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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 9:30pm-9:55pm MSK

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war of tribes, and armies and fronts , long live the civil war, and the armies mixed their ranks in delight with the frags, kissed, then threw themselves at their own, chopped , beat, shot, hanged , tortured, ripped off scalps, cut belts, desecrated churches, burned palaces, they blew up roads, bridges, factories, cities , destroyed warehouses, broke plows, stole cattle, rotted bread, devastated villages , ate human flesh, salted children, this is just a poetic image of what was happening in russia. and the author of which was
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so long-awaited by our progressive society revolution magical conditions real interest rate up to 15% on a savings account in gazprombank, your money works, and you receive income, apply on... this year, the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire, buy tickets on the website in stolot brand stores. oh, how many hotel apartments? a very large selection of hotels and apartments. book your o on ostrovka. looking for the stay of your future dreams? don't be cruel to me, don't be cruel to me.
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why could all this happen to a russian, that they made an explosive device out of him to destroy his own country. it was turned into a weapon of mass destruction for russia. here again, let's go back to short, but very capacious. according to the testimony of contemporaries,
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one of these witnesses, a frenchman, maris polialutsionny petrograd, recorded more than one birth. in his diary, does not give in as easily to the influence of suggestion as the russian people. once again, perhaps this is worth not only remembering, but also thinking about carefully, not a single the people do not give in to influence so easily and the nation wrote: the revolution has become the religion of russian society. they raved about her, dreamed about her, didn’t want to listen to anything, didn’t want to look at the obvious, didn’t even want to think about the fact that it’s impossible to do everything well at once
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, much less perfectly, the reverend should not rush, this is also a spiritual law, but... russia was in a hurry then, russia was impatient then, when we talk about this impatience, we inevitably remember the words of stalypin, the prophetic words of now, with one stroke of the pen, he would realize political freedoms in russia, then tomorrow in st. petersburg.
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nicholas ii suffered a crushing defeat in the field of relations between government, state and society. he suffered from information. russian progressive society, selfless, in spite of everything,
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without listening to any arguments, forged its great, happy, quasi state. future, the elite needed a weak state in order to completely rule it, life in exile abroad said, russia gossip ruined it, this lightness, this gossip, which came from both inside and outside, became a win-win. weapons in the fight against russia, first of all, during the war, gossip concerned close friends, such as vyrobovo, naturally, rasputin, ministers, prime ministers,
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people loyal to the emperor, and the emperor himself. when pavel nikolaevich melyukov came to the podium of the state duma. waving a stack of newspapers, and these were german newspapers, he had just returned from working for the enemy in germany, this gossip was picked up by many and in the army, in the government, among officials among the intelligentsia... for many years , as they would say now, the theme of a once german princess who married the russian heir, the future emperor nicholas ii, was promoted, and during the war, it already gained
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absolutely terrifying features. it was alleged that there was a direct telegraph from the tsar's village from the residence of nicholas ii and his family. wilhelm was inserting himself, all the secrets, all the plans of the army and the government, reporting everything to his german relatives. assured that exactly she was the culprit of the shortage, for example , of sugar, although sugar was limited in sales in order to stop the brewing of moonshine, in russia at that time there was a prohibition law, only one thing, disgust, contemptuous disgust for the entire royal house, for the tsars.
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he himself appoints ministers and leaders in the army. soon after the revolution, the head of the provisional government decided to prepare a trial against nicholas ii, over the tsarina, over all the dark forces; it was for this purpose that the first check was created. not that chica, the second one, which was created after the victory of the bolsheviks and which
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was headed by felix edmudovich derzhinsky, and the first emergency commission of inquiry, which was a documentary exposure of the collapsed tsarist regime. many famous people were these first security officers. including count aldenburg, who left his memories, including our wonderful documents prepared by this organization, an extraordinary investigative commission, a most biased investigation was carried out, which was designed to prove the influence of alexandra feodorovna and dark forces on politics. tsarist government were found 17 letters in which alexandra fedorovna
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addressed her husband with certain political requests, but emperor nikolai alexandrovich did not fulfill any of these requests. but to be honest, it would be better if he... performed, it would be better if he were henpecked in the sense that his enemies sometimes called him. alexander fedorina was a wise woman, a german woman, with systemic, very rare for a russian person, pragmatic qualities, a pupil of the queen of england, which would need
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to be done on the eve of the revolution, when something else could have been changed, she wrote to her husband: arrest guchkov, dissolve the revolutionary duma for a while, now everything will collapse, but suddenly. of course, one of the most controversial figures was grigory yatimovich rasputin; we cannot now, so to speak, express our judgment about anyone, including this man. there are such mysterious figures in our history that we will only be able to find out about them completely through such monsters as they were described. his gossip and the russian press of that time, if anyone wants
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to know the details, and the details of the highest objective degrees, please read the book of our wonderful writer, the rector of the moscow literary institute, who had prayer opportunities... the ability to heal the incurable sick tsarevich alexei, who suffered from hemophilia, of course, was close to the royal one.
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he is a prince, truly a hereditary prince, although a very, very modest man, i had the good fortune to know his mother, maria lvovna chevchevadze. on the eve of the revolution, she was still a teenager and lived with her family in tsar’s village, that is, in the place where there were houses of the highest
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russian aristocracy. so she told me when she was old. your presence, who do you mean - but when will these scoundrels free us from masha’s mother, chevchevadze, asked, this lady said, well, these romanovo. at home she stood up and said: i would ask you to go out and not visit my house anymore. the chevchevadzes were real monarchists and did not listen to the commandments of god, they did not listen to slander or gossip. so they turned out to be outcasts in tsar’s village, they were declared a boycott
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, they stopped communicating with them, their...
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and revolutionary excitement, chairman state council of the russian empire, ivan grigorievich shiglavitov said, the paralytics of power are weak, indecisive, somehow not aspiration, it was a sentence. although in fact the whole revolution , the whole revolution was held together by snot, the whole revolution happened absolutely unexpectedly, as rozanov wrote, russia disappeared in 2-3 days, if only, if he
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had not thought about it all the time, if he had not listened general a pleasant person, let's say, carefully, a kind of mstislavsky, admitted later, one can say with confidence, if on the night of 27 on 28... my opponent could have approached the tovrechesky palace, where the state duma met, even with insignificant forces that preserved order and discipline, he
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would have taken the taurese palace, we had nothing to defend ourselves with, the government, however, could not do this, it was disorganized, paralyzed by power, weak, indecisive , somehow even reluctantly fighting the epileptics of the revolution, this is what happens to us from time to time when we study the events of february 1717 and the events that followed them; people in their right mind and strong memory could... do this or liquidate the police department in its entirety, in full force and
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still be delighted with it, and declare that from now on the professional police should consist of unprofessional, mostly intelligent people. called upon to protect law and order in revolutionary russia, and on a free public basis. how could one imagine that the minister of posts and telegraphs would be appointed minister of internal affairs of the provisional government? this. it seems completely inexplicable, i could go on. the destructive , suicidal behavior of russian progressive society, in february 1917, during
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the years of preparation for the coup, right up to the october seizure of power by the bolsheviks, can only be compared with the behavior of people, although adults, but in some paradoxical way, never having overcome the level of consciousness deviant teenagers. the level of total teenage negativism with all the tragic consequences that come from it. and now you know when i was preparing to work on this topic, i leafed through the works of psychiatrists of that time, they see, observing the events that we remember today. in area. their specialty is such a concept: mass induced psychosis. this is what the founder of russian subpsychology
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, vladimir mikhailovich bekhterev, writes. we know mental epidemics, expressed by active phenomena accompanied by obvious mental agitation. such epidemics, epidemics. under the influence of appropriate conditions sometimes cover a significant part population and often lead to events fraught with enormous consequences. who are you? traveling musicians, we have no bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour, this is my
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group, hello my honati.
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