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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 6, 2023 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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this is news at the filip trofemov studio. fighters for open, free and most importantly safe artificial intelligence have arrived and announced the creation of the ai ​​airline, a global initiative whose goal is to proclaim a responsible approach in this relatively new but rapidly developing field of science and technology. the alliance already has fifty participants. these are the largest companies, including amd, del, intel, oracle, sony group, scientific centers, including cern, but the european nuclear research center and nasa. operating system developers, including linux foundation, a dozen leading universities. usa, europe and asia, and the driving force behind the alliances is called ibm banned in russia, recognized as an extremist method. the latter is notable for the fact that the vice president responsible for precisely this area at mark zuckerberg’s corporation is jan likun, one of the three officially recognized founding fathers of artificial intelligence in its current form. and this rather representative structure sets as its goal the development of artificial intelligence on the principles of open source code, which will make new models more accessible to society.
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for use and for security specialists to study, and most importantly, all this is in contrast to closed, proprietary artificial intelligence models, the uncontrolled commercialization of which causes concern among researchers, we are talking about what , for example, google and open ai are creating, here is the most interesting thing this very open ai was created in 2015 with exactly the same ideas, to deprive corporations like google of the monopoly on artificial intelligence, to make the technology open and for some time these principles were even fully complied with, the source code of the first two versions of the large language model gpt1 and gpt2 was published and used by everyone, including sberbank, for example, which 2 years ago based on it created the largest russian-language gpt model at that time. the market for our electronics is on the rise again, and immediately by almost 10%, at least as far as smart watches are concerned, and this is not happening at the expense of the leaders of recent years. estimates
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by the analytical agent of the counterpoint research agency, global growth was ensured by indian the firebold company, however, still did not make it to the global shortlist, and the chinese huawei, which has been under american sanctions for several years now, which did not stop it from not only doubling the sale of smart watches, but also immediately being in the top three in this category, having almost caught up with samsung, the reason for this in counterpoint rese is called two points: firstly, this year huawei first released a series of top-end watches in 4, and then the happy and successful watch gt4, like this, they are a little simpler than the flagship ones, for example, there is no cellular module and a version in a case with real gold, but they are half the price. the second point that is believed to have supported sales is huawei's unexpected success in the smartphone market. the company somehow managed to bypass the sanctions and again start producing its own smartphone chips and, accordingly, release the first smartphone in a couple of years with support for...
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fifth-generation cellular networks. the domestic chinese market greeted it with great enthusiasm, and huawei itself offered a smartwatch included with the phone. all in all, has doubled its success, at least in the home market. however, the same indian fairbal, which has broken its own records, also sells watches mainly in its homeland. on the other hand, according to analysts, in the middle of this year, more than half of all global smartwatch sales came from india and china together, 5%. as for the first two lines of the world hourly rating, that is, apple and samsung, this is now actually a confrontation between the two main smartphone ecosystems. in the twenty-first year, korean the company transferred its watches from its own tyzen platform to wearos from google, and announced the partnership right at the google conference. it was assumed that samsung would bring its successful watch experience to the wearable version of android, which had not achieved significant success in 10 years. but the synergy effect
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did not happen, the apple watch still occupies approximately half of the global ranking of samsung watches from year to year, which is now two to three times behind google and is constantly being squeezed from below, workers of alternative platforms, well now it’s huawei, last year it was amasfied. new year's discounts at magnit, alpind chocolate from 49-99 i want, i can, i can, i want, i can get it with credit, i want, i can, i can, i want, 200 without interest, i'm not kidding. vtb credit card. unexpectedly a sale happened on avito, a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale very much on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%, this is a corporate event,
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this is an interroom, entermin - a new generation enterbent, its mineral matrix you... toxins from the body, retaining nutrients . a smart solution against poisoning. the feed has everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive a mixik as a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout with your order delivered. and create funny heroes. collect, mix, play. it's just space. when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from your own. cherkizova. enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. this year the russian lotto is playing out as much as 2 billion. meet new godliarder. buy tickets on the website
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in company stores. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is clean air. they are talking about transferring transport. on methane about protecting nature, but it’s not just that methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, a methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, get on the plane, service of apartment solutions from the deal for renovation and furniture. new year's discounts at magnit. sour cream prostokmashina 6499. together we will conquer the mountains of innovations in legislation, reporting, taxes, electronic document management. we know what to do, don’t miss the single seminar
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1. december 13, with speakers from the federal tax service, ministry of finance 1. join us on 14th vtb investment forum. russia is calling. watch on december 7 live on russia 24 on the website when there is one step left to great success, you remember all your steps, uncertain at the beginning, then sweeping, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards, steps in defiance, steps through the storm. steps, steps, steps. and here’s one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning. sofcombank takes a step and enters an ipo. details from brokers at order homeeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers
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the holiday. imagine if people did everything, but only 40%. in russia only 40%. they're sorting out the waste, you can fix it, sort waste at 100, now the news is economics, alexander, tight monetary policy can be maintained for a long time, as reported by the central bank, tell us what this is connected with, tatyana, this is necessary to slow down inflation, bye to other topics, vladimir putin visited today ... with working visits to the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, the parties will discuss options for strengthening business cooperation. bloomberg notes that this indicates the failure of washington and brussels’ efforts to isolate russia in world stage. our trade turnover with the emirates and the kingdom is actively growing, but the potential for
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its increase is even greater, experts say. mutual investments are developing well. russia manages to circumvent oil sanctions. according to bloomberg calculations, revenue from. exports by sea this year turned out to be $11 billion more than the price ceiling allowed. let me remind you that the west previously set a limit of $60 per barrel, but agency experts are confident that on average per barrel. of our raw materials were paid $72, but part of the additional profit covered the costs of transportation. bloomberg believes that greek ships, the so-called shadow fleet, that is, ships whose owners cannot be identified, helped break through the price ceiling. it is assumed that thanks to the latter , russia exported almost half of its oil. maintaining tight monetary policy may be necessary for a long time, the central bank said. the key rate is needed to return price growth to within 4%.
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the regulator also spoke about the main trends in the foreign exchange market. sales of foreign exchange increased revenues from exporters on the exchange market , adjusted for a two-month reserve in calculations, this largely corresponds to the growth of exports, following increased oil prices, while imports , adjusted for seasonal factors, continue to gradually decline, responding to the earlier weakening of the ruble and tightening of monetary . thus, the recent strengthening of the ruble is largely due to fundamental factors that led to an increase in the foreign trade balance. you can now map the world to pay in cuba, their acceptance was launched in shops, hotels, restaurants and other trade and service enterprises that are equipped with post-terminals. first of all, the reception network is opened in the most popular tourist locations, for example, in havana and navorodro. but gradually the geography will expand and cover. the whole country, by this moment all the news, new year's discounts in
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the magnet, rodfron 349 bars. magnet, price, what you need, take credit cards, transfer debts to the bank, pay off conveniently, invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb and always with you from poisoning, allergies, hangovers , it’s time to drink polysor, and santa claus will pull it, pull it, with a new year’s loan from postbank there’s enough for everything, come get money, post bank, unexpectedly happened on avid sale? and a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new
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and like new products are now on sale very much, even on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%, a pair of scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only in tasty and to the point, magical conditions, real interest rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank, your money works and you get extra. withdraw and top up at any time, apply online at gazpromk: time to make dreams come true. if you get up more than twice at night, afolase. at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase. a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. vtb investment forum. russia is calling. watch on december 7 live on russia 24 on the website such traffic jams
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new folding smartphone, techna phantom vvit. when there is one step left to great success, you remember all your steps, uncertain at the beginning, then sweeping, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards. steps against the odds, steps through the storm and the storm, steps, steps, steps, here’s one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning, soph. takes a step and enters the ipo, details from ipo brokers sofcombankru. many people ask how i manage to be in such good shape. it's simple, you need to replace bad habits with good ones.
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i lost my arm, but... i fought, and after rehabilitation i asked to go back to the front. the feat of the hero of russia maxim shalomov is an example of courage and courage. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you about how he saved himself and helped his comrades and how he continued to serve his homeland. his story is an example of how a man risks everything to complete a task, save a comrade and protect his own. on the award list motorized rifle battalion commander maxim shalomov, dry protocol lines. about successful operations, when under his command russian soldiers over and over again found and destroyed ammunition depots, which means they did not allow these weapons to kill innocent people, but maxim does not like to talk about the first months in the zone of a special military operation, and even about that battle , which brought him the gold star of the hero, he remembers exclusively as a battle in which he managed to survive thanks to the mutual assistance and courage of our
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soldiers and officers. faced with superior enemy forces, they remained courageous. people were ready to sacrifice themselves from the battlefield, they left the battlefield, only wounded servicemen left the battlefield, in my unit there were both mobilized and career servicemen, volunteers, so these are actually real heroes, it happened near lugansk at the end of september last year, the enemy tried to take our unit was encircled, but they did not give up their positions, they helped - maxim shalomov is sure, higher powers, the lord god, he, from the first day, he was next to by us, everyone felt it, everyone turned to it, so on the first day, when we took our positions at night, the next day there was heavy rain, the enemy, before conducting an offensive, carried out reconnaissance,
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launched copters, because because it was raining, he didn’t have the opportunity... to do this, so we had 24 hours to prepare our positions to dig in and establish communications. for, just think about it, a whole week , russian soldiers held the defense, but the enemy managed to enter from the rear, and this is a threat the environment, in order to save people, gave the order to evacuate. maxim sholomov covered his own, fired back, threw grenades at the enemy, and on that day alone destroyed 13 opponents, but he himself was seriously injured. his left arm was cut off by shrapnel along the shoulder. i damaged my lung and broke four ribs. but the officer continued to command the operation, an infantry fighting vehicle arrived in time, into which the seriously wounded were loaded, including maxim shalomov, but it was covered by enemy artillery fire, the captain lost his right arm, he was severely burned before the shells detonated, he was able to literally push his comrade out of the car, only then got out on his own, with god’s
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help, understanding that either i would now find the strength to pull him out, push him with my feet. the comrade who found it in front of me, then himself, or that’s it, now there will be an explosion, that is , you find strength, turn to the lord god, and centimeter by centimeter you crawl out of this bmp , fall out of it, push your comrade out, i fall out myself, in a second he begins to detonate, he told his people to evacuate me last, he lost consciousness on the way to the hospital, for a whole week maxim sholomov, on the verge of escaping the nurse , later told the patient that he periodically asked to be given a machine gun. for personal courage, bravery and heroism, the officer received a gold star, a hero of russia and the rank of lieutenant colonel. after rehabilitation, having learned to handle prosthetics, maxim shalomov began to ask to go to the front again, but they explained to him that you are needed in the rear, and now the lieutenant colonel serves in the military commissariat and is responsible for
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patriotic education. at meetings with schoolchildren, he explains to the children in the zone of a special military operation. our the country is not only fighting the kiev authorities, who dream of destroying everything russian, there is a battle for people who want to preserve their language, culture and faith. in the nineties, a great tragedy occurred, when a large number of russian people, russian people, first of all in spirit, remained outside the borders of our country, now these people are forced to abandon culture, they are forced to impose on them something that is not close to them, that they do not... those whom he defended maxim connections now, for example, parishioners of the podlesichansk temple constantly send videos to who are fondly remembered by russian fighters. faith and family are what help the hero of russia every day. his father, a reserve officer, and his daughter, son suvorovets, were with maxim during the difficult period of rehabilitation and when
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a memorial plaque was unveiled in his homeland in uaysky chabarkul in honor of the hero of russia. in his thoughts , maxim shalomov often returns to the day when a long battle almost became his last, and each time he comes to the conclusion that he did everything right.
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and now about the weather, a strong snowstorm with freezing rain will cover southern siberia today, forecasters are warning of gusty winds and cold snaps to come. after the snowfall. olga mikhailova has all the details. siberia encounters a snow storm. yakut frosts revived cyclone oliver. and today he will again strike the regions of russia. where will the most intense snowstorms occur, and where will freezing rains be added to the snowfalls, when the short warming will be replaced by extreme cold. this is the weather: a joint project of russia 24 tv channel and the fobus center. i'm olga mikhailova. hello, in siberia today is the most powerful snowstorm of this season. the weather in the region began to deteriorate at the beginning of the week, for example, on tuesday a snow storm met altai, in barnaul precipitation began in the morning when the thermometers were -12, and then the temperature began
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to rise quickly in the evening and even went above zero, visibility almost all day remained at a level of 1-3 km, periodically deteriorating to 800 m. perhaps this is precisely the reason for the chip that happened on one of the city streets, the girl was walking with the dog and probably did not notice what is the dog’s name? count, count, just like that, count and we are also falling. but in some places in altai the snow was even stronger due to winds of almost zero visibility; for example, sections of several highways had to be closed, including the route to zmeinogorsk. snowfalls were recorded in the urals, in zaura, and in places in western siberia. this, for example, is omsk in the morning. place. residents are storming public transport, the demand for which has increased sharply due to snowfall. however, the precipitation in the listed regions the day before could not be called extreme. they will become so
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today, the weather in russia continues to spoil powerful cyclone oliver. previously, he caused a snow collapse on the russian plain, in the urals, in a foolish situation. therefore, by tuesday he managed to weaken. in the images provided by roscosmos, it was barely visible, at this point only scattered cloud fields remained from the vortex, but today oliver is active again. the fact is that warm air in its circulation encounters yakut frosts, which spread across russia from the coldest region of the country. look, in the middle of winter in altai, sayan, in the kuzbass region in novosibirsk region, thaws will be recorded again, despite the fact that tens of kilometers to the north the cold holds its position. in conditions of such temperature contrasts in the south of siberia , precipitation increases, and it does not snow everywhere, for example, in altai, it can fall in the form of rain; in the zone from
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novosibirsk to the west of tv , freezing rains are not excluded, and of course, it will not happen without strong winds, the altai territory, novosibirsk, tomsk regions, kusbass and khakassia fall into the storm zone; in some places gusts can exceed 25 m/s. the weather is even within one region. will differ dramatically, in novokuznetsk, for example, in the middle of the day the temperature will approach zero, intense precipitation will begin to turn into the phase of freezing rain, by the evening we expect it to reach +2, and then a sharp cooling will begin, so the city will be within one day will face both ice and black ice, well, in the capital of the kemerovo region frosts will persist and only snow will fall, very heavy precipitation will fall, up to 17 mm, snow... the roof will more than double from 13 to 30 cm. blizzard quickly will calm down, but, alas, there is no need to talk about the weather improving. already in the coming night, when
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the cyclone goes to the east, air flows. in the atmosphere, turn north into siberia, with renewed vigor a flood will pour in from ivinkia and yakutia. tomorrow afternoon in kemirva it will not be higher than -21, and then the frosts will get stronger to -25-30°. at night up to -38°. that's all for me, goodbye. on any journey you need a faithful , reliable companion. rosneft is the largest network of gas stations, where a warm welcome and a profitable loyalty program await you. gas station rosneft is reliable satellite on all roads of the country. rosneft is driven by the best.
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arab emirates and saudi arabia. what issues are planned to be discussed? prime minister mikhail mishusin will visit vdnkh. the head of kablin will speak on the topic of creating the future today in the electorate of the russian knowledge society. israel and hamas exchange new blows. our correspondents in the region have all the details.
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republican senators left the briefing on assistance to ukraine, kiev will not receive another subsidy, we will tell you the details. sberbank presents a new development strategy to twenty-sixth year. what are the priorities? cyclone oliver arrived in the regions of siberia. will there be another frost record? we are waiting for the weather forecast from our meteorologists. russia is actively strengthening ties with the gulf countries , and the durability of american support for ukraine is already in question, especially given the lack of military successes in the ssu, reports bloomberg. the russian leader's upcoming visit to arat indicates the failure of washington's efforts to isolate moscow. the kremlin expects very urgent negotiations on strengthening brix and approximation palestine and israel, as well as the russian-ukrainian conflict. how
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they develop. relations with saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, we find out from my colleague, alexander nazarov, she joins me, sazh, good morning, tell me, what are the indicators on trade turnover with both countries? sasha, good morning, volumes are growing, for example, with the emirates we are preparing to break last year’s record. business cooperation between russia and the gulf countries is on the rise, and above all, trade turnover is increasing. our main foreign economic partner in the region, the united arab emirate. the country is currently negotiating with the eu to create a free trade zone. our trade turnover is growing and it is mainly exports, yes, that is, we have a positive balance, so for us this will be a gigantic push forward, and in response to the persiti gulf escapade. last year's trade turnover.


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