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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 9, 2023 11:30pm-12:02am MSK

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spotted a german submarine , which was destroyed by depth charges, while that submarine came to attack ships that were carrying sugar, remember, the govan museum of the revolution, in front of the facade of the palace, a soviet self-propelled gun from which fidel is believed to have shot down an american transport, here in the courtyard, and in the courtyard of the museum, the yacht granma, this is the cuban analogue of the cruiser, fidel and his brave comrades landed on...
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attacked the transports that were carrying sugar for the soviet union. and what’s important is that sugar was then used for food, of course. but also for the production of alcohol, alcohol for the production of gunpowder, look, it ’s fired, not whole cartridges have been fired. what does it mean? well, maybe there's gunpowder, there's gunpowder inside? yes, here it is, exactly, look, all that remains is to determine what kind of gunpowder it is, but we have an assumption that we can find cuban here too. trace of sugar alcohol.
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we pack the collected samples into special bags in which they will be sent to the laboratory of the volgograd state internal affairs department. waiting for research results again in moscow. i wonder if our do viewers know that this monument to mayakovsky has a volgograd accent? and how - the author, sculptor of this monument, my fellow countryman, alexander kebalnikov. well then, god himself. so that the prologue to the final part of our film would be another quote from mayakovsky: in havana everything is clearly demarcated: whites have dollars, blacks don’t. magical conditions. the real rate is up to 15.5%
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alpha profitable. the white one eats a ripe pineapple, the black one eats pickled rot, the white one does the white work, the black one does the dirty work, there was someone to develop and strengthen racism over the revolutionary cube. no, of course, there were exceptions, just take it.
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america, which sank a german submarine. cuba became the only country in latin i have no evidence that others did this, but we did. we were the first. in addition, the crew was entirely cuban. that ’s right, but the acoustician of the boat that spotted that submarine and then became the helmsman of the granma, norverto collado, was black. and accordingly, when the crew was training in the usa, they were forced to travel separately. this was called racial segregation. and against this background in the ussr, yes.
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so for what other reason did those cuban steelworkers come to volgograd for an internship at the red october metallurgical plant? do cubans have anything to compare with? soviet internationalism was very different from racism, which... exactly, this was a radical change compared to the racism before. for example, as a black man, i would not have worked in this factory before. it turns out that our battle of stalingrad for the cubans became such a turning point in the fight against nazism and racism. yes, here, as far as i understand,
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is the result: on october 5, 1942, the secretary of state of cuba, the first latin american, wrote
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to the soviet minister, then still the people's commissar, for foreign affairs. mister commissioner, republic of cuba, filled with the desire to preserve the ties connecting it with friendly nations, especially those that are currently united in a single force against the axis powers , considers the establishment of diplomatic and consular relations with the ussr to be a great satisfaction for their treacherous aggression against the cause of democracy and law. everything is very beautiful, but today it is
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beautiful again, in 1943, when the newly appointed cuban ambassador aurelio concheso arrived here, stalingrad was in ruins. view the destroyed but already liberated stalingrad amazed the latin americans. the cubans were then the first to pave the way to the soviet union, and others followed them through stalingrad. but this song remains in stalingrad. in moscow,
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usually only kalinin and molotov received diplomats from small countries. this is the newly appointed ambassador of cuba, with him. but stalin’s office has not survived in the kremlin, but this is us at the reserve point of the supreme commander-in-chief in moscow’s izmailovo. and fortunately cuba then became, as we said, the first a latin american republic that restored deputies with the ussr just during the battle of stalingrad, by the way, here is a picture about it, the killer actually accepted and... himself? now there will be some very interesting quotes. look: a strong leader, energetic, but at the same time calm, with restrained body movements and gestures. and finally, this is such a patriarchal leader. this is how stalin was described by the cuban ambassador concheso, who, after meeting him, gave a detailed interview to the govan magazine bohemia. at the same time, how it follows from the transcript of that conversation that stalin asked ambassador concheso, for example, about the degree of independence of cuba. how's that? but this is what we need. look into havana. stalin, for some, of course, not very tactfully,
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asked the cuban ambassador about the degree of independence of his country, generally for an understandable reason. now we are approaching a sad place. the courtyard itself is beautiful, but it was here that the americans forced the cubans to sign the so-called plata amendment. according to it, the republic of cuba, which had just gained independence from spain became a protectorate of the united states. yes, before world war ii this amendment was canceled, but... let's call a spade a spade, the cuban elite, of course, was very tied to the united states. let's say that the national hotel of cuba, familiar to us, was built with money from the chicago mafia, its protege was the supreme ruler of cuba, fulgencio batista, who later overthrew fidel, but who in 1943 sent an ambassador to stalin. sergei, it wasn’t the mafia that forced batista
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to join the war? no, of course, on which ones conditions under which cuba entered this war? there was an agreement between cuba and america, it was such a rehearsal for the fact that later they introduced the nato agreement, an attack on one is an attack on all. well, accordingly, in december 1941, the japanese attacked the us naval base at harborbor in hawaii. and after this, the club automatically declares war on japan. and germany, in general , then automatically joins in supplies to the soviet union, but on the other hand, the other countries of latin america were in no hurry to enter the war.
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sending his ambassador to stalin was such a, well, opportunistic maneuver, well, to some extent, yes, washington did not object, so this allowed him to extinguish passions in relations with the increasingly influential communists in cuba. at the same time, it was all stalingrad, stalingrad, stalingrad in cuba, not only in the communist press, the director of that very magazine bohemia, who was interviewed by ambassador concheso, signor miguel quevedo, wrote: the heroic defenders of sevastopol and stalingrad fully deserve recognition. and again at the club in the former presidential palace, and now the museum of the revolution. here, in this hall of mirrors, both soviet diplomats, whose positions sounded like they would never sound again, presented their credentials. ambassador of the ussr to the usa part-time, envoy to cuba.
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our film is being released on the eightieth anniversary of the arrival here in havana of the one my generation remembers, andrei groma. the future head of state himself, chairman of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, here he is presenting his credentials, but still in april in 1943 , maxim letvinov was the first to arrive in havana. the archives of the cuban institute of history preserved, of course, not very clear, but at least some photographs of that visit. it is clear that the envoy of international moscow was greeted with enthusiasm. on april 43 tas transmitted from havana. large crowds of people gathered in front of the presidential palace. who warmly welcomed the first soviet diplomatic representative to cuba. cuban newspapers unanimously welcome the establishment of diplomatic relations between the soviet union and cuba. by the way, about this very telegram from tas, it is very remarkable. so, this was the first time that the tape of a soviet news agency appeared not a reprint from the cuban press, but a message
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from its correspondent from gawada. in turn, the correspondent of the american. the associated press agency, which observed the departure of litvinov’s delegation from the states here to cuba, wrote that a tas correspondent, a certain kenneth durant from the new york bureau of the soviet news agency, was indeed traveling with ambassador litvinov, however in tas itself, in its archive it is recorded that special correspondent tas went to havana with litvinov not from new york, but from washington, and it was not keneth durant, but a certain dos santos, who apparently did not return from havana.
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at a press conference, letvinov said that the ussr would appreciate any help from cuba, for example, in the form of food supplies for the soldiers of the red army, but he attributed full-fledged soviet-akuba trade to after the war, it turned out to be pravinsky, although we have already found out that let indirectly, even through the usa for cuban goods, for example nickel was already sent to the ussr, and as for cuban sugar, let’s return to the question of whether alcohol was made from cuban sugar, which in turn was used to make gunpowder for the unexploded soviet bullet, which we found in the steppes near volgograd, and now to the laboratory of the volgograd state internal affairs directorate. get ready, now a stream of very specific terms will fall on nadia and all of us, but it will be interesting.
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in this cartridge the smokeless powder is quite well preserved; as a rule, smokeless powder contains nitrocellose and nitrates. we came prepared and we were also interested in the substance pyroxylin, because it was mentioned during excavations in the field. pereksilin is, roughly speaking, wood that was treated with nitric acid, and well, maybe, of course , alcohol was also somehow in this chain, alcohol is sugar, alcohol is sugar, of course, yes, alcohol is sugar, and sugar is still the same cube, was it found in our cartridge? cartridge, but we found the so-called single-base peroxylin powder, we didn’t find what we wanted, but if not that in a specific cartridge, cuban sugar
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reached our soldiers, in other cartridges and, of course, in its natural form, the soldiers ate it, here is another interesting twist, we found a copy of a very interesting document about the standards for issuing various products at the front to red soldiers, in particular with sugar, and as we know, it was often cuban sugar. and confectionery products replaced tobacco and shag for non-smokers. well, as for those who still smoked. to relieve stress, like people would smoke. by the way, good idea is it possible to replace nicotine, at least with something sweet? yes, help yourself.
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in the soviet union at that time there was an under-growing of tobacco, but it was available for consumption, which means that they still smoked cuban, well , cuban too, because in those same archival documents a clear line is drawn between shag and tobacco, well, in general, and in films about the war , especially in books.
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and explains to us how it turns into shag? you try how it tastes, whether it’s strong or not strong, which one, well, the leaf is stronger, but you add the stem, it’s already softer, in all sorts of herbs are also added to shag, well, who adds donik, who said it, it ’s the st. john’s wort that simply softens it, with the cubans , on the contrary, they get rid of the stem stems, so you can now see the process.
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there are no barriers to friendship, just like that, the hands of friends stretched across the seas and oceans, yes, and fidel is remembered with his indispensable cigar, but by the way, in fact, he quite soon quit smoking, he advised everyone, but in general, life in cuba has never been .
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12:00 am
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a new year's loan from post bank will be enough. that's all, come for money, post office bank, we bring double benefits, mega discounts, cashback, apartment in moscow. the main event of the year! will you make such a profit? vvideo and eldorado! pairs scandinavian burger scandinavian burger with chicken at a competitive price, only at a delicious point! the russian army launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons on the production sites of ammunition for multiple launch rocket systems. a hail of operational-tactical missiles thunder. all objects were successfully hit. on donetsk direction repelled five attacks in the control center. at yuzhnodonetskoye the fifty-eighth brigade was not allowed to go on the offensive. zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and
12:02 am
mercenary officers. four armored vehicles, five self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed, 11 were eliminated.


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