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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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on human rights under the leadership of eleanor the un roosevelt commission worked on the drafting of the papers. 50 states, members of the organization and a variety of representatives of political, cultural and religious circles joined the work. it took almost 2 years to agree upon, and as a result, on december 10 , 1948, in paris, resolution 217a, the un general assembly adopted the universal declaration of human rights as a single standard for all peoples of nations. during the voting, not a single country opposed, but eight states, in including the soviet union, abstained, according to the head of the soviet delegation , deputy minister of foreign affairs of the ussr vyshinsky.
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the project was of a formal legal nature and was devoid of practical mechanisms for the implementation of human rights and freedoms. the west insisted on freedom of any ideas without restrictions. and censorship, refused to ban fascism. the document did not spell out the principle of the nation’s right to self-determination, the protection of national minorities, all the amendments and proposals made to the draft by the soviet delegation, the anglo-american majority rejected. the final document included 30 articles devoted to inalienable civil, political and socio-economic rights. according to the declaration, human rights are indivisible and interconnected, just like... the right of each freedom cannot be opposed to other rights and freedoms and used to their detriment. the declaration is of a recommendatory nature, however, on its basis hundreds of universal international acts were developed within the un. about 100 national
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constitutions adopted after the forty-eighth years, contain a list of fundamental rights that reproduce the provisions of the declaration or are included in them under its influence. in 2009, the document was included in the guinness book of records as the most translated in the world: 370 languages ​​and dialects, and today there are already more than 500. the declaration also contributed to the development of the un human rights mechanism. thus , the human rights council was created, which considers cases of violations of the rights to assist states in fulfilling obligations in this area. everyone. declaration - a milestone of social progress, recognition of the most important freedoms as a guide for modern development. mrs. roosevelt compared it with the fundamental documents of english and french american history, that is, only the western tradition. in 1948, this was justified, not by the western world at
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the un, even in numbers it was much smaller, not to mention the influence, now, does the declaration of human rights remain universal in quantitative terms. in the east, are they even appealing to her now in honor of her anniversary, or is anyone appealing to her at all? here’s alexander vladimirovich, how are things going in china? well, just on monday of this week, an international conference was held in beijing in honor of the anniversary of the declaration and it was honored with his presence by none other than
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the minister of foreign affairs, a member of the state council , and he quite clearly outlined how important this declaration is for modern china and how it .. china understands, yes, a statement was made that china actively follows the principles of this declaration, promotes their life in the international arena, but at the same time, wang yi introduced the modern chinese understanding of human rights. human rights are , first of all, the rights to exist, one can even translate this combination as the right to survival and the right to development, with the right to development coming to the fore, he quoted. a striking phrase that the main, most important human right is the people’s right to a happy life, and what is especially noteworthy is that wang yi linked human rights with china’s foreign policy initiatives; china is now promoting three global initiatives:
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global security initiative, global development initiative, global civilization initiative. wang made it absolutely clear that security is a necessary condition for the realization of rights. human rights, development creates the necessary foundation for human rights, dialogue with civilization makes it possible to identify differences, different approaches to enrich the understanding of human rights, since there is not and cannot be a monotonous, only correct understanding of human rights in the world, and equality and justice are also necessary so that no one neither in in no way used human rights in order to stop someone else's development and interfere in internal affairs, while it was absolutely... clearly and clearly stated that china participates in the global management of human rights, primarily through un structures, intends to in the future maximize this participation. it’s clear, that is , they are not giving this to the west. leonitroevich, does the arab world also
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have the right to happy development? well, they have a somewhat different assessment of the international human rights issue, the core of which is universal declaration. unlike china, where there is still a given line, a very clear, political one, the arab world is not so united in this regard; society there has many different layers. groups of forces, including those who are clearly inclined towards western values ​​and, naturally, promotes the universal declaration of human rights, let’s not forget that this is still a legal document, although it is not binding, since it was not even adopted, but voted on the general assembly, by the way, was not unanimous, there were no objectors, but there were abstentions, those those who abstained, in particular the soviet union, abstained, along with saudi arabia. a very interesting point, it turns out, but given that this is still a legal
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document, it must be said that the legal systems of arab countries, many of them , are inclined to perceive many european standards, indirectly, through the perception of these standards, they they also appeal to the universal declaration, references to it are found in legislation, although of course there are specifics, almost always, they say that it is still of the highest value.
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that the western interpretation is that the universal declaration, and other international human rights documents , there in the council of europe, they are not a dogma, they are developing, and what was enshrined in 1948, and what is now perceived in the west as inalienable human rights, these are , frankly, so very different from each other, the west has moved a lot, in general, away from universality, not towards it, this is the use, you mentioned it. political instrument, what kind of
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reaction it causes, well, in china, for example, well in those cases where this foreign interference , of course, it causes the greatest rejection, but it can be recalled that the use of human rights themes as the first magazine with the name human rights appeared in china 100 years ago in the mid -twenties, and the first human rights movement for human rights was in...
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it’s not worth much effort to see these shortcomings, they are obvious, they are on the surface, if you move a little away from the current one and delve into the past, the intellectual past, in principle, in the chinese tradition, in confucian tradition, the understanding of law, law as such, it coincides with the understanding of law and rights, say, in the western tradition, or it has its own specifics, this is just a return to that very history, the birth of the universal declaration, in the committee for its preparation there was a representative of guomendang china, jan kong chhun, an unusually bright, diverse man, a professor at nankai university, a diplomat, he served as the ambassador of republican china to turkey and chile during the war years, a playwright, writer, writer,
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a brilliant expert on chinese culture, now in china they simply re-read the transcript with great gusto.
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comes from the state, legislation that is adopted and reproduced by all major european fords, often directly borrowing it. but at the same time, there is an idea of ​​sharia as the highest law, let’s say, which, of course, is associated with the will of allah and transmitted through the prophet
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muhammad to people, so this duality, by the way, it is expressed very, you know, sometimes, expanded , perhaps there came a period not so long ago, the last few years, when the opposite trend towards a reduction in the scale of action has emerged. well, this is noticeable in the united arab emirates , for example, but at the same time afghanistan appeared with a new edition of the talebs’ power, so
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it is compensated, and brunei, which took the path of shariatization, islamization of the legal system, so the answer is that the situation there is dual, but you understand , there even european law or the law of the european model operates in a society where the dominant form of consciousness is religious consciousness, this... is very important keep in mind, yes, well, this is probably the most important conclusion that can be drawn from our conversation, that universality is largely preserved in formulations, but the interpretation of these formulations is everywhere, if not diametrical, then it diverges further and further, that is, this universality goes precisely to the understanding, i interpret correctly, that china believes that it is able to offer the world a new concept of human rights, which is not obligatory for everyone. since the chinese approach to this issue is pluralistic, that there are basic values ​​that each civilization interprets in its own
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way, but what is worth paying attention to is that the concept of human rights in the chinese interpretation, or what is called the chinese way of development of human rights, it closely fits with two other concepts that modern china promotes, this is people's democracy of a full process , different from the western, as much as possible...
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seriously moved away from them, take the propaganda of homosexual marriages, the possibility of freedom of gender choice, what religion welcomes such things, although in the origins of rights man, even western ideas were that there were many religious ideas, because protestant thought lay at the basis of the recognition of freedom of religion, everyone recognizes this, protestants played the main role in this regard, now they have forgotten this, moved away from these.
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for russian diplomacy, the week was marked by the gulf. vladimir putin paid a short
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but eventful visit to the united arab emirates. saudi arabia, immediately after that the president of iran visited moscow. about this part of western asia, international significance, which has increased sharply in a couple of years, we ’ll talk later. for now we will note only one thing. nowhere, perhaps, has the role of the so-called middle powers grown as clearly as here. there are many consequences, but the main thing is the complication of the mosaic, the impossibility of a zero-sum game, either one or the other wins. the modern world, in general, is so relative, it ’s unusual, we always expect certainty , but it’s interesting, the outcome is non-linear, and failure in one thing turns into success in another, you just have to adapt. it was international review, see you soon.
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look how very safely they stored the drugs. there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. supported by.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future for the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific.
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and russia change, evolution occurs in any structure. a death sentence for thousands of palestinians, this is how the russian post-press commented on the actions of the united states, which blocked the emirates’ ceasefire resolution in the gas sector. 13 members of the security council voted for the adoption of the document. heroes of the fatherland day is celebrated today in russia. on this date the order of st. george the victorious was established. honored heroes of the soviet union, russian federation, full holders of the order of glory
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, knights of the order of st. george. the ukrainian strike copter baba yaga was shot down near artyomovsk, the drone was shot down by operators of the airborne forces unit, and then delivered to the location of our troops for study. at the russia exhibition, today is the day of the stavropol territory and kabardino-balkaria, folk crafts and traditions will be presented, and even the processions of the cossack father frost will be shown. we are waiting for our correspondent to speak directly. the united states, having blocked the security council resolution on the ceasefire in the gaza strip brought the death sentence to thousands more palestinians. this is how first deputy permanent representative of russia prion dmitry polyansky commented on washington’s actions. the united states vetoed a document prepared by the united arab emirates.


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