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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 5:00pm-5:28pm MSK

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there is no rest, we subscribe to look , science, music, literature , industry was rapidly developing , world markets are overwhelmed with the russian ridge, so if all this flourished, then what was rotten, maybe nothing was rotten, education, enthusiasm of the people, soviet power received an unprecedented, colossal inheritance, how carefully he managed this inheritance. what was russia before the seventeenth year and what should we do with this history, to what extent it can repeat itself, to what extent we can bring our country.
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this is russia 24, we continue to talk about the main thing for today. vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, according to reports on the official kremlin website, the topic of the conversation was the acute situation in the palestinian-israeli conflict zone and the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the gas sector. the russian leader confirmed the principled position of non-acceptance and condemnation of terrorism in all its manifestations and emphasized our country’s readiness to provide assistance.
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march 2, march 2, 2021, another anniversary of the february coup. perhaps there is no more striking event in our history; both society and those who govern can look into it as if in a mirror. our country, and the youth, and the church, and
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the intelligentsia and cultural figures. one problem: this mirror is very uncomplimentary towards us, but it is honest: the events of the february revolution can tell us what we can bring our country to, what we can do in this life both for ourselves and for future generations. what do we know about the february revolution? daloy.
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in the asian part, 100% of the arable land belonged to those who worked on it, the peasants, 100% of the arable land in the asian part. and as for the european part
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russia, then, as noted by the famous scientist economist, professor chiyanov, the agricultural census of 1916 shows us that in 44 '. that is, 89% of the land in the european part was owned by peasants, the rest of the land was owned by landlords or landowners, leased to peasants, gradually, in other countries, in other countries, for example, at the same time, say, in great britain, in the stronghold...
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of the reign of nicholas ii for one and a half years , the russian empire was the leading agricultural country in the world. during the grain harvest throughout russia and our harvests of traditional russian grain crops, wheat, barley, oats, rye, and grate, have increased times. increased yields of the same crops in the usa, canada and argentina combined.
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the number of cattle in russia was the largest in europe. well, by many other measures of agriculture, we were a truly outstanding agricultural power. there was a problem, the yield was not very high. eight centners per hectare were collected by russian peasants as a whole. in the united states, for example, at the same time the yields were 10 cents per hectare, and in france, say, or in germany there are 12 centers, but let's look at what latitudes our agricultural regions are located, at what latitudes are western europe and the united states of america, argentina. the real problem was that the mechanization of agricultural labor in russia was low, but already... the agricultural industry was being established, the war did not allow us to deal with this in the first place, but
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for example, in that very year 1917, when supply disruptions began bread, in russia for surprise there were 197 million poods of grain in addition to what... there were 197 million poods for consumption by the population and the army, this is also an amazing mysterious story, suddenly there was almost a famine in petrograd, artificial, i’ll say right away, and 197 million surplus fruits, the great prime minister russian empire and the author of agrarian reform, stolypin. he said with bitterness that the revolutionaries, even if
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we divided everything, he said, would receive little - peasants, arable land, as they said then, in all of vast russia in fact not so much, although the average plots of peasants in russia were many times larger than those of western europeans. i repeat once again, most of the land belonged to those who cultivate it. factory workers. naturally, the factories did not belong to the workers. as a matter of fact, they will not belong under soviet rule, although workers, owners of their enterprises, peasants, owners of the land will be declared. but, if you leave
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demagoria alone, then factories, factories in the tsarist. empires, naturally, owned either private individuals or some government organizations. the workers went out to demonstrate with a demand that was unbearable for them, with a demand for a change of government. we who studied in soviet times remember the mantra of soviet history, that a revolutionary situation. this is when the upper classes cannot rule in the old way, and the lower classes do not want to live in the old way, and a revolutionary situation is a situation when the needs and misfortunes of the working people increase above normal, 50 years have passed, and i remember these spells almost by heart , well
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, how did these same robes live?
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worker of the late sixties, worker lives in 1913 in the russian empire. many probably know that this particular year, 1913, was such a measure of well-being for many years to come during soviet times. according to the recollections of alexei nikolaevich kosygin , to put it mildly, he was very surprised and asked to bring it. bring him, and he had a very meticulously collected family archive, his father’s documents, including his work book. his father, nikolaevich kosygin , worked just in 1917 at the novy lesner plant as a turner, and i note that
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the plant where nikolai ilyevich kosygin worked was not the most... elite in petrograd, it was, of course, not the putilov plant, where workers received salaries much higher, it was an ordinary, ordinary petrograd plant, so here is the document from 16 to 31 january nikolai ilyevich kosygin earned 146 rubles, this is for half a month, for half a month. in february he earned 190 rubles. for march 171 rub. in his workbook there are numbers in the timesheet of 300 rubles. at 250 and even 400, but this is due to inflation and a little later. alexey
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nikolaevich kosygin, lived with his family, as a boy, with his father. in a three-room apartment in petrograd, the current one, chipaeva street, a very good area, these huge beautiful houses, who lived in them, including workers, my mother did not work, she was sick, and they lived only on their father’s salary, as they testify memories, they were not shocking, but they had good, good furniture, they could afford good clothes, good shoes and good things. their family was helped by servants, on sundays they went to the theater, i want to give an example of the tsarist
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system of a person, this is nikita sergeevich khrushchev, that's what he said, a book of memoirs was published by the vagrius publishing house in 1997, nikita sergeevich wrote, for example, in 1913 . i personally was better off financially than in 1932, when i worked as second secretary of the moscow party committee, they might say that other workers lived worse, well, probably worse, nikita sergeevich said, insofar as, well, somehow it was necessary to respond to that , that he himself admitted that his life was much better than that of an ordinary young man. locksmith nikita sergeevich made similar revelations more than once. he they gave lunch in his honor. apparently, uh, the reception was
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very warm and welcoming, because nikita sergeevich suddenly made such a revelation. “i got married in 1914,” said nikita sergeevich, 20 years old. since i had a good profession, a mechanic, i could immediately rent an apartment. it had a living room, kitchen, bedroom and dining room, i want to emphasize, a mechanic in the donbass, twenty years old in 1914 . years have passed since the revolution, it pains me to think that i am a worker, i lived under capitalism much better than workers live under soviet power. as a mechanic in donbass, before the revolution i earned 40-45 rubles a month, damn. at most 7 rubles, and after the revolution
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, earnings dropped and even greatly, but prices rose greatly, we had for example, again, such an amazing actress alexandra aleksandrovna yablochkina, she played on stage for almost 100 years, well, this is a bit of an exaggeration. then he told his loved ones that he, alexey nikolaevich kosygin, lacks the imagination
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to imagine a modern worker of the late sixties of the 20th century, who would have earned eight times more than his father in 1913, dubious figures, as they write in life.
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in the prosperous eighties, early eighties, a little less than a ton, and let’s say in 2008 only 600 kg, but such prosperity was of course not always the case, until 1905. worker insurance earlier than in europe and the united states of america, this was in the russian empire and president of the united states. to
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america wiltaft said: “your emperor created such perfect working legislation in your country, in the russian empire, which no other country can boast. of course, the time was wartime and very difficult, but in the russian empire the burden of war was in no way comparable to the trials that were, say, in germany and austria-hungary, in russia they did not starve, in germany they died of starvation million people, a lot of amazing, incomprehensible and absurd things are revealed in our history when
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you look closely at it. there was a war, but the workers demanded a reduction in the working day, in many countries the working day was 11 hours, in russia 9.5 hours, sometimes 8, in rare, rare cases, but think for yourself, war, all forces thrown into defense, the army...
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the economy, then it will be a truly amazing, beautiful picture. in 1913 , the russian empire produced 9.4% of the world's gross domestic product. remember, this is not a business at all.
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