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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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now the economic news is short: the russian budget deficit for 11 months reached 878 billion rubles. this is a preliminary assessment by the ministry of finance. treasury revenues increased by 5% to 26 trillion. third income not not now broadcast from the kremlin, putin, please sit down, sit down, please, thank you, dear colleagues, comrades, friends, today under the arches of the st. george hall of the kremlin, which personifies.
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the history of our state, our native actions will forever be inscribed in the country. time has no power over the memory of the people, from generation to generation, a feeling of gratitude and admiration for heroes, for the courage of those at different times is passed on. era on the battlefields defended the freedom and independence of the fatherland, before the work and talents of great scientists, discoverers, managers, cultural figures who multiplied the word of russia, it is our duty to know and honor the heroes, to do everything so that their goals and ideals find a worthy continuation in the present.
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became a support for the future, soldiers , officers, fighters participating in a special military operation, including our very young guys have the same fortitude, the same character that has distinguished the defenders of the fatherland for centuries, their exploits are truly amazing, the whole country is proud of them, and it is certainly an honor for me to present today to our military personnel... the golden stars of the heroes of russia, these are natives of various regions of our country, from carilia to the coastal region, representatives of different nationalities, all of them shoulder to shoulder defending a common homeland, common to all, they boldly, courageously acted as part of assault groups, commanders among them are completely young people, by their own example, sometimes, despite the injuries received...
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their units behind them, destroyed tanks, other armored vehicles, and artillery installations of the enemy, including western ones, completely dispelled the myth of their invulnerability. among those awarded are many who successfully and skillfully used modern technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles to carry out a combat mission, those who risked their lives to save and evacuate wounded colleagues, that’s all. who are receiving the award today have demonstrated exceptional valor, thank you for your service to your homeland, for you , for your comrades in arms, all the heroes of our country, honor, duty, selfless love for the fatherland are above all, these qualities are now defining, they set the highest level of responsibility for each of us, and the dedication and courage of our soldiers .
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serves as an example for workers and engineers of defense industry enterprises, for our workforce in all sectors of the economy, who not only repelled the sanctions onslaught, but are now increasing production. for all our citizens who contributes to strengthening the economic, technological, and cultural sovereignty of russia. your courage inspires volunteers helping the front, everyone who is ready to act for the good of their father.
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of the entire russian society, we are all united by a sincere, heartfelt love for russia, it helps us move forward, do even more, and overcome any obstacles. i am sure that together we will definitely be able to achieve all our goals and tell our children and grandchildren, we are our comrades in arms, we tried for you, we lived, worked, fought for your future, they will be proud of us on this holiday, happy heroes of the fatherland day. by decree of the president of the russian federation , for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, the title of hero of the russian federation was awarded to senior sergeant maxim
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vadimovich devyatov. junior sergeant eremin dmitry yurievich. senior lieutenant eduard ivanovich kazymov.
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comrade, president of the russian federation, dear guests, i want to say thank you for such a high award, this is an assessment not only of my work, but of our entire unit, i want to convey to you the words from the guys who are now on the front line, we believe in our victory, we won’t go anywhere. retreat and we will stand to the end, thank you, private alexander sergeevich kornilov,
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miserable sergeant yuri sergeevich. senior sergeant mikhailov alexander
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alexandrovich. lieutenant colonel munkazhargalov dashibal tserendorzhievich.
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sergeant mukhameddeev ilyas adelkhanovich. to captain mikhail nikolaevich polushkin.
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junior lieutenant maxim vyacheslavovich patashev. senior lieutenant ilya spanikov dmitrievvich.
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junior sergeant kharchenko nikolai nikolaevvich. lieutenant colonel khashigulgov sultan yusupovich.
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colonel rustle andrei anatolyovich. major yakubav yaroslav nailivich.
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dear friends, as we see, our heroes are people of few words. congratulates you on today's awards, on the holiday, this was a broadcast
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from the kremlin, where the ceremony of awarding gold stars to the heroes of russia took place, it took place on the eve of hero of the fatherland day. on the eve of the direct line with vladimir putin, operators of the popular front call center continue accept questions from citizens of the country. there is less than a week left until a direct conversation with the president. this year the organizers decided to unite. large format final press conference direct line, until december 14 there is still an opportunity to record your appeal, and the operators not only give feedback, but delve into the problem, help formulate the question, work: russia is traditional, modern, technologically advanced, original, open, great, so different, but dear
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to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come. where i pay, i want, i can, i can, i want, i can even afford this smartphone, i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it from the bank for 100,000 without a fee, a vtb credit card for everything i want, suddenly there was a sale on avito,
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new dresses have happened to you, and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products... now they are on sale very much on avido, don’t miss discounts up to 80%. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, it’s not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re everything if you do it wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay. 3,000 rub. for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. the feed has everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixers as a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout and create funny characters with delivery of your order. collect, mix, play tape. the far east is
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a region where everything is real. here a youthful dream can truly come true. here. valuable forest species and valuable species people. the pace of housing construction is really high, and mortgage rates are low. everything around here is truly inspiring. the far east is a territory of advanced development, which begins 9 hours earlier. more prospects on the far east 2030.rf website. what kind of businessman, go-getter, entrepreneur, entrepreneur are you? you burn, you grow. or you cut hair for a real business, you need a bank for business. psb. bank for the present. the holiday begins with falcons. magic discounts on your favorite jewelry, watches and cosmetics, as well as super prices on new year's gifts from sokolov. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb my
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a vtb credit card, i’ll get cashback, i want, i can, i can, i want, 30 days without interest, i’m not kidding, credit. vtb card. i don’t need a seven-flowered flower to make my wishes come true; this year i achieved my dreams myself. everything wonderful that happened in the past year was done by you, so mark yourself, not the dates on the calendar. scooter, holiday - it's you. the popularity of electric scooters has brought convenience to some russians, but for others it has become an irritating factor to avoid unpleasant situations, special rules have been developed for such transport, which is now called sim - a means of individual mobility. irina matyashenko has all the details in the program, in the program instructions. sim. now this abbreviation refers not only to sim cards, but to personal mobility devices. the most
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popular of them is the electric scooter. the question is where you can ride it and where you can’t. and are there situations where rights may be needed? we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the program instructions. in the first paragraph of the rules road traffic states that a sim is a vehicle for... movement with one or more engines. in addition to electric scooters, these are unicycles, electric skateboards and other similar equipment. sim, like a bicycle, does not apply to mechanical vehicles, that is , in order to ride them you do not need to obtain a license or other permits. a scooter driver using a vehicle with an engine weaker than a quarter of a kilowatt does not need a driver’s license. but for individuals on units more powerful than a quarter of a kilowatt and up to 4 kw. already needed think about getting a category m license, but at the same time we still have a definition, what is a bicycle then? a bicycle is also
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a vehicle, in addition to wheelchairs, we have written that if it has an electric motor, then in a continuous load mode not exceeding 0.25 kw and the engine automatically turns off at a speed of 25 km/h, that is, it turns out to 0 .25 kv. this is a bicycle, more than 0.25 kw, this is already a moped, but about personal mobility devices, well, the same thing is considered up to 0.25 kw then it turns out, in the twelfth chapter of the code of administrative offenses, where fines and other sanctions for traffic violations are prescribed, nothing has changed. the twenty-ninth article of this chapter is suitable for sim users. for violating traffic rules, they can be fined 800 rubles and up to 1,500. sima collided with a car, he is obliged to stay until the end, because this
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is considered an accident, it is impossible and impossible to leave the scene of an accident, regarding alcoholic drinking, there is article 1229, which states that violation of traffic rules by a pedestrian or another person, that is, another person ... now refers to the driver of the sim, to the perlot, to the rider, and for driving a sim while intoxicated, there is a fine for this. where and how can a sim drive? firstly, they cannot accelerate faster than 25 km/h. if the sim user is over 14 years old, the unit itself weighs more than 35 kg, you need to stay away from pedestrians, that is, you can ride on... bicycle and bicycle-pedestrian paths, the roadway of a bicycle zone or along a lane for cyclists. if none of this is available, you can move along the side of the road, and if
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there is no one on the right edge of the roadway. for those under fourteen, the rules are different. more on them later. to drive on the roadway, the sim must have brakes, a sound signal, white headlights and reflectors. white in front, red in back. additionally, sims are only allowed to move. on roads where the movement of cyclists is not prohibited, and the speed of cars is limited to 60 km/h or slower, that is, you cannot drive onto the highway, you can only ride in one row, and you cannot overtake or go around standing cars on the left. per users this applies to the requirements of the traffic controller for pedestrians, you also need to follow the traffic lights, in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian, when moving on the sidewalk, or a bicycle on the bike path. as it is written in our traffic rules, all means of personal mobility must have a speed limit of 25 km/h,
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they are allowed to move no more than 25 km/h, these kick-sharing scooters, they all now have such restrictions of just 25 km/ h, and we don’t forget one thing, they were allowed to drive on the roads at a speed of 25 km/h, but if they drive into courtyards and... zones, then there is always a limit for all types of vehicles of 20 km/h, but in terms of weight , the only thing we have that is prohibited in the pedestrian zone and on sidewalks is riding a scooter, which weighs more than 35 kg . if we are carrying a child between 7 and 14 years old, then he can only ride on pedestrian and bicycle paths, sidewalks and pedestrian zones. if the baby is not even 7 years old, then sim, then... the main thing is, if you are preventing pedestrians from walking, then you need to either slow down to their speed, or dismount, there is also several restrictions: a sim cannot
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be towed or... a sim towed, transport cargo that extends half a meter or more beyond the dimensions, and if you are driving outside the city in the dark, then you must wear reflective elements, pedestrian path and pedestrian signs the zone is also allowed for people to move through it, on the contrary, if the movement of pedestrians is prohibited, then you can’t go there on a sim, also in the traffic rules a new sign has appeared prohibiting the movement of sim, you can go there on foot, but you can’t go there on wheels, plus ... in the traffic rules prescribed what the means are individual mobility and where you can ride them, new road signs for sims have also appeared, sims are not included in the code of administrative violations, fines for their owners remain the same as for pedestrians, powerful electric scooters will require category m licenses. do you want to know
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more about rules which? works on the road, write to us in telegram, send us your questions, we’ll find out everything from the experts and will tell you in the next issues of our instructions.
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within 3 days in the cycle today they reported that voting in the presidential elections in russia will last from march 15 to... march, what other details were told at the meeting of the central election commission? engine problems. the novosibirsk transport prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into the emergency landing of a passenger plane. how did the event develop and what could have caused the aviation emergency? the son of the us president, huntra biden, is accused on nine counts and faces up to 17 years in prison. what incriminates why the details of his
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adventures aroused many. amazement. the prosecutor's office took up chicken eggs. the head of the department, igor krasnov, ordered to check the facts of price inflation. who exactly can become the object of control? cold front in the european part of russia recorded the first forty-degree frosts. where exactly, how long will this temperature last, and how are utilities coping? more details about this and more. today we are talking about technological capitulation in the nineties and its consequences, the importance of protecting traditional values ​​against the backdrop of the development of artificial intelligence.


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