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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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the owner shows us gifts from ukrainian soldiers, and these are ukrainian gifts, these are what we have, oh, this is personally from home, he flew in, somewhere else from him is a mine 120. a group of foreigners has moved to the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, they are going home to europe, we it's time to return to the bridge, yes... the enemy is watching us from the other side, they sent a heavy drone, that is, a copter with a homemade lever or a wok. we manage to hide, the explosion hits very close, they just saw it, they just threw a wog on us, they will now watch us, every step is ours, they will see, that is, we need to move faster immediately to the point we leave here, cover, cover, cover. the box is leaving right away, how many
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more meters do we have? about another 300 m, we need to go through the shelter and move on, it’s done , now the fighter says that in the last rotation there were 19 such drops, and seven more kamikaze drones flew into the residential area of ​​energodar, but magathe’s observers did not notice this, because everything was quiet and smooth on their way, welcome to rasha! delivery of gadgets and experts comfortably go to the zayas, where a warm bunker awaits them, three meals a day, walks in the fresh air and gifts for christmas and new year, because russia is a generous soul.
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territories of russia. currently, we have 129 enterprises, about 129 enterprises out of 240. the first successes are in the key industry of donbass. this is, as i was told, a new center, yes, the melitopol turbocharger plant is organizing a new production facility for import substitution. and the main difficulties associated with the transition to stable economic rails. we have a need, a personnel requirement of 50%, that is, we still need an increase by the same figure, by 7 5. which enterprises are now actively developing in the zaporozhye region, how the company’s management supports its own.
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sales markets, what is the donbass industry ready to offer russia and the world? now we are at the svetanov machine-building enterprise, which produces parts for lokomatim, here... parts, translated from ukrainian into russian, svetanakk means dawn, heavy industry zaporozhye region, machine-building plant, which was founded exactly 30 years ago. here they produce everything that is necessary for the further production of tram and other
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motor cars, railway locomotives, as well as other rolling stock. here you can see, this is a piston head blank - for a kolomiya diesel engine, heavy, heavy. here it is already at the preliminary stages of machining, it’s a critical part, there’s special steel, special heat treatment, rigid dimensions, well, it’s considered complex, yes, it’s ready products for the novocherkassk electric locomotive repair, now used in electric motors. vitaly giryavtsev , the permanent director of the enterprise for almost 15 years, and before that his father was in charge, and he was the founder, he launched the plant from scratch, since then these tsikhans have not stopped their work for one day...
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no matter how hard it was, but here are breathing now. their production, says the director, was initially created and always focused specifically on the russian market. the largest customers are transpolding and nefalektrotekh in st. petersburg, penza and kolomna, up to 70% of the total volume of finished products was sent from here. how many people do you employ in your company? currently there are 174 people. here. the most important thing is that we managed to save the team in may of this year. this problem has been solved, but now all that remains is to adjust the production volume, to re-equip the equipment a little, denis slobodenko, a universal turner, has been working in svetanka for 5 years, he says that with the entry of the zaporozhye region into the russian federation, his salary, like that of other employees, increased
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by about two times, feel supported russia, well, you feel, you see, all the money you... there’s no point in throwing it all away, leaving the house, it didn’t happen, i didn’t even think about it. valentina ivanovna has been here for 4 years; before that she worked at the melitopol compressor plant; in 2019 , after it was closed, she came here as a controller, checking the quality of finished products. how your life has changed under russia, well, i don’t know there, the level of wages, the standard of living. well , life has become better, the salary is like this, i can
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afford it, in the summer we went to crimea, let’s go, as if it was normal, good, but before we couldn’t afford to go to the crimea, no, no, that is, the wages were rather low and of course this, now it’s as if they were vacationing in... ivanovna is a mother of many children, so she enjoys special support from the administration areas. the minister of industry of the zaporozhye region, nikolay elantsev, visited svetanok on a scheduled visit, talked with workers, inspected the production and told reporters that just a couple of months ago the plant became a member of the free economic zone of zaporozhye, and this implies a number of tax privileges. the most important thing is that we generally have no difficulties. into this free economic zone, because it is necessary, well, a certain amount of investment - this is 30
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million rubles. for a period of 5 years, which the enterprise must invest in its production, as it were, and then achieve results. in its new economic status, mashzavod is implementing a major investment project, which involves increasing total production volume by 300 million rubles by 2030. in addition, the company applied. to the regional fund development of industry, we can issue loans to industrial enterprises at 1% per annum for 7 years, in general, up to 100 million rubles for the purchase of fixed assets, and 50 million rubles for 3 years at 2% per annum, the most important thing is that we have an industrial development fund and this is the deal that will take place so that we, well, sort of... the result will be achieved, so that this data, well, sort of investments, funds will lead to
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an increase in industrial production. nikolay ilantsev clarified that there are currently 129 industrial enterprises operating in zaporozhye enterprises, this is a little more than half of those that exist in the region, but for comparison , at the time of the start of the special military operation , there were only 53 operating enterprises . currently, a total of about 7,500 specialists are employed at the factories of the region, while, as the minister notes, there is a significant there is a large shortage of workers, many vacancies. we have a staffing requirement of 50%, that is, we still need an increase by the same figure, by 7,500, and of course these are different employees, this includes engineering staff, and there... machines with cnc, computer program specialists who can work on
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the controls, and, accordingly, those who can configure the same machines, this is of course a very big problem, and we certainly don’t forget, one of these productions, where, according to its technical the director now has a significant shortage of personnel - the melitopol turbocompressor plant employs 150 people, which is not enough for their capacity - explains konstantin moroz, he heads the turbo plant. the melitopol turbocompressor plant has a history, more twenty-year history of turbine production, during which time the company has grown into an advanced production facility, producing turbochargers for all types of automotive and... equipment produced in the cis countries. it is important, konstantin moroz emphasizes, that the quality of their products is not inferior
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to european ones, while the consumer price tag is several times lower. installing such a small unit on the engine increases engine power by a third. yes. this is used in cars, this unit is installed on almost all modern engines. yes.
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turbines, now, says konstantin moroz, productivity due to objective reasons is somewhat reduced, but management is working on this problem. today, well , probably 1/3 of the enterprise’s capacity, but we plan in the near future to launch additional foundry production, this is casting, heat-resistant wheels, compressors. the plant and its management see the near future and further prospects in the development of various areas of production and comprehensive modernization, under the task of growth , new workshops are opened and plans are made for the purchase of equipment. this is, as i was told, your new center? yes, the melitopol turbocharger plant
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is organizing a new production for import substitution, this is a foundry for... it is important to develop current sales markets, finished products, in addition to russia , they expect to supply belarus, the director of the enterprise also believes in kazakhstan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, and armenia. now the production volume. about 2 thousand turbochargers per month, the demand now exceeds our capabilities due to the lack of components, but i think with the launch of our own heat-resistant alloy casting we will reach previous production volumes, which is about 40 thousand turbochargers per year.
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minister of industry of the zaporozhye region nikolai elantsev inspects the workshop. that is, the capacity allows it now? now we have territory for growth, we have the opportunity to launch a new workshop, we have the opportunity to install new mechanical equipment for machining. and the plant can. go out for a capacity of about 80,000 turbochargers per year. konstantin moroz shows the stages of production and talks in detail about what specialists are working on right now. we are located in the mechanical section of the tool shop of the melitopol turbocharger plant, this section
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processes body parts, but the main direction of this section is manufacturing. equipment for casting, that is, it is vacuum. nikolay elantsev is not at turbocom for the first time, but with every next visit he talks and finds out additional aspects for yourself. the plant uses high-tech equipment, this example is a multi-pallet processing center, these machines are used to process housing parts of turbochargers, this machine is very high-performance and most importantly. that we have a staff of specialists who are capable of servicing this equipment, we have electronic engineers, we have qualified mechanics who are able to repair and maintain this equipment in working order, the most important thing now in our view is one more thing
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a key industrial enterprise in the zaporozhye region, which is now actively increasing its capacity. the company began its activities more than 20 years ago; at that time, its team consisted of only nine people; thanks to the quality of its products, biol quickly gained trust by market standards. buyers, however, with the beginning of the svo, the owners left the plant and the production of world-famous tableware stopped. alexander shatokhin was one of those who restarted production in 1922. we launched during the start svo has been in production since july, so we were the very first in the city to launch, and we’re just
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getting up and running. olga has been working at this plant for 4 years, her task is to control the quality of products, pack finished goods, and issue invoices. do you like your work? yes, i like our dishes, our work and our team is very friendly, we always try to help each other, if someone somewhere doesn’t have time, we are on hand, in principle it’s normal, she was local with the start of a special military operation and remained in city, continued to work, believes that after zaporozhye joined russia , life here began to improve, salaries became better, prices became lower for the same utilities. services, in principle , life has become easier, because the russian federation helps mothers, i have two children, i really like this help, because i
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can buy something extra for my children, you know, as if this were not the case in ukraine , now it’s better, olga’s partner, lyuba, is also a native resident, she has been working here for a total of 16 years, packing goods and controls product quality. many people told me that wages have increased very much and it has become easier to live, the standard of living has increased, well, yes, i don’t know how they used to complain that it’s bad to live in russia, it’s normal, good, even pensioners are happy . the current head of the biol plant, alexander shatokhin , says that when he came here a little over a year ago, the plant was in ruins and desolation, they basically started anew with a team of enthusiasts of 60 people, well, now he says the hardest part is over. main sales
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where do we now have networks in russia? previously , it was also some kind of russian market, or was it still another market? no, before, some went to ukraine, some went to russia, now we have everything going to one country. however, the director notes. their enterprise was able to fully operate only after the zaporozhye region became part of russia and now biol is among the leaders in the region in terms of taxes paid to the treasury, and over the past year and a half it has increased the salaries of its employees not twice as much as the industry average, but four times. tell, due to what we succeed, due to the volume, we reduce the cost and that’s it, we make a larger volume, more sales, the cost decreases due to what?
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according to the minister of industry of the zaporozhye region, work to return the region’s economy to production has already been completed, but this is only the beginning of a long journey; there is still a lot of work ahead.
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, it is an honor to have, they are looking at this the glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in. everyone is calm, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no, we need to move on, abdullah is leaving to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want any vain shadows, we’re watching to know everything about
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russia, best. historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website. russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great. so different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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you can find out a lot of interesting things about kabardi in balkaria and the stavropol territory today at vdnkh, visitors to the russia exhibition have such an opportunity , our correspondent evgeniy nipot knows what program they have prepared, evgeniy, greetings, what is presented at the stands, what is happening today. dash, greetings, indeed, it can be stated that there are especially many people today on these days, days dedicated to the stavropol territory and the kabardino-bolkar republic. i'll start with stavropol region. today, visitors to the vdnkh forum of the exhibition russia were greeted by the cossack father frost. the snow maidens and drummers saw him off at the entrance. already inside,
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the exhibition is really rich, here at... the stand of the stavropol territory, its dominant feature is the pump room tree, where you can taste real mineral water from the caucasian mineral water resorts, and historical, historical aspects were also presented, such as famous literary heroes, for example, the works of lermontov and industrial achievements. at that moment, when there was a presentation of the region in the hall , the governor of the region especially noted that on the day of the stavropol territory there were 70 heroes of russia in the hall on the day of heroes of the fatherland and greetings, he began his speech with three times hurray in honor of these heroes who were present in the hall, only then in during his speech, he spoke about the main achievements of the stavropol territory.


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