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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 5, 2023 10:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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to knock down the flames, including from a refrigerator that caught fire. depending on the model of the fire extinguisher, it needs to be refilled and serviced either every five or every 10 years; prices start at 900 rubles, depending on the volume and type of fire-fighting equipment. there are three types of fire extinguishing agents: carbon dioxide, powder and air emulsion. air mulse is preferable for the home, as it extinguishes all classes of fire and leaves a minimum of traces behind. shock is recommended to be used in a respirator and after it there may be traces that cannot be will be removed. carbon dioxide does not extinguish solid flammable substances that smolder and the fire extinguisher itself is heavy. and these balls and plates are automatic fire extinguishing agents. they operate at a certain temperature. the powder contained inside extinguishes the flame. such devices can be placed near electrical appliances or in a panel with automation. there are even special ones for sockets in case of fire. phone forgotten
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while charging, andrey romanov, olga mazurak, maxim shevchenko, mikhail devyatkin, khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department, in everything russia congratulated the winners of the all-russian festival amnesty of the soul; teenagers from twelve educational institutions took part in it; the creative works of the convicts were presented in several categories, including choreography, performances and original songs. a competent jury consisting of representatives of the creative intelligentsia of russia appreciated the talents of the children. letters that will give a chance to be released earlier. we promptly report everything in telegram channels to the duty officer and an honest detective. news online and bright fragments sew an honest detective story. we have everything. see you.
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this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. the battle lasted a week, he lost oberer, officer maxim shalomov, after returning from the front he works for a common cause, for victory: the story of a hero of russia. russia is using the military technology of the future, a cloud of drones and all-terrain drones, which nato strategies have not yet taken into account when planning a failed counter-offensive. ukrainian officials, deputies and businessmen are profiting from the grief of their fellow citizens. in gastomil and buche stole millions of hryvnia for home repairs. who will be responsible for this, if even the ukrainian prosecutor’s office is mired in bribes? the ukrainian land took up arms against the vssushniks. with coming. they can’t dig in or
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fix the gun, or maybe it’s not a matter of weather in the office? resort during the war. there are holes in the ranks, there are not enough people, there is a queue of cars in bukovel. why is the front just around the corner for the ukrainian elite? after being left without hands, he fights in the rear, answers the most difficult questions of young people, about specialization. doesn’t do educational work, that’s right the hero of russia, lieutenant colonel maxim shalomov, told our tv channel about his everyday life. now, an employee of the military commissariat , a little over a year ago, the commander of a rifle platoon, who had to make difficult decisions on the battlefield, was once seriously wounded, but was still able to lead his unit out of encirclement, including managing the seemingly impossible to save the wounded from a burning infantry fighting vehicle. but however, the hero modestly keeps silent about his merits, declares
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who received the gold star only thanks to the personnel, since the fighters units overcame their fear, despite the fact that they were running out of ammunition and even had the risk of being captured, his story is an example of how a person risks everything to complete a task, save a comrade and protect his own, in the award sheet of a motorized rifle commander maxim shalomov’s battalion, dry protocol lines about successful operations, when under his command russian soldiers over and over again found and destroyed ammunition depots, which means they did not allow these weapons to kill innocent people. well , the first months in the zone brought him a gold medal the hero remembers the star exclusively as a battle in which he managed to survive thanks to the mutual assistance and courage of our soldiers and officers. faced with superior enemy forces, they retained their courage, people were ready to sacrifice themselves, they left the battlefield, the battlefield was abandoned only...
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wounded servicemen, in my unit there were both mobilized and regular servicemen, real heroes, this happened near lugansk at the end of september last year the enemy tried to encircle our unit, but they had no positions maxim shalomov, i’m sure, was helped by a higher power. lord god, since the first day, he was next to us, everyone felt him, everyone turned to him, so on the first day, when we took our positions at night, the next day there was heavy rain, the enemy before, they were conducting reconnaissance, launching copters, but because it was raining, he had no opportunity to do this, so we had a day to prepare our positions, dig in, and establish communications. for, just think about it, a whole week, russian warriors
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they held the defense, but the enemy managed to enter from the rear, and it was ugaramov who covered his own , fired back, threw grenades at the enemy, that day alone he destroyed 13 opponents, but he himself received serious injuries , his left arm was cut off by shrapnel on the shoulder, his lung was damaged, four ribs were broken, but the officer continued to command the operation, an infantry fighting vehicle arrived, into which they loaded the heavily wounded, including maxim shalomov, but it was covered by enemy artillery fire, the captain lost his right arm, he was severely burned before the shells detonated, he was able to literally push a comrade out of the car, only then got out on his own , with god’s help, understanding that either i would now find the strength, and pull out, push with my feet the comrade who was in front of me, and then myself, or that’s it, now there would be an explosion, that is you find strength, turn to the lord, god, and centimeter by centimeter you crawl out of this bmp, fall out of it, push out your comrade,
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i myself fall out, after a second it begins to detonate, he told his people to evacuate me last, he has already lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, maxim sholomov was on the verge of death for a week; the nurses later told the patient that he periodically asked to be given a machine gun. for personal courage, courage and heroism, the officer received a gold star: hero of russia and the rank of lieutenant colonel. after rehabilitation, having learned how to handle prosthetics, maxim shalomov began to ask to go to the front again, but they explained to him that you are needed in the rear, and now the lieutenant colonel serves in the military commissariat and is responsible for patriotic education; at meetings with schoolchildren, he explains to children: in the zone carrying out a special military operation, our country is not only fighting the kiev authorities, who dream of destroying everything russian, there is a battle for people who want to preserve their language, culture and faith. in the nineties, a great tragedy occurred , when a large number of russian people,
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russian people, primarily in spirit, remained outside the borders of our country, now these people are forced to abandon culture, with those whom he defended maxim’s connections and now, for example, parishioners of the temple under lesichansk constantly sends videos in which russian soldiers are remembered with love, faith and family are what helps the hero of russia every day. his father, a reserve officer, and his daughter, son suvorovets, were next to maxim during the difficult period of rehabilitation and when a memorial plaque was unveiled in his homeland in uaiskomkul. in honor of the hero of russia. in his thoughts, maxim shalomov often returns and each time comes to the conclusion that he did everything right. during the day, in the kherson direction of svoa , complex fire damage was inflicted on manpower, equipment and infrastructure enemy. in the area of ​​the city of kherson
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, a large ammunition depot was destroyed and several artillery systems were disabled on the banks of the dnieper, including the paladin and the american-made m3 seven. report by margarita semenyuk. as soon as the militants on the right bank of the kherson region begin to make noise, operator don launches the co-opter. from the height of the drone's flight, our scouts saw panic among enemies, abandoned wounded and crimes against civilians. the enemy is firing at residential areas, sometimes it even puts me in a stupor, like a correction, how to correct such work, as a rule. residential areas, you look, perhaps there are even children and people there, but nevertheless, no matter how unthinkable it is, let’s just say that the nationalists’ firing point was quickly identified, the coordinates are passed on to the crew of the longest-range artillery mount, together with the fighters we go to pacify the militants as soon as the enemy begins
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to open fire, we find out where they are and immediately respond to one shot at the ssu. ours are covered with geocinths, acacias and tulips, the military of the goobochny division of the dnepr group of troops in a bunch disperse the militants. it is this artillery crew that the enemy is hunting from the right bank, because these are the most effective artillerymen. the routine is to shoot frequently so that the enemy does not notice, and regularly roll to new firing positions. we have worked, they will also defend our point here , well, they sort of calculate it, then they also deliver a one-day strike on our point, yeah, well , about 7-10 minutes, roughly speaking, somewhere like that, but we still have time, we still have time, yes, but we have already moved to a more... safe distance, let’s say so, what everything should be fine
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, the enemy regularly tries to land, the enemy really wants to enter crimea, our task is to prevent them from doing this, the soldiers return to their dugouts, where pleasant surprises await them, four new quadcopters have been transferred to the division by the authorities of the republic of bashkatastan. wow, what a cool toy, we really need it here, right, thank you very much. huge for your help, very helpful, will help us while some are looking at gifts, others are watching the news during a break and watching the work of journalists on svo, why look at russia 24 , yes, we always look at it, well, crimea doesn’t show, so we look at russia 24, reconnaissance drones from humanitarian aid will soon be transferred to the unit by the cooperator, margaritak, all these methods can just be thrown away, went not according to plan, the west is waiting for bad news, only a small part of today’s headlines in the ukrainian press,
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which is clearly shocked by the loud washington post article about the reasons for the failure of the vaunted counter-offensive in the ssu. let me remind you that an american newspaper listed many quite plausible factors, from the reluctance of commander-in-chief zaluzhny to follow the advice of nato strategists, to poor training of personnel and poor planning of the offensive operation as a whole, and the last point was perhaps especially resonant, since it undermined ... the competence of western generals. they allegedly simulated the operation using paper maps, plastic figures, or, at best, computer games, but simply did not take into account the realities of a modern armed conflict. for example, not provided for the presence of the russian troops with an impressive range of drones, especially loitering ammunition, which turned out to be a real nightmare for foreign ones, only in the air above the zone svo, but on the ground, where sometimes it comes to real robot battles, which... anton potkovenko will tell you about. they carried out modeling and moved the chips on the map, but it didn’t help.
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the counterattack did not work out, although the plans were napoleonic. the pentagon hoped to break through our defenses with a frontal mechanized attack, writes washington post. american simulators showed that vysori. well, in reality, they were firmly stopped by our minefields, trenches, and a barrage of artillery fire by air strikes. it's all american. not although, but he admits, especially about air superiority, but what’s interesting is that the ubiquitous drones, drones and other futuristic instruments are especially noted, they write just like that, the battlefield, which was previously somehow secretive, has become simply in the palm of your hand, 24 to 7, in addition, these are small attack drones - these are loitering ammunition and fpv drones, they also changed the course of the battle, that’s what ours... are doing a ukrainian video of our well-aimed strike on a car with vssu officers and
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all they can do is leave the transport in panic and the entire transfer of personnel is disrupted, or will there be more? the point is that they underestimated us, the same fpv drones, our chinese ones are very well modernized, improved, they make special systems for dropping ammunition, they make from these drones, by the way, fermenting ammunition, a swarm of such ammunition, let’s say... can fly in into the trench, he can fly into the dugout, anywhere, and flew up, simply sat on the enemy’s shoulder , exploded, as american general milli admonished the ukrainian special forces with me that they say there shouldn’t be a single russian who goes to bed without thinking about what they will cut his throat , this is also a quote from the washington post, and don’t be afraid of a russian drone that will land on your shoulder in the dugout at night, that’s it, write a funeral, because of our lancets, ukrainian crews were afraid to drive leopards during the counter-offensive, now they are afraid, in a new modification lancets are still flying
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further, they have thermal imagers; in the future , drones will be able to unite into an intelligent swarm. the same lancet is now being modernized very well; it has already gained the ability to independently search for a target and homing. no tank can hide, even behind mesh screens from drones, modified... lancets explode at a distance from the target and pierce both screens and equipment with a cumulative jet. ours are constantly inventing something new that disrupts western military scenarios. being tested. for example, the planer drone, which rises to a fifteen-kilometer altitude and can relay a signal from there 35 km deep into the enemy front, allowing us to target our artillery and correct kamik’s drones. the armed forces, of course, also have drones, but we have much more of them. they have, roughly speaking, 10,000 drones per month delivered to the fronts; they fall, fall
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or get knocked down, and we have somewhere around 50-60,000, that is, overwhelming superiority, well... a real war of robots, a russian cargo platform, here such an unmanned vehicle, mobile and nimble, delivers ammunition and water to soldiers on the front line. the military logistics of the future is already on the battlefield. enemy drones are trying to destroy a clever military courier, but nothing works. that’s what concerns these ground-based wheeled and tracked drones, with the help of which ammunition, medical supplies, and food are supplied. food, water, places where it is very difficult for a living person, say, to move to the front line, these drones adapt to fighting against armored vehicles, that is, on them they can lay an anti-tank mine , bring it under the bottom of an armored vehicle and detonate it, and this is just the beginning, miniature all-terrain vehicles are already in development, invisible killers
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of armored vehicles, wheeled self-propelled platforms , tiny 30 by 30, like toy cars, only on... the mine that they put under the tank , or, the guys told me, this is the same design bureau, they have the same unmanned vehicles, they are in passive mode, in standby mode, an anti-tank guided missile is attached to them, and how as soon as he sees the target, the operator immediately turns on this machine, aims and fires an anti-tank missile, that’s all, in fact, well , the giranis that are familiar to everyone, they have now appeared in a black version made of carbon fiber, such a drone is very difficult to see on radars, experts say that the girani and there will be thermoboric warheads , incendiary and concrete-piercing, but in kiev, and from the current drones, there are so many problems, besides, the unconditional heroism of our fighters is not taken into account anywhere in the american schemes, so no matter how nato’s miscalculation becomes for the armed forces fatal. a unit of the southern group of russian troops repelled four more attacks
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by the kiev regime in the donetsk section of the special operation, and also struck a concentration of ukrainian armed forces personnel in the settlements of kleshcheevka. toretsk. as a result , the enemy again did not avoid very serious losses, with up to 270 militants eliminated. what else is known about the situation on the contact line? in the report by olga lukyanchenko. our tanks go out at dusk for a combat mission. bad weather in the form of fog and snow helps the cars. you can't fly in this weather enemy strike drones. work goes on at any time of the day. adjustment. fire begins with reconnaissance of the location of enemy strongholds, after which our additional one rises to polish the nasbu through the dungeons. before the tank crew once again opens fire on enemy positions, we have time to see the situation inside the combat vehicle. now i am in the fighting compartment of the t-80 tank, this is the gunner’s place,
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very soon this armored vehicle will go to one of the hottest directions to attack... and now the gunner is ready to carry out command task, shot, shot, thanks to the coordinated work of our guys, the enemy is losing personnel and weapons, millimeter by millimeter, the defenders of donbass are liberating their native land from nazism. olga lukyancheko, oleg bondarenko, vesti donetsk, donetsk people's republic. the cost of services ranges from 5 to 12,000 dollars, depending on the region of urgency of the positions, which is published by the security service of ukraine. the security forces reported that they were able to eliminate several schemes at once, thanks to which men from square managed to travel to the european union. in odessa and dnepropetrovsk, fugitives were given fake certificates from the medical commission stating that they were unfit for service due to
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health conditions. moreover, the military registration and enlistment office employees themselves took an active part in the preparation of such documents. and in lvov and... worse, potential conscripts were sent abroad personally by the military commissar of one of the districts; thanks to his connections, he recorded draft dodgers as drivers of international flights who were supposedly supposed to bring humanitarian supplies for the armed forces, that is, the desire to make money among officials of the kiev regime turned out to be stronger than even the banal instinct of self-preservation, and, as practice shows, the louder the cries of ukrainian officials about the military conflict, the higher the level of corruption, boris ivanin will confirm. the kiev regime is permeated by total corruption. ukrainian officials, deputies and businessmen do not hesitate to profit even from the grief of their fellow citizens; large-scale thefts of over 20 million hryvnia were revealed in gastomel, more than a hundred houses there were left without repairs, even after the village returned to the control of kiev. loud slogans about the alleged consequences of russian aggression were used
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only to absorb budgets; the former head of the administration, gastomya, immediately embezzled 11 million hryvnia, auditors calculated. he was fired with a scandal, but only that, and yet gastomel, which was awarded the title of hero city, was demonstrated by zelsky as a western curator of ukraine, but this showcase has a lot. we put the damp beams in the attic, and the screws are already coming out, you see, the damp beams were installed in the middle of winter, about which you can say i'm unhappy? they worked hastily, they wanted to make a good picture hastily before zelsky’s arrival, and when he appeared here, looked around and left, they disappeared. the same is true in the notorious butchi, a provocation in which the kiev regime and its british patrons used it. to disrupt peace negotiations with russia. while some were engaged in political manipulation, others in financial fraud, more than 50 million hryvnia for house repairs were distributed to unknown
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addresses; they were simply not indicated in the estimates. local authorities refer to changes in laws, saying the addresses were simply classified so that the enemy would not find out. but it turned out that the contractors were also chosen without competition. corruption is the common thread that unites almost all officials in ukraine. zelsky once told poroshenko to the entire old government that he would be their death sentence, well, someone believed him too, that is, in principle, the current ukrainian government has traditionally, like its predecessors, deceived its own compatriots. it would seem that the general government should fight corruption in ukraine the prosecutor's office, but the supervisory authority itself is mired in bribes. on december 1, when kiev prosecutors celebrated their professional holiday, ukrainian journalists spent the whole day in front of the entrance to the department and saw that there were different people in the building, every now and then bringing in larger and smaller bags, boxes with gifts, and this is
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only a small part of the corruption iceberg, but what it is hidden in those packages and bouquets that the employees then carried out. now the prosecutor's investigation will find out this; she was hastily appointed by the head of the department when it was a video with offerings was published, but everyone remembers the scandalous resignation of the former... he was fired as soon as he began to investigate corruption schemes in the gas production company burisma, whose directors, let me remind you, included us president hunter biden, in washington they quickly made it clear that he in ukraine, where everyone is connected, there is no need to dig. in fact, the distribution center is the administration, the office of the president of ukraine, and today the bulk of corruption flows is controlled by yermak. and this has almost always been the case traditionally since the time of kuchma. the key player at the top of the corruption pyramid
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was the office of the president of ukraine. and the prosecutor general's office is simply collecting its little crumbs for not interfering in this process. and now another new prime minister of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, sergei labazyuk, was arrested for trying to bribe the deputy prime minister for reconstruction. countries promised kickbacks for a large contract worth a billion euros. true, the people's choice also paid his way out of prison and paid a deposit of a million dollars. this is another confirmation that the fight against corruption in ukraine is only for show, the authorities there use it exclusively for personal gain. here are packs of hryvnias, dollars and euros that were seized from the office of the head of the kiev tax inspectorate in february. they were kept in bags similar to those that were now being carried to the ukrainian prosecutor general's office. and also the scandal with the purchase of products for the ukrainian armed forces at inflated prices, the theft of western and military aid. technology, is anyone legally responsible for this in kiev? and what to expect if zelsky was brought to the presidency by igor kolomoisky, who is now himself in custody on charges of money laundering, who is at war, who
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is a mother, and these uncontrolled flows of aid, they fill the wallets of those involved in the distribution, these include humanitarian aid, and even weapons, and various smuggling schemes are being implemented. the authorities are taking advantage of the martial law, using this image of a country suffering from aggression in order to carry out and implement their corruption schemes. as for audits, as in gastomel, they will continue in ukraine in other regions, transcarpathia, volyn, but there is practically no doubt that the results of the audit will only show the scope of ukrainian corruption. now there is a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. the ukrainian land took up arms against the vssushniks. with the arrival of frost, they can neither dig in nor
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