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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 7, 2023 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, they had legs, well, no, we need to move on, he’s leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want false shadows, we’re looking to know everything about russia, the best historical... .and tv series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website , and now about the weather in the south of russia, today is strong... in the summer, a message comes about freezing
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rains, which regions have already been affected by the elements, we’ll find out about this from our leading specialist centrifus alina kotelevskaya, alina, i greet you, tell me, is there a chance of freezing rain in moscow? hello, no, they will not reach the capital. in moscow, as well as in most of the russian plain, severe frosts still remain. in the coming days, bad weather will only affect the southwestern region of our country. this is the kind of footage that came from stavropol today. it's certainly not festive. on trolleybuses, in the morning there was freezing rain, trees fell under the weight of ice in the city, and drivers were forced to clean their cars for a long time before the trip, similar the situation is in the rostov region, it is also very slippery here, there are numerous accidents on the roads, this is a shot from the aksai region , several trucks and a passenger car collided on the m4 highway. moving to the side. moscow
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had to be closed for a while. it's not easy for pedestrians either. so, this morning they moved along the streets of rostov-on-don. now the temperature in the city is about zero, so the snow on the sidewalks remains. the reason for the worsening weather in southern russia is the collision of a frosty anticyclone with a mediterranean vortex. the south of our country is already found itself in the zone of its warm front. here, in some places, there was even a thaw. however, the arctic cold prevents warm air from moving deeper into the russian plain. the whole week has been spreading north to southwest, so the warmth, accompanied by ice and snowfalls, will spread north, along the border, very gradually pushing the anticyclone to the east. the epicenter of abnormally frosty weather in the east of the russian plain near the center of a vast anticyclone. in perm, for example, that night the temperature dropped to almost -32°, during the day it was 24 frost, now again approaching -30. in kazan, in the region of -20°,
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holos, frequent companions of frost, appear in the sky. in the center of the russian plain, it was a little warmer in moscow at night, thermometers showed -11, this is how the cold decorated the ostankino tv tower. the upper part of the structure turned white and covered with drizzle. this night in european russia the temperature regime will continue to be contrasting. at the epicenter of the stuzha are the urals and the eastern part of the volga region. it's -30-35 almost everywhere here. this is not the only reason. arctic air, but still a strong cooling of the surface layer of the atmosphere due to partly cloudy weather. twenty-degree frosts are expected in the murmansk region and karelia in the northeast of the central region in the volga republics. but the rostov, volgograd and ostrakhan regions will be crossed by the zero isotherm, to the south of it, the thermometer readings will be positive. due to warm air moving along the western periphery of the anticyclone, atmospheric processes above the black zone are activated. and belarus, small ones will get
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snowfalls will also reach the western black earth regions, and this will be the beginning of a period of snowfalls in the west of the country, which, together with warm air, will slowly displace frosts. in kursk today it is cloudy and without precipitation, the temperature during the day fluctuates between -6-8° and it will remain this way until the weekend. snowfalls will begin tomorrow and will continue in varying intensities until early next week. they are forecast to be strong on saturday and tuesday. except. in addition , snowstorms will whirl around, because the gust of wind can reach 12-18 m per second, that’s an intense increase temperatures will start on monday. the eastern part of european russia will remain in the grip of a frosty anticyclone, with no precipitation here. in ufa today it’s -18, and at night the capital of bashkiria will be engulfed by thirty-degree frosts, and this is not even the peak of the cold snap. on friday afternoon the thermometer will not rise above -223, on saturday and sunday there will be nothing at all. 25-26 in the daytime and -32-33 at
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night, this is almost 20° below the long-term average. in moscow, the coming days will be the coldest, now they have become cold. about -100, the air will cool down by tomorrow morning to -18-19, in some places in the region it will be 20-25 degrees below zero, on friday afternoon no higher than -13-15°. saturday night will also be frosty, but clouds moving in from the southwest will limit the cooling by just a few degrees. it will start snowing over the weekend, which means that warm air has reached the capital, and the frosts will begin to recede, the wind will increase, snowstorms will swirl, tuesday is predicted to be quite comfortable -7 diaries of the international event at vdnkh, the so-called days of the regions continue to take place here, and today is december 7th, dedicated to
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republic of dagestan and north ossetia, allania. dagestan is at the peak of popularity among travelers, this year the republic entered the top five most popular destinations for domestic tourism in russia, the region has become one of the most popular in recent months, tourist flow there has increased by 30%. at the stand , the organizers arranged for their visitors a virtual trip through forests and waterfalls; a commemorative ethical program was held at the cultural center to mark the centenary of rasul gamzatov. i think everyone knows the insightful a song for the soldiers of juravli who died during the great patriotic war, these are poems by the great gamzatov. stand of dagestan. my colleague stanislav vasilchenko was watching, he is joining us, stas, greetings, so, tell us in more detail about the stand, what is presented on it, what is shown, yes, good, hello, well, let's start with the fact that
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acquaintance with dagestan begins with carpets , right now we are next to a master who is making a small rug, this is actually a master class... which is being held all day today, here look, this rug , which is only 30x30 cm, takes at least two weeks to make, and everything is done exclusively by hand, no technology, no, no professional equipment, it is because of this that these rugs turn out to be of high quality, which gives them just such a - unlimited service life, i would also like to draw your attention to this rug, which is also completely small and looks like new. well, it’s as if it was sewn today, although in fact this rug is 40 years old, what else? once again it proves how high-quality carpet production is in dagestan, well now let’s move on to the pavilion itself, the pavilion is very multimedia, which of course attracts the attention of the older generation
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of guests, and of course the youngest visitors, there are a lot of screens, everything is shown clearly, here film about production in and now footage from krivlya.
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که خود جنابی تمایل دارند به مسککو سفر نمایید. روابت دو کشورمون به خوبی توسیه می یابد. موجب
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امتناد خواهد بود. چنانچه خدمت مقام معظم رهبری، بهترین عرضه ها را برسانید. از روابط ما حمایت می کنند ما فقط. خویایی توسعه روابطمونو داریم. 20%. all rights reserved. رمون، رشد.
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تو ایران برگزار شده بود در تاریخ های چهارم هفتم اکتوبره. خودمون واقعاً تعجب کردیم چون شرکت کنندگان آن نمایشگاه شرکت های روس یه واقعاً علاقه را داشتن جهت حضور در این نمایشگاه.
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how about? به طور فعالانه در همه عرصه ها کارمونو پیش
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میکنیم. opinions on the situation in the region, especially as it relates to the situation in پلستینی. مهم میبینیم که امروز تبادل نظر بکنیم در خصوص مسایل منطقه ای، به ویژ ه اوضاع فلسطین. خیلی خوشحالم میزبان جناب عالی را شوم در مسکو خیلی خوش آمدین تشکر بسم الل ه الرحمن الرحیم من هم خوشحالم از اینکه در مسکو هستم و در این جلسه با
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the russian federation, this meeting, i think that there will be a good opportunity to exchange via our bilateral ی دنيا. در راستایی سیاستت همساییگی. و در راستای همکاری با کشور دوست ما روسیه که ما همکاری های بسیار خوب ی در این چند سال اخیر داشتیم و در همه حوزه ها روابطمون رو به پیشرفت و توسعه است. all rights reserved. همکاری با ظرفیه. in the context of our policy
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to develop relations with neighboring states , in particular with our friendly side the russian federation, we observe that our interaction has been progressing very well over the past few years, we have achieved progress and development, i think that today’s negotiations can also contribute to: the creation new favorable conditions for realizing the potential opportunities that exist in our countries. کشاورزی در حوزه کار، دانشمونیان با روسیه داشتیم و در همه حوزه t. i think that the interaction, the cooperation that we carry out in the field of energy,
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agriculture, educational development, contacts between our universities. یک جانبه گراییست و نظام ناعدلانه جهانیست که جلوه این یک جانبه گرای ی و نظام. ناعادلانه رو میتونید امروز در غزه و در فلسطین ببینید. suffers, this is, of course, the adoption of unilateral measures and also a global unjust system, and we can see a clear manifestation of this today in those events that occur in the territory
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of gaza. فلسطین داره صورت میگیره. حقیقتاً یک نسلکشی و جنایت علیه. که این جنایت ها مورد حمایت امریکا و مورد حمایت کشورهای غربی قرار می گیره. united countries. آن است که سازمان هایلمی و تشکل هایی
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که مدعی حقوق. all the same. مسئله فلسطین و مردم مظلوم مقتدر فلesine. and of course, one of the issues that i , dear mr. putin, would like to discuss with you is the issue of palestine, as well as the questionable nation of palestine. سرزمینی که در
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هر ۱۰ دقیقه داره یک کوشته. و ضرورت داره هرچه سریع تر جلوی این بندران ها گرفته. و موضوع مهمی که امروز دغدقه نه فقط منطقی ما امروز تبدیل شده به دردق کرد مسائل دو جانبه هم مسائل منطقه و هم مسائل در سطح بینملی با هم گفتگو خ واهیم داشت. during this visit, god and i will discuss with you the bilateral, regional, as well as international agenda. در این سفر جنابی
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هم باید شما خسته نباشید گفت و ما همادگی داشتیم که پ رواز. i will definitely take advantage of your invitation. جناب آقای رئیس جمهور این جانب all the same. and i must say that we do not stop
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working until almost the new year. we are scheduled to sign an agreement on the creation of a free trade zone between iran and the eurasian economic union at the very end of december. شاین ذکر شد که بر طبق تقویم کاری ما ما. all rights reserved. مضای موافقت نامه ای ایجاد تجارت آزاد بین کشور جمهوری اسلامی ایران و اقتصادی اورراسیا در برنامهمون هست. the kremlin, there negotiations between vladimir putin and
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iranian president ibrahim reisi are taking place. and we are returning to the vdd, my colleague works there, which today is a real beauty, we will continue this topic with our correspondent, who. connect. so, stas, gamsutal, sulak canyon, tell us how all these incredible tourist spots are presented on the map and stand of dagestan? yes, in general, i will continue, i will continue my story about how multimedia the dagestan pavilion is in general, here, in addition to the fact that films are shown, you can also play games, this quiz to check how much. a person is aware of what dagestan is , for those who just want to take a walk through , including the protected areas of dagestan, there are vyarochki, this is by the way, this is how the excursion goes, here is the sluak canyon, and
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gunip, and iderbend, and barkhan, that is , you can watch all this simply by wearing special vr glasses, and thus take a walk, and of course, if you like it in vr glasses, welcome to dagestan itself, be sure to buy tickets and go to this region, a separate corner is dedicated to the poet rasul. gamzatov, a poet who dedicated everything, all his work precisely to his native land , specifically to dagestan, here his portrait is made like a mosaic, and if you turn it over, here we see his poems, including the poem my dagestan, which he, like i already said, i dedicated it specifically to my homeland, a separate corner is dedicated to a unique place in dagestan, this is a samur grove, so i’ll ask the operator to show how you do it... on the big screen, all seasons are displayed here this samur grove, by the way, is the only tropical liana forest in russia, of course, a protected area,
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here you can see the inhabitants, here you go, such wonderful cats are found in this protected area, but of course, they are not only cats, who else lives in this reserve, well, you need to come and see, in fact, now i suggest you listen... what comments do people share who have already studied this pavilion? i liked everything very much, it was a very cool idea, wonderful, just like myself dagestan, very beautiful dagestan, i look at many people on social networks and they really post it , the nature is amazing, the culture is amazing, i would like to touch it, and well, this exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to learn something, to emphasize, and of course, an even greater desire arises, already wants... to go and see the tickets, i’m from dagestan myself, i was invited, that’s why i came, i came and visited my home, i felt our air,
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our mountains, today alone the dagestan stand was visited by several thousand people, as you already heard, examined, and even those who come from dagestan, well, no one remained indifferent, so of course it is necessary to come here. walk, look, study, and not only dagestan, here at the russia exhibition all 89 regions of the russian federation are represented. over to you. from dagestan , stanislav vasilchenko was with us, who spoke about a very unusual combination of cultures with modern technologies. north ossetia alania, one of the multinational regions of russia, is famous for its unique nature and , of course, the republic is famous for its... ossetian hospitality. in north ossetia , alania has prepared a rich program. throughout the day, master classes on weaving the ossetian national scarf are held, as well as demonstration performances by famous
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athletes. quiz games and active games. there is an exhibition display at the stand, displaying handmade ceramics, object interiors made of epoxy resin, dishes from ancient civilizations, gold thread embroidery and much more. what attracts the republic, why it is famous and how it is developing today, the head of the region told sergey minolov in an interview with me, but we ’ll come back a little later and sum up the results of this day at the exhibition forum in russia. good afternoon, thank you very much for becoming a guest of our visiting studio and here, at the exhibition at the russia forum, today is the day of north ossetia, and on this day i would like to talk about the development that overcomes - north ossetia, about what is happening in your country, after all, this is the foundation of the agro-industrial complex, let’s talk about the directions of your stylish economy, thanks to which you are developing, well, look, in any
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region, it’s not in a bare field. the region has , like any region has a history, history , well, ossetia, let’s say, yes, it has a thousand-year history, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the baptism of allania, next year we will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the annexation of ossetia to russia, yes, this is also history such, the embassy of the state of alanya gathered , the embassy came to the tsar, the priest asked to join russia, therefore. there are historically established sectors of the economy for each region, we are immediately in our own, well, development strategy, let’s say, we the basis was made on historically established sectors of the economy, which are inherent to the network and are developing, and we are trying to develop them, these are industrial enterprises, those that can be revived, we are reviving them, for example, our copper plant, it has been there for 20 or 30 years, as was ruined, yes, now it
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... now it produces, it is the only plant in russia that produces oxygen-free copper, yes, it is in demand, before this it was imported, it is in demand in all industries, microelectronics, radio engineering, state defense orders, and so on further, the plant will win, yes, it is from soviet times, it has survived, it is now working for state defense orders, which means that the baspik enterprise produces optical fiber for all optics, and such technologies there are very good, of course, such a volume, work, uh, that means work places , of course we won’t recruit, the technologies are already different, but nevertheless, where it is possible to revive and develop, we revive and develop, this is from an industrial point of view, the agro-industrial complex, well, ossetia at one time in soviet times, it was, that means and livestock agriculture was developed, but today, today we have an agro-industrial complex,
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let’s say, all of it, right? it is moving forward and increasing momentum, but there was a period, yes, when we left many agricultural crops, yes, which are grown, much went into oblivion, for example, viticulture, yes, we have now revived viticulture, we planted 250 hectares of a new vineyard , now we are still cutting off the territory in order to develop it further, secondly, it means that we now have technologies for growing... fruit, we have there are large farms that grow fruits, apples, for example, a cossack farm, this is an investment project that has already been completed, there are refrigerators for 50,000 tons, so naturally, we are cutting off more territory in order to develop this farm, there is only one method of cultivation, which means , there are farms that can be grown in the open ground, then we talk about greenhouse farming, yes,
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this is a developed history, in other regions of the russian federation, where there is a risk zone, we, in principle, have some territories also a risk zone, yes, nevertheless , we are now we are implementing an investment project, eco-culture, 18.5 billion investments in greenhouse complexes, primarily 60 hectares, the volume of the scale is large, and the volume is large. tourism in the soviet union , it was very highly developed, we had a network of tour buses, a network of routes, today it needs to be restored, yes, you know, i always say, yes, i say everything, i say, you know, that everything is new, it’s good, forgotten is old at the moment, not everything was bad, absolutely, so those, it means, taking into account the experience that was, yes, today we are we are restoring, of course, at a new level, because today the requirements of the time, in terms of
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placement and service, well, this is objective, but nevertheless, we are paying attention to this. so we started franchises, yes,


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