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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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“lay everyone down, calmly, i ’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, but no, we need to move on, the doula is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want it in vain.” we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. let's look, look. in the application or on the website. for the first time, russian presidential elections will be held over 3 days, from march 15 to 17. the
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three-day voting procedure was officially approved today in the central election commission, where the first meeting was held commission after the announcement of the voting date. we will find out all the details from our correspondent elizaveta khramtsova, she is in direct contact. elizaveta, welcome, what other issues were discussed at the meeting and what statements did ella pomfilova make? daria, good afternoon , indeed, the central election commission did not take a break after the federation council approved the date of the presidential elections on march 17 the day before... already today, members of the central election commission discussed, first of all, the key question, during what period the to take place voting, the dates were proposed : march 15, 16, 17, the practice of three-day voting, let me remind you, came into our lives during a pandemic, but during this time, when three-day voting took place on a single voting day, traditionally in september, it was proven, it was proven the effectiveness of this approach to organizing the electoral process already exists: statistics show that
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about 40% of voters traditionally come to vote on friday, 28% vote on saturday, and 32 in the old fashioned way on sunday and ella ponfilova, the chairman of the central election commission today even said that this innovation largely influenced the growth of russians’ confidence in the electoral system, but recently this figure has increased by 15%. in a word, this mechanism is proving its effectiveness because today it was almost unanimously, only one vote was against at the meeting. the presidential elections will be held on the 15th, 16th and 17th . the commission decided that march. over time, based on the results of the all-russian vote, when we conducted our research, it was already clear that multi-day voting meets with the support of many voters, and then, when we began to propose and apply it in other elections, we clearly understood, we are sure, this was confirmed by various
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sources, that the majority of voters liked this voting format. the central election commission has a little more than a week to decide, together with the federal security service, the ministry of defense and other departments, in what form voting will take place in the new russian regions, also discussed initially at the meeting today the possibility of conducting additional forms of voting in seven russian regions, this is on...
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and today the central election commission presented the logo of the election campaign that has actually started, this is a tick made in quotes of the russian tricolor on the lapels of members of the central election commission, today also there were badges with this logo, well, in addition, today the central election commission told about the main dates of the presidential campaign that has already begun, candidates must be registered no later than february 10. the campaign period will begin for each candidate from the day when he sends a statement of intention to run to the central election commission and will end no later than midnight local time on march 15, but candidates must publish their election campaigns no later than march 6. daria, elizaveta, thank you,
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elizaveta khramtsova was in direct contact with the central election commission, which has already begun preparations for the upcoming presidential elections. december 9 is a day of remembrance. saint george the victorious, conqueror of evil. in our country, this is also the day of heroes of the fatherland, a holiday our military glory, our military traditions and military valor. when the imperial order of st. george was established in russia, how does it differ from the cross of st. george, where the gallery of the knights of st. george is located when the order of glory was established. about this in the material of zinaida kurbatova, see immediately after the advertisement. renaostp helps fight a runny nose at an affordable price, and renaostp extra with menthol and eucalyptus helps shorten the duration of a runny nose, everyone has their own renaostp, i want, i can, i can,
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st. george's or the large throne room of the winter palace, a white marble bas-relief of st. george the victorious slaying a dragon with a spear. to the hall. but they carry it out with care and unfurl a relic that never leaves the hermitage collections, this is the st. george banner of the kiev grenadier regiment, the first time this collective award was awarded for military valor; before the era of alexander i, such awards did not exist. st. george banner or st. george standard in regular cavalry, differ in that on their pommel, instead of a double-headed eagle , the st. george cross is placed in the award set. st. george's ribbons with silver tassels are included, on the banner of the kiev regiment along the perimeter of the banner there is an inscription for the feat
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at shengrabeni. the campaign of 805 was generally filled with the exploits of the russian army, well , the famous battle of shengrabeni, where a five-thousandth corps, with which kambanl bogration, detained a thirty-thousandth french corps, and thereby generally ensured the movement of the entire army, this battle is described by leo tolstoy in war and peace, the famous tushin battery. for their exploits in this battle , several regiments of the russian army received the first st. george's awards, these are the infantry kiev grenoder regiment, the cavalry chernigov dragoon regiment and the pavlograd hussar regiment and two more don cossack regiments. the age of catherine, the age of great military glory of the russians, demanded the appearance of an order that would be given for military merit. here is the decree of empress catherine the great dated november 26, 1700. 69, this is december 9 according to the new style, the imperial military order of
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the holy great martyr george the victorious was established. this award was given to officers for their distinction on the battlefield, because george is the victorious, first of all the conqueror of evil. the statute says that this order should never be removed, because it is acquired by merit. true, until 1855 the fourth degree of george could be received for length of service. the first holders of the order, prince potemkin tauride, admiral ushakov, count rumyantsev. the order was established only for officers. catherine's grandson alexander i expanded social coverage of the award, establishing a special badge for lower ranks, privates and non-commissioned officers. the 1805 campaign was unsuccessful for russia, the battle of australis was lost, but no one canceled the heroism of the lower ranks. they appeared under paul i. soldier's awards are the anin medal and the donation of the order of st. john of jerusalem,
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but as you know, emperor alexander i did not have much reverence for the actions of his father, therefore in 1806-7 alexander i established the insignia of the military order for the lower ranks, later he would be called yegor . the order of st. george had four degrees: the first and second included these stars, they were worn on...
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lost, yeah, he was definitely to blame for this , so he, as if to say, the wolves were full, the wolves were safe, agreed to fourth degree, and, let’s say, unlike his descendant alexander ii, he tried to shine this order as little as possible. in the first years or even decades , awards were held without bureaucratic
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delays. a unit or squadron company was given a certain number of crosses, the soldiers decided among themselves who showed more courage, and they could decide that the junior officer was worthy, and the officer was even more proud of such a soldier’s george. if some soldier, unter, managed to receive four medals and four crosses, then this is a complete st. george gang. this, in general, taking into account the fact that this was given only for bravery on the battlefield, this is, in general , such a very specific award, then in general, seeing such a warrior in front of... everyone else, the hat, figuratively speaking, itself with heads flew off. knight of the st. george's cross, this is in appeared in the most seedy village, that’s all, this is a man who, with his blood on the battlefield, courage, under bullets, under enemy shells, proved loyalty to his sovereign, in his person, to his fatherland. the first world war evoked mass
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heroism, showed examples of incredible courage, so many st. george awards were complained about that in 1917. he also has the st. george weapon with diamonds. baron wrangel, order of st. george degree, he received for the attack near kaushen on august 6, 1914. when he led his cavalry squadron through several german rows of wire fences he took the battery, he also had the st. george cross of the fourth degree with a laurel branch, this was established by the provisional government. admiral kolchak looks gloomily into the camera; he has the order of st. george of the fourth degree, and he received the order of st. george of the third degree in april 1919.
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this award remained in the white army. yudenich, the best commander of the first world war, rightly so. received st. george of the fourth, third , second degree. regimental priests and sisters of mercy were awarded. at the very beginning of the war, sister henrietta sorokin, surrounded, is saved by the banner of the lebavsky infantry regiment. well, she carries it on herself in captivity. she is not held captive for long, she is released as a woman and a medic, she is a banner, having hidden it on herself, she is it. brings out to her own people, this produces, so to speak, such a powerful effect, including on grand duke nikolai nikolaevich, the supreme commander-in-chief, that he immediately awards her with as many as three st. george medals , the fourth, the third of the second degree, and then soon she receives the medal of the first degrees, so here are four medals, she deserved for one
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a feat, but there was such a thing. but - in general , she really accomplished a feat, she saved the regimental banner, or again, if we talk about women, then just in the first world war in september 1915, 15 , rima mikhalna ivanova, also a regimental sister of mercy, accomplished the feat , which raised its company to attack, when all the officers were killed, the attack was successful. by decision of the st. george's duma, she was awarded the officer's order of st. george, fourth degree. according to the statute of 1913, awards began to be made posthumously. this didn't happen before. in during the first world war, the tsarist government paid great attention to propaganda. a museum of the first world war is opening in tsarskoye selo. for this purpose , a special building in the russian style,
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a military chamber, is being built. soldiers going to the front are brought here. now we see the recreated museum. the gallery of st. george's knights in the gate chamber was created on the model of the gallery of heroes of 1812 in the winter palace. for this purpose, regimental commanders were asked to send the most distinguished heroes from the front to petrograd, so that artists would paint their portraits, if someone did not have time to get there, was killed, they wrote from photographs. in 1918, when the military chamber was destroyed, there were 151 portraits here. now in various museums and repositories throughout the country. 58 images of the knights of st. george. the trophy commission was created even before the first world war to describe the collection of information about the relics of the russian army. after august 1 , 1914
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, the number under which his name was included in the list of st. george knights of the trophy commission. only the museum preserves these monuments. in soviet times, people preferred to hide the fact that they served in royal army. monuments were destroyed and even st. george's crosses were disposed of. russia enters the first world war, as they then called the german war, with the new statute of the order of st. george. in particular, the insignia
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of the military order is now called the st. george cross. its numbering begins again from 1913. and it was already in 1943 that the soldier’s order of glory, the heir to the st. george cross, was approved. and this statute of forty- three largely repeats the statute. 1913 in 1943, on a wave of spiritual upsurge in the country from the consciousness of accomplished victories, in the red army was given back the previously abolished shoulder straps, the rank of officer was revived, they began to talk more about continuity and recall the outstanding commanders of the past , the order of glory was established on november 8, 1943, it was awarded for the personal bravery of ordinary sergeants foreman; for the heroes it became, as it were, a continuation of history. insignia of the military order, and it was not by chance that they wore it on the st. george ribbon. recipients of the order of glory were revered no less than the heroes of the soviet union and were honored at
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the highest level. a holiday when the reward finds the hero. tanker fyodor vasilievich, his last name is not mentioned in the story. in 1965 , the order of glory, third class, was awarded. fyodor vasilyevich did not know about the award for 22 years. in the canon of victory day to the former tanker. but this is a full holder of the order of glory, junior sergeant, sapper alexey mikhailovich lebedev, under enemy fire, he discovered and cleared enemy mines, ensuring the advancement of our troops. a soldier's glory goes hand in hand with his courage. simultaneously with the establishment of the order of glory in 1944, st. george's crosses were allowed to be worn on military uniforms, below soviet leg.
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since 2007, this memorable date has been celebrated annually on december 9. the heroism of our people is a special kind of heroism. he is not ostentatious, he is sincere. and it comes from the heart, from love for one’s land. based on high moral values ​​that are dear to each of us. in the russian federation, the st. george awards have been revived in full. on november 19
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, 2021, by decree of the president of russia , the official name of the award was given, the insignia of the order of st. george, the st. george cross. recent changes to the statute have been made august 9, 2023, the statute actually completely repeats the pre-revolutionary ones. during the battle, he destroyed eight firing points, two skinning mortars, due to the heavy losses of the enemy , a breakthrough of the assault croupers was ensured, due to this we captured their positions, i don’t consider them heroes, although this is a high reward, but this is a reward for the entire crew, only one day. the hermitage revived the celebration of st. george's day in 2013. even before the revolution, a parade took place here, in which the knights of st. george took part. our days the ceremony begins exactly at 12 noon st. george's hall of the winter palace, the admiralty orchestra of the naval base is playing. the honor guard carries out st. george's
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banners and standards from... and then, in the hospital, saslan made a decision; soslan katolov invested all the money received for rehabilitation into the restoration of the shrine. saint george the victorious, we always pray to him and honor him, so i hope he protects and will continue to protect us all. st. george knights, holders of the order of glory, the country honors and is proud
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of the heroes of the past. another reason to be proud the complex of military awards of st. george is unique, these are individual awards for ordinary officers and collective ones, banner standards, musical instruments; there is no such complex of military awards in any country in the world. donkey, i am a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves a temporary musician. the magnificent five, this is my group, why have i never seen you, princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need rebranding, bremen town musicians, grab them, soon, hello, i came from the republic of baskaratstan, dear sir
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president, i have a question... in russia, ask your question to the president through the website by phone 88240-40 or via sms to number 040-40. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time.
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within 3 days, the cycle reported today that voting in the russian presidential elections will last from march 15 to 17. what other details were revealed at the meeting of the central election commission? engine problems. the transport prosecutor's office of novosibirsk is conducting an investigation into the fact emergency landing of a passenger plane. how events developed and what could have caused the aviation accident. the son of the us president, huntra biden, is accused on nine counts and faces up to 17 years in prison. what incriminates why the details of his adventures caused amazement among many. the prosecutor's office took up chicken eggs. the head of the department, igor krosnov, ordered to check
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the facts of inflated prices. can become the object of control. the cold front in the european part of russia recorded the first forty-degree frosts. how long will it last is this temperature and how do the utilities cope? dmitry peskov today spoke about the questions that are received for a direct line with the president. according to the press secretary of the head of state, many people declare their support for vladimir in their appeals. putin. there are a lot of requests, we have already left, so confidently, for 600,000. work is underway. appropriate experts of the all-russian popular front.


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