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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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the union state and the practice of relations between belarus and russia is a realistic balance, a combination of national interests, political objectives and economic practices, in conditions of mutual trust and open dialogue. vladimir putin will take part in the presidential elections on march 17, 2024 , the head of state announced his intention to run in a conversation with soldiers of a special military operation who took part in the ceremony of presenting the gold star hero of russia medals, it took place.
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federation and i in the person of all our people, of the entire donbass, our connected lands , i would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because there is a lot of work, thanks to your actions, your decision, we received freedom, the right to choose, and we want to take part in the elections of the president of the russian federation, and you our president, there is a lot of work, we still need integration, integration, social connection. in
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all other economic formats and purely ordinary human peaceful life, and under your leadership, we would like this do everything, you are our president, we are your team, we need you, russia needs you, thank you very much, i won’t hide it, at different times i had different thoughts, but now it’s his right, now is the time when you need to make a decision, i i will run for president.
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for the memory of our sons, from fathers, from mothers, from the muds who are present here, the dead boys, for the fact that you really appreciate their feat, and we see this for the benefit of our fatherland, for the fact that today we have the opportunity, truly a unique opportunity to be present here at this truly historic event, when you were able to rejoice in the great glory of our fatherland, and today you are presenting our great... warriors with the highest award of our
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state, and we, together with their parents, are happy for them, we are together with the whole country we are proud of them and pray for them, our guys, they are on the front line today fulfilling their military duty, here we are in the rear, we understand everything, this whole thing, we are fulfilling our civilian duty, but our guys did not leave their front there and they don’t leave, so you don’t leave us , we are here today... we are present, i’m just proud of the hero of russia, the hero of the soviet union, holder of our orders of courage, heroes of labor, parents of our fallen heroes, we are all here, and here is one story , we are your front, we are also your front, we are with you, we are for you, we are with you, and as the guys say today, i repeat also, you are our president, you are our commander in chief, today we must do a lot for ours. .. russia
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will continue the work of our sons for a long time, and we are going together with you, and we must continue to go together with you, that i say so, i think that these guys are generally from the front line. together we are strong, with you we will win, you are our president, we will be together, i understand very well how much the guys need you now, because just recently we went through such a difficult path for medicine together, we walked together with you, you are one of the first entered
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the red zone, supported us in everything, we felt simply extraordinary care, simply human, true participation and this was very important, therefore... world and european and any, and of course, your participation was very important, fundamental personal participation in healthcare in medicine , a huge number of tasks that we simply must do together with you, without you it is impossible in medicine, without you in industry, without you guys in poly speak. rusatom actors, residents of the trans-baikal territory, want you to know that we are always with you, we believe you, we are proud that we have such a president, we are together, thank you, i want to repeat again, at different times i had different thoughts for this reason, but i
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i understand who we are today, i will run for the post of president of russia, thank you, thank you for these words, especially. productions and not today it is said, we will take over the territories , we will participate in the elections for the first time, and we are voting for you, thank you, thank you, the details of vladimir putin’s election campaign regarding the headquarters of the strategy’s proxies have yet to be determined, the kremlin will inform about everything in a timely manner, about this press secretary of the head of state dmitry peskov told reporters. at the same time, peskov stated that de facto election campaign already. has begun, the elections, let me remind you, will be held on march 17. vladimir putin will thus be running for the post of president of russia for the fifth time. if he wins, he will hold the post of head of state until 2030. the speaker
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of the parliament of the donetsk people's republic and participant in the special military operation, artyom zhoga, asked vladimir putin about his intention to run for office. we are all in the united territories, all of russia, we all support putin. this is our president. this is what he told reporters after ceremonies. artyom zhogo has been defending the dpr from ukrainian punitive forces at the front since 2014. he is the father of the famous sparta battalion commander vladimir zhog. sparta is considered one of the most combat-ready units in donbass. vladimir dzhogo was one of his best commanders. in march 2022, he died near volnovakha and artyom zhogo became the commander of sparta instead of his son. in september of this year, artem zhogo was elected chairman. our task in this transition period is to systematically integrate all spheres of life so that our residents do not suffer during
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this transition period, and integration took place as smoothly as possible without being painful for our people, because caring for our citizens is the first very...
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the head doctor of the fifty-second hospital was the deputy general director of the uec saturn enterprise from the yaroslavl region, viktor anatolyevich polikov, there was a miner of underground mine number one, pao priorgunskaya, production of the mountain chemical association of the trans-baikal territory, and then they were joined by those awarded, there was senior lieutenant kazymov, eduard ivanovich, and there was a sergeant ...
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challenge, i am ready to act based on the interests of the country and its citizens, i am sure that
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on the occasion of heroes of the fatherland day was held in the st. george hall of the large kremlin palace. in total, about 200 people were invited, these were both military and civilians, among them, for example, heroes of the soviet union, heroes of russia, holders of the order of st. george, as well as those awarded three or more orders of courage. our duty is to know and honor the heroes, to do everything so that their goals and ideals gain a worthy continuation in the present and become. support for the future, soldiers , officers, fighters participating in a special military operation, including our very young guys have the same fortitude, the same character that has distinguished the defenders of the fatherland for centuries, their exploits are truly amazing,
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the whole country is proud of them, they are natives of various regions of our country, from karelia to the primorye territory. representatives of different nationalities, all of them shoulder to shoulder defending a common homeland for all. soldiers who participate in a special military operation have the same fortitude, the same character that has distinguished the defenders of the fatherland for centuries, he noted vladimir putin. as we see, our heroes are people of few words. but they speak their word on the battlefield, and the deeds they do speak for them. congratulations, guys, on your awards, well-deserved titles of hero of russia. pass on your kindest words to your comrades in
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the units. the country is not only watching today on the day of the awards, every day. hopes for you and congratulates you on today's awards, on your holiday. heroes of the fatherland day is celebrated annually in russia on december 9. on this memorable date , the heroes of the soviet union and russia are honored, knights of the order of glory and st. george. the date itself is dedicated to the holiday of the russian empire, the day of the knights of st. george. it was celebrated from 1769 to 1917. in 2013 , vladimir putin. revived this tradition. since then, the president has been presenting awards to heroes of russia in the st. george hall of the kremlin. the only exceptions were the pandemic years 2020 and 2021, when vladimir putin addressed the heroes of the fatherland with video congratulations. and on the eve of the day of heroes of the fatherland, the investigative committee of russia awarded the children of heroes and heroes of russia. with my girlfriends
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it turns out we were walking through the city garden. so at first we didn’t understand what to do, but then we saw a woman passing by, we ran up to her, they said that there was a man and a girl there now, we don’t know what he was doing with her, it was quite scary, that’s because we didn’t know what to do in such a situation; this was the first time we had encountered such a situation, but we still decided not to do nothing. and also about those who were awarded a medal in the kremlin today. maria kostyuk, head of the department for work with regions of the state fund for defenders
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fatherland. mother of the hero of russia, andrei koftun, who died in the special military operation zone. maria kostyuk went through a career path from a history teacher to deputy chairman of the government of the jewish autonomous region, head of the staff of the governor and government of the jewish autonomous region. many thanks and honorary certificates, including a presidential certificate of honor. i would like to thank you, as a mother, for the memory of our sons, from fathers, from mothers, from the woods who are present here, who died boys, for the fact that you really appreciate their feat and we see this for the benefit of our fatherland, and we are with you, we are for you, we are with you, and... as the guys say today, i repeat also, you are our president , you are our commander-in-chief, today we must do a lot for our russia,
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a lot more, continue the work of our sons, and we are going with you, and we must continue to go with you, maryana lysenko, russian physician, chief physician of the moscow city clinical hospital number 52, author more thirty scientific papers. in february 2020, as part of the fight against the pandemic, the hospital under the leadership of lysenok was repurposed to receive patients with pneumonia. specialists have developed patient routing schemes, improved algorithms for radiological diagnostics in pneumonia , taking into account the characteristics of coronavirus infection, as well as patient treatment schemes. for her successful work during the pandemic, maryana lysenko received the title of hero of labor of the russian federation. we participated in the creation of the moscow protocols, gradually this was transformed into the clinical recommendations of the ministry of health, we, together with our colleagues, worked a lot on this topic, so all
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the treatment protocols that were once initiated were included in the clinical recommendations of the ministry of health, many versions of them have already been published and are still relevant. the place is made by people, yes, without a team, without a sense of leverage, without absolute understanding and trust in each other. there are no team problems that can be solved. viktor polikov, soviet-russian aircraft engineer, graduated from the rybensky aviation technological institute in 1975 institute he went through a career path from a fitter in an assembly shop to deputy general director, managing director of the public joint stock company odk saturn. under his leadership, saturn consistently shows positive financial dynamics. hero of labor of the russian federation was awarded the medal of the order for merit to the fatherland, second degree, as well as the order for naval merit.
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we must be absolutely independent and not lose our achievements, but develop them , i repeat, be absolutely independent in everything spheres of russian security. the merit of the adk enterprise allows. allows us to provide high and low power power plants, power plants for civil aviation, military aviation, and the navy; these are all the tasks of the united engine corporation. eduard cherbina, miner, mining the number one underground mine of the argan mining and chemical production association. in 2021 , he occupied leading positions among the foremen of the priorgun association. edward's brigade shcherbina, the first at the enterprise to begin the industrial use of a narrow grip
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loading and delivery machine, as a result of which labor productivity increased by 25%, the team exceeded the monthly plan by 110%. on may 1 of this year, by decree of the president of russia , cherbina was awarded the title of hero of labor for special labor merits. before the state and the people. yuri mizerny, deputy ataman of a separate cossack society of the moscow region, military cossack society, central cossack army for military-patriotic education, organizations in charge of military registration, member of the regional headquarters of the military service of the moscow region. yuri received a law degree, then served in the army from the age of eighteen to the present day, holding the position of chief of professional services. educational institution pavlovo posad school of the regional branch of the all-russian public and state organization voluntary society for assistance to the army, aviation and navy of russia, moscow region.
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awarded the order of courage and the title hero of russia. maxim patashov, junior lieutenant, commander of a squad of short-range unmanned aerial vehicles, carried out a combat mission to detect enemy manpower and equipment in the area of ​​​​one of the settlements of the kharkov region. thanks to competent skillful control of an unmanned aerial vehicle and adjustment of artillery, mortar and tank fire, maxim patashev identified provided... using a drone, maxim identified the movement of two enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups on foreign armored vehicles production. promptly transmitted the coordinates of the identified sabotage groups. as a result of accurate fire, three combat, armored vehicles and more than forty nationalists were destroyed. eduard kazymov. senior
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lieutenant, commander of an air assault company. during a special military operation, an assault group under the command of kazymov attacked from the rear a hidden stronghold of the ukrainian military near one of the dpr settlements. thanks to an unexpected maneuver, the unit defeated the enemy forces and captured the equipped fortified point. besides, at one of the sites, kazymov’s group knocked out the ukrainian armed forces occupying positions. three infantry fighting vehicles and more than 50 personnel were destroyed. sapezhat mozaeva, honored teacher of dagestan, mother of the hero of russia nurmagomed gadzhi magomedov, who died in the special military operation zone. during the battle, he was seriously wounded, but until the last bullet, he continued to fire at the superior enemy forces. sapizhat mazaeva, in addition to teaching activities, regularly participate in events dedicated to the topic of special military operations. for example,
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i recently offered to open it. rehabilitation center for participants of a special military operation in dagestan. in september, he participated in a meeting between chairman of the federation council valentin matvienko and the mothers of participants in the special operation. my father was a geography teacher, my mother a housewife. i also entered, worked, had already become a primary school teacher in zaolochin at that time, studied, well, how could it be, i think, in the family of a teacher in mining. in the village , first of all, they taught love to family and friends, from the very first days he was so inquisitive, interesting, he was a leader from there, he wanted to know everything, to experience everything, he had, he kept saying, i want to show dagestan to everyone, in all the beauty of dagestan. one young lady
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got drunk on wine with the hussars, begged them to steal a cannon from the regiment quietly and with her own hands shot into a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter.
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drowning, science, music, literature, industry was booming, world markets were flooded with russian bread, so if all this blossomed, so what was rotting then, maybe nothing was rotting, education, the enthusiasm of the people, the soviet government received an unprecedented, colossal inheritance, how carefully it disposed of this inheritance. what was russia before the seventeenth year and what should we do with this history, to what extent it can repeat itself, to what extent we can...


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