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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 2:30pm-2:59pm MSK

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due to the loss of nord stream, as well as its over-reliance on space-consuming renewable energy sources. i think we do have reason to be hopeful for the future, but we will have to fight twice as hard in the coming months and years. in a good way, they should not call themselves environmental activists, because if you don’t care about animals and trees, you are not an environmental activist. mike shellenberger, environmental activist, wonderful journalist, i appreciate you coming, thank you, thank you for having me. i want, i can, i can, i want, with a vtb credit card, i’ll get cashback , i want, i can, i can, i want, 300 days without interest, i’m not kidding, vtb credit card , new year’s discounts in a magnet, sour cream is simple machine 64.99, this year the russian lotto is playing as much as 2 billion, welcome the new year to billionaires. buy tickets on
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asia welcomes you, the heart of the continent beats here, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today on the criminal asia program - large-scale cleansing of the world of thieves in uzbekistan and not only, what is this? action or new regional way of life. caspian fist. the caspian five countries are developing a new approach to the strategic region of cultural heritage that each of the central asian countries offers to the world list of intangible heritage of humanity. judging by the latest reports, a full-scale war against crime is unfolding in central asia. this week in uzbekistan there have been mass detentions of ordinary fighters. from street gangs to named authorities. the security forces carry out the action for 40 shock days. raids across the country have resulted in hundreds of detainees linked to organized crime. the most popular, so to speak, articles are related to illegal substances, weapons possession and extortion. the latter, judging by
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the reports, is generally the main trade of local bandits. for example, in the firgana region, among the detainees there were humayants nicknamed bors. the personality is very popular on social networks with almost one and a half million subscribers, but according to investigators, the greyhound was less and less interested in likes and sports records, so around him he gathered young people with a sports background and criminal inclinations, not at all to prepare for faster, higher, stronger, but if this is so, beginners, then they were immediately detained in tashkent several seasoned criminals with a name and history, let's go through the main ones. obaskhon khadzhaev, in the 2000s, claimed to be the main crime boss of the capital of uzbekistan. then he sat down, went out and took up the old thing again. saidazis saidaliev, nicknamed saidazis honeyfish, a case has been filed against him under article 165 of extortion. bakhtiyor kudratullayev, known, as they say, in narrow circles, by the nickname bakhti tashkensky, is in custody. in these same narrow specialized
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circles, bakhti tashkensky is called the only thief in law in uzbekistan. initially, the media reported that a criminal case had been opened against him under the same article. in a particularly large case, however, later the ministry of internal affairs clarified that the authority was detained for petty hooliganism for 15 days, but the real sensation in all this long the list of detainees was the arrest of a man who definitely stands apart and who, unlike the previous characters, is not known in narrow circles. in tashkent, law enforcement officers detained businessman salim abduvaliev, who is considered one of the most influential and authoritative people in uzbekistan, known by the nickname “salimba” or “the businessman was brought in as a suspect under article 248, illegal possession of firearms . it is important to understand how abduvaliev was a significant figure before recent times. abduvaliev is one of
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the informal, influential entrepreneurs and authoritative people of the country since january of the seventeenth year, he is the deputy chairman of the national olympic committee of uzbekistan, the leader. wrestling. for his contribution to sports activities in 2015 he was awarded the order of dustlik, in 2021 he was awarded the title of honored sports trainer. abduvaliev is also considered one of the most famous patrons and philanthropists in the entire post-soviet space. at the same time, regarding activities abduvaliev there are conflicting opinions, some associate him with the criminal world, for example, several years ago in the diplomatic correspondence of the united states ambassador to uzbekistan. abduvaliev is called the main boss of the uzbek mafia. according to uzbek media, the security forces of uzbekistan are currently looking for another famous businessman, gafur rakhimov. he was associated with another well-known authority , grandfather hasan, and was credited with controlling drug trafficking from central asia to europe.
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on the bright side, gafurov was involved in charity work and always supported sports. in the twenty-second year he was elected first vice-president of the professional boxing federation of uzbekistan. moreover, under sanctions. in the us lists, gafurov was listed as a member of the transnational organized crime group "brotherly circle". we asked mikhail orsky, a man with, so to speak, a certain background in the criminal world, the author of the book survival in the nineties, to comment on what was happening. as for uzbekistan, it also has its own specifics. these are clan relationships. clan relationships, you understand, these people who are now under attack, again, can you name them?
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boxing federation of uzbekistan could not even appear at a number of international tournaments, including some olympics, he was not allowed to attend some olympics, but nevertheless in uzbekistan he... was a fairly respected person, but apparently the president uzbekistan decided to reconsider the situation in the power structure of uzbekistan, for some reason he did not like this hidden influence, hidden the authority of these people, and without unnecessary bloodshed, as happened in kyrgyzstan, he simply made it clear to them not to cross the red line. well, already about the mentioned brotherly circle , a prominent figure in this organization was called
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kolya kyrgyz, the main criminal authority of kyrgyzstan, we have already told his story, he was killed during detention in bishkka a little over a month ago, after which a full-scale campaign against the thieves’ way of life began in kyrgyzstan . could the events in uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan be links? we will discuss one chain with regional expert andrei grozen. in your opinion, how connected can the latter be? central asia essentially knows no borders. in kyrgyzstan, the authorities have to take very radical measures to combat crime simply because in kyrgyzstan, due to a number of objective subjective reasons, the status of reducing the influence of organized crime on government, society and the economy has been somewhat delayed, and uzbekistan, kazakhstan,
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partly tajikistan, again , for various reasons, but have already passed this stage, who earlier, some later, in uzbekistan , the fact that they are putting things in order there, and doing approximately the same thing as they are doing in kyrgyzstan, i will repeat again, because this crime knows no borders and organized crime with kyrgyzstan, as far as one can judge.
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to illustrate why we devote so much attention to this criminal topic. this is how they said goodbye to kolya kirghiz at the funeral in chelpanat. thousands, if not tens of thousands of people came to see the thieves off on their final journey. all this criminal crime romance now has become so popular in the region that organized crime, with its structure and concepts of hierarchy, has become a real challenge for the nation. security. the ministry of internal affairs of kyrgyzstan even proposes a new approach in the fight against organized crime groups. the project proposed by the security forces should first of all complicate the legalization of organized crime groups. to do this, the statute of limitations for crimes related to the creation or membership of organized crime should be removed. if you entered, then years later you will no longer be able to call yourself an honest businessman. the same goes for finances. pressed by dishonest means. confiscation of everything obtained through the legalization of criminal proceeds should become mandatory practice. the project intends to include new terms in the legal glossary, such as, for example, criminal hierarchy; it is also
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intended to highlight the commission of acts by a person occupying a higher position in the criminal hierarchy as a separate crime. here the punishment is already up to 15 years. well , another new norm is punishment for participation in a meeting of representatives of criminal organizations in the so-called criminal or thieves' gatherings, at which the activities of a criminal organization are discussed, are thus intended to strike. for coordinating gang movements. what else was memorable about this week in asia? in kazakhstan, a court decision liquidated the fund name. which is consonant with bandera’s slogan. the organization, as you might guess, collected assistance for the kiev regime, but it turned out to be registered illegally. let us add that the founder, kusainov, previously served several years for extremism. topographic workers groups from kyrgyzstan and tajikistan managed to agree on the demarcation of another section of the border. this is over 24 km, which was previously
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considered controversial. let me remind you that last month more than one thing was agreed upon in the same way... and they plan to continue the work in the near future. ambassadors of the russian language worked in schools and universities in tajikistan for several days. these are employees of the volunteer program of the pushkin moscow state institute, who promote russian-language education and our culture abroad, including central asia. the promotion is carried out in the format open lessons. and an unusual inhabitant of uzbekistan. the lens of a camera trap in the gisar reserve captured an indian porcupine. this week , kyrgyz president sadyr zhapparov, the first foreign leader, turned 55; russian president vladimir putin congratulated his colleague. in
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a congratulatory telegram, the russian leader noted the respect that japarov enjoys among his compatriots, as well as across... iran, kazakhstan, russia and turkmenistan spoke out for intensifying dialogue on military activities in the caspian sea. about this in in particular, it is said in a joint statement by the heads of the caspian five. ministers note the need to step up efforts.
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within the organization or are there still country spoilers? they are precisely a reflection of the tectonic shifts, without exaggeration, that are taking place throughout international world politics. now the accents are changing, now the interests are changing, now the approaches are changing, well, even the most
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recent example is the visit, the blitz visit of vladimir vladimirovich to the middle east. all attempts of our unfriendly states to isolate russia to some extent , to limit it to some extent, they all failed, and this is recognized overseas in europe, they are forced to admit it, which is why it is precisely these kinds of formats, regional ones, that they are now coming to... ... first plan, therefore, naturally, of course, this cooperation within the caspian region, it indicates that such... cooperation is in demand, such cooperation is necessary. and in other news: the organization of the collective
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security treaty does not accept provocations at the borders of its member states, therefore, will do everything necessary to counter military-political tensions, including in the afghan direction. these are the theses of the declaration adopted following the results of the recent csto summit in minsk and published several times. back, from the document it follows that the defense capability of the participating countries should be strengthened taking into account current threat challenges, the new investor in arcelor little timertau will be auto tycoon andrei lavrentyev, who produces passenger cars and agricultural machinery. he's 44 year included in the kazakhstan forbes list, president of the kazakhstan auto business association. the deal was worth $286 million, although arcelor mittle initially intended to become a transnational sales company. its kazakh asset after numerous industrial accidents, the last of which at the kostenko mine claimed the lives of 46 miners. a large textile plant, built with
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the participation of russian business, was launched in fergana. the implementation of the project cost more than $30 million; the products that the company will be able to produce within a year. the factory has already provided jobs to several hundred local residents. uzbek karakalpakstan and andijan regions. the republics began to limit the operation of gas filling stations; now they will receive fuel only from 6:00 in the morning to 3:00 in the afternoon; the reason is said to be the onset of cold weather, due to which the demand for gas has sharply increased among household consumers, as well as social institutions. unesco has again supplemented its list of intangible heritage with the cultural characteristics of the central asian countries. tajik art is included in the list, and uzbekistan impressed un experts, firstly, with the beautiful artistic calligraphy of taskhip. secondly, the local traditions of iftar, that is, the evening breaking of the fast in the month of ramadan, and thirdly, unique ceramics, which are painted with national ornaments. and also about the heritage
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of asia , the akhaltike horse breeding traditions of decorating horses were included in the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. and khaltikin horses have long been famous for their outstanding qualities, around them formed. a layer of traditions from equestrian competitions to wedding ceremonies. horse breeding skills are passed down from generation to generation in turkmenistan and are part of the country's historical heritage. and from kyrgyzstan , the elichek women’s headdress will be added to the unesco list of intangible heritage. elichek reflects the status and pedigree of a woman. to make such a headdress , up to 30 m of fabric is used. previously, the girl put on her elechek on her wedding day and never took it off until the wedding day. death, then either the check was used as a shroud for the deceased. by the way, this headdress is popular in kyrgyzstan and today, for example, the country's first lady often appears in a traditional
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headdress at various official events. that's all for now, see you next week as usual in the center of asia, take care of yourself. new buildings on cian offer a huge selection of profitable offers for reliable residential complexes. call the developer directly from the application. you can fly wherever you want with 5% cashback by paying for tickets on the aeroflot website or app via sbp. but first , register at and there you are you will find great deals on the card. unexpectedly a sale happened on
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number... in terms of speed coverage only for megafon subscribers. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year for billionaires. buy tickets on the website in toloto branded stores. in btb the interest rate on a savings account is 15%. and buy your wedding faster. class. and everything will work out. vtb. what the hell is going on? where i am? so, we act according to the old proven scheme, it a serf peasant woman to a cruel landowner. when everything doesn’t go according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, set it on fire. no, i will not. okay, i'm on my own. i want you to look me in the eye when i put you out. soon. the history
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of democracy in russia goes back to ancient times. the national meeting of residents of the veche made decisions on all significant issues and played a key role in the formation of russian statehood. by the 15th century, a new institution of class representation, the cathedrals of all the earth, had appeared. they provided. zemstvos appeared in russia, the people were legitimized as a new source of power, the state duma became the first
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all-class legislative body. bodies of the country , she was elected for 5 years, the elections were multi-stage, held in four courts, elections to the constituent assembly became universal, equal and direct and were held by secret ballot, the adopted law turned out to be revolutionary for russia. voting rights were granted not only to men, but also to women. in 1936, universal, equal, direct elections were enshrined in the constitution. the ussr. in december 1993, the current constitution was adopted russia. modern electoral legislation, legislation on political parties, a system of election commissions are being formed, and the basis for gas elections is being laid. the digitalization of election procedures is actively underway. russia is significantly ahead of other countries in organizing elections.
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