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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:27pm MSK

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one of our tasks is to create conditions for veteran organizations to work, to provide them with assistance and support, so that the families of the guys who are fighting feel cared for, are surrounded by attention, now the duma is incomparably effective, it helps our organization in particular, the military brotherhood, so that people who have passed or participating in hostilities... they could improve their health and receive treatment. russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and, of course, we are opening new routes to the point of attraction.
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discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. vladimir putin will take part in the presidential elections on march 17, 2024, about his intention to run, the head of state at the ceremony of presenting the gold star hero of russia medal, it was held in the kremlin on the eve of the day of heroes of the fatherland, we offer you a recording of a fragment of this conversation.
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the federation council has appointed elections for the president of the russian federation and i, represented by all of our people, the entire donbass of our connected lands, i would like to ask you to take part in these elections, because.
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if you put in a job to cultivate those qualities, love for the motherland, patriotism , the desire to work hard, our boys and girls, they will grow up to be heroes, but this work needs to be continued, well, we need us as a leader, i also join artyom, so that you can indulge, you are our president, we are your team, thank you, we must move forward, we are for you, we are with you, we ask, russia needs you.
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heroes of russia, heroes of the soviet union, cavalier orders of courage, heroes of labor, parents of our fallen heroes, we are all here, and here is one story, we are yours. the front is also your front, we are with you, we are for you, we are together with you, and as the guys say today, i repeat also, you are our president, you are our commander in chief, we are walking with you, and we must continue to walk with you, that i say so, i think that the guys from the front line can say, supreme commander-in-chief, allow me to convey the words from the guys who are now on the front line,
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in this situation and not today it is said, we are in united territory, we will participate in elections for the first time, and we vote for you, thank you, thank you, thank you, it is our duty to know and honor the heroes of the fatherland to strive to continue their endeavors with dignity, vladimir putin said. the russian president presented gold star medals to the heroes of russia. in total , 15 military personnel received them. ceremony - presentation of a medal on the occasion of the day of heroes of the fatherland. passed in the st. george's hall people, these were both military and civilians, among them, for example, heroes of the soviet union, heroes of russia, holders of the order of st. george, as well as those awarded three or more orders of courage. among them is maria kostyuk, head of the department for work with regions of the state fund defenders of the fatherland, mother
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of russian hero andrei koftun, who died in the zone of a special military operation. maxim patashov, who identified and ensured the destruction of eleven among them in the special military operation zone.
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in accordance with the presidential decree, presented shoulder straps of senior officers and state awards to military personnel, the army general congratulated the military personnel, and also expressed gratitude to them for exemplary performance of tasks and wished him further success in his career. quantity, your military work is in demand today, in demand, perhaps, more than ever in recent times. therefore, the country hopes for you, believes in you, it’s all on your merits , so continue, multiply, i’m sure you will achieve more, congratulations, vladimir putin’s decision to take part in the 2024 presidential elections has already
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been supported by many, confirmed that at a historic moment choice and historical challenge is ready to act based on the interests of the country and its citizens, speaker. the chamber of parliament in its telegram channel expressed confidence that the head of state made this decision, relying primarily on the real request of russian citizens. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin said that vladimir putin’s decision to participate in the presidential elections is of great importance not only for russia, but for the whole world. dmitry peskov told reporters that vladimir putin’s announcement of his decision to take part in the presidential elections was not a preparation. he noted that he understands that the electoral the coming year's campaign will be the subject of attacks from outside, but russia has learned to defend itself. and the press secretary of the head of state told how preparations are underway for the december direct line in a combined format, with details from my colleague egor grigoriev.
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today, here at the center for receiving and processing requests, dmitry peskov spoke with the call center operators, along with the coordinators , the president’s press secretary, he clarified what worries our citizens most, what problems they address, what ideas they have for the svo along the way... special operations on benefits, on various problems, including calls , of course, they are all under control, but also a lot of traditional calls are written on social issues, on issues of medicine and education, here it is very important that the president of our country is always in the know. of this cross-section, he is literally given this selection of the most current topics in the country on a daily basis, and dmitry peskov said:
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they directly wanted to convey greetings to the president of russia, they just wanted to wish him good luck, to wish him health, such messages are very a lot, and after vladimir putin announced today that he was going, it was received very positively here in the call center, there were a lot of calls on this topic right away, they were coming from all new regions and absolutely different, the most important.
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without attention without response, even if a person cannot get through to the direct line, then his voice message or video message will be recorded and the appeal will be received. no one is calling yet, because the situation is changing literally every second, all over the country, volunteers, operators collect those problems, those requests from citizens that come to the direct line, egor grigoriev, andrey stifrov, sergey vanilovich, elena pomelnikova, vesti.
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krasnodar, tomsk and rostov-on-don. entrepreneurs from these cities. have already received money from the fund for a considerable business, now it’s your turn, we will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs throughout the country, the best stories will receive the money, tell us about your business on alfabank is the best bank for business. if you get up more than twice at night, and crawl at the first symptoms from the prostate, afalase. a modern drug for early treatment. keep prices low chocolate neli 1999 pyaterochka helps out magical conditions real rate up to 15% on a savings account at gazprombank your money works and you get income, register on, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it , wrong
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be irresistible this winter, choose skin care products for the beauty of your hair at competitive prices at wildberries. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive additional income,, gazprombank, time to make your dreams come true, pay less, macfa pasta 4790, pyaterochka helps, i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it with a credit card, i want, i can, i can, i want,
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register at shcherbakov. well, let him register for now and at the same time find out about everyone. pulls. with a new year's loan from post bank, you'll have enough for everything. come for money, post office bank. many entrepreneurs have already received money from the fund for quite a few businesses. now it's your turn. alfabank will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs across the country. the best stories will get the money. tell us about yours business. he's getting better and better. d14 with a favorable rate. apply literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable. the international olympic committee will allow
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russian and belarusian athletes who have successfully passed qualifying competitions to participate in the summer olympic games. 2024 in paris in individual neutral status, as well as the cathedral, based on the recommendations of the executive committee of mokut on march 28, 2023. at the olympics there will be a ban on the use of national symbols of russia and belarus, also, officials from these countries will not be able to attend the games. at the moment, only eight russian and three belarusian athletes have received admission to the games in paris in a neutral status. the west openly blames ukraine. due to failures on the battlefield, counter -hysterics announced mass mobilization, but ukrainians do not want to serve, men of military age are fleeing the country en masse. natalya goncharova, continue. in the ukrainian media space, vladimir zelensky is being escorted out, short-sighted decisions are being discussed, his appearance has sharply lost the fact that it’s time for him to pension. he is interesting, you know, when, i
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think, after the war and after he ceases to be president, he will be very interesting to the armed forces of ukraine, which with its story clearly demonstrates the state of the ukrainian army now. they take everyone to the front line indiscriminately, and there dead souls and commanders await the soldiers. whom they didn’t even see, they brought a summons home, threw them into the car, took them away , i went through the hospital figuratively, without me, they took away immediately, uh, everyone’s morale, morale, psychological spirit, fallen, no one doesn’t want to fight, everyone is sick, there are many disabled people, there are many losses, three hundred. there are a lot, there are a lot of missing persons, the provision is also bad, mass hysteria has begun in ukraine due to mobilization, the funeral
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agency is being called by women, we even started going to fitness clubs, catching draft dodgers. tetsekashniks dived into the hall, they want, yes, really all over the center. they are starting to write about the situation inside ukraine without rosy colors. western media the washington post emphasizes that men of military age are trying by hook or by crook to avoid mobilization. if they have money to pay off, they run abroad. they once have great faith in zelensky and do not want to fight for a corrupt government. experts are confident that if articles in such a tone appear in publications like the washington post, then a new maidan series is not far off. ukrainians themselves, meanwhile, face a difficult choice. it is clear that there is an offensive.
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america's concentric policy, but, but, unfortunately, we will throw into the furnace the lives of these same ukrainians. it’s a pity that kiev still doesn’t understand this. inside america itself a split is brewing over aid to ukraine. journalist tucker carlson writes that the biden administration has begun to resort to threats. at a closed briefing in the house of representatives, lloyd austin tried to deliver an ultimatum. like, if you don’t give money to kiev, then we’ll send your sons and brothers to fight russia. like this. american style democracy. today we discussed it during a meeting of the government commission on energy. it took place at the russia forum at vdnkh. deputy prime minister
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alexander novak explained what work has already been done done about plans for the next 2 years. based on the results of this year, we expect a new record for electricity generation of about 1.150 billion. new power plants are being launched. in 3 years. energy, special attention is paid to the development of the energy potential of new constituent entities of our country; in the next 2 years it is planned to restore more than 2.0 megawatts of generating capacity over 400 power supply facilities. government efforts today.
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marines in parade formation. igor nikolaevich, how many victory parades? eight, awards? awarded for services to the domestic team with balls.
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