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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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vladimir putin held talks in the kremlin with the head of iran, ibrahim raissi. who arrived in russia on a working visit. the meeting lasted more than 5 hours, but earlier, on the sidelines of the invest-frum, the russian president met with crown prince aman. anastasia efimova knows what was discussed. band of honor. the working visit of the president of iran begins with a warm welcome corresponding to the level of relations between the two states. and moscow minus-15 is not a hindrance. after all, in tehran this thursday, it’s also 15. true, it’s a plus sign.
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ibrahim raisi himself voiced one of the topics of the upcoming negotiations even before departure: the north-south corridor and the acceleration of its construction. we are talking about an international transport artery that will connect russia with the southern part of iran, opening access to the persian gulf, which will allow... to transport goods between not only countries, but also continents quickly and autonomously, without regard to those who like to impose sanctions and build fences. the fact that the meeting will actually discuss this project even before the start of negotiations in the kremlin, vladimir putin also confirmed, on the sidelines of the forum russia is calling, he met with the crown prince of aman, a country with which trade turnover is actively developing and which also shows great interest in logistics projects. our trade turnover volume is still
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modest, but it has been developing so actively in the first 9 months of this year and has increased significantly. i know that you are showing interest in logistics projects, our companies are showing interest in working in the energy sector, direct air flights are now open, and tourism is also one, one of the areas of activity, very interesting and promising. well, in general, we have something to do, and we are very glad that you are here and... during your visit , additional promising areas of our cooperation will probably be found. said listened attentively to the russian president not only during this meeting, but at the plenary session of the vtb investment forum, russia was calling, and, apparently, oman fully shares moscow’s point of view on the causes of the consequences of current global processes. agree with you that the trading results.
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economic cooperation between our countries is still modest, however, as a result of recent geopolitical events , there seems to be every chance for active development, regardless of any emergency situations. the situation in the world dictates to us the need to create other mechanisms for trade between states, without imposing any ideologies, without pressure from third countries. the tense situation in the world, of course, in the region has become another key topic negotiations between the leaders of russia and iran. vladimir putin and ebrahim raisi in the kremlin agreed that relations between the two states are developing. quote: very good, but the leaders, of course, could not ignore the topic of palestine from the gaza strip. in general, work is progressing quite actively in almost all areas. and of course, it is very important for us to exchange views on the situation in the region, especially as regards the situation in palestine. what
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is happening today in palestine in the gaza strip is genocide, a crime against humanity. more than 600 children died due to actions of the zionist regime in the conflict zone. it is regrettable that what is happening is supported by the united states and western countries. it is even more regrettable that international organizations that are supposed to protect human rights have lost their effectiveness. the leaders have already discussed the situation around the gas sector more than once.
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throughout the entire journey, moscow, abu dhabi, riyadh, moscow, air force one was accompanied by su-35s fighters of the russian aerospace forces. other than that, we’re impressed not only by the planes. the reception to the russian president was such that the old fairy tale of the west about the coveted isolation of moscow seems to be increasingly sounding like a farce. tricalor in the sky, cavalry escort and artillery salvoes in the united arab emirates, hearty handshakes and joint ones, even a translator was not needed for the joke in saudi arabia. that’s right, and russia’s role in its construction is definitely one of the key ones. anastasia efimova, lead. the west
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is trying to restrain the growth of countries that it is accustomed to using as its colonies, has abolished the market economy, is stealing assets, and therefore a real revolution in the world has become possible. the western financial system is clearly becoming outdated in terms of technology, it has rested on its laurels for so long, it has become so accustomed to the monopoly of exclusivity, to the lack of real alternatives to the habit of
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essentially not changing anything, that it has become archaic, at least becoming archaic. in international payments , much more advanced solutions are increasingly being used, including. based on blockchain and central bank digital currencies. according to experts, in the coming years this will lead to real revolution, which will finally undermine the monopoly of large western banks. the russian economy is coping effectively; since the fourteenth year, the country has strengthened the financial system, created its own payment infrastructure, is developing the consumer market, and russia’s gdp will increase by at least 3.5% by the end of the twenty-third year. it is already higher than it was before the sanctions attack. russia, the largest economy in europe , is ahead of all leading eu countries in terms of growth rates, the president noted. at the same time, in the structure of economic growth, an increasing share occupy the so-called basic non-resource industries. these are manufacturing, transport, logistics, construction,
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information, communications, housing and communal services. for example, in the second quarter of this year their share accounted for more. half of 54%, to be more precise , of economic growth, another 44% are the so-called supporting industries, trade, catering, other professional services, only 2%, i want to emphasize, only 2% fell on mining, despite the fact that what's public western companies have curtailed their work in russia, de facto, many of them continue it, i noted from the beginning of march 2022 to november of this year the number of foreign companies in russia, i want to draw attention to this, despite all the pressure from the political elites of the west, here the number
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of foreign structures, business structures operating in russia has not decreased, just imagine, i myself was surprised to discover when i looked at the materials, that’s how, as of march 1, 2022 , 24 thousand foreign companies were registered in russia organizations, as of november 1 of this year there were almost 1,500 more of them. the banking sector reached a record volume of lending in the entire history of the country, both corporate and mortgage, according to vladimir putin, last year the volume increased by 9.5 three since the beginning of this year, all by more than 13, which means that domestic sources of lending have replaced external ones, but there is still work to be done, the president said, it is important to develop the domestic financial market and financial infrastructure, this is one of the new tools, i ask the government together with
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vnesheconombank, ensure the speedy launch of investment projects within the framework of the equity capital fund program, the essence of this mechanism is that banks send: free funds to the fund, and it, this fund, guarantees the return on investments, vnesheconombank acts as a guarantor, thus banks can participate . created, after the speech the president answered several questions, including from foreign investors, for example, a guest from china asked about technological development under sanctions, today this is the case the so-called collective west, and where, first of all, is the united states, they want to maintain their dominance at all costs, and above all in technology, in technology. is this possible or not? no , of course, this was impossible before, in
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the middle ages and during the cold war it was impossible, but now in the age of the internet, in the age of such speeds, exchanges, including scientific exchanges, it is simply impossible. the head of btbey kostin asked the last question to the president: will western european investors return in 10 years, he said that they are already here are present, and contacts continue, it’s just that politicians do not allow them to work. anna lazreeva, ivan murashov, andrey baraukhin, news. diplomatic triumph. the world press is discussing the visit of vladimir putin, saudi arabia and the emirates. they note that arab countries have set a course for new allies, and washington cannot stop this. maria skorodilka studied the reaction. topic number one. loud headlines visit of vladimir putin, american journalists discuss in detail an hour of live
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broadcast on cnn, experts admit, saudi arabia has turned its back on the west, and the united states will no longer be able to correct this. i think this visit, as we can see for ourselves, is very important for both the emirates and saudi arabia, judging by the way putin was received there, this is a direct challenge to the united states to the rest of the world. the countries of the middle east are focusing on the leaders of the new world. putin's visit. in abu dhabi and riyadh demonstrate moscow's strength on the world stage. saudi arabia may join brix, has already launched mutual currency mechanisms with china, and also supported russia in its intention to de-dollarize the global saudi arabia is gradually reducing trade in energy resources and cooperation with the united states, even in the oil sector. in the west , vladimir putin's visit to the gulf countries is considered a blow to american centrism and an attempt to isolate russia. successful - leading publications emphasize. this visit
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is needed, among other things, to discuss oil prices, but the main thing is to demonstrate to arab partners the strength of russia, despite the sanctions. putin is absolutely confident in himself. it is obvious that russia does not care about western restrictions on energy resources. the ukrainian conflict is not destroyed the russian economy. the emirates and russia are very important trading partners for each other. vladimir putin. made it clear how high the bar is for moscow’s interaction with the middle east. portuguese journalists called putin's visit a triumph for moscow. the russian president staged an unusual show of military force during a visit that turned out to be a diplomatic triumph. direct contacts with the united arab emirates and saudi arabia strengthen russia's position. in just one day, putin managed as much as the united states cannot in a year, the chinese press notes. putin's lightning-fast visit to the countries of the middle east has. important political consequences and practical value, it will allow russia to reduce american
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influence and change the strategic alignment in the region. in other words, putin killed two birds with one stone. but the new york times can't contain its emotions. biden was not given such a welcome. in abu dhabi , vladimir putin's limousine drove through the territory of a huge palace, and riders with russian flags lined the road. in the sky , planes painted the russian tricolor, putin was also greeted with fireworks. from cannons, the russian president was solemnly received in saudi arabia, but french president macron was unable to go there last weekend, the leader of the french patriots party emphasized. macron is far from putin, noted florian filippo. maria skorodilka to lead. the federation council has set the date for the russian presidential elections to march 17 next year. the decision was made unanimously. alexey petrov has all the details. the senators are on their way. voting is underway, i ask my colleagues
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to vote document number 750, for 162 people voted, it was adopted unanimously, valentina matvienko has just spoken these words, the russian presidential elections are scheduled for march 17, 2024, a busy election campaign lies ahead. the elections, according to matvienko, will determine success... will determine the vector of russia's future development, this is not just some kind of political procedure, first of all, it is the highest manifestation of the principle of democracy, which underlies russian statehood. the russian electoral system, unlike many, supposedly democratic countries, deprived of surrogate
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liberal mechanisms. engaged foreign structures will definitely try to discredit the elections. based on this, the deadlines began to count down. the decision to call presidential elections is made by the federation council no earlier than 100 and no later than 90 days before voting day. thus, the upper house had an interval from december 7 to 17, and the senators decided not
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to delay. chairman ts kamfilova, who is also in the hall today, emphasizes that the russian electoral system.
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lead. the russian army repelled five attacks by the fifty-seventh and forty-first brigades in the ssu in the kupinsky direction. on krasnolimansky , assault groups were thrown back twice; on donetsk, the sixty-seventh mechanized brigade of the keisk army was attacked. zelsky's formation lost over 800 more soldiers and mercenary officers. two tanks and 11 armored personnel carriers, as well as 15
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gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american, were destroyed. the aircraft shot down a su-25 attack aircraft and destroyed 27 combat drones. in the west , none of the politicians condemned kiev for another terrorist attack, although ukrainian intelligence officially admitted that it was its agents who organized the murder of former verkhovna rada deputy ilyi kiev in the moscow region. about the work of investigators, egor grigoriev. the territory of the hotel near moscow was checked by investigators who lived there all last night. one of the guests could. know the details: the murder was committed in a closed, guarded village, ilya kiev was shot twice, he himself considered the place relatively safe, says ex-detachment of the verkhovna rada, oleg tsarev. he knew that there would be an attempt on his life, he lived in moscow, he drove the same cars, he came to the same sports club, ate in the same restaurants, after
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he learned that an assassination attempt was being prepared on him, he left, went to out of town and thought that there he could better ensure his own safety. there are no official details. the news agency cites its own sources. it is reported that for several months kivo shared a room with a certain woman, she was allegedly also interrogated, a logical assumption that is inconvenient for kiev, kiev have been watching for a long time. when will he go, where will he go, why exactly then will he go, no one in a snow-covered park at -15° would wait, in case he.
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does not fall within the competence, which means that the information agency in the bloodthirstiness of the ukrainian media will give a head start to the local executioners, the norm is when tv presenters give instructions
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to the speaker of the main intelligence department of ukraine. kiva - that’s it, this is the fate that awaits all traitors to ukraine. the city has found its hero, the reward has found its hero, i would like such a fate to befall every traitor ukraine, because they are no longer useful.
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networks, the pussy regime could only respond by shooting, this is bandera’s policy of intimidation, intimidation of all their opponents, they cannot win either in dialogue or in practical activities, their only argument is violence, this is a lie, this is deception, this is murder. the ukrainian special services could not act without the consent of zelsky personally and the american curators, therefore the murder is yet another proof of their policy of terror. murder of a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, murder of civilians, political scientists, this is all the work of the kiev criminal regime. as long as the united states of america helps him, this will continue. zelsky terrorist, all this. comes with his consent, is approved at the level of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, but they must understand that this will not go unanswered, they will have to answer. investigators
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continue their work, seized flushes, pistol casings, examined the kiva’s personal car, they have to find the perpetrator, the person who ordered the murder identified himself, he also warned about his further crimes, therefore, the very answer that the speaker of our parliament, vyacheslav volodin, spoke about has a specific addressee. egor grigoriev, news. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 8, 1718, the first peter the great assembly took place in st. petersburg. this word then meant something like a high society ball. peter ii introduced the assembly into the cultural life of russia according to the european model. as he himself said, not only for fun, but also for business, because here you can see each other and. smoking tobacco, dancing, playing and talking. men the program of the assembly included food and drink,
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they were obliged to come with their wives and daughters, and in open dresses in european fashion, women were ashamed of their high necklines, the boyars were afraid to dance and did not want to smoke, but they had to obey the tsar. the tradition took root when ladies began to rule russia, the assembly turned into balls with an emphasis on... pomp and dancing. on december 8, 1895 , the battle with the ethiopian army at mount ambaalage ended with a crushing defeat of the italian colonialists. it was important strategic point. in eastern africa, ethiopia, then called abessinia, was the only independent state. it was ruled by negus manelik ii. first, the italians captured territories on the red sea coast, then moved further, but to resist. all ethiopian tribes united, russian advisers and volunteers helped create a modern army, supplying it with weapons. the battle lasted 24 hours, the italians were
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defeated and admitted that they had lost the war... and as a farewell gift the minileague was given to the main russian advisor alexander bulatovich a combat cloak made of lion skin and a headband with a lion gribley. after 40 years, the musalini regime still captured ethiopia, but not for long. the nazis were expelled in '41. on december 8, 1939 , aviachema was founded at plant number one. design bureau, the soviet aircraft designer artyom mikoyan was appointed head. the main task was to urgently create our own high-speed fighter. and less than a year later, the mik-1 aircraft and an improved version of the mik-3 went into production. already at the beginning greatly they formed the basis of the soviet air force. the aircraft developed at ukb were improved. in the seventy- first year, the bureau received the name of its founder artyom mikayan. during its history
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, okb mikayana. developed more than 400 types and modifications of aircraft, produced more than 55,000 aircraft that protected the skies of more than forty countries around the world. now it is the russian aircraft-building corporation mig, part of the united aircraft corporation. december 8, 1987 mikhail gorbachev and ronald reagan signed an agreement between the ussr and the usa on the elimination of medium- and short-range missiles. this was a real breakthrough in the issue of disarmament. for the first time in history , an entire class of dangerous weapons was eliminated. the parties pledged to destroy all medium- and shorter-range ballistic cruise missile systems, which is from 500 to 5,500 km. and not to produce or deploy such missiles in the future. within 3 years, the agreement was implemented, although the ussr destroyed more than twice as many missile systems as the united states. but in 2000... in the usa they started
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deploy missile defense systems in europe, test new medium -range missiles, and justified their actions by claiming that russia was allegedly violating the treaty. as a result, in 2019, first the united states, followed by russia, forcedly announced the suspension of the treaty. this opened the way for a new arms race. on december 8, 1991 in belarus , viskuli was staged at the government residence in belovezhskaya pushcha. point in the existence of the soviet union. and a document was signed on the creation of a new formation of the union of independent states. founders of the cis representatives of three union republics spoke: russian president boris yeltsin, ukrainian president leonid kravchuk, and the head of the government of belarus stanislav shushkevich. by that time , most of the soviet republics had declared their independence; in fact, the agreement of belovezhskaya pushcha only consolidated what was happening on paper. president of the ussr.
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mikhail gorbachev said that the agreement was unconstitutional, but no one paid attention to this. after 2 weeks, the protocols of accession to the cis were signed by the heads of most other republics of the former ussr, except lithuania, latvia, estonia and georgia. this is what this day in history was like. the history of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. the national meeting of residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 19th century, a new institution of class representation, the council of the whole earth, appeared. they ensured legitimacy and continuity
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of power. lived a new electoral tradition. catherine ii included elements of election to solve a number of state problems. for the first time, the foundations of suffrage were laid in relation to cities and the urban population. thanks to the reforms of alexander ii , zemstvos appeared in russia. the people were legitimized as a new source of power. the state duma became the country's first all-class legislative body. she was elected for 5 years, the elections were multi-stage, held in four districts, elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct and were held by secret ballot. the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were provided not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution.


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