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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 10, 2023 10:00pm-10:20pm MSK

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accepted, grab them, the fairy tale they were waiting for, donkey, what, dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, soon.
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the russian army repelled the attack by four brigades of the kiev army. in addition, attacks were carried out on the gathering place of the command staff of the ukrainian tactical groups katran and amakha. zelensky’s formation lost about 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. among other things , nine galubs and self-propelled guns were destroyed. vladimir putin discussed by telephone with benjamin netanyahu the acute situation in the zone of the palestinian-israeli conflict and the disaster principled position of condemning terrorism, but emphasized that countering terrorist threats should not lead to such dire consequences for the civilian population. russia is ready to provide assistance to alleviate the suffering of civilians and de-escalate. conflict. the israeli press
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reported that netanyahu interrupted a meeting of his cabinet of ministers to talk with the russian leader. and russia at vdnh. two republics, chechen and lugansk, presented their achievement at once. elizabeth saw everything khramtsova. the program also has caucasian flavor. we are currently working at the stand of the chechen republic. people.
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the republic is always waiting for guests; various climatic zones are concentrated here, there are plains, mountains, lakes and beautiful nature.
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despite all the differences, we are together, we are a whole united state, for this khramtsova leonova, anton and vladislav 20. red wings airlines has launched a new direction of cargo transportation, it will be developed on the basis of
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skygates airlines. the first board in zhukovsky was met by anna lazareva. first commercial flight of the modernized il-96400t, literally. hours landed at zhukovsky airport , did it very impressively, well, what was the first flight like through the eyes of the pilots, we asked the aircraft commander about this , it’s not the first time i’ve been traveling with a turret, this is a common thing for me, and i like it all, i liked the plane too, everything with he’s doing well, i think he ’ll have a great future, every plane is different from the other, no two are the same, so what’s his one like? skygates airlines, today is truly a significant event for us, today made its first flight of the l96 aircraft,
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wide-body, there were no such aircraft before, since 2011 or 2012, but today there is a unique opportunity to operate these aircraft and... we hope and see that it is quite effective, because today the flight map for the near future has been scheduled for the aircraft , it is clear that he is in demand. the carrier currently has two aircraft in its fleet, but plans to replenish it with domestically produced aircraft and is implementing a comprehensive program for restoring the airworthiness of cargo and passenger aircraft aircraft owner company ilyushin finance, which is part of uac. work is underway, this is the first aircraft. to the airline for airworthiness and transfer of other aircraft to the airline - these are passenger aircraft here 24-214 and hag aircraft, we plan to transfer the entire volume of aircraft by the end of next year. domestic aircraft are returning to service,
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including in the air cargo segment. anna lazreeva, nikita chocolate alpin gold from 49-99. what is the pin code? if a simple question has become a quiz, it can help on april. he helps restore memory and attention to the mind so that the head can work. all the best is simple, like alpha business, online banking and business applications, all in one button. count payments, accounting and lawyers, conduct all business online. alfabank is the best bank for business. be full, my dear! hey thunderer! this is not scandinavia for you! call an electrician! and to a delicious point - scandinavia! scandinavian burger with cheese patty, cheese rings, norwegian berry pie, warming punch, scandinavian style, delicious period! new buildings on... tsang is a huge selection of profitable offers, this also happens during
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the revolution, he writes: this is a force, a terrible, destructive mental force, the force of a mental epidemic lies at the basis of a charming hobby, a significant proportion of which should be attributed to... diseases are capable of epidemic the spread of illnesses of the soul, mental
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disorders also often take on an epidemiological nature. our famous scientist, grigory ivanovich rossalima, russian and soviet neuropathologist, psychoneurologist, wrote: degenerate is incurable, but neutralizing such a patient is already one of the most important. and he drew attention to my words that
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the delight after the february revolution was completely unprecedented. karal murza quite rightly said: “ wait, remember in the delight of october 1905, when almost a constitution was granted. remember, he said repin’s painting dedicated to this particular event, you know, i am very grateful to the journalist kara murza for reminding me of this particular painting. reppin was a very revolutionary-minded artist, he there are many paintings that expose both the tsarist regime and objectively. they talk about the difficulties and problems of pre-revolutionary
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russian society, they didn’t expect it, refusal to confess, he has a lot of such works, well, let’s look at the painting by ilya efimovich repin, which kara murza reminded us of, the delight after... the revolution of 1905, look , what amazing faces, ilya yafimovich repin was a great artist, he reflected the objective state of society, he, if not photographically, then very accurately depicted the spirit that... reigned among this jubilant crowd, look carefully at
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these faces, these are the faces of healthy people, this is the normal mental state of those whom ilya efimovich caught with his brush. repen, i repeat once again, is a person with great sympathy for the protest movement in russia.
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ivan petrovich himself, like most representatives of the intelligentsia, was, in general , not alien to revolutionary or, let’s say, opposition ideas, but indeed there was a lot that was probably outrageous, there was a lot that could not be agreed with, and the revolutionary spirit was too strong, learning about
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events of 905. in already hungry petrograd, engulfed in revolution, in petrograd, where it was dangerous to go out into the street, banditry reigned in the city, the civil war had already begun, almost all food products had already been rationed, in petrograd with a series of public lectures on the topic
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of the mind in general russian mind. in particular, in the last of these lectures, devoted to the question of the mind of the intelligentsia, ivan petrovich pavlov, in particular, said: what has happened now in russia is certainly the work of the intelligentsia’s mind. the masses played completely passive role, they accepted the movement along which it was directed. to refuse this, i believe, would be unfair and undignified. and then he examined the properties of the mind of the russian intelligentsia. from his point of view, these properties of ours are, excuse me, i quote, a great
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man, or undeveloped. either distorted or perverted, the russian intellectual mind, says ivan petrovich pavlov, is not attached to facts, he loves words more, he operates with them, it’s not funny, continues ivan petrovich pavlov, it’s terrible, it’s a judgment on russian thought, it knows only words and does not want to touch. to reality , that is, does not at all check the meaning of words, does not go behind the scenes of the word, does not like to look at the true reality, we are engaged in collecting words, and not studying
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life, in words, and not in meaning, as we would probably say today.
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