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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 8, 2023 10:00pm-10:28pm MSK

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they checked everyone who had recently driven the ill-fated car; they found one user who seemed very suspicious, twice convicted of drug trafficking, a native of the stavropol territory who moved to the capital. it was nikolai drost, as the ministry of internal affairs established, who secretly used mephidrone in the salon and then simply threw away the needle. police officers have arrested a man who previously used a drug in koshering's car. the syringe the young man used was abandoned. car, oh syringes left on subway handrails and in movie theater seats have long been the stuff of urban horror stories, and it’s not in vain that there is a risk, albeit minimal, of contracting such dangerous diseases as sleep, hiv, hepatitis, syphilis, doctors say, and they can’t even be detected right away , only after a while, here are instructions on what to do if you accidentally prick yourself with an unknown needle, you must squeeze out a drop of blood, be sure to treat it, rinse with running water, treat with an alcohol solution or... a solution of chlorhydroxysidine, and
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you must still contact an infectious disease specialist’s office, which could already periodically take tests. the parents of the injured girl will now , as they say, have to carefully examine the child on pins and needles for at least six months, it is unknown how many hands this syringe could have passed through, and nikolai drost , meanwhile, has already become accustomed, for the third time, to a criminal case involving drugs, he is facing up to 8 years old.
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to initiate this conversation, thank you very much to vladimir vladimirovich for making contact, for communicating, and we all expressed a request to go to the polls, as participant in the presidential race, and i am sure that vladimir vladimirovich will win unconditionally, i will personally come to the elections and vote for vladimir.
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thank you as a mother for the memory of our sons, from fathers, from mothers, from the buds who are present here, the dead boys, for the fact that you really appreciate their feat, and we see this for the benefit of our fatherland, and we are with you, we for you, we are together with you, and as the guys say today, i repeat also, you are our president, you are our commander in chief, “ today we must do a lot for our russia still has a long way to go to continue the work of our sons, and we are going with you, and we must continue to go with you. as artyom zhoga says, it was a unique opportunity, 200 heroes of russia in one hall, military and civilians who accomplished a feat on the front line in the rear, and of course, awarding gold stars to presidents, to those who are performing a feat right today." heroes, do everything, so that their goals
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and ideals acquire a worthy continuation in the present, become a support for the future. soldiers, officers, fighters participating in special military operation, including our very young guys, have the same fortitude, the same character that has distinguished the defenders of the fatherland for centuries. their exploits are truly amazing; the whole country is proud of them. these are the natives of the most. different regions of our country, from karilia to the coastal region, representatives of different nationalities, all of them shoulder to shoulder defend a common homeland that is common to all. each of the fifteen awarded today admits that at the front he did not even
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think about the feat, he simply followed the order of the commander and followed the call of his heart, to receive an award on this day, in this place from the hands of the supreme commander is a very... great responsibility, many admitted that out of excitement they even forgot what they wanted to tell the president, as we see, our heroes are people of few words, but they have a word they speak their minds on the battlefield, and the deeds they do speak for them. congratulations, guys , on your awards, on your well-deserved hero titles. russia, convey your kindest words to your comrades in honor, the country is not only today on the day of the award, every day looks after you, hopes for you, congratulates you on today’s awards, on your holiday. each of these heroes has already definitely
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entered the history of russia, just as this day will go down in it, and what was voiced by the president, russia has someone to be proud of and someone to rely on. our fighters are distinguished by genuine devotion to their cause and their fatherland, the head of the ministry of defense stated this, speaking about those who today received awards from the hands of the president, about their loved ones and family members. those who serve faithfully in our country, despite to which, despite all the difficulties and difficulties that exist in the special zone today, i have a feeling of pride for these guys, for what we have in our country. no matter what the speaker says, the missing generation, no generation is missing, no generation is missing, what probably should have been born in our country was born, those who really defended, are defending and will
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defend part of our homeland. zhoga addressed the parliament of the dpr. his proposal was supported by other participants in the meeting, representing different people. he says the work is similar, it is important to pay the team, because they are the same fighters , says artyom, at any moment they can come under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, but no one quits their work, there are many tasks ahead, one of the priorities is supporting the participants in the special operation, we are considering bills
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for our military guys, who served before joining the russian federation in the ministry of defense of the russian federation, in order to confirm their experience.
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was said by andrey, the guys are not just protecting us there, they are, by and large, protect all our values, the mothers of the fallen heroes are doing everything to ensure that their memory lives on, the son is sopizhat... the first hero of russia from the times of the northern military district nurmagomed gadzhimagomedov. with serious wounds, he continued to fight the neo-nazis, but could not survive. he always dreamed of showing all his friends all the beauty of dagestan, but now his mother is doing it, she is a teacher, and also a school director. now he is actively involved in social activities, for example, he proposes to open a rehabilitation center for participants of the north military district in dagestan, but most importantly he supports sopizhat those who are experiencing the same tragedy as herself. it felt like i didn't want to. don’t go to work anywhere , everything is closed, well, i thought, my son wouldn’t
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want this, and i began to support every mother in every possible way, and i tell them all, i want to tell all mothers, we must live in the name of memory , therefore, to talk about your children, what they were like, what they had, what they loved, this is what you have to live for, they live not only for their relatives. loved ones, but also a task to which they devote a titanic part of their time. victor polikov started working at engine-building company saturn back in the seventies with a woodworker-assembler. in 2015 he headed the company. under his leadership , the plant switched to complete import substitution and supplies gas turbine engines for aviation, navy and industrial facilities. in the future, it will provide power plants for the russian ms-21 aircraft. having worked at the plant for almost five decades, i can say that this is my life. this is my dream, i want the enterprise to become stronger, more powerful, more beautiful and also work for the dignity
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and prosperity of russia. same opinion transbaikal miner eduard shcherbino, he has been working underground for almost 30 years, trained dozens of young workers, and is now a foreman. under his leadership , labor productivity has increased by a quarter, and the plan is exceeded. edward, the hero of labor of russia , was awarded personally by the president. this is a reward. of the entire team, where he is not only a leader, but also a friend, to give a shoulder to a friend not only at work, but in life, we relax after work as families, the most important thing is a close -knit team, after all, in a mine all the work is collective, one there in the field is not a warrior, alone nothing can be done, only as a team they managed to cure thousands of coronavirus patients. maryana lysenko, the chief physician of hospital number 52, was repurposed as a covid hospital during the pandemic and received patients with pneumonia. lysenko , together with specialists, have developed new
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methods for treating pneumonia caused by coronavirus. we participated in the creation of moscow protocols, gradually this was transformed into clinical recommendations of the ministry of health, together with our colleagues we worked a lot on this topic, so all treatment protocols that were once initiated were included in the clinical recommendations of the ministry of health. all these people. confirmed, confirmed that at the moment of a historical choice and a historical challenge , i am ready to act based on the interests of the country and
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its citizens. i am sure that vladimir vladimirovich made the statement based primarily on the real request of the russians, taking into account their willful attitude. this is a very important decision not only for the citizens of our country, but also for the whole world. over time, vladimir vladimirovich putin has proven his efficiency. our country has faced different challenges at different times.
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he clarified what worries our citizens most, what problems they address, what ideas they have, what proposals, and of course, he highlighted a number of the most significant issues, most of all at the moment, people, of course, call, people write on svo issues, on... on the course of the special operation, on benefits, on various problems, including contacting, of course, they are all under control, but also a lot of people traditionally call and write on social services. topics and questions medicine and education, here it is very important that the president of our country is always aware of this section, he is literally given on a daily basis this selection of the most relevant topics that the residents of our large country are addressing, and dmitry peskov said that vladimir putin personally has
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the opportunity to choose the questions to answer. we give regularly. in the process of preparing for this program for the president, we give the president briefings on topics that are raised by citizens, we also give the president closer to the program, now they have already begun to make such large collections, so weighty, with one citizen’s appeal printed on each page, as the president finds time, he gets acquainted with it, well, traditionally, the president holds a meeting.
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plays a very important role, russia is open to partnerships with all countries that want it and are ready for it, and russia is very determined to defend its interests before those countries that encroach on these interests. center operators reception and processing of messages today they said that many people, including from new regions of russia, wrote, called, and applied via video. with not only some problems, but also directly wanted to convey greetings to the president of russia, they just wanted to wish him good luck, wish him health, there are a lot of such requests, and after vladimir putin announced today that he is collecting , this was received very positively here at the call center
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and there were a lot of calls immediately on this topic. coming from all new regions. appeals and absolutely different, the most important, pressing problems, as in principle, for all citizens of our country, people address, wish all the best, say that yes, i ’m calling you with such and such a problem, but i wish vladimir vladimirovich everything only in self-referrals should you leave a note to convey to vladimir vladimirovich that they support him in the upcoming elections. it is important to note that not a single request will go unattended without an answer, even if the person... can reach you directly line, then his voice message or video message will be recorded and an answer will be given with an exact count of how many such requests have been received today, no one is calling yet, because volunteers and operators collect those problems, those citizens’ requests that come to the direct line. egor grigoriev, andrey stifrov, sergey vanilovich,
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elena pomelnikova, news. the russian army inflicted 30 group attacks in a week. strikes with precision weapons by unmanned vehicles on ukrainian armed forces airfields, as well as storage sites ammunition, military equipment and fuel depots. they also hit the units' locations. all targets were successfully hit and over forty attacks were repelled. during this time , zelensky’s formation lost about 500 more soldiers and mercenary officers, six tanks and 54 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 64 self-propelled guns and howitzers, mostly american, british... polish- made. over twenty boats and boats were sunk. over the course of a week, three mig-29 fighters and two su-25 attack aircraft, as well as a helicopter, were shot down. about the situation on the front line.
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night attacks on enemy positions are effective , the front has begun to move, ours are advancing , in the morning the soldiers are walking along a section of the railway where the enemy had been the day before, the enemy who survived in a long line is retreating from the position, a gun, a shot, the commander of the hero of russia, denis ivanov , his photograph is in a place of honor. hero of the lpr, a former miner, his battalion
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beats the enemy in the hottest areas, the soldiers perform feats every day, they took a couple of their prisoners, my mechs distinguished themselves, they came in, captured them, people who were not at all expected, were awarded today, received for bravery.
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it’s very nice to have fresh meat, to have eggs straight from the hen, as they say, here are the piglets, small, cute, very, very nimble, the frost has hit, as if it’s helping ours to move forward, the ground has caught the cold, there’s less dirt, there’s still a lot of work, but the situation is obvious, our troops are pushing the enemy further and further. nikolai dolgachev, lead lugansk. in one of the front lines. region managed to resume services in the local church, a military priest helped, every day he goes to the front line is helping our soldiers
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, and igor pikhanov is providing spiritual help, drones are flying , that is, it is always not calm here, just recently in the village we are passing through, it means several houses were destroyed by shelling, a military priest passed by destroyed houses and shelled... areas of the area father oleg goes to a front-line village in the zaporozhye region, despite regular shelling, some local residents remained, they were able to save the church when a military priest found out about the rural parish, father oleg, then immediately resumed the service there, the parishioners say that faith helps in this difficult time, in addition to the villagers, the russian military also come here, we were told that there was such an opportunity, so how would we decide to visit the temple, in general for you it is important? after a service in a rural church, the military chaplain puts on a bulletproof vest, a helmet and goes to the front line, where soldiers are waiting for him, father oleg is
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a former military man, a career officer, after retirement he graduated from the seminary in 2020 on a special military operation since february last year, the prayer does miracles, it gives the warrior the opportunity to complete the task, because the lord gives... buddhists are praying nearby, muslims are praying, and as i understand it, this prayer, it is a soldier’s prayer, is united together, it goes here it is to the lord, this
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prayer. the units include fighters from all regions of the country, of all religions. along with them , military chaplains and other religious denominations are also on the front line, they conduct services, all believers pray for the same thing, the well-being of their relatives loved ones and a speedy return home. igor pikhanov, konstantin biunov, vesti zaporozhye region. the work of war correspondents at vgtrk in the special operation zone was recognized as the main event of the television season in tefa. award ceremony. national award takes place in moscow. the military correspondents emphasized that this was a reward, first of all , for our comrade boris maksud, who died in november. the winner in the daytime socio-political talk show category was the 60 minutes program, which airs on the russia-1 channel. received the award presenter olga skabeeva and evgeny popov. news of the week was recognized as the main information and analytical final program. presenters fendeyeva, presenters
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of the program today. tv. tefi’s main reporter was channel one correspondent dmitry kulko, who had already spent more than a year with the film crew in the special operation zone. participants of the all-russian movement yunarmiya at a meeting in moscow summed up the results of their work over the past 5 years. young army members also attended the russia forum at vdnkh. we visited sports, educational and historical. and then, after a short advertisement program instructions about the new rules for electrical. as well as a special report on the union state of russia and belarus. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. get a superkick every month
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