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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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soba and my daughter are all right , she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and she’s a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, yes, i’ll cut out your tongue right now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, so i’ll horse you. blew up, hollow, where are you going, drowning, soon, science, music, literature , industry was booming, world markets were overwhelmed with the russian ridge, if all this was flourishing, then what was rotting, maybe nothing was rotting, education, the enthusiasm of the people, the soviet government received an unprecedented, colossal inheritance, how zealously it
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disposed of this... inheritance, what was russia before the seventeenth year and what should we do with this history, how much can it repeat itself, what can we bring our country to? . this visit of our president, it once again showed that these are the even attempts that were tried to be made for...
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without thinking that they would interfere, they would not interfere, well, in fact, this is impossible, and right now well, i think that we even see that there was a parallel forum, the climate one in doha, it showed that, in principle, there were a number of states that participated, yes, they are no longer given such serious importance, but also shtanmai arrived there, yes, who was shifting there at the airport from foot to foot, and it was obvious that, how could they have imagined it before? that the leader of the affairs of the federal
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republic of germany could find himself in such, well, let’s say, at least an absurd position when he had to, so to speak, what kind of leader, such a situation , and that’s it, that’s why i’m sure that even today’s visit of the president of iran to the russian federation once again emphasizes that this communication, which, from which, from which they tried to deprive us, is absolutely not has been interrupted and is not interrupting, the visits of sergivich lavrov and abroad are also shown there , all american channels say that russia is isolated, no one there wants to listen or communicate with the minister, but we see that there is a line lining up there just to shake hand, now a symbol of isolationovich lavov - leave me alone, absolutely, absolutely, photographer, so that he from absolutely, that is, we are literally approaching, these, that is, in fact, the words of maodzedun are coming true, who said that we will live to see those over time
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, yes, the minority will obey the majority , of course, now science has already received such new terms, yes, the global south, the global east, and the global majority, these are indeed scientific terms, they have entered our lives, they essentially force us to reckon with them, that’s it pre-existing the existing influence of the golden billion, well , it is clear that it is already excising and dictating, imposing its will, well , it is completely impossible, since the world... requires, first of all, respect for itself, the new world , the global majority, it will not allow it so easily forget that they exist, that they have their own national interests, their own goals, objectives, so indeed the world is slowly coming to the understanding that it is necessary to build international relations on the basis of a balance of interests, indivisible security and unconditional fair treatment of other participants in international communication, i would like to add a couple of such nuances,
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we weren’t in isolation and didn’t shake hands, but here i showed that, despite how subtly, you also very accurately said, there was a summit at the same time, all the things, what a samet shmamet, here f16 draw the russian flag, this attitude, it very clearly glorifies, like whose allies we are, the american ones, no, no...
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the conversation he had with the leader of the middle kingdom, he treated him like a naughty boy, took me away and explained that it was so i don’t, and it’s very important that the world majority puts in their place the exploded, poorly educated, or out of their minds leaders who just recently thought that this world belonged to them. speaking quite seriously, i absolutely agree wholeheartedly when he says that he’s reassured about foreign policy, but when we start talking about the internal structure, well, it’s impossible, for 30 years the train was rushing in one direction, and now we’re talking about that train once or twice and we do not give any criteria, so here we act intuitively, with
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this, fearing to turn into the usual path of repression, because well, in principle, well, what can i say, there is historical experience that... appears, and there is an idea of ​​​​what is good, what is bad, what also appears, but the worst thing is when this fork comes, this split, because we see one russia, which is now being formed in the zone of a special military operation, which is de facto a war against nato, which is being formed in factories and which, by the way, is being formed in many educational institutions where students take academic leave and go to fight, and this also exists, on the other hand... in soviet ideology, it was said there, no, this is not so, forget it, here is a new life for you that you must build, and then they said no, and forget that too, and let’s not just fit into the old, but feel it
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carefully, we need to discuss this, we not only need to discuss it, we need to think about what form. retraining, that is, what we should offer, how we should offer, because that in order to teach, you must first prepare those who will teach, the academy of social sciences, yes, well, it’s a building, call it what you want, the building, moscow is full, there is an academy of social sciences, the question is what will be inside, that’s what it will be, this is the search for meanings, this is very difficult, especially since many seekers of meanings know how to look for them, but never find them in their lives.
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investment forums, this has such a certain meaning, we are entering a period when it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate, internal and external, it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop as a global power that aspires to something, if you lag behind internally from the point of view of internal modernization, in this sense we certainly have very good potential. because we were the first to realize the need to close technological vulnerabilities, which not all major powers have yet realized, and the united states was the second to realize this, but still with some delay from us, and some still have not realized and continue to think
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in terms of world factories. well, yes, me, i can’t, like a teacher, i can’t help but to confuse what begins in person. legalization in russia of returnees who not only have not repented, that’s okay, god bless them, but who returned with... with a deep anti-russian outlook on life, this process is widespread, it is hidden, they are not always advertised, but here i am i observe this in educational institutions, in scientific structures, and i think that by the way, he says that there were no newcomers, bandera slogans, i don’t know the newcomer, but under him, but under his predecessor. cooperative movement
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soviet radyaniska, even in some ukraine they hung, just like that, that’s what they call one after another. and the legalization of bandera, and of this kind of political ukrainianism, it really began with this forgiveness, return, integration, but they were not just returned from the camps, yes, but what i cannot but agree with in vitalovich’s statements is with an attack on mr. biden, why are you vitalitovich clinging to him, then he won’t get there, then he will move on, vitalitovich, biden will still catch a cold on his own funeral, clement gotwalt caught a cold in front of strangers, and biden caught a cold in front of his own. and in general, what, if not counting nuclear weapons, and why is biden bad for us, he has already created
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such chaos, yes, excuse me, you are more careful, now you will set our agent on fire, there, i think no, it’s us with such difficulty this couple was brought to power, i think that in this case we have, in the person of biden and andrei’s favorite kamal and haris, a couple. useful to us idiot, but he also created such chaos in american foreign policy, yes, that it is becoming very difficult to get out of it, that this, by the way, is proven by many events , he must have a second term, he must complete it, which means he must create such a chaotization of domestic politics from which america will never crawl out, but i was just joking, and he will end with the slogan of anarchy mother of order ? but i think that inside, and i think that inside, as is now customary among young people
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, they say, at the limit, this is a liberal-globalist group - this is an alloy of the traditionalism of anarchism, yes, and in which direction it is worse and, more accurately, better, kirichenko, yes kirichenko, yes, yes, that's right, it's me i made a reservation, there in the cooperative flags are in full swing, that means they were waving, it is constantly starting to be used in the context of the world economy and economics in general is not typical for economics, this is justice, everyone wants a more just world order not only in politics, but in economics, this despite the fact that i think that all sane people understand perfectly well that a polycentric world, a world of
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rather fierce competition, a world where not all states will be able to maintain their sovereignty as sovereignty, complete sovereignty, where there will be cores of macroregions, where there will be what is called a satellite formation, but still, compared to what is, it will still be a fairer world, where the interests of other countries will be taken into account, so i ... you know, there is a very fundamental the difference between the capitalism that exists now and the capitalism that existed 30-35 years ago, and it also lies in one layer, the president said there, i generally talked a lot about the attitude towards other countries on the part of the leaders of globalization, as peripheries, but it was there 30-35 years ago one more word, and world capitalism too, the americans, the british and...
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having destroyed their own semi-periphery, and what we are now seeing, what they call a revisionist state, is the same state that is in this semi-periphery. in the resource periphery, they just don’t want to, they want to have their place in the sun, the same saudi arabia, the same india, yes, the same, excuse me, pakistan, which was also included, egypt, these are the countries of the semi-periphery, so this is the struggle for justice, against chaos in economics, above all, against chaos,
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this is a very thing, this is an interesting thing, and this is a thing about values, this is a thing about values. in economics, some have an ideology, this is the ideology of something called subordination in economics, while others have justice, which is unknown, what will win, i have two questions that i still don’t have a final answer, here is question number one, who will be that person, from among the dimks, that is, those involved in the democratic party in congress, who will be the first to say that it is necessary to unravel the biden package, this 106 billion dollar one, this one the one who says this has disappeared from the democratic park package, no, what to untie, but the aid package, but to say, let’s unscrew everything and let’s, we’ve already started to develop it, that’s who from the democratic party, in general, said, i’m not against it, he said,
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i don’t like israel at all, i’m against it because i don’t like it, i said when i met with you, you will receive a very serious political bonus, so to speak, at the beginning of the campaign and the second question, and it will be, that’s what it will be, i have no doubt , the second question i have is very simple, is there anyone in europe who who among the leaders has enough political courage to say, let’s slow down, here i have confidence that
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such a person will be found, no, not even this confidence.
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revolution, well, this is this terrible , ugly embodiment of vera zasulich at the current stage. doesn't it seem strange to you that the single, perhaps most significant voice in this whole discussion is a woman named victoria, the under secretary of state. she was the driving force behind the iraq war, which of course was a disaster for the united states. states. she was never punished for this. moreover, she has risen through the ranks and is now fighting a war in ukraine. and no one ever says her name, she's never used to being held accountable for anything she's done, she has far more influence than the entire us congress combined, how do we allow unelected lunatics like victoria, who clearly hates always hated the united states, to have similar to the life and future of our children. i don't know, some of these deep state bureaucrats are like
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me kids who had no friends in high school, someone did something bad to them a long time ago, and now they have some kind of power. present in a classified briefing, i'm not saying she should be in jail, although there's certainly a case to be made for that view, but she definitely shouldn't have a security clearance, briefing members of congress, did someone say, wait a minute, there's no one else ... did anyone say that? doesn't love your girlfriend? i think i have another girlfriend, no, another one - it’s your secret love, but it’s vicusi
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you probably know well, no, you were not part of that group of sailors who taught the young woman to use obscenities, the most unforgettable impression of her life, you know her, angry, angry, self-confident, a woman with boorish manners, just like that, we had a conversation with her, apparently the conversation did not go well, on the ukrainian topic, well, how did she invite me then, it was before twenty -two, she invited me to come to ukraine, i said, it was a matter in washington, that in ukraine racism is anti-russian, the spectrum approaches nazism, she said, no, this is not, this is not in ukraine, and if you think so, i invite you, then she said, i invite you to ukraine, i guarantee you security, i
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quote verbatim, the american official, it doesn’t matter to me, she guarantees me security in ukraine, and you will see that there is no nazism, nationalism there, it is very aggressive, very tough and very, such rudeness. i had other decent acquaintances, like wesley clark there, they posed the question a little differently, commander nato, but i don’t agree with dmitry, we absolutely must oppose this chinese puppet biden and install our creature trump, because during his entire period he was unable to create an administration like this, who brought the united states to biden, trump, therefore , in principle,
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one must love the homeland, homeland, homeland and almamata, mother dear, dear mother, some presenters, for example, did not even notice that, for example, our students, here are the students, of the student scientific society of the faculty of world politics, received the first prize from the magazine scout in the nomination, the best analytical work on the topic of regional conflicts and global security problems, you see
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, handed over well, sergei evgenievich very clearly defines what has happened in the world practically, so i completely agree with him, it is possible that a revolutionary situation is being invested in the state, now it has developed in the world, so indeed there is, there are the united states, there is the european union, which in principle is, well, now it has lost all subjectivity, so i will say this, that there are european nato countries, nato is this instrument, therefore it’s very no wonder that they went, they need to advance and carry out. a certain agenda that the owners in the white house, that is, the united states, demands from them, the same sedzenpin, must
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be indicated, yes, europe is interested in maintaining trade relations, this is certainly true, but the european union is no longer about that, the european union is not about that, they are adopting documents, one after another they are adopting documents that are directed against china as such, starting in december of the eighteenth year. when they got scared that chinese capital has practically bought up all of europe, we need to fight this, the european union may have national governments there, someone like fitz, orban, have some ideas about national interests in trade with china, they i don’t want to get caught like latvia or australia under this chinese trade cat, but for the european union, for ursula vonderlein, for michel, these are opponents, strategic compass, march last year, they really had to process it in a hurry, they did it there for 2 years twentieth year under the leadership of barel himself. and then an operation is needed within a month.
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started, it needs to be reworked, but there , that’s why the european union needs to come to china, listen, where is china, where, no, they are doing a certain thing, they are atlanticists, and they are, they are already a consciously raised generation, they are not just very important idiots , but idiots are atlanticists, no, they are not that idiots, dima, they are not, not idiots, they are just people who are fixated on the fact that without the atlantic, without transatlantic relations, there will be no europe, well, that can be clever.
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the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. the national assembly of residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 11th century, a new institution of class representation had emerged. cathedrals of the earth. they ensured legitimacy and continuity of power and established a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time , the foundations of electoral law were laid in relation to cities and urban populations. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii, zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the first all-class legislative body.
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the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the ussr constitution. in december 1993, the current constitution of russia was adopted, modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, the system of election commissions, lay the foundation for gas elections. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing and conducting elections.
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today every russian voter understands. how important it is to make your choice in order to support changes for the better in our lives, elections in russia, important, honest, convenient. when david cameron came to the united states now, what did the british government do before that, did a gift, because you have to pay tribute, file it in the united states, that is, you need to introduce sanctions, if you are going to the states, you need to introduce sanctions against russia, against someone, they introduced sanctions, including against chinese, chinese companies, cameron
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comes there, yes. there is an interview going on, what is he talking about, i don’t interfere, i don’t interfere in the internal life of the united states, but now the issue of life and death is being discussed , the issue of the fight for ukraine, it is necessary to give this money, because it helped otherwise, it did not help , otherwise in otherwise, now volodya, otherwise, the americans and the british will die, i heard this, this was already said all the time, there is, and the fact that the entire administration, sulivan is there, well, sulivan is generally there, when he spoke on about this , i even looked like this, he decided to threaten someone about the fact that the stakes are too high, and the consequences are too serious to allow the minority in congress to hold ukraine’s funding hostage, this is not a threat to us, this is a threat not even to anyone else, it's a republican threat.


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