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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 6, 2023 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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will view an exhibition of projects that should help children and youth in self-realization. the other day the head of state visited vdnkh, he saw several pavilions; the russia exhibition itself runs from november 4 to april 12 next year. the events are attended by 89 regions of the country, 22 federal executive authorities, 20 companies, corporations and public organizations. there are 131 expositions in total. participants present the results of their work and achievements. this is precisely what the exhibition space at ddnh is historically connected with. in carrying out 67 objects are involved. the total area is 265,000 km. watch the broadcast of mikhail mishusin's lecture on creating the future today on russia 24 at 13:00 moscow time. meanwhile, the capital 9:30 and then briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin
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will visit two countries in the middle east today: the united arab emirates and saudi arabia. the focus is on bilateral relations, energy cooperation and regional issues. the parties will also discuss current issues on the international agenda. the white house reported that president joe biden is privately trying to persuade members of congress to accept a request for more aid to ukraine. for now a legislator. are opposed to supporting kiev. earlier, biden's national security advisor jake sullivan admitted that the united states is running out of funds to finance ukraine. venezuelan president maduro declared the western part of neighboring guyana, esaquiba, the country's twenty-fourth state. he gave oil companies operating in the region 3 months to complete the operation. maduro also ordered a population census in the region and the issuance of a certificate.
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cyclone oliver, which covered moscow with snow, reached the south of siberia, heavy snowfalls on the wings of akasia, altai territory, irkutsk, omsk and novosibirsk regions, and tomorrow they were expected to be replaced by a sharp cold snap, in some places it will be down to -40°. it is abnormally cold now in yakutia and kolyma, where thermometers are already recording a record -60. now we will continue talking about the weather. frosts are intensifying, and in the european territory of the country, in the central regions of siberia, but at the same time in the south of this region they separated. our meteorologist ekaterina grigorova has all the details, she joins me, such a good morning, we have already partially talked about the contrasts that exist, this is the reason for such an unusual situation, the situation must be said extraordinary, cyclone oliver, who fell asleep like you already said moscow and snowfalls, was reborn in siberia, in general he should have lost all his strength by that time, yes, but now i’ll tell you why this happened, but first things first. so in
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in eight cities of yakutia today the frost is -50, in yakutsk itself -45. such frost is difficult even for local residents, but today athletes from namibia, uganda and tanzania arrived in yakutsk for boxing competitions. residents of yogi flew to the challenge of the north tournament, so that the guests would not immediately freeze, they were lent insulated workwear by utility workers. but both athletes left theirs and walked to the taxi in white sneakers. very beautiful very, very cold, colder than any other city i’ve been to, in navibia the temperature is now +24°. meanwhile, the first twenty-degree frosts hit the moscow region, the air cooled down to -1.8° in the wedge, the sky above the city surroundings, the surrounding area was decorated with light pillars, this optical phenomenon, characteristic of very frosty weather, was also observed in the tver region, where the temperature dropped to in the novgorod region, thermometers showed
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-23 and a half; in the arkhanel region in the koma republic, the minimum temperature in some areas was -35-39. a vast anticyclone continues to freeze the continent, a fierce cold prevails in the central regions of the far east, siberia, and spreads across the european territory of the country. the weather is cold and stable. but in the south of siberia there is a storm raging. an active cyclone moves from region to region. thaws and snowfalls and this is the same cyclone oliver, which on sunday hit the central region of our country with snowfalls. the fate of this cyclone is, without exaggeration, unique. it originated in the atlantic on december 1, in 2 days it crossed europe, by sunday it reached the russian plain, a day later it had already approached the urals, today crossed western siberia. vikh traveled 6,000 km according to all standards, should have lost his strength and ceased to exist, but once in siberia, oliver was drawn into his... very cold air,
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the process of cyclogenesis began with renewed vigor, as a result, the contrasts on different sides of the cyclone are now simply enormous, to the south in the south of siberia there is a thaw, and to the north... the tyumen-bratsk line, frosts from -25 to -45°. today, warming and snowstorms are making their way to khakassia and tv. traffic on some roads is partially restricted. car drivers asked to slow down. meanwhile, at the kusbasa ski resort in sheregesh , they are trying to dig out cars after a snowfall. during the night, a layer of snow several dozen thick grew on them. in tyumen yesterday it was -12, now -22, but this is not the peak of frost yet, next night the thermometers will show -33, on friday night -36, but the maximum temperature will not exceed -26°. barnaul will face a very sharp change in weather today, during the day the temperature will rise to +2°, it will snow and
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rain, and at night the temperature will drop to -17. tomorrow afternoon snow, the temperature will continue to drop, on friday night -25, well, on the weekend the frost will get stronger to 30. 2° the weather will be mostly sunny, well in moscow today -10 during the day, next night the thermometers will show -16, then the air will continue to gradually cool, maximum the temperature on thursday will be -12°, but the minimum on friday night will be -18, on saturday morning the thermometer for the first time this season in the capital may drop to -20, but i want to note that after all, preliminary forecasts were -27, now we promise -20. more maybe warmer, that's all. thank you, katya, it was ekaterina agrigorova with the weather forecast. and to other topics. moscow and the region have topped the green rating for the second year in a row. it was compiled by a russian environmental operator that evaluates the region’s contribution to achieving the goals of the ecology national project. thus,
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11 modern complexes for sorting and processing waste were built in the moscow region. evgenia petrukhina will tell you who else made the list of the best. stavropol. instead of golden statues, there are pet bottles, which are now also recycled. the green award of the russian environmental operator gives the green light to such projects and regions that are taking serious steps towards preserving the environment among the leaders in the green rating of regions, moscow and the moscow region, tula and nizhny novgorod regions. i would probably mention bashkiria, this is a region that was able to quickly find land plots, prepare design and estimate documentation for a fee... begin the construction of infrastructure facilities, which at a faster pace will allow the region to by the twenty-fifth year to overtake the indicators of the federal project in this regard. nizhny novgorod, which is actively implementing projects related to infrastructure to completion, and
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the latest initiatives of this region indicate that they will also be able to fulfill the indicators of the federal project ahead of schedule. here is a statue for udmurtia, where just 6 years ago there was so much waste at landfills that it could cover the entire territory of the republic with a layer of 2 cm, but the national ecology project worked, we have four, and accordingly, waste sorting facilities stations, and we have eight eco-houses, this is a cool project at the intersection of business and , well, eco-education itself, what is it, this is an opportunity for residents to recycle and get for it... money, in 2.5 years, almost 3,500 tons of raw materials, garbage, for these residents received almost 16 million rubles. the yamalaninets autonomous okrug rose by 33 points in the green rating, the kurt and lipetsk regions significantly improved their indicators, they are in the top twenty.
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kemerovo region, novosibirsk region, khabarovsk region are actively involved in the work on integrated management of msw. it’s nice to see that work is already underway in 89 regions of the country, including the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. new territories with their unique ecosystems are actively involved in joint work to create a new structure for waste management, environmental education and awareness, as well as support for all-russian environmental actions. for the second year in a row , moscow and the moscow region are first in the green rating. 11 complexes have been built in the region processing. waste with a capacity of more than 7.5 million tons per year. green rating leaders today strive for so-called zero landfilling, so that all waste is recycled. the wonderful standard of the moscow region is 20-30-50, this is what we are striving for, what we have already
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sold 90% of at these enterprises, 20% of container raw materials, 30% of the so-called technosoil, and 50% in the future these are already... inert materials that are placed on our bowls, well, we are not standing still, we are building four thermal facilities processing just this 50% is ours...' the main task in implementing these projects is what we call zero disposal. in moscow, the moscow region , the ecoline group has been successfully operating since this year in karelia. the capital’s experience came in handy and today in karelia , ecoline has digitized every container site. the immediate plans are to create a waste processing complex in the republic. we have the entire database, practically the volumes are formed on the same day, and not sometime later. that is, these are all simple things, in fact, which... it is possible to do, including in all regions of the russian federation. at the end of this year, we are entering the examination stage
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with the kpo project, which will be built in corelia. this will be a modern kpo, of course, with certain nuances, on the one hand, this is our experience, which allows us to do some things that may be more optimal than even we did in the moscow region, but nevertheless, i hope there that in a year we will see... already a modern kpo in karelia and in fact we will see a modern waste management system in karelia. the green rating is an assessment of how the region is working to achieve the goals of the ecology national project. what about separate waste collection, is there an infrastructure for handling msw, how is this waste processed and disposed, what about the processing of municipal solid waste. educational work in the region and projects of volunteer movements are also assessed. after all, the main thing is the culture of separate collection, which is already followed by modern complexes.
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choose yourself. scooter: the holiday is you. register your business for free at follow your dreams. just dare. tochka: a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises. many people ask how i manage to be in such good shape? it's simple, you need to replace bad habits, but useful ones. thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtum afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not let them in and do not let's let in.
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get along, calmly, i’m trying to motivate them, to move on, well, there were legs, but no, we need to move on, abdula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want false shadows, today at the russia exhibition is orenburg day areas. the first thing she is associated with is, of course, a down scarf. our colleagues will tell you what else they are proud of in the region. bukovnitsa fine yarn. today this miracle can
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only be recreated by a high-tech limiting machine with numerical software. management. but in 1894, a weightless, openwork, masterfully and delicately knitted down scarf using the bead weaving technique, the orenburg cossack women gave the future emperor nicholas a wedding gift, and the down trade is alive in the region to this day, people coming to us, they can pick up knitting needles, try to knit an orrenburg downy shawl, orenburg... from the largest border regions of russia in the central asian direction. the przyzwalski's horse reintroduction center was opened in 2016. today the population is being revived here the only wild horse in nature. there are already 105 of them here. and the institution itself is the only one in
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russia and the largest in the world. on 1700 hectares of the reserve among. honeycombs of feather grass and the red book schrenk tulip are now grazed by the extraordinary beauty, sand-colored indigenous inhabitants of the orenburg steppe. the orenburg region is not only steppes. east of the region, a storehouse of minerals. a real treasure trove. many local businesses are known far beyond the borders of our country. one such company. the largest miner and producer of azbest chrysotile and chrysotile fiber in the world. in the regional center today there is the only museum in russia dedicated to the life and work of the famous violist, conductor and philanthropist. every year , the building, which became increasingly desolate, was bought from private
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hands and new life was breathed into it. and this is a new children's regional hospital, on an area of ​​55. there is a clinic and several buildings under one roof. everything has been completely rebuilt. all types of medical care for children are combined here. the departments are filled with the most modern equipment. before the new healthcare facility, the children's hospital was located in a 170-year-old building. such a facility, of such a level, of such quality , is built to last for many years. in 2024 , the orenburg region will celebrate. ninetieth anniversary, 280 years will have passed since the founding of the orenburg province, the country's grain granary is preparing to receive congratulations. vladimir popov, vesti, orenburg region. now let's talk about sports in the khl, spartak and dynamo played one of the most productive matches in history.
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konstantin tyukavin was recognized as the best young player of the russian orthodox church. frosts canceled the stage of the russian biathlon cup. alexander abram joins me for all the details. sasha, good morning. yesterday during the match they officially announced the return of ilya kovalchuk. tell me the details. yes, sash, good morning, this is very symbolic. it was in spartak that kovalchuk began his career, this was in 1999, and the contract is valid until the end of the current season. so, spartak and dynamo produced the most productive match of the continental hockey league for 7 years, the two teams scored 15 goals. the main time of the match ended with the score 7:7. spartak won in overtime. this match was one of the three most productive in the history of the khl. the victory of alexey zhamnov’s team turned out to be strong-willed; in the middle of the second period, spartak was losing. 2:5 and 3:6. pavel poryadin and maxim tseplakov scored the doubles for the red and white team. eric odel scored two goals for dynamo. in total
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, a record 29 people scored points for performance in this match. in in the western conference standings , spartak caught up with dynamo in terms of points. these teams share first and second place. also during the match, spartak had already officially announced the return of ilya kovalchuk. kovalchuk began his professional career in spartak and it was in 1999, so the slogan of the hockey player’s return was, welcome home, the contract was valid until the end of the season. earlier, the chairman of the board of trustees of spartak, alexander yakushev, said that kovalchuk’s debut would most likely take place on december 24. head coach spartak alexei zhamnov did not confirm this information yesterday, but did not deny it either. the forty-year-old striker returned to hockey after 2.5 years. the last time ilya kovalchuk took to the air as part of the omsk avant-garde, with whom he won in the spring of twenty-one. gagarin cup, we have experience, he is on the coaching staff, alexey kovalev, who also did not play for a year and a half, then big sport returned, so he will tell him, well, well,
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you know, i think that this help is everywhere, as in locker room, so on the ice, after all enormous experience, we as coaches see where we will use it, how we will use it, so you will see everything in due time, but no one is going to force his return. that is, when we understand that he is ready and, that is , you know, as they say, we need to make the right decision in this regard, that is , when he is ready, we will see it. the summit of the international olympic committee was held in swiss lasagna the day before; international sports federations of summer sports addressed the organization with a request allow neutral athletes who have already qualified or still have the opportunity to qualify for participation in the olympics in paris... this is reported by the mok press service. first of all , of course, we are talking about russian athletes. the federations also ask the ioc to make a decision on the participation of our athletes as quickly as possible
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in order to bring clarity to all olympic qualification procedures for all concerned. let me remind you that ioc previously stated that the decision on the participation of russians would be made in march 2024, for 5 months before the start of the olympics in paris. dynamo moscow forward konstantin tsyukavin was recognized as the best young player in the rpl based on the results of the calendar year. the award is given each year to the league's best under-21 player. leaders and coaches of rpl clubs, representatives of the russian football union and many other experts took part in the voting. only 100 people. 60 of them put tyukavin in first place. konstantin scored 416 points in the voting, which is twice as many as his closest pursuer, midfielder krasnodar nikita krivtsov. tyukavin spent the current season in rpl-17. including tyukavin scoring in six of the last seven matches that dynamo played. the third stage of the
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russian biathlon cup will not take place. the reason is severe frosts in tyumen. today there were supposed to be sprint races there, but the thermometer in the morning showed almost 30° below zero. the jury of the third stage decided to cancel the competition. the races were scheduled from december 6 to 10. about sports, that's all for now, see you tomorrow, thank you, have a nice day, it was alexander abramov, we will now take a short break, and then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this environment. rinastop helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and rinastop is double help, promotes careful restoration of the mucous membrane, each has its own renostop. at ural sibi we know what the prospects are. where they overcome, where they work, where they create,
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there are prospects, sbanka mural. they become reality. ural-sip, prospects are where you are. i don’t need a flower, a seven-flowered one, for my wishes to come true, for my dreams in this i achieved it myself. i wish i knew a spell to do several things at once. but the main thing i learned this year is to choose myself. scooter: holiday, it's you. alpha investments, give 10 shares of large russian ones. everyone, open an investment account at alfabank , take your gift, keep prices low, chocolate 1999, pyaterochka to the rescue, this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion, welcome the new year, billionaires, buy tickets on the website in branded stores, i want, i can, i can, i’ll get it from a btbek credit card, i want it,
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i can, i can, i want, 200 days without interest. i'm not kidding, vtb credit card. we’re bringing a long-distance bargain, an apartment, the main event of the year, and you’ll get such a benefit in emvy and eldorado, a sale, very even, with discounts of up to 80% on avito.
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we continue the morning broadcast and... briefly about the main thing. vladimir putin will visit two middle eastern countries today - the united arab emirates and saudi arabia. the focus is on bilateral relations, energy cooperation and regional issues. the parties will also discuss current issues on the international agenda. the white house reported that us president joe biden is privately trying to convince
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congressmen to accept the request for additional assistance to ukraine. for now , legislators are opposed to supporting kiev. earlier, biden's national security advisor jake sullivan admitted that the united states was running out of funds to finance ukraine. cyclone oliver, which covered moscow with snow, reached the south of siberia. heavy snowfalls covered khakassia, altai territory, irkutsk, omsk and novosibirsk regions. a tomorrow the snowstorms will be replaced by a sharp cold snap. places. it will be down to -40°. it is abnormally cold now in yakutia and kolyma, where thermometers are already recording a record -60. venezuelan president maduro declared the western part of neighboring guyana esakibo the twenty- fourth state of the country. he gave oil companies operating in the region 3 months to complete operations. maduro also ordered a census in the region and the issuance of identity cards.


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