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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 6:30pm-6:59pm MSK

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look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is again in sumy region. cholera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of botulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere he was. the us government was deceitful. supported by washington dc has a unique public health laboratory in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here.
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now personnel from the stavropol region, thank you very much, dear colleagues,
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friends, i am glad to welcome everyone to the knowledge center... shuk, my colleagues and i have been here for a long time was planning to, i have been invited here for a long time, and there really is something to see here, it was all for the movement of the first, it was created, now it has turned into such a good educational center, which, as i see, and my colleagues will tell you, is very actively used, well, i hope bring good results. and the first movement, as you know , was created quite recently, the initiative itself was first voiced in april 2022, the initiators were the guys themselves, i can’t help but express satisfaction that this
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center, well, the movement itself took place, and the center was created - as - as a place where you can - do what the movement itself was created for, but as i understand it, just now the head of the center was telling me that, in fact , everything is much broader than i initially even thought about, today the movement itself unites more than 4 million man, this is of course a huge number, we just watched it together, the guys showed me the main projects of the movement, i was pleased, of course, by the revival already... at a new modern level, frankly, let’s say, undeservedly forgotten formats that were very popular at one time, i i looked there, there is a military theme here, this is the morning, the youth movement, this is also all in great demand, all these good old
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traditions, they certainly help the guys in our time, young people of the 21st century, such continuity... of generations, continuity of ideas is very important , in order to create, develop, we need to unconditionally take all the best that we had, and move unconditionally forward, it’s great that the movement is supported by the guys in their desire to be useful right now, write letters, here i am i looked at the stands, yes, to collect parcels for our military personnel, to provide first aid, and you just said here that it is important, what is important first of all is the desire to provide help, this is true, but still the skill is also in demand if the desire is there, and a person cannot
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do something, well, of course, desire alone is clearly not enough, but here they teach how to do it, and this is very good, in general there are many projects, they are very different, as i looked, everyone can... find something what he likes most, each of those present here and undergoing training here, be it science, school theater or anything else, this is also... the key meaning of the movement, i repeat once again, to help children, teenagers, young people, discover their abilities, strengths, find their own path in life, this is precisely the key to the successful future of our country, just now we were talking with the girl who accompanied me, i say, you want to be a doctor, where is she, yes, yes, yes, because... in the course movement around exhibitions, she said something about medicine, i said, do you want to be a doctor? i think he says
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i’m looking, but it’s great, this place just helps to look for an extremely important choice for every person, maybe one of the most important, one of the most important decisions in life, to find yourself, to choose a future profession, i have no doubt at all that such a broad program is intended to become one of the key... components of the entire movement of the former, in fact , the foundation, uh, we are now paying more and more attention to the most important role of education played by the family, the school, and the education system as a whole, with projects the areas in which children participate in their free time from school should also, excuse me, also help them gain reliable life guidelines, it is important that from childhood... they feel part of a big country, with its rich history and
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great culture, with those that are not coming, with those non-coming values ​​that at all times have served people as support and support, and of course, a modern wide space for self-realization. in this regard, it is very important that the opportunities that the movement provides the first ones were available everywhere, in big cities, in small villages, and of course, for the guys from the regions of donbass and new russia, they are also present here, i am very glad that people come from these regions and receive the necessary support, there really is a lot needed to do, together we need to overcome the destructive legacy of first creeping and then open aggressive nationalist policies, which... which were studied by successive authorities in kiev, when the curriculum
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they introduced russophobia, historical fakes, created discord between people, simply purposefully twisted, twisted the consciousness of the population , i would like to emphasize the small adult, and the topic of personnel training for mentors of the movement, and here this just became, in my opinion, one of the main directions, requirements for the professional base, personal qualities, so that they can not only transfer knowledge, skills, experience to the children, inspire, inspire by their own example, and there are many such mentors here, this is how the head of the center just told us, here i will note one very positive trend, in many projects of the movement both children and their parents participate together, who told me about this just now, you told me, no, you told me, yes, this is very good, this is - this is very cool, let me remind you, that the next 2024 has been declared the year of the family, and of course,
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such work is an important contribution to strengthening the values ​​that unite our society. i hope that today we will talk about the prospects for the development of the movement, while its key principle, it is children, teenagers, young people who are the authors of all decisions. the movement should be built around what is close and interesting to them. and the task of adults is to provide the necessary support, it is correct that our young colleagues today also participate in our meeting, in the work of the supervisory board, and i count on you to give suggestions for the future, i also want to thank the representatives of domestic business, all colleagues who promptly joined the work of the board of trustees of the first movement, well, let's discuss. others topics, i give the floor to grigory aleksandrovich gorov, please, thank you very much, vladimir
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vladimirovich, dear members of the supervisory board, recent years have truly become a new stage in the development of the education system in our country, from 2020, after amendments to the law on education, education is given a primary role in working with children and youth. the movement of the former is a new social institution of the public-state. education of children and youth, the creation of the movement is due to the request for the formation of a single educational space of our country , our task is to involve... the education of the younger generation, all existing institutions associated with childhood and youth, so that every child, parents, teachers feel part of a single community that shares common values ​​and goals. now everyone who is interested knows
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where to go. the movement of the former develops its activities wherever there are children. school. in universities, in cultural institutions, sports, additional education, youth policy, in all in the regions of our country, there are already about 40,000 primary branches; in creating a movement for business representatives , a board of trustees has actually been formed, which, under the leadership of maxim stanislavich oreshkin, includes the heads of the largest companies, this is german oskarovich kref, this is igor ivanovich sechin, this. and vladimirovich potanin, oleg valentinovich belozerov, alexey evgenievich likhachev and many others. this is great support for us. together we create an educational space that is safe and accessible to everyone participants. this is a collective, socially significant and socially useful activity of adult children, united by a unity of goals
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and values. this is the place where children are raised. adults, for the systematic organization of our main activities, in accordance with the law on the movement, we need to consider and adopt the program of educational activities of the movement, a program that we have been working on for a year, it is focused on practice, addressed to children and adults, parents and mentors. actions apply to extracurricular, free time, outside the educational process, including outside educational organizations. these are clear and simple formulas for educating a citizen and a patriot, which are based on traditional russian spiritual and moral values, collective socially significant activities of adult children and children's self-government. the program is the result of the collective work of the movement of the first , the ministry of education, the ministry of science and higher education, the federal agency
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for youth affairs, together with society knowledge, with ano russia is a country of opportunities in russia. the academy is the main document on which primary, local, regional branches of the movement, teachers, mentors will be guided when organizing socially significant and socially useful activities for children. the program is based on the following principles. this is co-authorship, we do it only together, and not instead, this is the continuity of generations, this is practical benefit, this is education in a team, not me, but we, in education by personal example. the movement of the first, as you already said, vladimir vladimirovich, there are already about 4 million people, everything we do, vladimir vladimirovich, we do together with the children, and not instead, so today i wanted the children to talk about what they are doing and what we propose to include in the educational program, if if you allow me, i will pass the floor, today
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at the meeting of the supervisory board there is an activist of the anavdvizheniya movement in the vysokogogorsk district of the district, the republic of tatarstan. this is zukhra zufarova, and hello, my name is zufarova zukhra, i i came from the republic of tatarstan, and my journey into the movement began at the alga let's go regional forum, where we met the movement with activists. and the most important thing that the movement gave me was the opportunity to be the author of what she does. in our republic, we are the first to be initiated into the movement; we are given a bracelet and a badge with the symbol of the movement. but unfortunately, the bracelet got frayed then my team and i. people suggested changing the bracelets, they not only supported our idea, but also allowed us to come up with a design ourselves, now the whole republic dedicated to our bracelets, it is also important to have the opportunity to work with adults on equal terms, and they treat you not as an activist, but as a colleague. i am the chairman of the local branch of the first high years movement, and when
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, after a conversation with the head of the district, we agreed that we would have our own home, he allowed us to come up with the design of our space, the way we see our home, now our team is working hard on it and of course, in the movement i could not bypass the direction of sports, i run marathons, charity marathons to save the forests of siberia , orphanages and shelters, just recently we held fital tournaments of the game of the first, at which i was given the opportunity to be the head of the children's directorate and now we are developing figital, putting together our own league... the first, i learned to be responsible for i really want all activists to have the same opportunity to be the author of what our movement does. that’s what we’ll do, you know, there, i feel like we’ll turn to those who are here in the hall, to those
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who are our connections, so i would like to ask how everything is introduced into life in practice, what the movement of the first ones are doing, and the movement itself, how it is introduced into practical life, say, at the school level, so we should have gerasimova andreevna communications, advisor to the director of education in brensk, fifty-eighth school of brensk. yes, hello, my name is gerosimoy, and i am an adviser to the director of education at school 58, in a school in the city of bryansk. i have been working at school for 15 years, teaching a foreign language. and thanks to you, vladimir vladimirovich, for the third year now i have not i only perform an educational service, and am engaged in educating the younger generation, because it’s true, with the advent of the position of adviser, i returned to school - educational work is a way of life in our school, noticing this, i began to offer more such events, and a few months ago, our the eight-time
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world champion in armlifting, alexander boyarov, visited the school and gave us a health lesson. the event turned out to be of enormous scale and we and the children will remember it for a long time, but it was still my initiative and my choice of guest, and today we are interacting with the largest children’s school in russia with the movement of the first, who are taking educational work beyond the boundaries of school, and today children have a unique opportunity to choose sites on their own, choose people with whom they would like, with whom they would like to communicate, meet friends, guys from different cities, and the first movement opened in our school on september 1, the guys gathered an activist council, a decision that we want in our school, we know that there is such a movement, and we would really like to accept it, we wrote, well, we gathered our headquarters, wrote
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a statement, and as if the movement of the first gave a start in this direction, i would also like to highlight that in the movement of the first it is very important, well, very valuable for us, this is the continuity of the educational process, because when kids leave school, yes, they go to other educational institutions where there are also primary departments, in our school a striking example is graduate levshin alexander, already as a student at the university and an activist of the first movement, he created the largest volunteer corps in our region and today he is a mentor, as well as for our students at school, for our volunteers, who also did a great job of weaving nets, writing letters to military personnel and collecting parcels. all the things that happen at school, they happen exclusively on the initiative of the children, and we , as advisers, support them in this and are also happy to help them, vladimir
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vladimirovich, i would like to say that thanks to you, this year of teacher-mentor, it really became real, thank you very much for this, for your support, thank you, thank you, uh, anna aleksandrovna gardeeva , she’s somewhere on our screen, or here, here, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is anna gordeeva, i’m from the vologda region, an adviser to the director of education, i’ve been working for 3 years, my teaching experience is 12 years, and the total teaching experience of my family is 136 years, so we can say that i came to my profession by vocation. the education director's advisor is the person who unites around himself the entire school staff, students, teachers and parents, and conducts... systematic educational work, a real navigator of childhood, we raise children in a team, in our case it is an association of interests
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and hobbies and a student-student mentoring system, i run a media program, we have created our own school media center, in which children create their own the organization is already doing a great job, even without me, so on november 30th they held a legal dictation and collective creative activities in an elementary school to create cool coats of arms. we also have a symbol for our media center, it’s a dinosaur. kesha, we write posts on his behalf, he is our most important correspondent. and when the first movement appeared, in fact , unique opportunities appeared for the talents of my children to go beyond the boundaries of school. and they have this... for example, our activist ksyusha, she joined the council of the first of the vologda municipal district and is preparing for the regional one, children grow, learn and pass on
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experience to others. children, and i am always next to them, just like 32,000 childhood navigators across the country, we make and will make our children happy, i still have one very an important mission from my guys, to ask you a question from kesha, in his column, can you please, vladimir vladimirovich, please tell me what is the best memory from childhood associated with your family, with your family, you know, such uh, in general , intimate things, i’ll just tell you the beginning of this story, my mother put me in a corner, i don’t remember why, so somehow for some time everything went around looking so menacingly, asking, will you be forgiven ask or not, but
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i’ll tell you how this story ended, i pulled myself out of it corner and that’s where the whole story ended, but how she did it is a separate conversation, okay, i still have questions for kanya alexandrovna and darya andreevna. to the question, what would you like, uh, something else, the ministry, that is , the government, i don’t know how the leadership, the subject, the city where you live, so that, what else would be done for in order to support your work, this is the first part of the question and the second, after all, this is the movement of the first, how to set it up so that... it
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really fits organically into school work and so that one or the other would support and push forward in the right direction. i’ll start, then, okay, here we are today, well not today, a few days ago , we gathered here, and we are advisers, but we met the guys from the first movement, you know, just a few hours later, we are one friendly family, it would be possible to have such events so that advisers are involved in the movement, because after all, we are doing one thing, and well, starting from school, yes, the first movements, they help us outside of school to do this, about what else could be done, i don’t know, so i communicate with the guys, they are all so friendly, they are all so inclined towards something good, positive, they all love their homeland, big and small, i don’t know , it seems to me that there are just a lot of events, and what else to add, so far there are no ideas,
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in organizing your work, in supporting your work, you need something additional, additionally, so far nothing really comes to mind, everything is in such abundance , here are our guys, actually participating in projects, they travel to different cities, attend various events at school , everything is also organized quite systematically , good, thank you, yes, i agree with daria, at our school we have a center for children’s initiatives, we now have a modern media center in which children really like to study, from what could be added, well, probably there would be enough time for all of us to do everything, and so, we have a very wonderful relationship with the movement.


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