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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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russia's days of regions continue at vdnkh. today chechnya and the lugansk people's republic present their achievements. we learn what’s in the program from our correspondent elizaveta khramtsov. she's in direct contact. lisa, greetings, what do you surprise guests with today? daria, good afternoon. well, of course, weekends are always very active work here at the forum site, but two regions today especially welcome a lot of guests, and that is the lugansk people. republic, here the stand
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tells the whole history of the region, from tsarist times, from the time of the founding of cities in this part of our country, then the transition to the soviet period, of course, great attention is paid to mines, labor, there’s even a monument to a man of labor who welcomes guests at the stand here and those who wish are even given coal, real coal. and the result of a miner’s labor, he even gets his hands dirty, that is, this is really a real souvenir from the donbass, and today the stand of the lugansk people’s republic was visited by the people’s artist of russia, vladimir mashkov has traditionally visited the regions of donbass since 2014 and was happy to welcome this region today quality a full-fledged region of the russian federation. first of all, i understand. that the exhibition
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was made in order to think, remembering the past, to think first of all about the future , which is already connected with me today, tomorrow, i was in lugansk, i was in lesechansk, you know that in lugansk there is a wonderful plant where steam locomotives were built, before in total lugansk, these are wonderful, open, honest heroic...
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the day when we, as a full-fledged subject of the russian federation, introduce ourselves here, at the russia exhibition, we are russia, a few years ago, so to speak, for us was just a dream, but we went to this consciously, through pain and through losses, it was a difficult, bloody path, we will not for a second... another region today is especially waiting for guests, this is the chechen republic, visitors to the exhibition meet young men and women in in national war costumes, national music plays, but of course they talk not only about history at the stand of the chechen republic, they talk about tourism.
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today it should be noted that it shows itself quite well from the point of view of tourism, but its main purpose is probably more this is a military unit, but it showed good results in syria and today it is being used in the territory of a special military operation. it is interesting that at the forum exhibition, russia always selects pairs of regions, as a rule, on a geographical basis, while chechnya and the lugansk people's republic are, after all , geographically, culturally and ethnically quite different regions. but we
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understand perfectly well that a special military operation is, of course, the business of the whole country; we remember how chechen detachments went there in the first days and weeks of the northern military district in order to to... protect the people of donbass, and we see that new russian regions immediately entered the russian family and became full members of our family. daria. lisa, thank you. elizaveta khramtsova was in direct contact. today at the exhibition is russia, day of the chechen republic and lpr. there are 4 days left until the results of the year with vladimir putin. at exactly noon moscow time, on december 14, the president will answer questions from russian residents and journalists. call centers are now in full swing, people call around the clock, operators are on site from 8 am to 8 pm, and at night everything calls are answered by a robotic answering machine.
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most of the issues are related to social issues: pensions, housing and communal services problems, housing, medical care. there is an appeal regarding payments to svo participants. there are also a lot of calls from new... jobs with local hungarian residents. let me remind you that since november 6, a similar action has been taking place in poland. polish truckers blocked border checkpoints and as a result, there are now almost 3,500 ukrainian trucks stuck in traffic jams in front of them. in chile, a large
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wildfire threatens the city of limachi. fire has already destroyed forest on an area of ​​almost 500 hectares. emergency services are trying to stop the flames already in the populated area. one house was completely burned down, another 19 were damaged, seven people were injured, including two firefighters. authorities urgently evacuated about 300 people, including nursing home patients. aviation was involved in extinguishing the fire, and traffic on one of the regional highways was closed as a precaution. according to the preliminary version, the cause of the forest fire was arson. the police have already detained a suspect crime independent american. kiev and the us state department to explain on what basis the citizen of the united states and chile , gonza lira, is in a ukrainian prison. another episode of carlson’s online show is dedicated to the fate of this blogger. the journalist noted that lira has been in prison since july and
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is being tortured only because, while on the territory of ukraine, he told the truth about the zelensky regime. our media denied everything he said, calling him a russian puppet, a liar and a propagandist, but in fact, as we see now, he was right, everything he said was true, russia is not losing the war, russia is winning , the russian economy is fine, but ours is not, for publishing such videos, lira was arrested by the ukrainian government, gonzalo lira remains in prison, he is a political prisoner in a free, like us they say to the country, in the country that we pay, biden's. elon musk reacted to the new episode of carlson's show, he was indignant at how ukraine, which received $100 billion in aid from the states, could keep
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an american citizen in prison, could maybe it’s not just that lyra is zelensky’s critics, musk asks, to which tucker replied that the blogger’s crime was only... completely, hundreds were seriously damaged, entire areas were left without electricity, with details of a hospital with injuries, dozens houses destroyed anton dadykin: sirens warned residents of the town of clarksville in the state before the tornado approached.
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more than 70 thousand people remained without electricity. rescuers are looking for families from the former that just exploded, oh, oh no, with no destroyed houses left to find out is someone under the rubble? the town's mayor's office declared catastrophic damage. this could happen before christmas, how sad it is. several less powerful tornadoes struck the outskirts of the state capital, the city of nashville, and there were also deaths there, forecasters said. warn that the threat of new hurricanes remains. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. and now to the news from the special operation zone, fighters of the russian vostok group of troops thwarted an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to carry out a rotation, and artillery hit temporary enemy deployment points in the area harvest. and here’s what else is known about the actions of the units in the yuzhnodonetsk direction. with the support of artillery and army aviation. during the attack, the rotation of units of the 58th motorized infantry brigade
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of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​novodonetsk was disrupted, the temporary deployment points of the first battalion of this brigade in the area of ​​urozhainy were hit by artillery fire, as well as the 118th territorial defense brigade in the area of ​​​​makarovka , the enemy accounted for up to 80 militants killed and wounded and two vehicles. now our channel’s broadcast will continue with the parliamentary hour program. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello. let's talk about the main events of the state duma this week, well, it sold and that
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liqueurs are ruining the lives of russians, they found a loophole through which they can pour not only strong drinks, but also beer. the state duma declared war on the illegal trade in alcohol. moving forward to technological breakthrough, the government needs to pay more attention. they risk not only their lives, but also the lives of other people who live nearby in the neighborhood. and also, what will be
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the penalty for cruelty on live television, for who had the bank commission canceled when paying for housing and communal services and how to make life in the countryside better? these and other topics are further in our program. residents of high-rise buildings throughout russia are waiting for this. the state duma approved in the first reading the bill that gives the regions. the opportunity to fight liqueurs is through neighborhood shops and pseudo-cafes that illegally sell alcohol. the law will also not allow attributing special properties to alcoholic beverages, for example, medicinal ones, or misleading consumers with names. on protecting the health and peace of russians, report dmitry oreshkin. it's past twelve o'clock at night, an activist disguised as a buyer enters a grocery store and takes two bottles of alcohol. the seller calmly opens them at the checkout and releases the goods. just at this moment, police officers arrive on the scene
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, the seller refused to comment, well , she sold it and why did they open all the questions to the management, in this store in the south of the capital , when asked why you sell alcohol at night, the woman answered in a stereotyped way, she didn’t notice how dark it got . you didn't look at the time, here we are this is the third time we've been to this store. sell, sell, sell. these are typical examples of so-called liqueurs: during the day they operate like a regular store, at night they turn into a pseudo-cafe, they put a table, a chair and that’s it, they say we’re now a bar, but everyone can’t sit in such a place, there ’s not enough space, and that’s it. no need, the goal is completely different. they found a loophole through which they are
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able to bottle not only strong drinks, but also beer and other drinks. which lead to disastrous consequences, noise, drunken brawls in apartment buildings in the adjacent territory, and there we have playgrounds, where our residents relax, there are specific examples throughout the country when in only one area the police are called to such drinking establishments more than 200 times a year, residents of apartment buildings should you have the right to restful sleep and rest, so we... are obliged today to consider the proposals that citizens have made. the bill was prepared by a working group specially created on behalf of vyacheslav bolodin. to discuss the video communication initiative representatives of eighty regions joined. the key proposal is to give the constituent entities of the federation the right to prohibit the retail sale of beer, mead, cider and other
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drinks in so-called pseudo-cafes. this is an absolutely correct initiative, i am sure that citizens have been doing this for a long time. they are waiting for such a decision from deputies. earlier, vyacheslav volodin conducted a survey in his telegram channel, more than 200 thousand people took part in it, about 80% of them support the ban on the night sale of alcohol in liqueurs. one of the provisions of the draft law allows regions to introduce temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol in public catering outlets located specifically in apartment buildings. this will eliminate the possibility of using loopholes, for example, releasing goods to customers openly.
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to separate those who use gray schemes from the owners of bona fide cafes. if you are an entrepreneur who honestly runs his business, let’s say there is a cafe or restaurant, we do not prohibit the sale of alcohol in a restaurant or cafe. if you honestly run your business, then who will shut you down. the regions are given everything they need tools to bring order to this area. at the same time, what to do if local authorities do not want to toughen the fight against left-wingers? they will also decide that only after consulting with residents can a ban be introduced, but a general meeting on the ban can be held, this will be a whole story, and you can get bogged down in legal proceedings, the issue will not be finally resolved, and this, according to the authors, is a subject of parliamentary control, we may well, upon further consideration of this issue when
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adopting the law in the third reading, write in draft decision of the state duma. carrying out such monitoring so that governors take advantage of this rule where there is a need for it. separately, during the plenary session, the issue of responsibility was discussed. there they re-register legal entities, close them in one place, open them next door, and so on. in order for this not to happen, it would be necessary to additionally look at the possibilities of tightening the administrative, and maybe criminal, ones. legislation and we are ready for discussing the issues of amending the kaap in the criminal code, the topic is certainly very important. at the same time, the bill prohibits giving alcoholic products names that are misleading to consumers, attributing special properties to alcohol, including medicinal ones, and indicating in the names products that are not included in the composition. we
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will protect our citizens from low-quality alcoholic products, which, well, follow the example. the infamous mr. seeder, unfortunately, is the case, and as everyone knows, mr. seeder has nothing to do with didn't have any cider drink. another provision of the bill introduces a ban on the addition of ethyl alcohol to alcoholic products, if this is not provided for by state standards. in addition, liqueurs will not be able to produce beer drinks from purchased beer. if finally adopted, the bill will come into force on april 1 next year. dmitry oreshkin, andrey tarasov, sergey vergunov. alexander shavrin, elena zhilnina, duma tv. parliamentary hour. mobile phones will not be allowed to be used in classes in schools.
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teachers and parents, because, basically, all parents remember that they had labor lessons, in a good classical sense, where girls, for example, sewed or cooked, learned something, well, vitally important, and, say, everyday life, and boys studied also there to hold a hammer in your hands, to fix something, to do something useful, for example, vyacheslav volodin also instructed to prepare measures to prevent tragedies in schools, so the safety committee will request information. in the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office about incoming appeals, associated with bullying in educational institutions. in turn, the education committee will work on a legislative
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definition of the very concept of bullying. the committee for family protection on issues of paternity, motherhood and childhood, as well as specialized vice-speakers, will join this work. we need to move in the direction of creating in schools, finally, the opportunity for specialists to work who will identify them at an early stage. for difficult teenagers and work with them. let me remind you that on the morning of december 7 , an eighth-grader started shooting in bryansk gymnasium. as a result, two people died, including the attacker herself. several other schoolchildren were injured. parents will have the right to retain benefits upon early termination of maternity leave. pensioners will be exempt from paying bank commissions when paying for housing and communal services, and people with low incomes will be guaranteed.
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lost billions from this decision, but this decision is targeted: a pensioner, veteran, combat veteran, with many children will not pay a commission, this is fair. the law will come into force on july 1 next year, full list preferential categories will be approved by the government. the commission is canceled not only for the payments themselves, but also for paying penalties for overdue utilities. now such a commission is approximately 2-3% of the total amount. amount, some will say not much, but per month it is a dozen eggs, a carton of milk, a loaf of bread. the state duma has adopted laws that will allow
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parents to retain the right to child care benefits for up to one and a half years if they go to work early, even if during maternity leave the mother works for someone else employer. the current rule allows a woman on maternity leave for up to one and a half years to receive benefits and work only from home or part-time. after acceptance, the woman will be able to maintain benefits and work full-time, including with another employer until the child is one and a half years old. the initiatives were prepared on behalf of the president; the new norms will come into force on january 1. all necessary funds are included in the federal budget. two bills passed this week in the first reading are intended to bring order in the intellectual property market. the first explains how to divide.
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works, such as films, paintings, music, books, whose author is unknown and whose copyright has not expired. today there are no legal ways to use them. according to the initiative, a special organization will be entrusted with managing them, which will issue licenses to use the work if the author cannot be found. banks will be required to open social deposit accounts with special conditions for low-income citizens. it's no secret that
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today, credit institutions operate according to the principle. the less money a person keeps in the bank, the lower his interest rate. according to the bill, low-income russians will be able to open a social contribution of up to 50 thousand rubles. and receive monthly interest at a rate that is higher than the key rate of the central bank at the time of accrual. for example, now it is 16%. the initiative was adopted in the first reading. it will be possible to open such a deposit or account only through the state services portal. it is proposed that such accounts be opened electronically. form remotely, including out of fear that citizens, when they communicate live with a credit institution, will always find reasons not to open such an account beneficial for the citizen, therefore, through the appropriate portals, when employing combat veterans, and also, participants in a special military operation, small medium-sized businesses will be able to receive the status of a social
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entrepreneur, and with it support. state, these are, for example, grants, tax breaks or property rental. with another on the other hand, the adopted law will help those who return home from svo to quickly find work and integrate into civilian life. let us note that for the final reading, the deputies expanded the list of categories. we propose to support individuals who are not combat veterans, but who have served in the military or carried out the tasks assigned to them within the framework of the military military district. these are police officers, the national guard, vsinov, fsp,. and the ministry of emergency situations, the original edition is only those who served in the military. russia will create a joint combat training centers. the state duma ratified the international agreement. the document was introduced by president vladimir putin. in such centers , military personnel of the two states will undergo joint training and practically practice combat duty tasks to increase the level of coherence and combat proficiency.
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improve residential gas safety by increasing responsibility. the state duma adopted in the first reading a bill that introduces fines for unauthorized actions with gas equipment and penalties for refusing to allow gas specialists into an apartment. details in a report by elena zhelnina. shots that are shocking, even if you see it not for the first time. people's lives are literally ending under concrete before our eyes.
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the front door did not open , we tried, it was jammed, yes, the door was jammed due to the fact that the building was warped, the investigation showed that there was a gas leak in one of the apartments, and the ventilation duct was filled with concrete, the tragedy in the moscow region was not an accident isolated, only in 2023 in russia 28 such accidents were recorded, chips associated with gas equipment claim hundreds of lives every year people, all-russian statistics: more often this happens due to system malfunctions; the cause of 70% of incidents is the lack of draft in smoke or ventilation ducts, violations of operating rules. to avoid tragedies, specialized organizations monitor the condition of the equipment, perform a mandatory inspection once a year, and come and check the tap for leaks more often at the request of residents.


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