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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on december 12, 1817 , manesh opened in moscow. it was built for the fifth anniversary of the victory over napoleon for military exercises for 2.0 people. the unique structure of wooden trusses under the roof, designed by augustin betoncourt, allowed the construction of a 45 m wide building without internal supports. there were no analogues to such a structure at that time. a friend designed the façade. famous
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architect osif bawe, very quickly the place for maneuvers began to be used for horseback competitions, in the middle of the 19th century for exhibitions and concerts, at the end of the century a cyclists club was located in manege, leo tolstoy mastered the bicycle here. at the beginning of the 20th century, the building was given over to a government garage, then again as an exhibition hall. in 2004 , the arena burned down almost completely, but it was restored, and today it is again a museum and exhibition association. on december 12 , 1875, the russian scientist and military engineer pavel yablochkov made one of the main discoveries of the 19th century, he invented artificial lighting, the so-called electric the candle that illuminated the largest cities in europe and latin america was based on a new principle of an arc lamp using a simple reliable circuit, coal... walls with
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a porcelain insert that served as a conductor of electricity. newspapers all over the world wrote that russian light is a miracle of our time. yablochkov received the patent in paris. in 1878 the bolshoi theater was illuminated. his candles had a flaw. they had to be changed every hour and a half, but they were inexpensive. in addition, yablochkov was the first to develop a system for crushing electric current, created generators, batteries, dynamos and other devices of original design. ushered in the era of electricity. on december 12, 1942, near stalingrad, the wehrmacht launched operation winter storm to unlock the sixth army. its commander, friedrich paulus, wanted to break through to his own, but hitler did not allow it, this meant leaving stalingrad, the nazi leader hoped for victory and underestimated the red army. general field marshal erich von manstein was instructed to strike in the area of ​​​​the village of kotelnikovo and break through the ring environment. the german group was strengthened
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by fresh units from other sectors, even from germany and france. it consisted of about 80 thousand people, 500 tanks and assault guns. at first, the germans were successful, but our units held out until the arrival of the second guards army, which drove back the nazis, who lost almost all of their equipment. these events were described by front-line writer yuri bondurev in his novel hot snow, which was based on the film of the same name. 60 years ago. december 1963, a new independent state appeared on the world map - kenya. it is located in east africa, which has been divided by colonialists since the 16th century. the british took over. after the first world war , they finally ousted their competitors , the germans. kenya gave them huge incomes thanks to the production of tea, coffee, wheat, and cotton. local tribes were exploited and expelled from their lands. a national liberation movement arose. his
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white settlers burned their farms and were raised by the kikuyu tribe. the rebels attacked the colonialists, they were shot, tortured and imprisoned in concentration camps. at least 20 died thousand africans, 100.00 people were sent to reservations, but freedom was won. and today kenya is one of the most developed and influential states in africa. today we celebrate the day of the constitution of the russian federation, exactly 30 years ago... on december 12, 1993, it was adopted by popular vote. the basic law of our state was developed by all political and social forces over several years, hampered by the opposition of the executive legislative branches of government represented by the supreme council. parliamentarians are not made compromises and wanted to deprive the president of key powers. after the events of early october ninety-third, the constitutional meeting completed the preparation of the draft document for it. about 60%
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of voters voted. the constitution enshrined the principle of separation of powers and the federal structure of the state. the president was proclaimed its head, with a duty to protect. the constitution, human and civil rights and freedoms, sovereignty, independence and state integrity of russia. this is what this day was like stories. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we’ll tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. well, i sold it, so what? nalivayki are ruining the lives of russians; they have found a loophole through which they can pour not only strong drinks, but also beer. the state duma declared war on the illegal trade in alcohol. forward to a technological breakthrough. the government needs to pay more
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attention to territories with high scientific and technological potential. the deputy prime minister spoke about state policy in the field of scientific research and innovation. labor of no one i haven't ruined it yet. new rules in schools: return labor lessons, remove smartphones. this was also very distracting and unfocused for the children. there is a small gas leak. don’t be arrogant with gas; ensure access for specialists. the state duma is tightening responsibility. they risk not only their lives, but also the lives of other people who live nearby in the neighborhood. and also, what will be the threat? live: for whom the bank commission has been canceled when paying for housing and communal services and how to make life in the countryside better, these and other topics are further in our program. residents of high-rise buildings throughout russia are waiting for this.
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the state duma approved in the first reading a bill that gives regions the opportunity to fight left-wingers. these are neighborhood shops and pseudo-cafes that illegally sell alcohol. the law will also not allow attribution. alcoholic drinks have special properties, for example, medicinal properties and misleading names. about protecting the health of russians, report by dmitry oreshkin. it’s the beginning of the 12th night, an activist disguised as a buyer enters a grocery store store and takes two bottles of alcohol, the seller calmly opens them at the checkout and releases the goods. just at this moment the police arrive at the scene. in this store in the south of the capital, when asked why you sell alcohol at night, a woman answers stereotypedly, i didn’t notice how dark it was,
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you didn’t look at the time, this is the third time we ’ve been in this store. sell, sell, sell, these are typical examples of so-called liqueurs, during the day they work like a regular store, at night they turn into a pseudo-cafe, put a table, a chair and that’s it, they say we are now a bar, but everyone who wants to sit in such a place will not be able to sit, there is not enough space, and this is not necessary, the goal is completely different, we found a loophole through which it is possible to pour not only strong drinks. drinks, but also beer, other drinks that lead to disastrous consequences, noise , drunken brawls in apartment buildings in the adjacent territory, and there we have playgrounds, where residents relax, there are
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specific examples around the country when only in one area the police are called to such drinking establishments more than 200 times a year, residents of apartment buildings should be... an absolutely correct initiative, i am sure that citizens have been waiting for such a decision from deputies for a long time. earlier, vyacheslav volodin conducted a survey in his telegram channel. more than 200,000 people took part in it, about 80% of them support the ban on the night sale of alcohol in liqueurs. one of the provisions
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of the bill allows regions to introduce temporary restrictions on the sale of alcohol at public catering outlets located specifically in apartment buildings. this will exclude opportunity. exploit loopholes, such as releasing open bottles to customers at night. this does not apply to respectable entrepreneurs who create public pits and cafes. honestly with your business, let’s say a cafe or restaurant, we don’t prohibit selling
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alcohol in a restaurant or cafe, if you honestly run your business, then who will close you down? regions are given all the necessary tools to restore order in this area, and what to do if local authorities do not want to toughen the fight against left-wingers, they will also decide that only after consulting with residents can a ban be introduced, and a general meeting be held on...
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legal entities are closed in one place, opened nearby in the neighborhood, and so on, so in order for this not to happen, it was necessary we would like to additionally look at the possibilities of tightening administrative, maybe criminal, legislation, and we are ready to discuss the issues of amending the kaap in the criminal code, the topic is certainly very important. however, the bill prohibits give alcoholic products names that are misleading to consumers, attribute special properties to alcohol, including medicinal ones, and indicate in the names products that are not included in the composition. we will protect our citizens from low-quality alcoholic products, which, well, following the example of the notorious mr. cider, unfortunately takes place, and as everyone knows, mr. cider already had nothing to do with the drink... had nothing to do with it. another provision of the bill introduces a ban on the addition of ethyl alcohol to alcoholic products,
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if this is not provided for by state standards. in addition, liqueurs will not be able to produce beer drinks from purchased beer. if finally adopted, the bill will come into force on april 1 next year. dmitry oreshkin, andrey tarasov, sergey vergunov, alexander shavirin, elena zhilnina, duma tv. parliamentary hour. mobile phones will not be used in school lessons, except in emergency situations. the state duma adopted amendments to the law on education in the final reading. you and i are increasing the effectiveness of education, child, when you come to class, you will not be distracted by your phone; teachers, for their part , will also not be on gadgets, only in exceptional cases, when there is a threat to the child’s life or some kind of emergency.
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that the children communicated via telephone. the state duma supported another important amendment proposed by vyacheslav volodin. labor lessons are being returned to schools as a compulsory subject. labor has never spoiled anyone. when it comes to boys and girls, we need to prepare for adult life. all this is reflected in our law. this is also everyone's request parents. labor education is an integral part of the educational process. this year , the state duma adopted a law that allows students.
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in schools, so the safety committee will request information from the investigative committee and the prosecutor's office about incoming requests related to bullying in educational institutions, in turn , the education committee has worked on ... a legislative definition of the very concept of bullying, the committee for the protection of family issues will join this work paternity, maternity and childhood, as well as specialized vice-speakers. need to moving in the direction of creating in schools, finally the opportunity for the work of specialists who will identify difficult teenagers at an early stage and work with
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them. let me remind you that on the morning of december 7 , an eighth-grader started shooting at the bryansk gymnasium, as a result they died. two people, including the attacker herself, several more schoolchildren were injured. parents will have the right to retain benefits upon early termination of maternity leave. pensioners will be exempt from paying bank commissions when paying for housing and communal services, and people with low incomes are guaranteed an increased interest rate on their deposit. about these and other bills of the week in our review. the state duma adopted a law banning banks and credit organizations.
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adopted laws that will allow parents to retain the right to child care benefits for up to one and a half years if they go to work early, even if the mother works for another employer during maternity leave. the current norm that allows a woman on maternity leave for up to one and a half years to receive benefits and work only at home or part-time. after acceptance, the woman will be able to maintain
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benefits and work full-time, including with another employer. prepared on behalf of the president, the new norms will come into force on january 1, all necessary funds are included in the federal budget. two bills passed this week in the first reading are designed to restore order in the intellectual property market. the first explains how intellectual rights can be divided when a large number of people are working on a product, while it it was impossible. this is not a division of things, not apartments there, of a plot of land. but it is quite possible to agree on who made what contribution to a specific object, if there is no such agreement, then it is quite possible that this can be resolved through the court, in addition, there are situations when a participant in this intellectual product, he passes
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away , for example, this contribution of his can be inherited, this particular share, this is also very important, the second problem... which the deputies are deciding is what to do with the so-called orphans works, such as films, paintings, music, books, whose author is unknown and whose copyright has not expired. today there are no legal ways to use them. according to the initiative, a special organization will be entrusted with managing them, which will issue licenses for the use of works if the author cannot be found. banks are required to open social deposit accounts with special conditions for low-income citizens. it is no secret that today credit institutions operate on the principle: the less money a person stores in bank, the lower his interest rate. according to the bill, low-income russians will be able to open a social contribution of up to 50,000 rubles. and receive monthly interest at a rate higher than the key rate of the central bank at the time of accrual. for example, now it is 16%. the initiative was adopted in the first reading.
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it will be possible to open such a deposit or account only through the state services portal. receive the status of a social entrepreneur, and with it the support of the state, these are, for example, grants, tax breaks or property lease. on the other hand, the adopted law will help you quickly find a job and integrate into. a peaceful life for those who return home from the svo. let us note that for the final reading, the deputies expanded the list of categories. we propose to support individuals who are not combat veterans, but
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who have served in the military or carried out the tasks assigned to them within the framework of the military military district. these are police officers, the russian national guard, vsinov, the fsp and the ministry of emergency situations. the original edition included only those who served in the military. russia will create joint combat training facilities with the republic of belarus. the state duma ratified international agreement, the document was introduced by president vladimir putin. in such centers , military personnel of the two states will undergo joint training and practically practice combat duty tasks to increase the level of coherence and combat proficiency. improve residential gas safety by increasing responsibility. the state duma adopted in the first reading a bill that introduces fines for unauthorized actions. equipment punishment for refusing to let gas specialists into the apartment. details in the report elena zhelnina. shots that are shocking, even
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if you see it not for the first time. people's lives are literally ending before our eyes under concrete rubble. two rescuers and five residents die as a result of a gas explosion in balashikha. zarama also turned it inside out, the refrigerator opened. i saw smoke and there was a very terrible scream right there, it was women, a terrible explosion, all the glass fell, well, it was as if they saved us like that, that we were sleeping , we woke up from the blast, from the noise, i looked out the window, there was smoke, they ran to balcony, tried to open the door, the front door was not opened, and we tried, it jammed, and the door jammed due to the fact that the building was askew, investigation. showed that a gas leak occurred in one of the apartments, and the ventilation duct was filled with concrete; the tragedy in the moscow region was not an isolated incident; in 2023 alone,
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28 such accidents were recorded in russia. chips associated with gas equipment claim the lives of hundreds of people every year. all-russian statistics. more often than not, this occurs due to system malfunctions. the cause of 70% of accidents is lack of draft in smoke or ventilation. once a year there is a mandatory inspection, it comes and more often at the request of the residents, i check the tap for gas leaks, i have a special device that shows the leak, and that now there is a small gas leak, the tap needs to be changed. natalya ksenzuk admitted that she didn’t even feel a foreign smell in her house, this is a danger, you can’t pay attention to a small leak, so the help of a specialist was very helpful
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, by the way, some residents do not allow specialists in, i don’t understand such people, because they risk not only yours life, but also the lives of other people who live here next door, is it really so difficult to let in a person, a specialist who will check and fix it in time, that’s how i, for example, have an alarming situation, the apartment frankly smells of gas, there is no way to get into it , the gas workers shut off the riser, if at this stage there is a problem, the entire entrance is disconnected from the gas. have there been such cases in your practice? were, blocked, the police responded well, because it was after all security, they opened the apartments, stopped the plug, and launched gas directly to the remaining residents. for those who do not allow gas workers into their apartments, it was decided to increase fines. five times, legislators are convinced that this needs to be done to protect people, it is proposed to set the fine for individuals in the amount
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of 5 to 10 thousand rubles, so this is a fairly significant fine, which, of course , will make most people think about whether to let them in or not gas service employees to the house to check. they do not go unnoticed and are legalized for violating the requirements for the procedure for performing gas diagnostics. equipment in houses and apartments of responsibility. more for poor quality equipment maintenance, they increase fines for employees from 25 to 100,000 rubles, for legal entities from 2,000 rubles to 500,000 rubles. in the state duma they notice that when introducing new norms , you need to clearly understand when a person deliberately creates obstacles for gas workers during inspections, when not, and residents of apartment buildings and service companies need to meet halfway, these are mainly... older people who are simply afraid to let in apartments and you offer further increase responsibility, fine them, and take away, therefore, a small pension. well, this
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was one of the comments of the committee, we really drew attention to this, that it is indeed proposed to strengthen the responsibility for citizens, and such an approach requires, from our point of view, additional justification for each of the compositions. we will look at this very carefully at the second reading stage. communists propose to look at the problem more broadly. water heaters, gas stoves, they are already worn out. and according to these same experts, 40% of the population is already worn out. that is, translating over the figures, in 17 million households, gas stoves or water heaters require replacement. the bill was adopted in the first reading, but the state duma is already thinking about the next step: increasing fines alone will not solve the problem. experts more often talk about installing additional sensors in residential buildings: gas analyzers automatically shut off the source of the leak. in this case, an accident can be avoided with even greater probability. elena.
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin visited the all-russian public organization of veterans combat brotherhood. the meeting was attended by its leader, hero of the soviet union, colonel general boris gromov and his first deputy dmitry sablin. we discussed issues of social support for veterans and solving family problems.
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families of military personnel, thanks to the work of veteran public organizations, such support becomes more effective, vyacheslav volodin emphasized, one of our tasks is to create conditions for veteran organizations to work, to provide them with assistance and support, so that families, guys who are fighting, felt cared for, were surrounded by attention, see part two. our program. innovations for a technological breakthrough, details of the government hour in the state duma. the development of rural areas is a unique example of a boarding school in the smolensk region, as well as new decisions of deputies to protect biometric personal data.
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one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from a regiment and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, miraculously did not kill anyone to death, what is the difficulty, her mother is important at court individual. cheryu is all right, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl is repentant, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat oysters, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, sybil, sybil, yes i’ll tell you now i’ll cut out your tongue, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it together, so i’d tear you
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apart with horses.


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