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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 9:00pm-9:22pm MSK

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we see an increase, which means something terrible probably happened, but this is a cat walking there, she, of course, has no idea. at various times, the celefield complex produced weapons-grade plutonium, operated nuclear power plants, and produced fuel for nuclear power plants. now is this a huge repository of nuclear waste, and an informational occasion for the media, or something more? public opinion is slowly being accustomed to the idea of, well, just think, nuclear weapons, come on.
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vladimir putin has a busy work schedule in the russian north today, first the president took part in the ceremony of raising flags on new nuclear submarine cruisers armed with intercontinental missiles and promised that russia will definitely continue to strengthen its naval power in order to feel safe, and from the north dvinsk nuclear shipbuilding center. russia, today two newest russian submarines are being handed over to the fleet here: krasnoyarsk and emperor alexander ii. the ships have successfully completed state testing, they are ready to raise the flag, allow us to begin. i allow it. i congratulate you on the occasion. good luck to you and white sea, both submarines that the pacific nuclear fleet receives. emperor
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alexander ii is already the seventh ship in the series of borei-class strategic missile carriers. speed ​​29 knots, autonomy approximately 90 days. the initiative to assign a name in honor of the russian emperor belongs to the president. back in 2014, in sevastopol, putin was given the flag of the last lenkor of the russian empire, which also bore the name of alexander ii. and the krasnoyarsk shipbuilding order. we are consistently equipping the navy.
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only from the steppes of the legendary sivmash should three more strategic missile carriers of the barium a class be launched and transferred to the navy . five submarines are being built at the same time, all our plans for the construction of submarine surface ships, we will quantitatively strengthen the combat readiness of the russian navy, from the north the president of dvinsk goes to arkhangelsk, in fact, the region is the northernmost in our country, taking into account the new land and the land of francesif, which are part of it, and although there is no polar night in arkhangelsk, in unlike, say, murmansk today. here, for example, the arctic mortgage has already become dark, at 2% with the central bank key rate of 15% - this is almost an installment plan. the arctic mortgage has become part of the far eastern mortgage program, so the same rules and conditions apply there. young families who took advantage of
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the benefit are in direct contact with the president. we bought a three-room apartment, comfortable, and now we have our own nursery for the child. we quickly got a mortgage without understanding it. ceiling, we took one-room apartment, but i would like to take a larger one, but for this i would really like the amount of the upper ceiling on the mortgage to be not six, for example, but 9 million, so that you can take a larger apartment, for mortgage loans in the arctic zone, i think what we will discuss and i agree with you, this needs to be done, we need to raise this bar, it’s not enough, thank you, just a few days ago.
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for cities in the far east, putin said, can be used as a basis for similar work in the arctic. urban development here was carried out a long time ago and now requires not a targeted, but a comprehensive modernization. regional heads and federal ministers are in touch with putin. the priorities set by the head of state are the modernization of housing and communal services and resettlement from dilapidated areas. accordingly, the minister of construction must pay attention to this and solve it as a priority task. this is a task, well... of colossal complexity and importance, this is what our citizens pay attention to today, of course, these are the programs that have now been adopted, this is the arctic hectare, here we have conquered quite active in 1,700 sites already, and of course, the arctic mortgage, we already have more than 100 employees of
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the military-industrial complex, scientists, i believe that it would be right and fair to extend this program to participants in a special military operation, of course.
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airports, of which three airports, pivek arkhangelsk and chersky, will already be commissioned this year, and two airports, mormonskaya and berengovsky, will be launched next year, after development. constantly growing losses to the front line, and now is still the time of year, not the most convenient for poorly trained fighters and whimsical western
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equipment, the ukrainian military command is clearly in despair, and is about to change its battle tactics. the transition to non-standard forms of warfare, forms prohibited by international law - this is what can be expected from kiev in the very near future, the russian government said, the use of toxic substances. taking into account the experience of the syrian conflict, it is assumed. that accusing the russian armed forces of using chemical weapons will initiate a new anti-russian campaign in the un structures and world media. for this purpose, the security service of ukraine attracted to cooperation the ukrainian company reolab, which specializes in the import of chemical reagents and precursors. this fall, the company imported chemical feed from germany to ukraine. and the outbreak of african plague in zaporozhye last month was a man-made phenomenon.
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authority, they related to the nomenclature and provided the corresponding international quantities of pathogenic microorganisms studied as part of the threat reduction program, conducting research on ukrainian military personnel and the mentally ill, concealing facts of cooperation between ukraine and the united states in the military-biological sphere, international cooperation for peaceful purposes, studying the spread of strains, dangerous pathogens through the migration of birds, bats, studying carriers of the congo-crimean fever and its ... a lot of money, millions of dollars, was allocated to influence ukrainian military personnel, most of it went
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through the metabiota company, in whose activities biden jr. may be involved. however, from their experiments and experimental ukrainians, the states have already made good money on mrna vaccines, the pandemic and the new coronavirus infection, which suggests a conspiracy of various us government structures with the so-called big pharma; the spread of the new coronavirus infection has led to a significant increase in profits. for the inauguration of the new president javier miley, the latter, by the way, honored the guest from
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kiev with a friendly hug, but did not promise cooperation, and in general buenosares met the head of the ukrainian the villages are much cooler. the story of one madman, with these poems, which are now even more popular in argentina, and tang in the capital's colon theater opened a night galloconcert, where he now arrived both as an avid theatergoer and as a president. exactly.
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i met miley himself at the entrance to parliament, “everything” was written on her face. then, when it comes to bringing miley to the oath, after the inauguration of which the deputies and senators were urgently invited to remain in their places, and... he himself went with a speech, quote: to bathe in the masses with esplanade of parliament on american manet. in his speech, miley blasted the outgoing government to smithereens. no government has ever received a worse legacy. usa and dissolve
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the central bank. as for his foreign policy, please have a seat, oh , i want to introduce you to my sister, she is the boss here, a real boss, and what the sister advised, mileya is not reported, but zelensky, who has buried his nose in mileya’s shoulder, many probably , we have already seen these shots, the public emilei presented zelensky with a jewish minor, as they say, everything he could, but the russian ambassador, feaktistov, was also at the inauguration. russia, as a representative of the president of the russian federation, on behalf of the russian leadership , warmly congratulated javier meley and wished him continued success in the face of the challenges facing argentina. meanwhile, during a general photograph , zelensky was placed with the hungarian orban, who everyone knows what he says about ukraine, our hungarian colleague told a guest from kiev. regarding the issue of ukraine's accession to the eu, the prime minister
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hungary informed the president of ukraine that eu member countries are constantly discussing.
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these are the heads of mastiff dogs, miley has four of them, named after liberal economists, but they are clones of a deceased dog, which he considers his son, that's when after the argentine republic. sergei brilev, with assistance from marcelati and martin begini. news from buenos aires. residents of new regions will be able to take part in the russian presidential elections, despite the martial law imposed there. this decision was approved by the central election commission today. after consultations with the ministry of defense, fsb and leadership of the republics of donbass, as well as zaporozhye and kherson regions. as previously announced at the sbercom center, a method for conducting voting in subject conditions. by this hour, more than 1,300 appeals to the head of state had already been received. anastasia ponko observed how the call center works today. the most popular way
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to ask the president a question is still, traditionally, a telephone call. the call center is open from december 1. during all this time, operators received almost 809,000 calls. by the way, during the day this figure was 740,000 most popular method of sms messages. 290,000 people took advantage of this opportunity. you can send an sms to the number 04040, but they leave their questions to the president not only through calls and sms. you can go to the moscow website to send a written appeal or upload a video question. another way is through chat. bots of special groups on social networks, where you can also send a letter or upload a video. it turns out that the total number of questions sent is 1,333,000. after all, the figure is not final. residents of the country also have a few days to send your questions or call the call center. if we talk about the topics themselves, what concerns citizens is housing and communal services, the social sphere, healthcare and
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a special military operation. these are the topics that are heard most often in the call center. they also call from new people.
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requests, but for now all attention is focused on communicating with residents of the country and collecting questions in the call center. on average, a call takes us 10 minutes or more, that is, it happens that we have to communicate with citizens for half an hour, for half an hour, i would not say that it is difficult, it’s already in progress communication, you ask some leading questions in order to obtain some additional information, thereby formulating exactly this question. this time, two large format direct line press conferences were combined. there are only a few days left before the results of the year with vladimir putin; the president will answer questions from residents of the country live on december 14. anastasia panko, mikhail artyukhin, alexey gorshkov and diana
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devyatkova. news.
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