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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 6, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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and we can be grateful to them. during the second world war, cubans, of course, identified with the soviet union and the russian people. it was a joy that was expected and believed that it would come. invincible stalingrad - the cemetery of german fascism. this inscription was made in the soviet union, no, it was sent like that, a resident of govanna signed it in russian. what kind of havana artist sent his painting to stalingrad in 1945? why is this about the ussr with it being so different? cuba, stalingrad is the beginning of a radical change, stalingrad and cuba, under a microscope. at the russian exhibition, which takes place at the vdd.
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today the orenburg saratov region presents its programs, what interesting things can be seen, we find out from our correspondent maria valieva, she joins the broadcast. maria, hello, what have you already seen? yes, yuri, hello, we managed to see a lot of things, including even traveling back in time, look at what russian wars greet all the guests at the saratov region stand here. here is a warrior from the southern russian principalities and from the northern ones, and also here can you play medieval games, hello, please tell me, as i understand it, these are checkers, this is the ancestor of checkers, they are called al-kerk, they were distributed mainly in central asia, in northern africa, but the most important thing is that they are found we also have boards like this for games, and most of all they find these kind of chips, the chips were not only glass, they were also made from bone, and the most common,
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the most common are small shards from broken dishes, they were processed, ground down and they were played, sometimes as mutton astrogals also used chips, and with these mutton astrogals they played not only checker-type games, but also games of dexterity, games of accuracy, and they could even arrange something like a sweepstakes, when with horses, our archaeologists also this year they unearthed such interesting chess figures in the city of uket, the fact is that it is very rare to find such figures, made of bone, here specifically this is rock, what century is the example, this is our 13th-14th century, the point is that the city of okek existed precisely in 13-14 century, now it is the southern outskirts of the city of saratov. thank you very much, everything is really very interesting, in the city of ukek, every year there is a festival of archeology and reconstruction, but here we are already in the future, to implement the region by 2025.
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the saratov region is developing rapidly, today here we met with its head, we are proud of the radio electronics industry, and when at the meeting the president i reported on 74 defense enterprises, of which more than thirty are the aviation industry, everything that flies, everything passes through one way or another saratov region, valovo regional product last year exceeded 1 trillion rubles, 60% of it is industry, we are a leader in the volga federal district, we are among the top ten regions in terms of agricultural production and always occupy first place in terms of production and cultivation... of sunflowers , stan
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of the saratov region is called the territory of attraction and it is no coincidence, because it was on the territory of this region that yuri alekseevich ggagarin landed, by the way, while in saratov, and he went to the flying club and became fly on a yak-18 plane, well , here is the orenburg region... as he himself said, the first cosmonaut, the orenburg region gave him wings, now, by the way, there are a lot of people here, today is the day of the orenburg region, but let’s still try to show that presented here, it’s difficult to squeeze through, of course, but here we will now see an engraving that was created in the 20th century, it depicts the distance, for writing
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the captain’s daughter, a lot today. projects are presented here, including, today the head of the region told us how national projects are being implemented in orenboy to tell, something new, we have explored 2,500 mineral deposits, many of which are the most valuable family, raw materials for production clusters located in the region, including the largest deposits of oil, gas, kaalin, iron ore in the north and west of the region. orenburg is a sunny and windy region, the sun shines 220 days a year in the region, we used these natural features to develop alternative energy. well, the stand
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is decorated like this, with patterns from famous orenburg scarves for which this region is famous and... and here are just shown scarves with various patterns, which can then be purchased at the department store. yura, yes, maria, thank you, maria valieva, about the programs that were presented at the russian exhibition in the orenburg saratov region. moscow and the region have topped the green rating for the second year in a row. it was compiled by a russian operator assessing the contribution of regions to achieving the goals of the national ecology projects. thus, in the moscow region, 11 modern complexes for sorting and waste recycling. evgenia petrukhina will tell you who else made the list of the best. stavropol region. instead of golden statues, there are pet bottles, which are now also recycled. the green award of the russian environmental operator gives the green light to such projects and regions that are taking serious steps towards
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preserving the environment among the leaders in the green rating of the moscow and moscow region, tula and nizhny novgorod regions. i would probably mention bashkiria, this is a region that could be accelerated. find at a pace land plots, prepare design and estimate documentation and begin the construction of infrastructure facilities, which, at a faster pace , will allow the region to overtake the federal project indicators in this regard by the twenty-fifth year. nizhny novgorod, which is actively implementing projects related to infrastructure to completion, and the latest initiatives of this region indicate that they will also be able to fulfill the indicators of the federal project ahead of schedule. here is a statue for udmurtia, where 6 years ago there was so much waste at the landfills that they could cover the entire territory of the republic with a layer of 2 cm. but the national ecology project worked. we have four waste sorting stations.
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well, we have eight eco-houses - this is a cool project at the intersection of business and, well, eco-education itself. what is it, this is an opportunity for residents to recycle and receive money for it, in 2.5 years almost 3,500 tons of raw materials and garbage, for this residents received almost 16 million rubles. the yamalonets autonomous autonomous region rose by 33 points in the green rating district, the kursk and lipetsk regions have significantly improved their performance; they are in the top twenty. kemerovo region, novosibirsk region, khabarovsk region are actively involved in the work on integrated management of msw. it’s nice to see that work is already underway in 89 regions of our country, including the donetsk and lugansk people’s republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. new territories with their unique ecosystems are actively involved in joint work to create a new structure
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for waste management, environmental education and education, as well as support for all-russian environmental actions. for the second year in a row, we are first in the green rating. moscow and moscow region. 11 waste processing complexes have been built in the region, with a capacity of more than 7.5 million tons per year. green rating leaders today strive for so-called zero landfilling, so that all waste is recycled. the remarkable standard of the moscow region is 20-30-50. this is what we are striving for, what we have already implemented 90% of at these enterprises, 20% recycled materials, 30%. the so-called techno-soil and 50% in the future are already inert materials that are placed on our bowls, well, we are not standing still, we are building four heat treatment facilities, just this 50%, our main
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task in implementing these projects is as we call zero disposal, in moscow, the moscow region, since this year the ecoline group has been successfully working in karelia, the capital’s experience is useful today in karelia... ecoline has digitized every container site. the immediate plans are to create in republic waste processing complex. our entire database and actual volumes are formed on the same day, and not sometime later. that is, all these simple things in fact, which can be done in all regions of the federation, at the end of this year we are going into examination with the kpo project, accordingly, which will be built in karel, it will be a modern kpo, of course, with certain nuances, on the one hand, this is our experience, which allows us to do some things that may be more optimal, than even we did in moscow. region, but nevertheless, i hope that in a year we will see a modern kpo in corelia and
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in fact we will see a modern system for handling waste in the waste area. the green rating is an assessment of how the region is working to achieve the goals of the ecology national project, what is with the separate collection of waste, is there an infrastructure for the management of solid waste, how is this waste processed and disposed of, what is with the processing of municipal solid waste. educational work in the region, volunteer projects are also assessed movements, because the main thing... this is a culture of separate collection, which is already followed by modern complexes for sorting and processing waste. evgenia petrukhina, alexander pushin, dmitry maslennikov, news. register your business for free at follow your dreams. just dare. tochka bank for entrepreneurs. and enterprises, here are our
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car production in russia should exceed 1,300,000 in the next 3-4 years, mikhail mishustin stated this while giving a lecture in
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within the framework of the knowledge project at the exhibition at the russian forum at vdh. my colleague nika yankovaya followed the performance and is joining the broadcast. greetings, let’s remind you what other topics the prime minister touched upon. greetings, mikhail mishusin spoke about sectors of the economy that have shown serious development in recent years, and also about the most significant projects for our country, now i’ll tell you about everything in order. agricultural sector, energy, construction, transport, communications and it. the russian economy is developing in a number of directions, despite the sanctions. about this was stated by prime minister mikhail mishustin. he gave a lecture as part of the knowledge project. growth of the shaft. domestic product in october in annual terms amounted to about 5%, and by the end of the year, according to forecasts, it could reach 3%, all this despite numerous western projects and packages of western restrictions. good dynamics in terms of real disposable income. even our opponents talk about our success; they openly admit that sanctions do not
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work. in general , our industry responded well to external pressure. she is gradually recovering. height processing production in october continued to increase at a very good pace, 9.5% year on year. unemployment has reached a historic low. a number of economic areas are the most important and promising for our country, prime minister mikhail mishustin emphasized. and all of them have already achieved good results. for example, the agricultural sector. russia ranks first in the world in wheat supplies, forming almost a sixth of world exports. in the field of medicine, also development. during the coronavirus epidemic in our country four vaccines have been registered. production was also established abroad, and they were exported to more than 60 countries around the world. russian geneticists are engaged in developments that can be used in the diagnosis of rare hereditary diseases. this
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year it is planned to build over 100 million square meters of housing in russia. these are record volumes. and more than 3.5 million families improve their living conditions every year. in the field of transport accessibility, in the next 4 years , 150,000 km of roads will be updated, not only urban, but rural as well as federal highways, including within the international transport corridors russia and north-south. separate sections of high-speed railways are at the design stage. separately, the prime minister touched upon the topic of the automotive industry. the flagships of our automotive industry are kamaz and avtovaz, their products have the highest level of localization in the country in the industry, and mostly domestic components are used in production. another direction is the development of electric transport. this is where we see good prospects for
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the domestic auto industry. technologically , the russian auto industry will develop towards greater environmental friendliness. and efficiency in the field of shipbuilding, development has reached a pace that has not been observed since soviet times; last year the order portfolio for civil engineering amounted to 300 units, now it is already up to 985 ships by the thirty-fifth year. four types of icebreakers are currently being built in russian shipyards, including the most powerful model in the world. in the field of aircraft manufacturing in russia create a full line of aircraft, including short- and medium-haul aircraft. new. regional il-114 and ladaga, long-haul il-96. prime minister mikhail is also restoring the domestic civil helicopter industry. spoke about achievements in the field of communications and it. the russian software register already includes 18,000 products. there is an active
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replacement of foreign programs in the business segment, these include mechanical engineering, transport, healthcare, education, agriculture, trade and many others industry. russia has its own search engine, email service, social networks, which many of you, if not all, use . domestic operating systems for mobile devices are actively developing. software and telecom are gaining very strong momentum. russia continues to strengthen its technological sovereignty. our country has all the conditions to restore its status as a great scientific and technological power , the prime minister emphasized as a priority goal by the end of the decade. also, maintaining the quality of education and creating conditions for the development of abilities and talents of children and youth. at the same time, russia must remain the center of attraction for trade, industrial and financial relations, and its own development must be based on the respect of the country’s partners. yes,
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nika, thank you, nika yankovay spoke about the vectors of development of the russian economy. moscow, tatarstan and st. petersburg are leaders in scientific and technological development among russian regions, deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko stated this while speaking in the state duma during government hour. he said the preliminary dept. state policy in the field of scientific research and innovative developments by the ministers, thanks to the decade of science and technology, which, on behalf of the president, is now being carried out in our country, our citizens began to learn much more about the scientific achievements of our modern ones, not only to be proud of our past achievements, and the developments of our scientists find application in industry, healthcare, agriculture, and provide a completely concrete, tangible for citizens benefit, and we... see a response, according to recent data, 79% of respondents are proud of our modern russian scientists, attention, the figure is 65% of parents, they
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will not wish bad things on their children, they want their children’s future career to be connected with science. and today the state duma adopted in the third reading a law that prohibits the use of mobile phones in schools. in addition, starting next year, all educational institutions will have a compulsory lesson. labor, let's vote, we are increasing the efficiency of education, the child, coming to class, will not distracted by the phone, will not play while using the phone, but teachers, for their part, will also not sit on gadgets, only in exceptional cases, when there is a threat to the child’s life or some kind of emergency, it will be possible to use the phone, this is... everyone’s request the parent community of teachers, but also colleagues, work has not yet spoiled anyone. yakutia was gripped by severe frosts,
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it got so cold that the mercury in thermometers had nowhere to go, it’s just that -60 was recorded in some areas, and at this temperature it’s difficult even for locals residents, extreme cold was felt today by athletes from namibia, uganda and tanzania, they arrived in yakutsk for the challenge of the north boxing tournament, so that the guest... would not freeze, they were immediately lent insulated workwear by utility workers. the athletes left their shoes and walked to the taxi in white sneakers. very very beautiful very very cold, colder than any other city i ’ve been to, in navibia the temperature is now +24°. the legendary alfabank credit card , free forever, has become even more profitable.
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receive a supercake every month for free withdraw cash from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. on new year's eve, a good wizard cast a spell. miracles for every resident of the city , and my dad built a real castle even without any magic, yes, we have a goldfish, but we fulfilled the dream of our own house ourselves, scooter, holiday - it’s you, we keep prices low, sayus 1899, five helps out, the fourteenth investment forum russia is calling, watch on december 7 live on russia 24 on the website whatever you want: to fulfill a dream, to change the world?
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or get to know yourself for any purpose in psb there is a loan for any purpose, without a visit to the office, psb for the present, this year the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion, meet the new godliarders, buy tickets on the website in soloto branded stores, unexpectedly happened on avito sale, happened to you. new dresses, and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avida, don’t miss discounts up to 80%. new buildings on cian have a huge selection of great deals and reliable residential complexes. call the developer directly from the application.
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dialogue with the whole country, dialogue with everyone. results of the year from december 14 at 12:00 moscow time.
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cooperation in various areas vladimir putin today on a foreign visit to oha and saudi arabia, how the russian president was greeted and how air force one was escorted by the aerospace forces aircraft. new attacks on the gas sector, meanwhile, swedish groups are reporting an attack on an american base in iraq, what is the situation in the conflict zone by this hour? cyclone oliver, which covered moscow with snow, now in siberia, how much the bad weather affected the life of the regions, how the consequences of the rampant elements are eliminated, and what forecasts weather forecasters give.


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