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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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russia and relatives, we hope , just one of these days, the mass evacuation from the gas sector will be completed, according to information from the office of the prime minister of israel , he thanked for saving one citizen of the russian federation, but i don’t know who is reporting to the prime minister, according to our information, the speech we are talking about three citizens of the russian federation, who, of course , are also israeli citizens and permanent residents. look
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how very safely they stored the drugs, you can be sure of what they did clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is again in sumy, cholera is in the ukrainian nikolaev, there are new cases of botulism in ukraine. biological research objects. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. after they will just sell. vaccines and
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medicines for these diseases, which they themselves brought here. hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in... the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear, clear signal. at what point will you say, i did everything in this project, everything, that he could. i'll never tell. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers?
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how can such a policy lead to the decline of the american empire itself? watch it now. have you ever noticed that the stronger the tragedy, the more difficult it is for those who are to blame to apologize. if i dented your bumper while parking your car, then i will immediately come out and say: i'm sorry, i can't believe this happened, but if i, say, invaded iraq for far-fetched reasons and killed a million people, i would spend a trillion of yours dollars, doing this, i would not say a word. i would never admit that it was a bad idea, i wouldn't be able to, because it would affect me too seriously, because if i admitted it, i would have to deal with the consequences, and something very similar is happening with the war in ukraine, which has been going on for almost 2 years now. in the beginning , we were told that our support would allow ukraine
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to defeat russia, keep russia from invading europe or whatever. and now almost 2 years have passed, and all this turned out to be untrue, ukraine will not defeat russia. the only one. was defeated, it is the united states. because of our support in this war for ukraine and the united states have become weaker, seriously weaker, and this is so. the verdict is in. and honest, adequate people, regardless of their previous position, recognize this. but the biden administration, like the us congress, cannot admit this. so, believe it or not, there is now an ongoing attempt to force the us government to send an additional $60 billion to the ukrainian oligarchs.
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watch state security advisor jake salevan talk about it directly. i would like to ask about ukraine, that is, you claim that every member of congress who did not vote for aid to ukraine. vote for vladimir putin? i believe that every member of congress who does not vote to support ukraine is therefore voting for an outcome that makes life easier for putin. so a vote against supporting ukraine is a vote to strengthen putin's strategic position. this is the reality. this says nothing about the motivation of those who decided to vote against support, but that is what will be the result of their vote. vote against additional funding for ukraine will harm ukraine and... russia will harm democracy will help dictatorship. did these people
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see themselves? a girl in a mask, apparently wearing it not to commit a robbery, but to protect her health, asked the state security adviser about the moral side of voting for congress, and he told her in all honesty that anyone who does not support this decision is helping putin. this is madness, but this is what intimidates the entire us congress, especially the republicans who... fully support the biden administration in prolonging this tragedy. there are very few decent members of congress, one of them who constantly, very eloquently stands his ground on principle is congressman thomas massey from kentucky, with whom we want to discuss all this and also thank him for his courage and perseverance. congressman, thank you very much for coming. i have so many questions, why don't you just tell us why you don't vote yes? because we can't afford it. one day i realized that...
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well, the money that we will spend on lethal weapons, since they will have to be produced in alabama or wagai or texas, so now they are talking about it openly, that congressmen will most likely vote for it, since most of the federal spending going to ukraine is actually laundered through the military-industrial the complex, in a sense, although not very efficiently, enriches the people in these districts and the shareholders, some of whom. this is all some kind of caricature, but everything is straightforward, people
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make money, so come on, well, this is an argument, it may be immoral, but argument, but this is not what they say publicly, they say that we have a moral obligation that you are a bad person, just now the state security adviser said that if you are against it, then you are a bad person, but no one mentioned that we are organizing the murder of an entire generation of ukrainian men, and this will not last long, they are fighting a war that... they literally cannot win, we prevented peace negotiations, we prolonged the war and we killed all these people, all those who were running around with these ukrainian flags, they too involved in this, has anyone asked for forgiveness, no, in order to support this funding, you must be economically illiterate and morally deficient, these are two necessary conditions to vote for this, because if you say this, we are going to deplete russia, depleting its conscription base, wasting their lives on it...
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supports putin's re-election, since putin is the echo of world war ii, and he was elected in response to our echo of world war ii, nato, expanding nato, these neocons and liberals, every time. by moving nato towards russia, they helped people like putin get elected. it is obvious, looking at the world beyond our borders, that a reset is taking place and that america's influence is rapidly declining, especially thanks to this war in ukraine. and russia has now joined this coalition against us, which has the majority of the world's population,
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economy, and military power. so this world reset is not beneficial for us. once again, go abroad for you too. it will immediately become obvious that this is exactly what is happening, even if anyone in washington understands this, very few, i have been voting against these decisions on ukraine and the financing of ukraine since '14, in '14 we helped overthrow their elected government, and then we saber-rattled russia, and i then said: “listen, all this saber-rattling of sanctions, this there will be consequences, and the consequences have come, but.” nobody in washington admits this when they vote, they know about it, but they don’t admit it and still vote yes. don't you find it strange that one of the most influential voices in this debate is the voice of victorialand, deputy head of the gazdep, who was the main supporter of the war in iraq, which turned out to be a disaster for
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the united states. and she was not punished in any way for this; on the contrary, she moved up the bureaucratic ladder and is now leading this war. in ukraine. and no one said her name, no one called her to account. she is more powerful than the entire united states congress combined. how do we even allow unelected psychopaths like victorialand, who has always hated the united states, to have so much power over our lives and the future of our children. i don't know, sometimes it seems to me that these bureaucrats from depate are the same kids at school who had no friends. apparently, someone once upon a time did ... something very bad to them, and now that they have power in their hands, they are going to start taking revenge on everyone. a couple of weeks ago, victoria was at a secret briefing of all members of congress, and i thought: israel was discussed, and i thought, wait a minute, she 's screwed up so many times, why did you bring her? her resume is terrible, why is she speaking? now before the congress? is she responsible or
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partially responsible for the deaths of more people around the world than any other american? she is present at a secret briefing, and i'm not saying that she belongs in prison, although there is something to put her in prison for, but she certainly should not appear before congress at a secret briefing, did no one say, wait a minute, there is no one more discredited than you , victoria, did anyone say this, no, no one, by the way, these secret briefings are the essence of the propaganda that the deipst and the administration are laying down they feed members of congress, by the way, for today...
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by the way, a considerable part of this money does not go to armaments, we provide for their government, we pay salaries to ukrainian politicians, and we also pay pensions. yesterday i met with the inspector general, special inspector general for afghanistan, and learned that since we left, we have already spent $6 billion. money is still flowing into afghanistan. and he said that we need him, he doesn’t like his work, that we need him. special inspector general for ukraine. i asked him, how do you think they could pocket some of the allocated money? and he replied: look how they did it in afghanistan. between 30 and 40% of the afghan defense forces police did not even exist. we paid salaries to people who were on the payroll, but these were not real people. and now, when we pay all these salaries in
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ukraine, how do we know that there are living people there? for that matter, we saw the same thing during the program. yes, of course, i graduated from massachusetts institute of technology by profession electrical engineering, and i thought about how i could use my profession in congress, and i decided to create a billing sign that i could.
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and that is why we have such inflation. sorry, but it's that simple. again. you must be economically illiterate if you think that adding an extra 5 trillion dollars to the general money supply won't cause inflation, that's exactly what happens, and it's all for a long time, and now, you know, the whole fet was supposed to be a fireman, and he there is an arsonist, so he raises the interest rate and will eventually increase it to a level where it will be difficult to buy a car or buy a house. so, i don't think we're going to like your answer to the next question, but the funding from... i don't see a way to stop it, there's some discussion going on in congress about tying all of this to our
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border security, but the problem, i think, is... is that if we give biden more money for the border, he will bring even more illegal so-called refugees into the united states. there is talk about limiting ourselves to armaments and telling europe that it will now have to feed ukrainian government, but i doubt it. and you know, maybe they can try to change some little things, but i think that the money will go there in any case, i don’t feel good about it, that’s all, 60 times again, what biden asked for, 60 billion dollars, this is exactly how much the state spent in a year on all the roads and bridges of our country, i want to ask you a question a little off topic, i don’t know if you can answer it, so our military has problems recruiting and...
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it was kind of like communion during covid religion, and if you didn't take the sacrament , then you had to leave the army, here came the consequences, a lot of good people were
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forced to leave, pilots with millions of dollars in training, various specialists, and it's sad how you said, now if if these senators succeed, then we will recruit people who have no loyalty to the country, it’s all like... some kind of nightmare. last question on a topic that a lot of people don't even think about, but you're focused on so it's apparently important, meat. you have a bill that aims to fix the way the us government regulates meat, can you tell us about it? yes, of course, my bill is called prime and it is written because 80% of the meat sold in the united states comes from one of four meat companies, one of them is chinese, one of them. brazilian, so there is a monopoly in the meat industry, the irony is that farmers in their own counties and states cannot sell meat directly to consumers, and have to ship the product across
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the whole... country, which affects the nutritional value on the safety of our food, and my bill says that if the farmer, the buyer and the local manufacturer are all in one state, if there is no crossing of state lines, then let the feds not interfere, and i have some good news, we have made some progress, maybe part of the law will end up in the farm bill, i 've been fighting for this for five or six years, ever since they removed the sticker. country of origin on meat, then i realized that something needs to be done, so we are working, there is success, we are working even on the other side, there are democrats who help with sponsorship, in fact, the main sponsor in the senate is, as you probably guessed, angus king, he even talks like a meat merchant at a local market, because it’s true that foreign control our food is a bad idea, i hope everyone understands this, but i mean, oh well, so what
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? and this is exactly what the bill of rights will be, if you haven’t realized it yet, well, that’s exactly how it should be, it was nice to meet you, thank you for your courage, for the clarity of your position, i hope people hear you, thomas massii from kentucky, thank you.
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a deeply secret network of agents of the kiev regime was exposed in crimea; ukrainian security forces created it under the leadership of foreign curators. but the enemy was let down by poor technical preparation, as well as the desire to save on everything possible. fsb officers took full advantage of the miscalculations and neutralized the saboteurs. anton potkovenko got acquainted with the details of the secret schemes of the sbu and gur. this saboteur with the pseudonym sida has two passports. in ukrainian he is viktor ilchun. and according to planted russian pavel kornienko. left documents for him.


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