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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 6:00am-6:26am MSK

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the ministry of defense for the first time reported the use of modernized k-52m helicopters in the area of ​​a special military operation. they attacked strongholds and personnel of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk direction. the crews approached the targets at the lowest possible altitude, skirting the terrain, so as not to fall into the range of ukrainian air defense. at k-52m. a new
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radar sighting and navigation system with an active antenna array, reinforced landing gear, as well as an expanded number of weapons, including missiles with a range of up to 14 km. received a combat mission to strike at coordinates of the supposed enemy manpower, moved into the area, worked out communications with the forward aircraft controller, suggested updated coordinates, worked out un... guided missile weapons, the forward commander suggested a hit, there was no opposition from the enemy at the moment in this flight, returned, that’s it ended without incident. another plane of the ministry of emergency situations with russian citizens and members of their families took off for moscow from cairo. all of them were evacuated from the conflict zone between israel and hamas. in in the capital of egypt, representatives of the ministry are providing assistance to our compatriots. assistance,
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after which they are sent to russia; upon arrival , people are provided with warm clothing, food and basic necessities, and they are also provided with information, psychological and medical assistance. representatives from 150 countries came to the international boxing association congress in the united arab emirates. the night of iba champions, a forum and an international professional boxing tournament took place here. stas has all the details. congress and the forum of the international boxing association crowns the night of champions, the association is already crowded only in the amateur ring, these are fights according to professional rules, a new iba world champion belt has appeared in the world of boxing. bright fights of the best boxers on the planet and the russians here in the leading roles, evgeny tishchenko, muslim gadzhimagomedov and mark petrovsky, all ended their fights with knockouts. as we know, the world practice from the world championships... from the olympic games, from
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the european championships, people were offered contracts, yes, now these people can safely box in the aba, compete, pit the strongest against each other, interesting fights result. the historical event caused a stir in the world of martial arts; superstars of not only boxing, but also ufc, were at the ring, and conor mcgregor was passionately rooting for the fighters. the main fight of the evening, our tokyo olympic champion, albert batyrgaziev, three-time olympic medalist cuban lasara alvarez. the international boxing association congress brought together representatives from more than 150 countries, and this in a year when mog deprived the iba of recognition, which has not happened in the history of the olympic movement. i didn't think that sports and politics should be combined, but it turns out that this... this is not
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so, although i try to find certain excuses for them, they are pressured and put in a position where they have no way out, it is i who say excuses, this is not a reason until there is a flag and gym fully, then you can participate until this sect of leadership leaves today, not all of them, but i want to say again, the international olympic committee is an olympic family, unfortunately, today’s top leadership is a sect. the head of the international boxing association is russian umar kremlev. independent position iba is largely the cause of the conflict. the association, contrary to mok, returned the right to russians and belarusians to compete under their own flag. some countries, led by the united states, boycotted the world championship and left the organization, but today american boxers are again being accepted into the ranks of the association. we accepted america. and the new federation, which will be
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provided to boxers, again, why new, because at the call of boxers, the iba was previously involved in the development of only the olympic, and as amateurs also say. from different countries, i saw a favorable environment, this speaks of that we are doing the right things, and there will be more, more and more people will join us, mog will have no choice, either bring us back, or we will be a serious confrontation, an alternative. the world, despite attempts to split it, remains united, and there are so many tournaments that the clinch is no longer remembered. for us boxers, the olympic games and olympic principles will always remain sacred, but the fact that thomas bach or anyone else is just world-class officials who
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they think so, but we, for example, don’t think so, there are a lot of us, i’m talking about the boxing community. one of the main rules in boxing is to take a punch and not give up . international boxing association. still attacks sharply, including professional boxing in its sphere of influence. hundred sredikultsev, alexander makridin, alexander stalmoshevsky, karen melikyan, news from dubai, united arab emirates. new drugs for cancer are being tested at the moscow regional clinical institute. according to the developers, they will work effectively even in the later stages of the disease. how are the tests carried out and when should we expect results? boris will tell you about this. these laboratories work to save the lives of cancer patients and test innovative medications. the moscow regional research clinical institute, abbreviated as maniacs, is essentially a flagship in advanced technologies for combating dangerous pathologies. we have already opened several
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clinical trials where patients receive therapy for breast cancer , stomach cancer, melanoma, and we are planning actively continue cooperation.
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this way the tumor itself can be brought under control; it was for such complex tests that 5 years ago a whole department was created in maniki. our department does not only study drugs. medical devices, our department was accredited to conduct clinical trials of medical devices not only in russia, but in the territory of the eurasian economic community. during the work of the department , over 500 studies were conducted here every year their scale is only growing, they involve foreign specialists in testing, but the scientific base is domestic, where the best practices are collected. our base employs completely different specialists. that is, these are doctors, specialists who have certificates in rheumatology, oncology, dermatovenerology, therapy, that is, this is a completely different pool of doctors who take part in clinical trials. the new study, which started in munich only this quarter , will last until next august, if
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successful results, the drug can be confidently used in the treatment of even seriously ill patients; for them, this innovative medicine is like a miracle, which they believe in and which they are really looking forward to, boris ivanin, dmitry evdakimov and sergey bridikhin, to lead. quiz with gifts, performances of folk groups, tasting. the chechen republic prepared a rich program for the russia exhibition at vdnkh. about the development of the region in the material of our colleagues. the chechen republic consists of 15 regions, among them six are mountainous. incredibly beautiful nature, mysterious and alluring, containing many secrets , the high-mountain golonchozh welcomes every guest with its raw soul, no human has set foot here for more than 70 years, but in 2018 the leadership
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of the region decided to restore the beautiful area, of course, this is our history, our towers, our fortresses, we... are restoring all the routes and trying to do it in a way that attracts and develops domestic tourism, plus the monuments that instantly take us back into the history of our ancestors, khoy is located in vidno.
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is located among forests, a favorite vacation spot, here is a lake where the yase river flows, in summer this clear water with an incredible sky blue color, in winter it takes on a dark blue hue. the complex is located in a fabulous place, if the mountainous beauty was created by nature, then the formidable one was built by the hands of the people who value their history and look confidently into the future. the capital of the republic amazes with its beauty and architectural ensembles, once completely erased from the face of the earth over the last twenty years thanks to wise policies the first president, akhmat hadji kadyrov, and through the efforts of the current leadership, it has turned into one of the most beautiful cities in the country. new facilities, high-quality roads, recreation areas, and all this meets the most modern standards. the development of the city does not intend to stop there; its appearance for the next 10, 20 and even 30 years has been developed. grozny strives to become a central city. russia, for this purpose , all conditions are created for those who want to invest in the republic, open and develop their own business. also foreign
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investors opened the chechen republic on the initiative of the head of the sheikh zayed foundation, which regularly issues loans to small and medium-sized businesses, and of course, we, the ministry of economy, are always on guard day and night. the multinational chechen republic always welcomes new residents who move here permanently from different parts of the world. valera k he is called in russia together with his wife zoya and came to grozny in 2003. the people themselves brought them to the region through its history. the chinese and chechens have many similarities traditions. here we feel like our homeland, pure word, we like everything, the people are warm and good. the tourist flow is increasing rapidly and new infrastructure is also rapidly being created to meet modern requirements. a new railway station and international terminal are being built in grozny. airport, which will expand the geography of guests and facilitate their movement.
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madina kuraeva, akhmed khizriev, conduct the chechen republic. witness testimony against the conclusions of the neural network. how why artificial intelligence sent to jail scientist from the yaroslavl region. and how did you manage to detain a gang that had been operating for more than 20 years? all answers are in the final issue of the duty station after the advertisement. all the best is simple, like alpha business, online banking applications for business, everything in one button, counting payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all your business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. new year's eve, a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident of the city. and my dad is a real castle even without any magic. everything wonderful that happened in the past year you did it, so tag yourself. scooter.
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opening an account and up to 10 % cashback for expenses. hello, the most discussed legal topics of the past week and the big investigations of our correspondents in the final episode of the program will be conducted by the duty department, i’m andrey ivlev with you, watch now. a high-profile murder in a quiet village near moscow, who was crossed by former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine ilya kiva, we will tell you the details. scientist hydrologist alexander tsvetkov has been in pre-trial detention for several months in connection with a murder case twenty years ago, why did the nerset decide that he was involved in the crimes, when the best gift for a new year, a detector and a fire extinguisher, a serious fire in moscow, which claimed the lives of two children, again forced us to raise the topic of prevention, how to protect ourselves and our
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loved ones from harm, expert advice. the swan song of a virtuoso thief, why he decided to steal. for rare violins, only we have an interview with the cultural recidivist from st. petersburg, yakov saturday. women who are serving their sentences for the first time for minor crimes can be released under an amnesty. this idea was supported by russian president vladimir putin at a meeting of the human rights council. on monday, the head of state took part in a conversation via video conference. among the meeting participants is a famous lawyer.
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well, the supreme court, the prosecutor’s office, we’ll all think about it together. the timing seems to be that journalist eva merkacheva drew attention to the problems of women with small children who are in pre-trial detention centers or colonies. how advisable is it to keep them there if the crime is not serious? also at the meeting, vladimir putin was told about a 5-year sentence for the seriously ill journalist alexandra boezitova; let me remind you, she was accused of extortion. the president
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stated that some examples can’t fit into my head. here. one of the resonant stories, which was also discussed at the meeting of the human rights council, was the criminal case of a scientific hydrologist from the yaroslavl region. for several months now, alexander tsvetkov has been in pre-trial detention on charges of murder dating back twenty years. eroset discovered similarities with the sketch of the criminal, but what about the numerous testimonies of colleagues who were on svetkov’s expeditions during the days of the murders? is it difficult to collect evidence of innocence in order to convince artificial intelligence? galina khungureeva sorted it out. scientist dad of the year, member of the executive committee with the affectionate nickname flower. this is how alexander tsvetkov, an employee of the institute of internal biology of the russian academy of sciences, is called in his native yaroslavl region. colleagues and relatives do not believe that tsvetkov could be involved in the brutal murders twenty years ago in the capital in the moscow region. for almost a year, the scientist has been under arrest in sailor silence. all this time
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his wife marina is fighting for him. this is day 294. everything that is being done in alexander’s case is all listed here. to whom the letters were sent, from whom the answer came, where some program was broadcast, this helps me, firstly, to count the number of days in order... to show that time passes, but nothing changes, we landed, so briefly, alexander usually reported about his return for a scientific expedition, in february of this year the sms became the last in the correspondence, the scientist was detained by security forces at damodedov airport upon his return from the krasnoyarsk region. i tried to say something, but they didn't let him talk with me, for me it was a complete, so to speak, as people say, dusty bag over the head, well then, when we were brought to the airport, we started running around trying to make ends meet, why, why, how? the quiet intellectual tsvetkov, according to investigators, together with a certain accomplice, dealt with four people. in august 2002, the body of a pensioner was found in the village of an ancient settlement in the moscow region.
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on the same night, another elderly victim was robbed and killed on andropovo avenue in the capital. a few days later , the bodies of a woman and her mother. for 20 years these crimes were considered unsolved, but then new technologies came to the aid of the investigation. the neural network studied the photo. the criminal code of the russian federation, what to announce to him. the scientist's detention shocked the scientific community. academic intelligence has entered the fight against artificial intelligence. they came to the defense of alexander tsvitkov.
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one day we were on an expedition out here inside, let’s say, the region, and it was also a whole day and, let’s say, after the expedition , get to moscow to do something there. then to come back, this is such nonsense, a faded photo of an old gaz-66, scientists say, was taken just during those same scientific research in the yaroslavl region, and the head of the second expedition was the head of one of the institute’s laboratories. at each point where we work, we make sure to record the coordinates of the point, the location of this point, the settlement there, and also as a confirmation of innocence, the scientist’s colleagues show the surviving documents. the archives of the institute preserve... orders from twenty years ago, according to one of them, on august 10, 2002, on the day when the murder of two women was committed, alexander tsvetkov was on an expedition in the ivanovo and
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kostroma regions, however , not only artificial intelligence was turned against tsvetkov, testimonies were given by repeat offender andrei oleshin, an accomplice in those brutal murders. he told the investigators that it was with tsvetkov that the radinazheevs were killed in the form of 500 rubles and gold earrings, and at first it was not alexander tsvetkov, but someone else, who appeared in his testimony. and then suddenly we see in the materials that tattoos, then this data disappears about tattoos, he is magically cleared, they claim that he was homeless somewhere, well, yes, he was homeless on the square of three stations, met this so-called, well , i don’t know how he is a witness there now, how participant in the case, yes, aleshin, this accused, we know very well that sasha could not have done it anywhere. alexander tsvetkov signed a confession; journalist and human rights activist eva merkacheva is sure that the scientist did this under pressure. tsvetkov was in
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a state of shock; he did not have a lawyer for agreement, he was not allowed to eat, he was not allowed to drink, he was threatened. this week , eva merkacheva told president vladimir putin about the criminal case of the yaroslavl scientist at a meeting of the council for the development of civil society and human rights. she asked the prosecutor general's office and the supreme judge. studied the practice of using artificial intelligence during the investigation of crimes of past years, i was shocked that the investigation, in principle, did not want to understand, it did not even want to interview people who were in those days murders together with tsvetkov, they themselves called the investigator, they themselves offered to come to moscow. artificial intelligence began to be used in catching criminals 2 years ago; flexible algorithms for facial recognition are introduced by people specializing in one field or another. nowadays, electronic brain is widely used in places. some features with
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an identikit, for example, a nose with a hump, how many people can walk, who have a nose with a hump, there are many, in november the spouses...


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