it there, as they say, and so to speak, housing and business , he has everything there; germany is very convenient for him , he knows german, lived there for a long time, so the germans consider him theirs, well, i mean what kind of germans, political so to speak, are his curators, especially with the cdu party, merkel bogovaliv to him there, so this absurd candidacy, the germans can . promote as an alternative for zelsky, although from my point of view , yes, zelsky, kluchko, and poroshenko are absolutely empty figures, they are absolute puppets who are not capable of developing any political course themselves, so i looked after poroshenko, like the man hung around in power for many years, but apart from, so to speak,
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his business interests. he has nothing, he has not seen any initiatives, yes, yes, nikolai yayanovich, unfortunately, we don’t have much airtime, yes, but it’s interesting, interesting, klitschko, you see, you name it too, many experts also name it from our political expert field in telegram channels they call him, it will be interesting to see, especially since he himself makes such rather harsh statements addressed to zelensky, it will be interesting to see his political prospects, nikala yayanovich, i thank you for your comment, thank you very much for taking part in our broadcast, answering questions, let me remind you that we talked with the politician, former prime minister of ukraine mykola azarov. thanks to all. the ministers of the caspian five are meeting today in moscow, in mida, on the agenda of security and development cooperation in the region. sergei lavrov also has bilateral meetings planned. we are monitoring the progress
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of the negotiations. israel is expanding its operation in the gas sector and, as reported by the media, is preparing flood the tunnel network. for this purpose , water pumps were previously installed near the refugee camp. the arctic invasion in central russia brings abnormal frosts to the region with temperatures dropping to -20°. how long will the cold snap last? at the russia exhibition at the airborne forces, today is the day in dmurtia and the kirov region. what achievements. will represent the regions, our correspondent is working on site. and firstly, about the situation in the special military zone.


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