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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 11, 2023 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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it’s scary, bans were introduced, but they took it and calmly applied it. this story is not about the fact that the british trained on cats, and then nuclear weapons were used against people. in this story, it’s even strange that the british didn’t find a russian trace, or is this already a reason for a new article?
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vladimir putin spent monday in the arkhangelsk region, he arrived there on a working visit, and first received the president in severodvinsk. alexander ii and krasnoyarsk.
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this means that missile carriers are now included in the russian navy. then the head of state held several meetings at once, talked with the first holders of arctic mortgages and held a meeting on the development of arctic cities. the results of vladimir putin’s visit to the region from anastasia efimova. formidable missile carriers that have no equal in their class. emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk completed state tests and begin service in the composition. russian navy. at the flag-raising ceremony, vladimir putin emphasized: nuclear submarines will protect the country’s security for many years, carrying out missions to ensure strategic deterrence. for many years they will reliably protect the security of russia and fulfill the tasks of ensuring strategic deterrence. each of them is armed with intercontinental ballistic missiles. bulava,
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multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the yasen m class also possess formidable weapons. they are equipped with long-range, high-precision missiles and can strike both surface targets and coastal targets. soon the submarine missile carriers emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk will begin to keep watch in pacific. the black sea, the baltic and the caspian, the most important strategic areas. only from the stocks of the legendary sevmash should they be launched and handed over to the navy.
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three more barii a-class strategic missile carriers, and five yasen m-class submarines are being built at the same time . the nuclear-powered cruiser arkhangelsk is also in its final stages. we will definitely implement all our plans for the construction of underwater surface ships. we will strengthen it quantitatively. combat readiness of the russian navy, our naval power in the arctic, the far east, the black sea, the baltic sea, the caspian sea, and in the most important strategic areas of the world's oceans. the solemn ceremony of raising andrei sudur, only after which the ship can be officially considered accepted into service in the navy. comrade commander-in-chief of the navy, nuclear submarine cruiser krasnoyarsk. successfully
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completed state tests and ready to raise the naval flag! comrade supreme commander, the ships have successfully completed state tests. to ready to raise the flag, allow me to proceed , i allow you to raise the flags , after the ceremony the head of state inspected the frigate fleet admiral kasatonov, at the end of march this year he... carried out one of these weapons, russia will feel safe in its longest such ships, vladimir putin wrote in the book of honored guests, and of course, wished him good luck. by the way, future shipbuilders in the region are trained almost from school. as part of his trip to the region, the head of state
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visited school number seven, the first in 32 years in arkhangelsk, opened, as they say, from scratch, from a new legal entity recruiting personnel to students. 1,600 people sat at desks here. for a region where every tenth child studies in the second shift - this is a huge event, in the new educational institution they begin to engage in career guidance from a very early age, the current engineers of the sevmash plant are ready to tell high school students how submarines are made, and even conduct a separate lesson for kids on how to assemble mock-up of a nuclear submarine as a designer. quality of life issues, the head of state discussed the modern appearance of northern towns and villages at a meeting on the development of support settlements.
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an indisputable priority, we have already spoken with the government, the government has been instructed to determine a list of key cities of the russian arctic, for which an appropriate program should be prepared, plans should be prepared, development plans, it includes 16 settlements of large agglomerations. what are the interests of people, what do they need first of all, how accessible are the measures proposed by the state? support. questions, without answers to which it is difficult to talk about the development of cities, and which the head of state asked directly to the residents of these settlements, on the eve of the general meeting, having communicated via video link with the first to issue the so-called arctic mortgage. let me remind you that this is a preferential program similar to
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the far eastern one, which allows you to build or buy housing at 2% per annum. as they told the president , there were no problems with the registration, the mechanism turned out to be accessible and can be extended to include participants. v special military operation, the proposal was made in a conversation with families and was continued at a meeting on urban development , within the framework of which the head of state supported the initiative. it would be right and fair to extend this program to participants in a special military operation, of course, first of all, this is our sacred duty, here we are sitting here, solving a difficult issue, necessary, but we are still warm, you know, safe, and...
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institutions are ready to make an exception. all initiatives in general should be broadly public discussion, the president reminded the heads of the constituent entities, emphasizing that the opinion of local residents should be taken into account as much as possible. at the end of the trip to arkhangelsk. region, the president held a meeting with governor alexander tsybulsky, they discussed the socio-economic, timber industry complex, we are one of the leaders here in terms of implementing priority investment projects, we have implemented 10 projects worth 90 billion rubles, 700 jobs have been created, in general we have good indicators ,
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if you look at the next slide, you can see, among other things, what i said, that in the twenty-third year after february, thanks to the decisions to support the industry in the north-west that were made. we see a restoration in almost the entire range of manufactured products, including even pills, which we had in almost zero condition after the introduction of the ban and... they take them from the united states of america to canada, that is, they thus, frankly speaking, shot themselves in the new and now they charge it three times more expensive, but one of them market participants make good money from this, of course, in the development zone the kiev regime. is preparing a provocation using toxic substances, this was stated by the head of the radiation
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chemical-biological protection troops, igor kirillov. the ministry of defense also reported that the ukrainian armed forces could poison drinking water sources, food supplies and animal feed in russian-controlled territories. details of the crimes of the kiev regime in the material of denis alekseev. constantly growing losses to the front line, and now it’s still time of year, not the most convenient for poorly trained fighters and whimsical western equipment. the ukrainian military command is clearly in despair and will soon change its battle tactics. the transition to non-standard forms of military action, forms prohibited by international law, is what can be expected from kiev in the very near future, the russian ministry of defense said. according to our information, the office of the president of ukraine coordinates the actions of national intelligence services to organize an anti-russian provocation using toxic substances. based on experience syrian conflict, it is assumed that...
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for this purpose, the ukrainian security service has attracted to cooperation the ukrainian company rialab, which specializes in the import of chemical reagents and precursors. this fall, the company imported american-made chemicals from germany to ukraine, which the sbu will be able to use to produce a chemical warfare agent. nature of the african swine fever outbreak. the purpose of such scenarios is to stimulate social tension, growth
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dissatisfaction of the population with the actions of russian authorities, the creation of threats to food security. work with components of biological weapons, research into the causative agents of especially dangerous infections on the territory of independence square has been and is being carried out with financial scientific and technical support from the united states. personnel are also attracted from overseas. ukraine remains a biological testing ground. russia provided nato with all the evidence to the relevant international authorities. they concerned the nomenclature and number of pathogenic microorganisms, studied as part of the threat reduction program, conducting research on ukrainian military personnel and the mentally ill. concealment by ukraine and the united states of facts of military-biological cooperation with the wording of article 10 of the convention, washington and kiev positioned military-biological research as cooperation for peaceful purposes. to study the spread of strains, dangerous pathogens through.
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ready, it is also difficult to explain the high degree of readiness of american manufacturers of mrna vaccines, the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, which suggests about the collusion of various us government agencies with the so-called big pharma: the spread of the new coronavirus to the increased dependence of us developing countries, creating conditions for their further implementation of dual-use programs. there have been no answers to more than two dozen questions from the russian side regarding obvious violations of the requirements of the convention on the prohibition of biological weapons from overseas, and this despite the fact that even among the closest allies of the united states, their
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military-biological activities in ukraine are already raising questions . denis alekseev, lead. the fsdb, together with the investigative committee , uncovered a ukrainian agent network in crimea. 18 people were detained. over the course of the year, the federal security service prevented 19 acts of sabotage and terrorism, including the bombing of railways, power plants and gas pipelines. attempts were also planned on... the leadership of crimea. all the details of the secret schemes of the ukrainian special services, as well as the testimony of detained terrorists in the material of anton potkovenko. this saboteur with the pseudonym sida has two passports. in ukrainian he is viktor ilchun, and according to the russian one planted by pavel kornienko, the left-handed documents were made to him as independent when they were sent to our country through the kiev-controlled part of zaporozhye. sidoi, an experienced saboteur, studied mine explosives in one of the training centers in the territory of the zaporozhye region controlled by the ukrainian armed forces back in 1915. there we were trained for about 2-3
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months, the instructors were georgians who taught us military affairs. i was enrolled in the staff of the aidar volunteer battalion. aidar - the same one banned in russia national battalion, which is associated with so many atrocities , torture, abductions of civilians in donbass. kyiv even had to disband it. the tasks of sabotage in russia this year were assigned to former aidarovets sidom by gur’s employee svyatoslav shevchenko. the explosive components were carried across the border by couriers who were used in the dark, that is, they did not know anything, they simply delivered packages of flour, baby food and household items.
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some kind of malfunction prevented them from doing, completing the work, after a while shevchenko called and said that they needed to find a place to blow up a railway track, this spring the sidogo terrorist group blew up a section of the railway in the village of chistenkaya, simferopol district
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, a freight train came off the rails, fortunately no one was killed. ilcha was identified as sidov and the operative was detained.
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the united states in afghanistan, i was part of a mission, a mission to somalia in '93, '94, where we tried to recreate the legal and judicial system of somalia.
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of course, civilian casualties are what we have to protect in these conflict zones, no. doubt that weapons supplied to a conflict zone, let's say, to put it mildly, have a destructive effect on any
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prospects for resolving such a conflict, and arms sales continue any conflict, i think that for the security council you need to think about how a conflict can be presented, even? and we know that in this organization the process of reconciliation and settlement of conflicts is very protracted, during which time people die. how long can it take to reach agreements that will put an end to the killing of people? let's take the korean war. from 50 to 1953. negotiations began in fifty-one. and came to an end after 575 meetings, in the year fifty-three already, already during this time several million
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koreans, vietnamese and chinese died, and several tens of thousands of americans. now the united states is supplying weapons to several conflicts, to several conflict zones in ukraine in...
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war-ven is a situation where, when the military-industrial complex, and former officials of our government will not work in the military-industrial complex, such a huge number of weapons encourages politicians and industrialists
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to say that the whole issue of armaments and peace, that when peace negotiations begin, it seems to me that the united states is supposedly behind, well , according to some documents, for example, the former german chancellor, is it clear? that his efforts to start peace negotiations between ukraine and russia were torpedoed by the states, we
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must work for peace, i would like to mention that the whole issue of civilian deaths in ukraine.
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so that the un general assembly takes up this issue, in conclusion, the words that were written for children, a child writes in gas, i write my name on my leg.
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today, for the overwhelming majority of residents of this country, it is obvious that their implementation would be the best solution for ukraine, which would allow, under conditions of behavior normal for a democratic society, to preserve interethnic peace and territorial integrity. however, instead, the ukrainian president and his accomplices, as we now know for certain from the revelations of former western politicians, with the help of the united states, their allies, were actively arming themselves and were preparing for war with russia.
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the result is obvious to everyone today. hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed, economic devastation, total corruption and a brutal dictatorship.


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