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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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and the faculty of political science, information and hybrid wars. he names the following reasons: the cancellation of classes in special specialized subjects, drug cartels, militia , criminal networks in the operations of modern hybrid warfare and the organization of the work of temporary administrations and representative offices of government bodies in the liberated territories, replacement with completely different theoretical... disciplines, second, complete neglect on the part of the administration faculty legal norms. at a meeting of the faculty administration with the students of the group it was said what kind of papers, everything is done on trust. third, i read as it is written. one of the teachers has been on the federal wanted list since 2021 and is hiding outside the territory of the russian federation. this teacher still...
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receives national support from abroad, despite the fact that we learn that it turns out that this is not the first time this has happened, look, about a few years ago, around the year 2000, there was a similar course at sevastopol state university , information-hybrid conflicts, it was closed, wow, master's degree there was, and also a few years ago there was a bachelor's degree, in the world, information warfare, it was closed, now... for the master's course at moscow state university, also for the next year there is no enrollment, and why is there some kind of motivation, there is some kind of motivational, motivating part, i taught in sefgu, there’s just a huge ukrainian lobby, strangely enough so far, they just squeezed out all the muscovite teachers, the program fell apart, wait, one second, wait, now we need this, the sevastopol state ukrainian lobby. and here i am
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i want, if any of the people who are related to the education system in the russian federation are watching us, please listen to the huge ukrainian and pro-ukrainian lobby at sevastopol state university, and now look at what sergei novikov thinks about the importance of such specialists, employee of the presidential administration, head of the russian presidential directorate for public projects, listen. we must remember that literally on february 24, 2022 , a literal ocean collapsed on russia information fakes, and these were huge investments, there advertising agencies made calculations that 10 million dollars a day were spent with our, that is, enemies, to misinform the russians, a war for the minds of young people, minds...
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with what thoughts, with what actions will mr. shutov take part in the work of the central election commission during the presidential elections of the russian federation. there is a singer-shaman, wonderful, wonderful singer, on the one hand, i say relatively speaking, absolutely, i have nothing against, on the other hand,
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actress olesya zheleznyak, honored artist, not approved for the main role in the series, because... her partner, who was approved for the main male role, refuses to play with her in the same film because of her position in relation to the country, to the northern military district, and so on, and it is not he who is deprived of the role, and olesya. damn, what are you doing? how is that? the situation with the actress olesya zheleznya. well, this is not an isolated case. for example, on november 1 , the traditional annual european film festival started in moscow. we have been doing it for 15 years now. here's a look at what happened at the closing of the festival on november 16 at
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the illuziu cinema. this is the ambassador's speech european union roland galaraga. our decision to hold the festival. aggression against ukraine caused some criticism. i would like to emphasize that we continue to unequivocally condemn russia's war of aggression against ukraine. this is why it is important for us to promote the values ​​of democracy, human rights and cultural diversity that the european union defines. the festival allowed us to do just that. this is to maintain contact with the russian people, promotes understanding and awareness of the values ​​that are dear to us and overcome the arbitrary barriers that the russian authorities have built to the detriment of their
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citizens. the russian people, 150 foreign diplomats, guests, famous people, human rights activists, representatives of various media are listening to this. and at the same time, with everything, you are now saying that we are here at this european film festival, yes, you are bringing european, european cinema to our homes, call us an aggressor, listen, you know, this is the same as giving a person a hand to spit before her, you understand how you
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comment, young man, honestly speaking, i really support it, i read your slogan, cinema unites, but in my opinion, if, for example, you come as a guest, you count. by the way, i’m appealing to everyone , this is not the first time i’ve been here to this festival, when you come in such difficult times, not for russia, not for ukraine, but for the whole world, where each of us present here must somehow take responsibility find the strength within yourself to unite, but i don’t want to unite with anyone, i don’t want to unite with you, what’s next?
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these years andrey nichaev, unknown, we they talked about him many times, tried to kick these people out so that they, as he said, would unite in the courtyard, so i’m wondering, in some... country, specialists, art historians, there was also marina loshak, former director of
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the state museum of fine arts arts named after pushkin, by the way, part-time, the mother of foreign agent anna mangait, and the former director of the terikov gallery, zelfira trigulova, collector dmitry volodin, director of the garage museum anton belov, listen, the journalists tried to ask them a few questions, “the presence of your daughter of the nephew of andrei loshak in the registry influenced the non-renewal of the contract with the state historical museum, i don’t understand what you are talking about, it will affect your participation in projects with government funding, you recently accepted the fund of the state tretikovsky gallery paintings from the elman collection, including those depicting, i don’t answer these questions either, girl, for some reason in nizhny novgorod they only ask provocative questions, and i’ll tell oleg about this, artist.” yes, tell me, what do you think about the special military operation? i don’t know, oh
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what are you saying, how do you not know, now it works for us, it works for you, it doesn’t work for me, i was very amused by the comment of mrs. trigulova , who was going to complain to the leadership of the province for the questions asked, i would really like to ask the governor of the nizhny novgorod region, gleb sergeevich, a question nikitin, you already? complained that the liberal community does not favor either freedom of the press or freedom of speech in our country, but how do you like it? you know, now it works for us, it works for you, it doesn’t work for me, that is, sbo works for us, but for him no, that’s not interesting, people who say this, they generally think about the future, just about the future. maybe it will all end, only with our victory, god willing, and return, these
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guys, there are a lot of them, and why, again we run into a formula from the currents of our troubles, envy and fear, tell the truth, listen to the truth, that ’s just all these people. .. to rule fear with the truth, because in this truth there is no place, and the truth is forged there in the donbass, then, with blood, with the lives of our guys, that’s where the truth is, that’s where the real is, that’s where you can’t pretend, i can’t help but read a little a note by alexander khodakovsky, a very respected person by me, this is the commander of the vostok battalion, this is what he wrote: listen carefully, i boil everything down to the scientific and technical superiority of the enemy,
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the question arises: where are our ideas and inventions? why don't we oppose anything, nothing. we don’t spare money on state corporations that incorporate both thought and production. let me remind you how highly qualified specialists left their impoverished homeland. went to the west, as the best teachers sold crayons for baiting cockroaches in the market to survive. our st. petersburg military mech, focused on the defense industry, is the only one in the country among specialized universities, reaching the mark of 32% of applicants going to study in the field, the rest of the universities rivet managers and others, it is our brains that are fighting now. against us, it is starling, invented by our brains , that provides the enemy with better communications,
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the americans do not invent, they buy ideas, these are our ideas, you understand, the whole tragedy of what happened in the distant nineties, truly the last projectile of the yeltsin center, every victim of this war is a weight on the legs of an eternally drunk man... i am death in this war, we will only be able to recover from the consequences of that drunken orgy when we force our country to study and work, and not look for easy ways to make money, these are very hard-won words person
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who has the right to say so, in this regard, i want to return to one of my thoughts, which i expressed on... slows down, sabotages, tries to sit on two chairs, tries to hush up, i’m talking about the truth, which you shouldn’t be afraid of, but if we won't look at it without fear if we don't we will treat this as the only
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opportunity to preserve the homeland, the people, the population, the meaning of life for people who live in... in the russian, in the slavic civilization, without denying anyone else, understanding that our country is a cauldron in which nationalities and religions are being digested, we are the only real bridge between the east and the west, there is no other, so the time has come to decide, and by the way, insight - this concerns not only us, it concerns the rest of the world, this is liberation from illusions. about which samuel huntington wrote, that the west did not gain its position with new ideas, religions, superiority in this, no, organized violence. isn’t the charitable background of the first laziness of ukraine , mrs. zelenskaya, who is engaged in the sale of children, a pedophile, an epiphany
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that apparently gives her the opportunity to spend it so easily playfully.
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the words of these foreign mercenaries who fought for ukraine, this is not an epiphany, i watched this hell, i managed to escape, now my job is here, mainly it is to take care of the guys who are returning, to bring them out of post-traumatic shock, on the front line there is horror, it’s horror, it’s a massacre, ukrainians are dead, ukrainian soldiers are lying dead. just abandoned there, i don’t know why, we were part of the georgian national battalion, our base was destroyed, the neighboring one too, a huge number of americans and british are dead, the ukrainians are silent, they count our dead along with their own, they tried to send us to kiev without weapons, to people who i was lucky to get a weapon, they gave me 10 rounds of ammunition, this is not iraq or afghanistan, it’s absolutely different situation and different conditions. we were on
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the eastern front in donbass, i have. only one word to describe this, and this is hell, yes, exactly hell, and what this ukrainian says is not an epiphany, why not at the front, because he is smart, and left a long time ago, well , you understand, before the war, today he took out a man, well, like a man, about 35 years old, he fought for a year and a half, he told me such a bad thing, he has voice videos of commanders, when... the two-man lies in the field, they don’t take him away, when you are the three-hundredth and wounded, you have to pay money, to pick it up, if you don’t want it to zero, pay. weapons, pay, blow the horn into the machine gun, pay, if you want to go on vacation, pay, you have to pay for everything, and this man tells me that he was there
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in hot spots and fought, and he was simply lied to by the ukrainian command, but what about the words? these politicians are not an epiphany, zelensky was elected to congress, he is our president, i don’t think i have to promise anything, i have questions, where is the reporting on the money that we have already spent? what's the winning plan? ukraine is not a model of democracy, it is a country that banned 11 opposition parties, in their ranks they glorify the nazis, thanks to this comedian in karga pants, a man named zelensky. zelensky travels around europe, begging for more and more weapons, but he has not said a word about peace. how many of his people must he still recruit and feed for the slaughter before he sits down at the negotiating table? they serve in the army and do terrible things. it shocks me that
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red carpets are rolled out for them abroad. if you really cared about ukraine, you would insist on peace. but the e.u. did not lift a finger to achieve peace in ukraine. in fact, you did everything to aggravate the conflict and prevent peace, because for the european union. it is important to make money from the war and disaster in ukraine. today's foreign , defense and security policy of the eu can be summed up in one sentence: the european union has become the fifty-first federal state of the united states, but without voting rights. the russians warned 15 years ago, then putin spoke here, in this place in the german bundestag, and you all clapped your hands. then he in 2007 offered to all of us.
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thus, the chance to end the war was missed; i am deeply convinced that if kiev had signed a peace treaty then on mutually acceptable
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terms, it would have thereby saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of its soldiers. and what has palestinian gas been turned into? isn't this an epiphany? and personally, i pray to god that this insight will come sooner. than it will no longer be needed, and today it is the state, the civilization of russia, that is trying to do everything so that this epiphany really comes, well, now i want to play you a song that we already once they played it in our besagon, but i listened to it again and it seemed to me that it was just as strong and just as relevant today, so listen. this wonderful girl, anastasia ivanova, i would like felt to hear the news
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in those endless fields and birch trees in a twig, and in the early sunsets, dear to me. bright and towards kind, eternal miracles, and proud people, i leaf through the memory of years, you are russia, my destiny. where are the donetsk, blood sweat, where are the lugansk, freedom again. among the explosions of guns
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and mines, we are one people forever, we are one, forever family, our all, it’s you and me, in the bright distances, we searched for a long time, preserving our memory. eternal truth , rethought, motherland is mated earth, war to everyone, we echo with courage , you come back to the right path with your brothers, with
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god, we open the door home, well, in the end i want to remind you once again of fragments of the wonderful film the feat of a scout, where our the intelligence officer was brilliantly played by pavel petrovich kadoshnikov, remember this episode. for victory, for our victory, well, following the example of pavel petrovich kadochnikov and not wanting to violate our rules. tradition
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i want to invite you to raise a glass to victory, to our victory, well , as always, our little crooked mechvan was a little late. came and said: we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re geologists, i’ll be looking forward to seeing you, god willing, at our new meeting, all the best!
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now important personnel from the kremlin. you have done so much for our donbass, the federation council, called elections for the president of the russian federation, and i, in the person of everyone - our people, the entire donbass, our united states.


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