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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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did not lead to such dire consequences for the civilian population. the russian side is ready to provide all possible assistance in order to alleviate the suffering of civilians and de-escalate the conflict. in addition, mutual interest was expressed to continue to interact on issues of evacuation of russian citizens and members of their families, as well as the release of israelis held in gaza. about what is happening in the arab-israeli conflict zone now.
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hamas is not aware of the difficult situation in which they find themselves. the main attack of the israeli army this week moved to the south . merkava tanks operate on the streets of hanyunas, a city that israel calls hamas's southern stronghold. near the border with the gaza strip, israel has concentrated an incredible amount of armored vehicles and tanks... so many heavy weapons have not been used since the yom kippur war . in the conditions of fighting on the streets among the ruins and concrete crumble, reports of the dead come every day. for the first time in modern history in gaza , the military installed a ritual eight-candlestick at a height of twelve meters, a mandatory attribute of the hanukkah holiday. here, this is a symbol of the victory won by the macabees 23 centuries ago, but
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the brother who is lighting up these days is a hostage, before the abduction he saw the death of his wife, the death of friends who came on october 7 to the dance festival on the border with gaza. or levi is my brother, he and his wife were at the nova festival, they wrote to us early in the morning that they were going back, then he wrote that they hid, they abandoned the car and ran to the shelter. now we know that a group of terrorists began to shoot people in shelter, throwing grenades, his wife was killed, he had two left. here are these terrible
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shots: ora and his wife, together with their friends , are hiding in a concrete shelter, having heard an air raid alarm, the terrorists are already a minute away from them, a little later, they will throw a grenade into a shelter full of people and open machine-gun fire. the family of hamas's youngest captive, eleven-month-old kfir bibos, his red-haired four-year-old brother arily, and their parents shiri and gerden, declared by hamas to have been killed by airstrikes.
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on the border with gaza and on october 7 he was kidnapped, bordering the gaza sector, the city of sdorot , a military company on the territory of the palestinian enclave did not bring peace to it, the sounds of israeli artillery cannonade using gas here often merge with the signals of the tsevad siren, air raid raid, sdyrot are fired from gas almost daily, and residents who left the city 2 months ago before...
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in two strategic directions beitlahiya and khan yunisi. the goal is to divide the enclave into two main sectors: southern and northern, while gaining a maximum foothold in the central part enclave. on saturday, hamas accused israel of deliberately destroying historical monuments in all three gazas. in total, since the beginning of the conflict , 104 mosques and three christian churches have been completely destroyed. the oldest amara mosque in the gaza strip has been almost completely destroyed, hamas claims. use mosques and temples to organize strongholds and command posts. the israelis actively attacked jabaliya this week, wiping out residential buildings and civilian infrastructure and completely destroying them. one of the most revered mosques in the
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alyauda enclave. but this was never the largest market square in the city, which turned into a cemetery. here local residents bury their own in mass graves. relatives, none of my family survived, i cannot bury them where they lived, because there are snipers working there now. in the northern part of the palestinian enclave, the idf surrounds the central areas of gaza city, but there hamas still carries out rare counterattacks, hitting enemy equipment and personnel on a global scale to prevent progress the israeli army is certainly not capable of these local victories. brigades from zedin al-qassan were knocked out this week. hamas, meanwhile , warns that if israel does not stop the military operation, tel aviv hostages will not be seen. we reaffirm that the resumption of negotiations on the exchange of prisoners is subject to a cessation of aggression and a ceasefire. until
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this moment there will be no negotiations on this topic. the humanitarian situation in the sector is critical, if humanitarian aid from the territory arrives to the south through the rafah checkpoint, albeit in scanty quantities.
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four hezbollah soldiers and two members of the palestinian islamic jihad movement were killed friday in clashes on
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the lebanese-israeli border, lebanese armed forces sources said, four civilians and two lebanese army soldiers were wounded in israeli bombing.
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the exhibition has only been open for a month, during which time over 2 million people visited it. the main idea was to concisely show all the results over the past 6 years. and the idea was clearly a success.
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exhibition pavilion 75, there are stands of the regions, 1/6 of the land in all its diversity, pride in our country, joy, very friendly energy, so strong that i think it will unite the people even more with each other, and this is about the forum of volunteers, this hall would never accommodate everyone, who helps at the call of their hearts, because there are millions of them all over the country , here are only the finalists of the award, we are together, it is already 3 years old, and this is a record... such different people and projects, but
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one idea unites everyone - to be close to those who needs it especially now? i want to thank you for what you are doing to help our fighters who are on the front line of the fight for our country, for russia. provide assistance to them directly, their families in the rear, their mothers, fathers, their wives, their children, that’s it. as long as we are together, we are invincible. volunteers bring warm clothes to the front under shelling , letters home from the front, and this is a feat every day, simply because they cannot do otherwise. the latest survey in tseoma, which was done in november, asked adults whether you would like your children and grandchildren to become volunteers and volunteers, 76% of russians answered this question. they said that they would like and dream about it, volunteering has become not just
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the lot of individual caring people, but has become such a culture, volunteers and exhibitions in russia help, over a thousand people work there every day, greet guests, suggest routes, share their experience of good deeds at the marathon of knowledge, pavilion 57 of education, where the path to science is open to everyone, not general words, a specific trajectory of movement.
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unemployment is at a historic low and this big victory, production growth in october alone, almost 10%. the plan is to bring 150 to a standard state within 4 years
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. this is his position, patriotism, devotion to the homeland. there are a lot of heroes, do you just need to look around a little to see those who are nearby? olga armyakova, anastasia klemenova and pavel alekseev, lead the week. on monday , speaker of the federation council, valentina matvienko , spoke out on one of the most controversial issues, the proposal to ban abortion. matvienko recalled that the future. the year in russia has been declared the year of the family and there is a lot of work to be done to improve the demographic situation, we need to continue to take measures to support families with children, and bans on abortion will not increase the birth rate. i am absolutely sure that no prohibitions, no sociability, no pressure, no
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criminalization of legislation in this area can solve this problem. and the state will definitely not go down this path, i believe that we will definitely achieve that abortions will be performed only in case of violence against a woman, or for medical reasons, we are moving towards this, but of course but the efficiency of this work must be increased, the easiest way is to ban everything, it is impossible to ban it, life is structured differently and... god forbid, of course, if we allow such bans to go underground, so that these medical operations begin to be performed , not in a medical institution, under the supervision of a doctor in appropriate conditions, but somewhere in unsuitable places, this is a threat to the lives
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of women, this is an increase in the mortality rate of women, a threat to their health, this is up to... now, going to school for class only without a phone. on wednesday state duma deputies in two readings immediately adopted an amendment to the russian education law, prohibiting schoolchildren and teachers from using mobile phones in class, except in emergency cases. the measure is long overdue and should have a positive impact on the educational process. this is a response to a parent’s appeal to us. society, teachers, they all asked to support the decision, within the framework of which we are increasing the effectiveness of education, the child, coming to class, will not be distracted by the phone, will not play using telephone, well, teachers, for their part , will also not sit on gadgets, this will be conducted for weeks,
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further in the program. 35 years since the terrible earthquake in armenia, it was a common misfortune, and the entire soviet union then came to the aid of the armenian brothers. at the international exhibition , the russia forum at vdnkh, the day of the chechen and lugansk republics, is spectacular. december 7 marked the 35th anniversary of the terrible earthquake in armenia, literally in 30 seconds the cities of spitak, leninakan, kirovokan, dozens of villages and villages were destroyed. 25,000 people died, half a million residents of armenia were left homeless. it was a common
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misfortune, and the entire soviet union then came to the aid of the armenian brothers. about how it was, vitali. karmazin. there are many urban areas where such rubble still remains. 35 years after the earthquake, destroyed elements and houses remained in gyumri. then, on december 7, 1988, at 11:41 am, a ten-force wave with its epicenter in the spyatak region destroyed several large cities and hundreds of local villages. like the sea, the earth shook, i’m definitely saying this. those terrible 30 seconds that the tremors lasted. they remember today, a lot was destroyed, 85% of the city, i was pregnant when this earthquake began, we thought. that this is a war, this is the central square of gyumri , during the earthquake, almost all the buildings around it were destroyed, that one-story building was built, this temple was destroyed in half, a huge dome collapsed
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inward, you can see there by the double-headed eagle that the fault line passed diagonally, now the church is being restored, the third and third collapsed of this residential building the fourth entrance, this building of the city committee was completely destroyed, now there is the gyumri mayor's office, there was a glass building in the distance too, he resisted...
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with tons of iron and concrete, his parents died there, every time after the cemetery he goes here to the memorial, dedicated to everyone who helped the soldiers, military, railway workers,
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doctors, students, police officers, russian rescuers died a lot here during rescue work, all 15 republics came and helped quite a lot, this was all in soviet times.
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veshkova, interrupting his visit to america, went to the disaster zone, and here he himself could no longer restrain himself when he saw the scale of the destruction. why did the buildings that were built 3 years ago collapse, while those
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that were built under khrushchev were four-story buildings, five-story buildings still stand. then it turned out, not everywhere, but there were cases where cement was stolen, construction was done according to unsuitable designs, and everything was reported to the top that everything was fine. however, many good houses could not withstand the almost ten-point wave. the question of resettlement from the disaster zone immediately arose, they began to build new settlements from different republics, uzbek, rsfsr, then ukraine called itself fraternal; only a part of the trailer houses were built, in which some victims of that tragedy still live. black holes instead of windows, rickety concrete slabs, somewhere there is no roof at all, all these were also supposed to be houses for victims of the petak earthquake, but with the collapse of the soviet union this construction seems to have frozen forever. that the union collapsed a little earlier, otherwise now everything was built, honestly, i would have had the soviet union last a couple more years, then there is
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nothing, now no one is in the house. about spetak the earthquake is a national tragedy remembered in russia. this week, mourning events were also held in moscow. at the veterans' home in rudny, rescuers who helped residents of destroyed cities were awarded with commemorative medals. this common grief, stories of rescue help still unite our peoples. vitalik armazin, dmitry vishkevich, vadim klivanov and daria podobedova. news of the week. and at the end of the episode we return to vdnkh, where the grandiose exhibition forum russia is taking place. today was the day of two republics at once, chechen and lugansk. dmitry petrov, about this bright spectacle. the stand is crowded. chechnya is always interesting to the public. over the past two decades, it has made a difficult journey from a warring region to one of the calmest
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on the country's map. to guests with. ramzan kadyrov, our flag raised today by akhmad hadji bears peace, stability, development, friendship, brotherhood. we talk about customs, how we should live, how we should build relationships with our neighbors. over 20 years, 20 million square meters of housing were built, roads of the highest quality, industrial production volume increased more than 10 times. will there be enough strength for all this, will there be enough resources? motto ramzan akhmatovich. and he always says first the restoration of the chechen republic, it’s better to die than to be second, we follow this motto in all sectors, well, how can we do without national cuisine on the day of the chechen republic at vdnkh, today is a master class on cooking the national dish siskal toberam, this is the mouth corn cakes, so they are fried over low heat with a mixture of sour cream and cottage cheese, like all dishes of caucasian cuisine, it is very high in calories, that’s the way.
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the transformations of the lugansk people's republic have yet to go through, today it also has its day at the russia exhibition, and this is symbolic: during a special military operation, lugansk residents and chechens are fighting shoulder to shoulder, and here at vdnkh they are neighbors, today they even visit each other in guests with congratulations, in such a company, even for the first time, bratsky lugansk does not feel like a stranger, most of the industries, including such as the severodonetsk azot association, and... gradually thanks to other regions russian federation, thanks to the fact that today we are already, in general, part of russia, we have realized our goal, achieved our goal, and we are restoring these enterprises and launching them. today at the lpr stand anyone could try on a miner's uniform. great, you know, ready to go into the mine, well,
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it’s a little hard. no, by the way, it’s very convenient, wonderful, but what do you know about the lugansk region? for me these are heroes, the entire lugansk land is a heroic land, and in the evening a big concert took place, the luhansk region is the cradle of donbass, the chechen neighbors came out a little earlier, raised the whole hall to their feet, forward russia, the homeland of heroes, your indestructible spirit has not perished. well, that's all for today, with that we say goodbye, all the best and see you next sunday.
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