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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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they won't forgive you if you stay away. serve under contract. artillerymen from the vostok group of forces destroyed militant strongholds under kleshcheevka. one fire is ready. this is the southern donetsk direction of a special military operation, the remnants of the ukrainian infantry are still clinging to this settlement, trying to hide in basements and dilapidated houses. this time , the gaube crews struck the enemy, and then entered the battle.
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assault units, they, with the support of artillery fire, continue to gradually move forward on artyomovsky direction. and about the situation in the middle east: idf fighters attacked a number of targets in lebanon. hezbollah's operational headquarters came under attack. israeli soldiers returned fire at the sources from which the rockets were launched. the israel defense forces have settled down again and are fighting in the south of gaza. there after.
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reports that the search for missing people after israeli air strikes does not stop. a dead woman with a child and several wounded were rescued from the rubble of a destroyed house. tsahal continues to conduct large-scale night raids as part of the expansion of ground operations in the enclave. civilians who did not have time to evacuate or take refuge in a safe place are detained. those who managed to free themselves claim that they were subjected to physical force and were not given water. the israeli side does not comment. accusations, national presidential elections are beginning in egypt, they will last until december 12 inclusive. four candidates are taking part in the race for the post of head of the republic, including the current president, abdel-fattah assisi. according to experts, under assisi's leadership, egypt continues to expand relations with the brix countries, thereby reorienting the egyptian economy to the east. earlier , russian president vladimir putin during a telephone conversation. i wish you success in the
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upcoming elections. the current president is competing with a representative of the left opposition, farid zahran. it seeks to limit government ownership of the economic assets of major projects and enterprises. two other presidential contenders offer the people a number of reforms in the field of health and education. a powerful tornado nearly destroyed an entire city in the us state of tennessee. dozens of houses were destroyed to the ground, cars were scattered along the roads , trees were knocked down, natural disasters were accompanied by heavy rain, people had to take shelter from terrible weather in basements, emergency services began search operations, and the dead victims are still unknown. the final of the all-russian olympiad in agrogenetics, representatives from almost 40 regions came to nizhny novgorod for testing. tasks
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the guys decided under the guidance of their mentors. maria valieva has all the details. tenth-grader lyosha vasyugov took first place in the all-russian olympics in agrarian genetics for the second time; the university will not need to take the specialized exam in biology. i’m very happy, i hope to win next year and extend this winning streak. i want to become either a scientist geneticist or a doctor or surgeon. the final of the olympiad for high school students was held at the bottom. privolzhsky research medical university and nizhny novgorod state university named after labachevsky. for for me, probably the most interesting practice was flow cytometry, which helped us study each cell separately. i made specific projects related to gene analysis methods, and to be specific, soft wheat grains.
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119 finalists successfully applied their knowledge in practice, how to effectively use bacterial and phosphorus fertilizers and what needs to be changed in the dna of legume crops so that, under the guidance of mentors, they solve the most difficult problems, because their developments in the future can make a real difference a revolution in the development of the agro-industrial complex not only in russia, but throughout the world. according to experts, 70% of the efficiency of the agricultural sector depends on the development of genetic and breeding technologies. the main goal of the olympiad is to increase the prestige of agriculture.
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which is the initiator of such a large-scale event, children who want to engage in agriculture, they are motivated, the solutions that they offer, these are the cases that they solve as part of the olympiad, they are quite applicable, even in the current aspect for agriculture, agricultural genetics is a popular and promising direction, the head of the ministry of agriculture noted in his video message to help, including the latest forms of educational tools. the olympics and nagrika will certainly allow you to discover new opportunities in the industry and continue your development in the best agricultural universities in our country. such as the temeryazev agrarian university, the organizer
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of the olympiad, together with the kurchatov institute and federal ministries. number of serious and interesting selection problems genetics of crop plants. the day is increasing. research and development by russian scientists is primarily aimed at ensuring food security in russia and the development of our economy, and helping other countries conserve natural resources. the agricultural industry needs your talents, clear mind and enthusiasm. many participants in the olympiad are going to apply for next year, they say it’s very interesting here, working in laboratories, they get bestse. nizhny novgorod region. center for theater and cinema under the direction of nikita mikhalkov brought play 12 to the capital of belarus. before that, the production visited twenty cities in russia and uzbekistan.
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the show is organized within the framework of the federal program big tours. anastasia sokhovskaya saw how the audience received it. performance reflections in silence. about mercy, which is above the law, two speak most quietly, number 12 and number eight, mikhalkov’s hero in the first part almost always has his back to the audience, a difficult decision to make for him, a retired russian officer, and his reward is silence, which is more valuable than an ovation in the hall for 2,500 people, but the energy is enormous, and the way the viewer is then inspired when the performance ends, this is extremely important , what we are talking about, this is an honest conversation, for 3 hours there is not a single minute of the scene when anyone switched off from what was happening, the context of society in the modern context, some of the monologues were written anew, even in comparison
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with the famous film, nikita mikhalkov turned to this drama for the third time, for the first time as a student, nikolai burlyaev played in his graduation performance then, and this is a return 55 years later. author mikhalkov , he walks along the blade, walks, he touches very painful points and gives christian answers to all these questions, christian, about mercy and attention to another person, we are all busy, we have no time, we don’t care about each other, and this is a play about that , that you need to be more attentive to the person, well, i, well, i’m against it, against kolbiniene. real-time footage of the jury at the table is filmed by a camera, flashback footage in a window at the back of the stage, film footage on a translucent screen separating the audience, actors, except thirteen, including the defendant, on on the stage, behind the scenes there are almost hundreds of people,
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the performance is also incredibly complex technically, and was brought on a large tour thanks to the federal program. a large tour is a large program that gives the opportunity to see productions of both student and private theaters, as well as the largest, most famous groups of our country, the geography is all over russia, from kaliningrad to kamchatka, from derbent to chukotka, and now the creative scope is expanding beyond the borders our country, forming a single one. appropriate action, so the viewer is behind it keeping an eye, after all, about cinema, nikita mikhalkov
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was asked about the prospects of the eurasian oscar initiative he proposed, the idea has already been supported by china, iran, the uec country, according to the director, the award should be attractive up to a million dollars in national currencies, and the applicant’s films should meet the principles of the academy. these are national values, this is respect for religious confessions, well, everything that... nazykova, news, minsk. and we return to the topic of a special military operation in ukraine.
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operators are working in the south donetsk direction drone in the vostok troops grouping. they identify fire weapons, armored vehicles and concentrations of manpower of the ukrainian armed forces. the copter is launched at a considerable distance from the operator so that the enemy cannot detect his position and strike at it. information about the acquisition of drones is important when advancing assault units and adjusting fire. artillery task of detecting the enemy, identifying firing points, hidden observation points, identifying equipment, general reconnaissance, confirming some reconnaissance obtained by other means reconnaissance, detection of enemy fire weapons, such as self-propelled guns, tanks , everything else that works from long distances, it all depends on the task, basically yes, we work from about two kilometers away. but directly in serious problems we can come closer. next is the science program with
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natalya popova, about the most advanced developments of russian scientists. anyone who has ever suffered a heat stroke is well aware of its negative consequences, but at the cellular level, heat shock can even save a person's life. this an unexpected discovery was made by researchers from belgorod state university. the fact is that in a stressful situation, in order to minimize damage to the body’s cells, heat shock proteins begin to be activated, for example, during a stroke, they help the proteins in the brain tissue to be absorbed again.
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a unique method of treating male infertility at the cellular level has been developed. we are seeing recovery. today it has no analogues. scientific developments protect the environment; a russian air purification system has been created. this allows you to reduce the cost of obtaining catalysts to increase efficiency due to a unique categorical reaction. spacious halls, light walls and paintings in the style of early primitivism. well, why do i need the ambience of an art exhibition? at university. regenerative medicine of moscow state university are sure that in science there must be a place for a non-standard
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approach, because this is how not only masterpieces of painting, but unique scientific discoveries are born. by studying the organisms of a wide variety of animals at the cellular level, lomanosov moscow state university created a cure for male infertility. there are currently no registered drugs of this level in the world; it will be the first in its class. hello, my name is anastasia efemenko, i am the manager. ahead of modern medicine, we are now coming up with a new drug for the treatment of male infertility based on cellular technologies. male infertility has a number of reasons, from congenital pathologies to social and man-made influences: excess weight, low physical activity, prolonged stress loads. often a man finds out about a problem too it is too late, when existing treatments are no longer effective. what is the proposed
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innovative approach? this fundamentally new approach, by understanding how... nature has arranged the regulation of the niches of spermatogonial cells, is an attempt to reproduce it by introducing our drug; when such a drug is administered locally, we see the restoration of both structure and function. today it has no analogues. for normal functioning of stem cells , a specialized microenvironment is needed, it called a niche. the ability to manage it is the path to treating the disease. to create a cure. it took years of experiments on the cells of laboratory animals, but over time , fertility was restored in almost half of the males; a special cryobank helps preserve cell cultures for such research. in such large cryogenic storage facilities , all the cells that we use in research are stored at liquid nitrogen temperature. can i see how they are stored or take a peek? of course, we will be able to stop
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by, but not for long, well, yes, god forbid don’t defrost, don’t damage, that’s it, it’s frozen ice. well, hoarfrost , collections are stored in these cria boxes, special ones, of course, for everyone, each cell has its own storage cell, you have a digital database, yes, and you know in which bank, which cells are stored and you take exactly this cell, of course , of course, in principle, a biobank is both a set of collections and a mandatory set of information databases, which we can use in a variety of areas of clinical practice, which is why we were attracted precisely the niche that ensures reproduction? people, unfortunately, male infertility is becoming more and more common, it is now occurring and is becoming the cause of infertility in couples. did you manage to solve this problem precisely because you work not only with stem cells, but with niches? we hope so. on the walls of the laboratory you can find another painting, this time it seems that in the style of abstraction. in fact, this is a photograph of a section of the testis of a male rat, since it can
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only be seen by specialists under a microscope on a large increase. by studying them, researchers can evaluate. we see just a section of tissue, these are the testes, stem cells are located along the periphery and gradually differentiating in the lumen we already see mature sperm cells, which then move to the exit, that is, i understand correctly that there are still immature cells here, here is the blue part edge, yes, these are still stem cells, these are already transformed, these are already differentiated specialized cells, the actual task of our developments is to stimulate this process to restore it.
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eliminates neurological complications in animals, that is, those areas of the brain where neurons die due to a stroke can be restored, yes, they did not function, they began to turn into connective tissue, but when we use this secretome, they are restored again from fibrosis, so
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publications appeared that the thyroid gland began to be grown outside the human body with subsequent implantation. we are not not interfering with the internal mechanisms of regeneration, we are simply now allowing the disease that a person has to be healed.
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large amounts of smoke emissions from thermal power plants are not news to anyone. the smoking chimneys of teds add to the landscape of any city. currently , imported catalytic systems are used to remove harmful impurities. but recently , specialists from the institute of organic chemistry proposed a unique russian development that is cheaper and more effective than foreign products. my name is pavel sokolovsky, i am the head of the laboratory of environmental secondary and development of the institute. waste gases from acidic components. my professional the dream is to benefit people and for our scientific developments to be implemented into
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production. the leader in the emission of dangerous acid gases into the atmosphere is the energy sector. oxides of sulfur, nitrogen and carbon dioxide reduce the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, cause acid rain, and put people at risk of asthma and even cancer. therefore, when cleaning flue gases from acidic components - with a catalyst, existing analogues use zeolites with deposited rare earth... noble metals as catalysts, but our development differs in that that we use transition metal polycateons, which are much cheaper without compromising efficiency.
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it is incorrect to call this development superior to foreign analogues, because there are simply no analogues in terms of simplicity and cost. this is a new, alternative way to solve a long-standing problem - environmental pollution. we have developed a catalyst, which is a type of spherical granules; it is poured into a bulk filter. which is a tubular reactor that is loaded inside a house pipe or a gas duct, here it is modeled as follows: spherical granules are poured here ; the second element is a ceramic filter with an applied catalyst. the effectiveness of each of the filter modifications was repeatedly tested on a gas chromatograph, the purification result was 100%. it would seem that all goals have been achieved. however, direct cooperation with energy facilities has posed a new challenge for scientists. today, thermal power plants are faced with the problem of black smoke, and these are
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field-shaped particles, and we have now finalized our product and thus we solve both problems in a comprehensive manner. this is not only the purification of exhaust gases from acidic components, but also from field-like particles. to do this, the mesh filter is filled with catalyst granules. next, the structure is... covered with a special field bag, for additional protection another laboratory development is used, for this we put a catalytic paper filter on top of the pipe, which is connected to an electric current, a magnetic field is created there, then dust particles are collected and aggregates settle inside this dust-like sac and thus prevent access to the quateric zone. import substitution, the product of which is cheaper and more efficient than foreign ones, is the dream of any russian manufacturer. with the help of national programs and grants, within
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the framework of which such know-how appears, there will be more and more such developments. cleaning the air from dangerous impurities by breaking them down into elementary compounds is already a serious help for the environment of you and me. but scientists didn't stop there. from harmful gases. they learned to create medicines, for example, the well-known paracetamol. we will talk about this in our next issues. the science and i program was with you, natalya popova. see you. we have made significant steps in the development of our relations in the world; this is of genuine interest. the neocolonial system has ceased
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to exist, thank you for coming, for not forgetting us, there is strong inter-conference peace in the country, fundamental changes in terms of the goals that... were set in the beginning the operation didn’t happen today, it’s important to hear your opinion, we need to start getting to know each other better, we’ll pour our hearts on you, cool, god, you’re probably better, you know better than me, no, hello, come running.
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for the industry. watch the special report by ekaterina mirunova. apartment buildings, estates, monuments and pavilions. over 13 years , about 2,200 historical objects have been restored in the capital. this is the largest restoration program in the world. it is clear that for such
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work. we need highly qualified specialists and suitable technologies, how to train craftsmen and today we’ll tell you where materials for restoration are created. these are fragments of wall paintings of the makaryevsky monastery in kolyazin. the monastery was flooded in the forties during the construction of the uglich reservoir. then the artists managed to save 126 frescoes. now some of them are in the workshops of the stroganov university. the responsible restoration was entrusted to students. graduation year, i remove the plaster stakes, when this cutter was removed, it was filled with gypsum, but gypsum is not a white material, using this fragment as an example you can clearly see it, black mold. in a nearby workshop, senior students are finishing work on another monument, this is the porus of the church of poroskeeva friday, krasnoyarsk region, a rare example of the moment.
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painting on a wooden base, in order to get an ancient icon into work like this, students carefully prepare, in the first two courses they don’t even pick up tools, only theory is related disciplines. we have chemistry, we have knowledge materials, and we also have iconography, which also allows us, just like iconography, where we study the bible, and this allows us helps... when receiving a monument, to understand what is depicted in front of us. training at the furniture restoration department is also gradual. first, here they perform drawing tasks, learn to design, and comprehend carpentry . this, for example, is geometric carving, simple, this is the very initial stage, then the tasks become more complicated, students move on to more complex tasks on volumetric carving, and then i study all the other techniques, such as
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typesetting wood. start doing some minimal restoration work, this is very interesting, important, so that the sheet extends beyond the dimensions of the working subframe with excess, so that it is convenient for you to pull. this is another moscow university where restorers are trained, the surikov academy of arts. here, too, young artists work with real antiques. here is the thesis work of sixth-year student anastasia miloserdova.


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