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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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vladimir putin spent monday in the arkhangelsk region, where he arrived on a working visit. first, in severodvinsk , the president took part in the ceremony of raising the st. andrew's flag on the new nuclear submarines emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk. this means that missile carriers are now included in the russian navy. then the head of state held several meetings at once, talked with the first holders of arctic mortgages and held a meeting on the development of arctic cities. anastasia's results of vladimir putin's visit to the region efimova.
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formidable missile carriers that have no equal in their class, emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk have completed state tests and are beginning service in the russian navy. at the flag-raising ceremony, vladimir putin emphasized that nuclear-powered submarines will protect the country's security for many years, performing missions to ensure strategic deterrence. they will reliably protect russia's security for many years. carry out tasks to ensure strategic deterrence, each of them is armed with intercontinental bulava ballistic missiles. multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the yasen m class also possess formidable weapons. they are equipped with long-range, high-precision missiles and can strike both surface targets and coastal targets. very
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soon, the submarine missile carriers emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk will begin to keep watch in the pacific fleet and guard the far eastern borders of the fatherland. moreover, as the president emphasized, equipping the domestic fleet with the most modern equipment is proceeding consistently with an increase namely syrian production, which means strengthening the power of the state in the arctic, the far east, the black sea, the baltic, etc.
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arkhangelsk, we will definitely implement all our plans for the construction of underwater surface ships. we will quantitatively strengthen the combat readiness of the russian navy, our naval power in the arctic, the far east, the black sea, the baltic sea, the caspian sea, and in the most important strategic areas of the world. the solemn ceremony of raising the st. andrew's flag is not only a tribute to a beautiful tradition, but also a mandatory procedure, only after it, the ship can be officially considered accepted into service with the navy. comrade commander-in -chief of the navy, nuclear submarine cruiser krasnoyarsk, has successfully completed state tests for raising the naval flag, are you ready? comrade supreme commander, the ships have successfully completed state trials.
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ready to raise the flag, allow me to proceed , i allow you to raise the flags, after the ceremony the head of state inspected the frigate fleet admiral kasatonov, at the end of march. this year he completed one of his longest campaigns were 420 days, and 10 days ago he completed a number of planned combat training tasks. with such sailors, with such ships with such weapons, russia will feel safe - vladimir putin wrote in the book of honorary guests and, of course, wished good luck. by the way, future shipbuilders in the region are trained almost from school. as part of his trip to the region, the head of state visited school number seven. the first in 32 years. in arkhangelsk
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opened, as they say, from scratch, from new legal entity recruiting staff to students, 1600 people sat at desks here for a region where every tenth child studies in the second shift, this is a huge... event and in the new educational institution they begin to engage in career guidance from a very early age. the current engineers of the sevmash plant are ready to tell high school students how submarines are made, and even conduct a separate lesson for kids on how to assemble a model of a nuclear submarine, like a construction set. the head of state discussed issues of quality of life and the modern appearance of northern towns and villages at meeting on the development of support settlements of the arctic zone, which , as the president emphasized, has for...
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the government, the government has instructions to determine a list of support cities of the russian arctic, for which an appropriate program should be prepared, plans should be prepared, development plans included in it included 16 settlements of large agglomerations. what are the interests of people, what do they need first of all, how accessible are the support measures proposed by the state, questions that remain unanswered? it is difficult to talk about the development of cities, and which... the head of state asked directly to the residents of these settlements . on the eve of the general meeting, we talked via video link with the first to issue the so-called arctic mortgage. let me remind you that this is a preferential program similar to the far eastern one, which allows you to build or buy housing at 2%
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per annum. as the president was told, there were no problems with registration, the mechanism turned out to be accessible and can be extended , including to participants in the special military operations. the proposal was made in a conversation with her. and was continued at a meeting on urban development, during which the head of state supported the initiative. it would be right and fair to extend this program to participants in a special military operation, of course, first of all , this is our sacred duty, here we are sitting here, solving a difficult issue, necessary, but we are still warm, you know, safe, and the guys there on the front line and... in the mud, and under bullets, and under shells, never we must forget about this. in addition, it would be correct, i also agree with this, to remove the requirements for work experience in the arctic regions in order to obtain preferential mortgages for employees of medical institutions. i support this
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initiative and ask the government to extend this opportunity not only to medical workers, but to teaching staff. this is another proposal that the president supported: to remove the requirement for the work experience of the recipient of an arctic mortgage; now only those who have worked for the enterprise in the region is 5 years old, but we are ready to make an exception for employees of medical and educational institutions. all initiatives should undergo broad public discussion, the president reminded the heads of the constituent entities, emphasizing that the opinion of local residents should be taken into account as much as possible. at the end of the trip to the arkhangelsk region,
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thanks to the decisions to support the industry in the north-west that were made, we see a recovery in almost the entire range of manufactured products, including even the pillets that we had in almost zero condition after the introduction of the ban and before the sanctions, almost 100% were sent to european ones, yes, and those who refused to take our pills in europe, where do they get them now, i think i probably know for sure that they take them three times more expensive and they take it. in the united states of america in canada , that is, they, frankly speaking , shot themselves in the noobs and are now charging three times as much, but some of the market participants are making good money on this, of course, in the svo zone, the kiev regime is preparing provocation using toxic substances, this
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was stated by the head of the radiation, chemical biological defense troops, igor kirillov. the ministry of defense also reported that the ukrainian armed forces could poison sources of drinking water, food supplies and feed for... they will change battle tactics. the transition to non-standard forms of warfare, forms prohibited by international law, is what can be expected from kiev in the very near future, the russian ministry of defense said. according to our information, the office of the president of ukraine coordinates the actions of national special services to organize an anti-russian provocation using toxic substances. taking into account. experience of the syrian conflict, it is assumed that accusing the russian armed forces of using
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chemical weapons will initiate a new anti-russian campaign in the un structures and the world media. for this purpose, the ukrainian security service invited the ukrainian company rialap, which specializes in the import of chemical reagents and precursors, to cooperate. this fall the company imported from germany to ukraine will receive american- made chemicals that the sbu will be able to use. for the production of a chemical warfare agent for provocations, including in territories where russian troops are entrenched. there, ukrainian saboteurs are already actively using animal pathogens to infect water bodies, food supplies, feed; the outbreak of african plague in zaporozhye last month is a man-made phenomenon, that’s for sure. in november 2023, in the village of chernigovka, zaporozhye region, specialists from the ministry defense of russia. together with rosselkhor , the predictable nature of the outbreak of african swine fever was established. the purpose of such
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scenarios is to stimulate social tension, increase public dissatisfaction with the actions of russian authorities, and create threats to food security. work with components of biological weapons, research into pathogens of especially dangerous infections on the territory of square were and are being carried out with financial scientific and technical support from the united states. personnel are also attracted because ocean. ukraine remains a nato biological testing site. russia provided all the evidence to the relevant international authorities. they concerned the nomenclature and number of pathogenic microorganisms studied as part of the threat reduction program. conducting research on ukrainian military personnel and the mentally ill. concealment by ukraine and the united states of facts of cooperation in the military-biological sphere of international reporting under the btwc. hiding behind the wording of article 10 of the convention, washington and kiev...
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take, for example, the period of the covid pandemic, for which, by suspicious chance , american vaccine manufacturers were ready. it is also difficult to explain the high degree of readiness of american manufacturers of mrna vaccines, the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection, which suggests a conspiracy of various us government agencies with the so-called big pharma. the spread of the new coronavirus infection has led to a significant increase in the profits of biotech corporations due to the creation of vaccines and drugs against coronavirus. a also to increasing the dependence of developing countries on the united states, creating conditions for
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their further implementation of dual-use programs. there were no answers to more than two dozen questions from the russian side regarding obvious violations of the requirements of the convention on the prohibition of biological weapons from overseas. and this despite the fact that even among the closest allies of the united states, their military-biological activities in ukraine are already raising questions. denis alekseev, lead. together with the investigative committee, they uncovered a ukrainian intelligence network in crimea and were detained 18 people, during the year the federal security service prevented 19 acts of sabotage and terrorism, including the bombing of railways, power plants and gas pipelines. attempts were also planned on the leadership of crimea. all the details of the secret schemes of the ukrainian special services, as well as the testimony of detained terrorists in the material of anton potkovenko. this saboteur with the pseudonym sida has two passports, in ukrainian he. and according to the russian one planted by pavel kornienko, the left documents were made for him in the nezalezhnye when they were sent to our country through
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kiev-controlled part of zaporozhye. a gray-haired saboteur with experience, back in the fifteenth year he studied mine explosives in one of the training centers in the territory of the zaporozhye region controlled by the armed forces of ukraine. there we were trained for about 2-3 months, the instructors were georgians who taught us military affairs, i was included in the staff. aidar. aidar is the same national battalion banned in russia, with which so many atrocities, torture, abductions of civilians in donbass are associated. kiev even had to disband it. task. on sabotage in russia this year, the former aidarovets sidom was choreographed by gur employee svyatoslav shevchenko. the explosive components were carried across the border by couriers who were used in the dark, that is, they did not know anything, they simply delivered packages of flour, baby food and household chemicals, the gray-haired man accepted the parcels and prepared hiding places. is everything okay with you there? yes, in short, well, everything
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is simple there, just what, what’s next, what about what you sent. four pieces, where should they go, okay, wait for instructions, these are ilchun’s accomplices, personnel employees national guard of ukraine, darin aslanov and ruslan nichaev, they were sent to simferopol, where the saboteurs had to actively get acquainted with men on social networks in order to find out details about the guru objects of interest. they were supposed to launch a drone with an explosive on the territory of an oil depot in the feodosia region. but upon arrival they were in a bad mood, they said that they had lost the drone, since their air defense, or some kind of malfunction, prevented them from doing, completing the work, after a
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while shevchenko called and said that they needed find a place to uh blow up the railway track. this spring , the sidogo terrorist group blew up a section of the railway in the village of chistenkaya, simferopol region. a freight train has left the rails. fortunately , no one died. ilchun sidov was identified and detained by fsb operatives. an agent of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, kirill baranik, also specialized in railway sabotage. a crimean from the so -called zhdunov, after the start of the northern military district, he flew through egypt to europe, and then to ukraine. to join the terrorist defense, but they didn’t take him there and baranik became a volunteer in lvov, where the guru employees contacted him and recruited him without difficulty. i was trained in odessa, where there were blocks in which i was trained, this was a block on how to communicate with the guru’s employees. there was an intelligence unit. one of my tasks was to blow up
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a railway track. eh, under the leadership of my supervisor , the russian special services were caught red-handed, this saboteur vyacheslav peskunov did not have time to undermine the path, although he prepared for a long time. by the smartphone, therefore, received an order from a representative of the ukrainian special services to purchase 20 kg of saltpeter, 6.8 kg of aluminum powder,
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a cable 200-250 long and a canister, a twenty-liter canister for gasoline. i received an order to go outside of sevastopol beyond the mykensiv mountains station, find a place where all the tracks converge at the bottom and see where it is convenient, which means laying this canister for the subsequent explosion of the railway track. peskunov inspected the site of the alleged sabotage and concluded that it was too crowded, reported to the curator and he was given a cancellation, but that was not the only thing. saboteur's task. in october, peskunov blew up the car of a russian serviceman in dzhankoy. there was no one in the car, so the sabotage failed. during the search, explosives, weapons and ammunition were found on peskunov. he faces a serious sentence. like sergei fomenko, the pseudonym of aragorn, who damaged the railway track in the feodosia region. i came to the place, put the srikchatka under the rails, under the left rail at
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the bottom, walked away 500 meters and produced. there were no casualties as a result of the sabotage, only stopped moving. blow up the car of the commander of one of the military units of feodosia. while surveillance of him, fomenko was detained by fsb officers. another agent, sergei erzhov, was recruited by the sbu to the independent, threatening him with prison for dual citizenship of russia and ukraine. they made him a demolitionist. the fuses showed what was what , what it was, how it was connected, how it was fastened, what buttons it was, how it could work. erzhov received the pseudonym gray, through moldova and istanbul, flew from ukraine to moscow, and then to crimea. received the task from a certain alexander. i set the task that we need to find a gas main. blow up the pipe in any convenient place. agent sery blew up a gas pipeline in the village of kariiz, after the sabotage he went to kokhtybel to hide, and it was there that fsb operatives caught him. another
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saboteur from the ukrainian agent network in crimea, pavel levchenko, evaded mobilization in ukraine, and the gurovites caught him on this. namely this character, ruslan konashko. he discussed with levchenko different options for terrorist attacks. you can pay attention there from time to time. levchenko received the pseudonym murchik and was tasked with blowing up gas pipelines and railway tracks in crimea. during the 11 months of my stay in crimea, i carried out three explosions, this was the explosion of a gas pipe that failed on baloklavskaya street. in the city of simferopol, the explosion of a railway track in the area of ​​the village of kirovskaya, which also did not lead to the derailment,
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then the detonation of a railway track in the area of ​​the vladislavovka railway station, which also did not lead to the derailment of the train. ukrainian saboteurs are often prepared hastily, they are given a minimum amount of money for operational expenses, our special services react quickly and harshly, hence the failures. gur and sbu. anton potkovenko, lead. vladimir putin today in the arkhangelsk region, in severodvinsk, the president boarded the frigate of the northern fleet, admiral kasatonov, inspected the weapons system and left an entry in the book of honorable visitors. took part in the solemn ceremony of raising naval flags on the new russian nuclear submarine cruisers
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emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk. according to putin, these missile carriers have no equal in their class. dear comrades, i greet you on this significant day. on the day when on nuclear submarines. emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk, naval flags are raised, and these formidable missile carriers, which have no equal in their class, begin service in our navy. we are consistently equipping the navy with the most modern equipment and weapons. and i will emphasize. we are engaged in increasing serial production. so, emperor alexander ii. this is the seventh ship in the series of borei-class strategic missile carriers. a
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the cruiser krasnoyarsk is the fourth ship in the series of yasen-class multi-purpose nuclear boats. i note that the assignment of the submarine missile carrier to the barei class, the name in honor of outstanding commanders. the goal of ensuring strategic deterrence. each of them is armed with bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles.
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multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the yasen m class also possess formidable weapons. they are equipped with long-range, high-precision missiles and can strike both surface targets and coastal targets. already. coming soon underwater the missile carriers emperor alexander ii and krasnoyarsk will begin to keep watch in the pacific fleet and guard the far eastern borders of the fatherland. we will definitely implement all our plans for the construction of underwater surface ships. we will quantitatively strengthen the combat readiness of the russian navy, our naval power in... the arctic in the far east, the black sea, the baltic sea, the caspian sea, and in the most important strategic areas
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of the world's oceans. in the west... on the one hand, the western media are writing about our imminent victory in ukraine, on the other, with all their might intimidate europeans. the main message is that the kremlin supposedly will not stop there and will go further, which means that it is necessary to devote all its efforts to supporting kiev and its own rearmament. thus, the western audience is preparing for a long war against our country. this creates a huge amount of waste; in finland they even came up with a theory that in 1925.
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he gathered almost all of europe to attack russia. we defeated him. after this aggression we became stronger. in the middle of the last century , hitler did the same. he put under their command of most european countries to start aggression against us. he too was defeated. after that war, we became stronger, and the result of the war unleashed by the united states using ukraine against russia is already visible. you mentioned nato expansion. but the main result for us and for others who will feel it later is that russia has already become much stronger than it was before
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these events.” and so it will be after the end of the war. traveling musicians? we have a bright leader. legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour. this is my group, hello, where have you been before, why have i never seen you, i fell in love with the princess, but the king is interfering with our love, we can’t do without deception, i’m after you with tempting palaces, they will never replace freedom, call the schikov , accepted,
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grab them, tale. which the donkey , the dog, the cat, the cockerel were waiting for, they called themselves the bremen town musicians, the bremen town musicians, i actually sing too, soon!
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today, of course, the western media cannot get over the fact that the former leader of austria, karen knasel, said this about vladimir putin. i don't i say that vladimir putin is your close friend, but you met. based on your meetings, what kind of person do you think he is? he is the most educated gentleman, i emphasize, just a gentleman.


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