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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them there and we won’t let you in. get along, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no , we need to move on, he’s leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses,
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now about the weather, last night in moscow became the coldest since the beginning of the season, while at the same time in several russian regions classes were canceled today due to extreme frosts. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, greetings, what will happen to the weather next? the peak of frost is still ahead of the european part of russia, but yakutia is experiencing the coldest days. the morning in moscow, after the coldest night since the beginning of the season , began with a colorful sky. a rainbow eagle around the star was observed in the north-west of the capital at around 10 o’clock. let me remind you that this the optical effect usually occurs in calm frosty weather with slight cirrus clouds. last night, thermometers at
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the moscow reference weather station showed -12.9. interestingly, the coldest temperature in the capital region was almost -18 in the south and southwest; in the northeast the temperature was 6-7° higher. well, views of the winter rainbow were enjoyed today in many regions. photos of the video holo were posted on social networks by residents of the tver region, the republic of komiya, the perm territory, the yamalo-ninensky autonomous okrug, krasnoyarsk and novosibirsk. kudsk today all school students stayed at home, the thermometer at the city weather station in the morning dropped below -46, at the airport it stopped at -49. the minimum temperature in the republic of sakha was -58 and 6 due to abnormal cold weather. in pokrovsky ulus they did not get on the bus line. in the vicinity of yakutsk, fuel froze in cars. frosty fog shrouds everything. temperature outside.
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-49, now 7:00 am, thick, thick fog, indicates that the temperature is very low, however, even in such extreme conditions there are those who do not betray their hobby, and yakutsk resident ilya arkhipov, even in the cold, moves around the city on a bicycle. excessive temperature indicators in themselves sound menacing, although when going outside it is necessary to take into account other conditions. yakut... with a weak north wind , humidity 54%. -44 counts as -54. in celihard there is a weak westerly wind, high humidity cools the air from 31 to -41. in the moscow region and calm, high humidity already makes you feel as if it is -20 outside. the fierce arctic cold envelops central regions of the continent in the northern part of the country the influence of the anticyclone is increasing, there are few clouds, ground check. the surface not
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only remains, but quickly freezes; the influx of cold is also facilitated by the cyclone. with a cold north-east wind, the cold rushed onto the russian plain. even in the moscow region, the morning temperature dropped to almost -18° and cold advection continues. on a vast territory from the republic of komiya to kolyma. the thermometers drop below -30. length of forty-degree cold zone will exceed 3,000 km.. well, twenty-degree frosts will begin to be observed in the neighboring moscow and yaroslavl regions. in yakutsk the temperature will drop to -47 at night, and -42 tomorrow afternoon. the same weather will continue on wednesday, and then the temperature will gradually increase. and on sunday afternoon in the capital of the republic of sakha, thermometers will show -30. in moscow, after the coldest night of this season, the thermometer will show -9 this afternoon. at night the temperature will drop to -15. cooler weather. according to preliminary forecasts
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it will be quite smooth, tomorrow afternoon -11, the next night -16, on friday the maximum temperature is already -14, the minimum is -18, well , the weekend will reach twenty degrees below zero. yes, real russian frosts. tatyana belova told us about the weather forecast. the kiev regime without western military assistance is doomed to defeat, the german bilt writes about this. the publication notes that russia has significantly increased its superiority over ukraine. one hundred western tanks transferred to kiev is clearly not enough to counter the russians, the author of the article reports. according to his data from the front line are coming. more and more bad news for ukraine and its partners. bad news for the zelsky regime comes from washington. alka kmarova will tell you the details. the us senate could not agree on a deal to allocate funds to ukraine. nbc tv channel reports this. at the hearing, republicans said that the request for assistance to kiev would be approved
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only after changes to us immigration legislation. in order to encourage colleagues to vote correctly, the leader of the democratic majority even announced a special guest for the next hearing on financing. i would like to announce that the administration has invited president zelski to speak to senators via secure video at a closed briefing to be held at a later date so that we can hear directly from him exactly what he is up to in voting on this issue. the problem was discussed in the white house. jake sullivan, national security advisor at the briefing, again repeated the traditional thesis about the need to fight russia. according to him , ukrainians are now fighting for western ones. values ​​and global. inaction congress, the administration will run out of resources to purchase weapons and equipment for ukraine by the end of the year. however, i believe that any member of congress who does not currently support funding for ukraine is voting for russia to win. to vote against support
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for ukraine is to vote for russia's dictatorial interests. understand this. senators must remember that their voice is important in the context of democratic values ​​around the world. and the western press, meanwhile. came to work on mistakes, they are dismantling the ukrainian summer counter-offensive, as reported by washington the post, its conductors were american and british military personnel, used figurines with board maps and computer war games to prepare the maneuvers, but it did not help, experts comment. the administration and congress have always focused on technology, we have this idea that if we just spend enough money and buy the right equipment we will win, we think technology solves all problems, it doesn't and we are seeing that in ukraine. pseudo-advanced methods did not produce the desired results. american journalists admit the united states initially tried to save money in kyiv. as an example, they cite the pentagon’s april strategy to the last ukrainian. when in the spring, american curators demanded that kiev carry out a mechanized frontal
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attack, believing that this way washington could do without additional costs. as a result , huge losses in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. alek komarov, vesti. and now to the situation in the zone. ammunition depot, mine crew positions. the tank crews of the center grouping of troops disrupted the rotation of the ukrainian formations. our tankers constantly provide support to advanced units. alexey baranov will talk about the advanced work of modern t-80 and t-90 on the contact line. the t-90 completed its combat mission. now , assault groups continue to work there behind the line of combat contact, and the vehicle is sent to a point before refueling to replenish its ammunition. the combat work of the tank crews of the central military district here at the torsky
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ledge in the krasnolimansky direction goes on around the clock. the crews operate both from closed firing positions and... especially on the front line, when attacks on enemy strongholds are carried out with direct fire, thereby providing fire support to the assault units of the central military district at the right time. a reconnaissance officer with the call sign rangefinder tells us about how serious the fortification in several rows was, erected by the ukrainian military, both on the line of combat contact and behind it. his group had just... returned from a multi-day mission, which was carried out behind enemy lines. it is clear that they have been preparing for more than one year, some dugouts are reinforced down to concrete walls, concrete ceilings , armament is completely filled in monolithically, there are many nato and soviet models, the task was set to reconnaissance one of the positions,
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it was successful, the enemy is working very hard with artillery, both small-caliber and large-caliber. hand in hand with volunteers from the central military district, their assault groups are delivered to the front line on these armored all-terrain vehicles, and they cover a couple of kilometers to the front line on foot. on line combat contact is intensely stable, recently in our direction there have been repelled, in total, about ten attacks, the so-called counter-offensive, we are ready at any time to repel the next influx, the soldiers feel energized, they believe in themselves in the strength of their weapons. active defense includes, of course , fire contact with units of the armed forces of ukraine, on the territory they occupy, rotation of volunteers takes place every three days, or immediately after the battle at a strong point the task is to carry out counterattacks, the enemy uses
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all types of artillery, from mines to hail, including the use of cluster munitions. while one unit is storming the positions of the ukrainian military , reinforcements are being delivered to the front line. the armored all-terrain vehicle makes at least five such flights per day. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, alexander porhunov, news. line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. exclusive footage of the work of intelligence officers was shown by the russian guard. in the video, the action of the unit during the search operations, work quietly and accurately. a quadcopter helps to inspect the area. in the forest, the group notices a tripwire, it is a live grenade. the sapper carefully removes it from the tree. there are also scouts nearby. discovered a hidden cache of weapons. in ukraine,
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and this is not a joke, they began sending cats to the front. the command of the armed forces of ukraine hopes with their help to cope with rodents that have begun to annoy the military; mice and rats gnaw through important cables in positions, damage equipment and even bite people. how much an effective new weapon, anastasia ivanova found out. instead of military commissars catching. there may well appear conditional balls that will chase cats, because mice in positions of the sun are not just a problem, but actually a disaster, when frost sets in, the rodents rushed into the warmth, guys, i’m filming, i’m filming, if you’re on the internet, but who we have mickey mouses here, mickey mouses, the laughter of the sushushniks does not last long, it quickly ends when mice gnaw through clothes, when rodents are found under the pillow in peacoats. come on, yes, they are in your sleeves. is not
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just one or two mice, they eat the dry land in swarms, and also chew through equipment, for example, wires from staring terminals, and even get into grenade launchers. i'm in position, calling the grenade launchers. guys, come on, come on, we’re working, we can’t work, why can’t you work, we have something stuck in the barrel, they open it, we accidentally reloaded the mouse, we are now in mourning at the position. there's a pr dog here. the cartridge is unlikely to help, now they have decided to have cats in dugouts, when there are already so many mice that the cats themselves they are scared, the chaos and unsanitary conditions among the ukrainian militants also made themselves felt, because the rats in the bank were only thinking about attracting as much cannon fodder as possible, now they are collecting all over ukraine to fight against rodents, they are planning to buy traps to send to the front line, after all, there are not enough of those made from improvised means, men, life hack, those who are in the trenches, and in whom there are bags, a five-liter jar, you see the dir, for 5 hvilins we collected,
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the main task is to send as many as possible to the line combat contact personnel, and how they live there no longer interests anyone, because their life is short, it turns out, but when they began to suffer sanitary losses, precisely because of rodents, because food poisoning, there are a lot ... diseases associated with just such unsanitary conditions, then they are really now trying to somehow fight rodents. the russian military, of course , also has problems with mice, here are epic shots of a self-propelled artillery mount, mice pouring out of the exhaust pipe like hail, it takes a long time to deal with them, of course. does not stand on ceremony, and such cases, of course, are the exception, our fighters have long ago gotten cats and set traps, but no one denies that they really are mice. and the mice are right there, the fact that there are so many rodents, this
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is also not surprising, the factor of concern, they shoot, shells explode, they of course flee from their homes, looking for where they can profit, and where they can profit, where there is food, and where there is food, the army has food, cats are in ukrainian dugouts, they will certainly ease the situation, but of course they won’t be able to pick up the volga radio frequency, that’s it... would it really help dryers? to the urals from sibima. we know that there are prospects where they overcome, where they work, where they create, there are prospects, with uralsip banks, they become a reality, ural sib, prospects are where you are, will you add more?
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extras, stay in the know, add to everyone who is in yandexlus additional cashback points when paying for yandex, hello, a gift is waiting for you in the megaphone, buy infinix with communications and get a second smartphone, a gift only in the megaphone, i am the chef kote agonezov, on my blogs i make simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important: astoria, now it’s definitely delicious. come to the plane plus service of apartment solutions from transaction to renovation and furniture. this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. meet the new godliarders. buy tickets on the website in
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, let him register for now, at the same time they will find out about everything. the benefits of the world map, but can i have some coffee? and now for urgent news, vladimir putin has replaced russia’s envoy in the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons , concurrently our plenipotentiary and ambassador extraordinary to the netherlands. vladimir torabrin was appointed instead of alexander shulgin. decree. the dismissal of alexander shulgin and, accordingly, the appointment of vladimir torabrin has already been published. let me remind you that vladimir torabrin previously headed the department for new challenges and threats of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. hello, vladimir vladimirovich. i came from the republic of bashkastan. dear vladimir vladimirovich. mr. president, my question is this.
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tell me please. we have a lot of problems a lot, and we'd really like yours. in our region there really is one very pressing issue, we will try to make sure that not a single issue goes unnoticed, i would like a personal question, are you satisfied with the answer, the president is closer than it seems, colleagues are sitting there on the shirt, they are not visible. summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone 8 800 200 40 40 or via sms to number 040-40 results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time.
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this is vesti, filippromov studios, video services in russia have arrived, well, more precisely to replace one, probably not very successfully, comes... a new one with a new name and at least to some extent with a new team, we are talking about mts, which launched the nuum project instead of the project vaast, well, this is the name of the keys
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that are most actively used in computer games, in fact, vast was initially aimed specifically at gamers, firstly, for streaming games, but this live broadcasts of how people earn money from this play, then in partnerships they implemented the possibilities of cloud gaming, that is, games on a weak computer using the power of remote servers, but all this, apparently, did not really take off and now everyone is redirected from the vast tv website to the site, there is also a tab for live broadcasts, and just videos uploaded by users, regular and short vertical ones, well, that is, actually like vk videos and vklips or youtube just youtube shorts, well, or tiktok. actually, one of the trump cards of the new mts project may be the team, which, as they say, well , in fact, it was confirmed to us in the service itself, included some of the employees of the russian division of tiktok, that is... those who definitely know how to attract an audience and work with content creators. another question is that the magic of tiktok is largely based on recommendation services of incredible
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accuracy, that is, on neural networks that digest almost all the information about the user that the service can reach and slip in what the person will look right now to see how much this can be reproduced within the framework of mts, it is impossible to predict. more about the neural network. only of a different order about generative ones capable of creating texts or images based on a text request. yandex , one of the largest russian developers of such neural networks, has now decided to count how popular they are in reality, according to the first edition of this new study from the search engine, over the past 3 months, the number of those who created texts and pictures using digital tools increased by a quarter and exceeded the mark of 31% of those who generally use the internet. it is interesting that the very existence of neural networks that generate images is known to significantly more people than other people from bots, and it is even more curious that the term prompt - a text request to a neural network, that is, the main
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tool for interacting with a machine, is familiar to only every fifth of those who say that uses the capabilities of generative neural networks. well, in more down-to-earth news , smartphones with a flexible screen are officially available in russia from today, in in the sense that, unlike the previous ones. versions, both versions of find entry , such a fold and a folding flip phone, were officially presented at events in skolkovo and are officially sold with warranty support with all the necessary applications, including google services, and without unnecessary chinese programs, as for the phones themselves, then foul, which, in general, is more likely not a phone, but a folding tablet, has become significantly thinner, it is still not at all the thinnest similar device on the market, but it is no longer just like two smartphones, the second a noticeable hardware innovation, a physical mute switch, just like until recently, was on all iphones, and a new
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camera block, and with the legendary husle black logo, at least it is very outstanding, but more interesting changes affected the flip model, this is it as a matter of fact, this phone, a clamshell, has for a long time maintained the primacy in terms of size of this external display among all similar phones. now samsung has more, but not much, and the problem was different: although this screen is quite large, its diagonal is comparable to the screen size of the first iphone, but by default it allowed it to be used only for widgets and individual applications adapted for this application. of course, the masters wrote a program that made it possible to bypass this limitation, but now it works right out of the box, not just any application, but almost everything you need for... every day you can use it without opening your phone, well, at least you can launch the card or youtube, it’s inconvenient to work like this all the time, but it can be
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useful, especially considering that it’s flexible electronics are moving from the category of only originals and techno-geeks to the category of relatively mass-produced goods. for example, according to mvvirado, in the first 9 months of this year, sales of such chipped phones in russia increased more than four times; only in the third quarter , 21,400 of such devices were purchased, as a result, their share in the smartphone category is, however, more expensive than 50,000 rubles increased from 15% to 2.5%. similar estimates were given by mts and in general, the thing is no longer unique, but still quite expensive, i’m a donkey, i’m a dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves remensk musicians, the magnificent five, this is my group, why have i never seen you, and princess, i actually sing too, you obviously
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need a rebrand? temporary musicians, grab them, soon, the wars will end , for the world to be lasting, we need people with strong character, ready not only to stand up for their homeland, but also to crawl, jump, and run, and most importantly, to win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender , and when you become a professional, it becomes your business...' life's military business, serve i call your heart, join yours.
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they destroyed a warehouse with ammunition, positions of mortar crews, and also disrupted the rotation of ukrainian formations, which is happening in the krasnolimansky direction and in other areas of specialization. a skeptical view from
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partners, the western press analyzes the failures and military prospects of kiev. what are some assessments of why the united states still cannot agree on a new aid package? water replaces fire, israel may reportedly flood the gas strip network of tunnels used by hamas, as far as it goes possible and what humanitarian and environmental risks arise. you can ask a question by phone, via sms, on a website on social networks, how the work is progressing in collentra, where they collect citizens’ appeals to vladimir putin’s direct line, which this year will be held in conjunction with the final press conference. and an icy forecast, in several russian regions today classes were canceled due to extreme frosts, when an abnormal cold snap comes to the capital region. this
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year marks the 75th anniversary of the signing universal declaration of human rights. this document aims to support humanity's efforts in the fight against oppression and tyranny throughout the world. however, many have noticed that in recent decades the doctrine of human rights itself has been discredited by the west and is used to interfere in the internal affairs of individual countries and to undermine their sovereignty. we will not only talk about this with the permanent representative of russia to the department and other international organizations in geneva, genna. he is now in direct contact with the studio, gennady mikhailovich, hello, good afternoon, yes, here is december 10, the round date marks 75 years since the signing of the universal declaration of human rights, and even at the stage of agreement on the document, as far as i know, there were serious disputes around its contents, the soviet country stated that the declaration was formal, but not practical in nature, but do you agree with this now?


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