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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today vladimir putin has a big working day again. first, the president went to the international trade center in moscow, where the fourteenth russia zavyat investment forum is taking place. the main theme of this year's meetings is life without globalization. in his speech , putin once again drew attention to his face.
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source of guidance, just like a colony, for this they resort to sanctions restrictions, for example, they rock political situations and provoke conflicts in entire macro-regions, in attempts to preserve their elusive dominance, the western elites went so far as to abolish the very principles of the market economy that they so love to talk about, when this system of so-called globalization was taking shape, we remember, people here probably remember: what he said then,
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everyone should be on equal terms, everyone should be placed in such equal conditions, borders should be open, borders should not be closed under any circumstances, how can this be, this contradicts the idea of ​​world development, as soon as competitors appeared, bang and their own their own borders began to close immediately in one second with a click, that’s it, here are all the principles, today they have already gone further, their efforts have crossed out the unshakable... some unshakable postulates, for example, property rights, european jurisdictions, which until recently were considered safe, quiet , the so-called harbors, have actually ceased to be them, now the principle of one’s own is at work here, as in military aircraft, where a stranger can be robbed, left with nothing, and his assets, companies, enterprises, can block, take away and even liquidate.
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as a result of sabotage, as was the case with the nord streams, this is what competition looks like now in a rules-based world, who needs such rules, excellent, excellent question, right on the sidelines of the forum , today’s international meetings of the president began, vladimir putin spoke with crown prince aman , minister of youth, sports culture of the sultanate aman al-said, the president was clearly in a good mood, so there were some jokes. mister bones.
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aravi and as it turned out tehran also wanted drop by, you know, i was there in the neighboring region and flew directly to my colleagues on the territory of your country, and i wanted to land directly in tehran to meet, but they tell me that the president has already got ready and is flying to moscow, i must tell you, after your visit, dear mr. putin , god help you, but we were...
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peace and also a global unjust system and we can see a clear manifestation of this today in the events that are taking place in the territory of gaza and the fact that palestine in gaza is, of course, genocide and crime against humanity. indeed, it should be noted that it is extremely regrettable that more than 6,000 children were killed at the hands of the zionist regime. and what is even more sad is that all these crimes are supported by the united states of america as well as countries.
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talk a lot about various contradictions, about the difficult path, but what inspires calm in me personally? if we take the meeting, the last one shown here in time, with the leader of iran, i don’t remember how many years ago, but 7-8 years ago russia did not supply iran under the deal already concluded with the s400, well i was just afraid, not so much, that they would kill us all there for this, well, these sanctions, the pressure of the west, the rejection of the west, that we, now all this has disappeared, for various reasons, our mit, our foreign policy, which, apparently , i have been preparing for this for a long time, i began to draw out that
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tough, uncompromising path that we talked about and desired, many of which, without any flirting with the west, this does not mean that everything has already been done. on the one hand, on the other hand, of course, in my opinion, all this was accelerated by the fact that western countries, well, they are either because for 500 years they have really gotten used to being in charge and cannot enter into a new role as equals among other equals, or because of their ignorance, from fanabe, i don’t know, they, not only are they carrying all sorts of nonsense, they went crazy. literally akhamels, that is, before their racism, which once appeared in the literal sense of the word, openly, right up to the physical destruction of peoples there, members of sabotage and other things, by the end of the 21st century, in the 20th century began
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to gradually, that means, be covered up such patent political correctness, there are human rights, humanism and all that other stuff, but now it... has flown away - this is the arrogance and rudeness of the west, which manifests itself in almost everything in any of the conflicts that arise in the world, they will always arise as long as there are different countries , there are naturally interkin relations, there are conflict fields automatically, then this shows their weakness, confusion, and the more confused the enemy is, the better... for us, that the matter, as we know, is right, but - at the same time, i would like , i would like to after all, these holy nineties, i never used this expression at all, because i was not from this environment, but many
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people at the political level back then - they used it, i would like it - after all , they were responsible for the bazaar, these are the ones who says that the russians should... sleep and be afraid to wake up because their throats will be cut, this cameron, who said how wonderful it is, only 10% of the military budget and we are destroying russian weapons and russian soldiers, no, well, excuse me, this is this there should be a trial, i hope they are all included in the lists and will be in general, entry into russia is permanently closed to the sovereign state, but this cannot just be left.
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these people cannot be allowed into decent society, in our future world order they cannot be allowed in, they are not educated, they are boors, they are ignorant, they hate other people, countries, well, how can they be allowed in, this is the kind of world order we need, in this sense , putin is very democratic, he says how everyone there should be equally democratic, it’s good, like everyone else, that there should be punishment, and since constantly are underway, i still have one dream, so that we stop living according to the schedule of the american elections, i can’t, as soon as i see that boring talk show. starts, next year , it’s already begun, now the senate is going on new year
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’s holidays, now the house of representatives and so on, you just don’t like drobnitsky, i ’ve noticed for a long time, surprises await you , surprises await you, so, but that’s it- i’ll take a risk in this audience, where people know a lot of people there. this is the declaration of independence, not ours, and the us constitution by heart, and there are all 25 corrections in prose, there in poetic translations, i would venture to say that it seems that someone was preparing, i have a feeling that the american ruling class, for some reason it is not biden, well, it is clear that biden is not a political asshole, well, it is clear, yes, and perhaps in general... judging by the form, which is normal, while no one is immortal there and even 120 years old, no one has done this, but
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let it be, it will remain, which means the strategic course is not clear, because if it was clear, it was possible to select a figure for it, and if it was not clear, well then let it be the one who is will remain, just as leonid brezhnev was persuaded that stay, stay, stay, and then we’ll see, uh, and so here’s the reasoning for what the americans will do in this case in the other, they are from specialists, they confuse me, because that again this is to understand the intrigues of the washington court, it is very interesting, in my opinion it is becoming less and less fruitful, i repeat, the agenda, the world one, certainly the russian one , needs to be torn away from the political american calendar, another thing is that we, of course, must take it into account while they are still with us on the same page planet, here -
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the west from their political calendar of all that other stuff, moving on to our affairs , we inevitably revolve around ukraine, i won’t talk about it, then it became clear that this was, well, at least a serious political mistake, yes,
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come to ukraine , soviet , bandera slogans were not hanging anywhere, and under shirbitsky they weren’t hanging either, there were just slogans there, radyanskaya, ukraine and so on, but bandera’s people penetrated into all pores, now, in addition to the fact that in connection with the final capitulation. regime, us this problem also needs to be solved, i want to say that this is liberal banderaism, this is not the least danger, they too, first of all, they are now sitting, more and more demanding a return, and to the same ones, this is now about moscow state university, this is philosophical faculty, creative department, so the philosophical faculty of mku
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- who is who? i saw this video, it’s kind of short, i’m not sure that you are covering liberal banderaism, although you call for fighting it, that’s how everyone has colleagues, friends, it’s impossible to say , why, why? not in our shift, not on our floor, fifty -eighth, part three, about my department, i am ready to answer all questions, not only yours, but also people with machine guns, machine guns, whatever, with a declaration of rights person, that’s what’s in the poetic translation, and as for
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a colleague of the neighboring glorious faculty, which by the way i’ll come back to shortly, then invite him, then very much, i have to invite everyone who is publicly, no, just a minute, i have questions to him, i owe everyone, who should be invited so publicly in order to give them a platform, they say, you have crap on the people’s soul here, come and crap on the people’s soul again, explain why you have crap on the people’s soul, this is how bonderaism appears, which means that every bandera member who was released should have said, and let's invite him on the air, let's ask him, why are you like this? i didn’t order you, but i have to give a platform to bandera, secondly, the last thing i will say about this, excuse me, this man is not the hero of my novel, here i am,
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i dress differently, and so on, but he, a hero of the soviet union and not a hero of the soviet union was not the order of lenin lenin stalin’s favorite this is not bad so in short i ’m leaving this topic i repeat as was said well translated into russian for yesterday thank you for today do not answer, at moscow state university there are 20,000 employees, teachers and employees in general, and but for 20,000 you will always find out what happens to a barrel of honey when a spoon hits it, figure out what ’s happening here on television, and here i am right here and
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all sorts of people are sorting it out, andrey, the fact is that i’m in the pincers of the song the years they spend there are interesting characters, the dean of the faculty of television, i cannot criticize television, especially specific channels, because my students go there for internships, you see, my students, i owe them, yes, so i propose to criticize the declaration, i cannot criticize the imga, because this is an outstanding university, and outstanding people work there , including the head, i don’t know him, i’m not saying anything bad about him, but we need to find out who the remarkable dean is, probably, just who ... invited him, it would be necessary so you can find out i’m both dear and angry, why, so, i ’m flirting with the liberal race, the most vulgar flirting with the liberal race, it’s advisable that they not be given airtime, it’s desirable, it’s desirable, but you invited me
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to invite him and give him airtime, so you figure out whether or not to give him broadcasts, including all kinds of singers. and others, here, but it’s not even about the singers, that goes without saying, although classical russian entertainment, in the light, in the light, of the concept of the foundations of state policy for the preservation of spiritual and moral values, traditional ones, about singers, is worth to say, so, they have been preserved , they have hidden, actually... a day on the air of various programs, here is your no, today i saw, i will not name where, here is a person who has done a lot - in order for our education became like the west, and today on the air of one channel this man sat and discussed how
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we now need to reform our school and higher education, and such darkness and darkness, i repeat, it will be the same as, uh, the banderaites who were released from the camps then , mercifully, we won’t discuss what khrushchev was guided by, then they penetrated into the roots of the ukrainian, then soviet socialist republic, with the rustle and with shchbitsky, we had an effect - one that, not even in the ninety-first year, it all started earlier, so in connection with the last thing i would like to say, i would like to say, but how with these people fight, yeah, and theoretically organizationally. again, i don’t take the repressive apparatus, so to say , you’re wrong, that’s why you can’t teach, you can’t have airwaves, we can’t
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entrust you with raising children, not in a second, he ’ll say, why am i wrong? yes, and i i’ll say, there are the foundations of this very state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional russian... spiritual and moral values, approved by decree, approved by presidential decree a year ago, decree number 809, there is a listing of these same values, so as not to be mistaken, dignity, this is i’m impressed, traditional values ​​include life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, do you understand that all this can be interpreted? then this, then that’s it, patriotism, yes, yes, patriotism, also different interpretations, russia, my homeland, me i love russia, it should be happy, and
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this can only be ensured by a liberal economy, respect for human rights, all minorities, sexual, quasi -sexual, any, citizenship, but such a term is not very specific, service to the fatherland and the absence and... there is a family there i basically dictate to you - that means i dictate to you from the state, and they ask me, there’s this musician, by the way, my good friend, a good person, now you
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’re going to lose him, it’s not just him, he has seven marriages, and everyone talks about it all the time , including him, students ask me, vitalich, tell me, this is a strong family, or he had seven strong families, here’s how to answer, honestly, he is an honest person. got married every time, this is a traditional value, you know, before we bury the reputation of this person, and it’s possible that we get married for the eighth time, we’ll still get out of this difficult topic, but as you’re getting at, i’m getting to that, and then we will now count the marriages of prince vladimir, well, not marriages, connections, also by the way, here, here i feel, here i feel, a dubious figure, a centuries-old dispute is going on between there, the churchmen, and there are things that are very, very difficult, very difficult to qualify, to give just an exact one, so
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suggest that bandera should not be touched, because it’s difficult, in rights, but you started with the fact that they need to be deprived rights, as there is a law, but according to it they hid, they will return, we , out of our humanism, democracy , will let them all go and they will go to the same debts. there were similar institutions in the soviet union, in soviet times, by the way, these values ​​are very reminiscent of the values ​​that the cpsu proclaimed; by the way, there were people who specifically studied morality theoretically, morality, and here it is even present in this one. in this studio , excuse me, there is a person who knows this better than others, for his father was one of the main and recognized experts in
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this field in the soviet union, now so, oleg dobnitsky, one of the books, the most famous definition of morality, the concept of morality, the concept of morality is absolutely true, but it is not synonymous with what you are calling for. no, i that is, studying is a good thing, but how to fight bandyrchina, otherwise while we study, it will dawn, i specifically asked about this issue, i said, where is modern russian, everyone is talking about moral values, about moral values, i’m just with dean of the faculty of philosophy, he didn’t discuss any truth, someone ran in, spoke somewhere in the corner, and asked a question, alexey pavlovich, tell me where i can get, read a philosophical work about modern...
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not protected, that is you want to say that he failed the job because what else he should study the faculty as if it were not a philosophical one, well, yes, indeed, now they don’t invite philosophers anywhere, they don’t give them a platform, give them a platform, but give them a platform, otherwise we have only two people left in the country who they are engaged in axiology, because of this, vasiliev was invited to the podium, everything to vasiliev, and you started with banderaism, please, i agree. that now we do not live in simple times and the role and function that is assigned, it is assumed that is assigned to our universities and scientific institutes, it, of course, requires them increased responsibility and a serious attitude towards, in fact, what is taught there, and naturally, for some places it becomes not entirely comfortable when in fact it turns out that what our state expected from this university or scientific institute, in fact, is absolutely not...'
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is left, does not give, there is no return, yes, although at the same time money is spent, decent, colossal, and in general i want to say that over a long period of time, when a special military operation especially began, then well many scientists, teachers, professors were very seriously upset, because before that life was comfortable, they received grants, business trips, trips, they could publish in scopuses, mopuses of all kinds, and so on, that is, russians, this is also effective, there was money, and the teacher could work in several places and get money here and there , that is, it was very comfortable, so to speak, when all these streams dried up, then of course, well, many of the teachers, scientists, let’s say, fell into a state some kind of, well, let’s say, violent or hidden disorder, because well, there really was a comfortable life that stopped, and many of them, of course, assumed that perhaps it would soon
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end and return to normal... their own, that is this comfortable life will be found again by them, but this is not so , therefore, of course, the fact that some continue, perhaps some of them continue to expect a return to this life, then i want to disappoint, this will not happen, i think that our confrontation between the russian federation and let's call it this way, with the collective west - this is seriously going to last for a long time, and i would like to say a few words about our president's visit to saudi arabia. and the united arab emirates. well, of course, previously these two states were called behind their backs, like two gas station states. in fact, these two states continue to remain, so to speak, partners of the united states of america, but we see that the realization is coming that the world is changing, something different is happening, this is what was previously imposed and which existed american dominance has seriously
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cracked. here is the recently held forum, yes , primakov’s readings, which , in fact, devoted a lot of time - specifically - to the question of considering how to live further, how we will build a new world order, a new world without such a huge influence that was, maybe be the dollar and the euro, and also without this american will imposed on everyone. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment with her own hands , shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously didn’t kill anyone, what’s the difficulty? her mother is an important person at her court,
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that’s all with my daughter. okay, she’s a normal girl , just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, i ’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew you up, i’d tear you to pieces with horses, lackey, where are you going to drown yourself, science, music, literature, industry was rapidly developing, the russian ridge is filled with world markets, if all this blossomed, so what was rotten then, maybe nothing was rotten, education, the enthusiasm of the people, the soviet government received an unprecedented, colossal inheritance, how zealous it is with this...


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