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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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topizza, coming soon.
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look at how very safely they kept the drugs, you can be sure that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy.
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future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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the parliamentary hour program is on air, we continue. the state duma unanimously adopted an appeal to the un about the violation of the convention on the rights of the child by the kiev regime. kiev, in cooperation with western non-governmental organizations, covers up the targeted abduction of children for their export abroad. it is said in the document
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, but international organizations do not seem to notice this, this is black transplantation, this is being drawn into sexual exploitation, as well as involving teenagers in committing crimes of a terrorist nature, murder, violence, all of this, unfortunately, has absolutely no reaction from the world community. instead of spending money on sustainable development and social policy, the west finances military operations and feeds terrorist groups in kiev, she noted vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova. today , the kiev regime acts as a catalyst for crimes against children, and these crime metastases are spreading throughout the world, and this poses serious risks not only for the russian federation, but also for other states. the brutal regime in the very center of europe today, which...
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unfortunately serves as a repetition of many mistakes that were made by the united states when there were crimes against children, may have revealed precedents for supporting terrorist organizations that turned their weapons against. in the meantime, as long as the united states continues to provide assistance to kiev, the killing of civilians and unwanted politicians will not stop. this is how vyacheslav volodin commented on the death of ex- verkhovna rada deputy ilya kieva. the murder of a former deputy of the verkhovna rada, the murder of civilians, political scientists, all this is the work of the kiev criminal regime. while the united states of america. they will help him, this will continue, zelensky is a terrorist, all this comes with his consent, is approved at the level of the leadership of the armed forces forces of ukraine, but they must understand that this will not go unanswered, they will have to answer, the fight against the kiev regime must
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be continued, emphasized vyacheslav volodin. nazism cannot be allowed to raise its head; there is now awareness of the criminality of zelensky’s actions in different countries of the world. not by chance. today, a number of european countries have expressed their tough position regarding the impossibility of further supporting the kiev regime, because these countries know what the kiev government is like, to keep up with the times, the state duma has strengthened protection of personal biometric data, such as voice, fingerprints, photographs, irises; among the authors of the initiative are the chairman of the state duma and faction leaders. what changes have been adopted, why there is a need for this , daniil bisarapov, deputy chairman of the committee on state construction legislation, told alexander laktionov in an exclusive interview. a new structure has been established; it provides for liability for violation of the requirements
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of the law when processing personal biometric personal data of a russian. this is the first time such liability for administrative offenses has appeared in our code. relevance with this. there is no doubt, we are well aware of the precedents when world-class social networks, various aggregators and other communication platforms use personal data, this has generally become such a very important product that is collected and used in the future, and unfortunately, not always in for legitimate purposes, fortunately if it just concerns some kind of spam mailing when unnecessary ones arrive messages to no one, but targeted advertising. but, unfortunately, this is often used by criminals for selfish, illegal purposes, seriously violating the rights of russians, and here the state is ready to act in the most stringent manner, regulating the rules of conduct of all entities that are involved in the work of collecting information about
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russians and processing them and even more so the dissemination of these data and rules from the point of view of rules of conduct from the point of view of subsequent responsibility, if these norms are violated, there is serious responsibility, because that the risks, that the information will leak, it can subsequently be used for other than legal purposes, illegal purposes, it is high, and officials are subject to administrative liability with fines from 100 to 300 thousand, higher liability will be assigned to legal entities, it will from 500 to a million rubles, this is the norm established by law, in our opinion, of course, this will contribute to the prevention of acts, for what specific violations. fines will increase, that is, conditionally, as citizens can it’s not difficult to understand that their rights have been violated , to subdue anxiety, to imagine some stories of life when this specifically affects people , even a few years ago, a decade ago, we
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saw about the use of biometrics in some blockbusters, that means how spies break into safes, vaults, and penetrate some protected structures. according to the crosshairs of the eyes, according to the fingerprints of strangers, the image of a face, then today it is not difficult to imagine our current life, maybe not yet on such a scale, but if yesterday there was such a common technology of scammers , they call a person out of fear and surprise, introducing themselves to some relatives, without even giving a name, but saying: here’s mom, grandma, i’m in a difficult situation in life, help me urgently transfer money, then using biometrics, photos, video means voice. a specific person, a relative has information, well, we are already sure, the most careful person can, as they say , unexpectedly do something like this, follow the lead of the scammers and fulfill their demands, that’s it it must be understood that the world experience of influencing these phenomena is also on the path of tightening
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responsibility, financial responsibility first of all, so that the operators of this data, the subjects of the organization who are involved in this work are encouraged to... so that the level of security, technological equipment, employees who are trained, have competencies, skills, strictly follow these regulations and implement them. beat his mother and grandmother live, used force on a child, caused injury to animals, these are just some scenarios of the so-called trash streams, the phenomenon is no longer new for the internet, this is a type of broadcast, usually in the first person, accompanied by cruelty, bullying of oneself or other participants for the sake of donations from subscribers, destructive content is banned in submitted to the state duma.
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the outflow of scientists from russia has been reversed, the instrument base of leading research enterprises is being updated, thanks to the national project, more than 200 new technologies have been created, which are already being actively implemented, these are just some of the theses of the report of deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, what is necessary for our country to make a technological breakthrough was discussed at the government hour in the state duma. russian science
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is developing rapidly. today the country is among the top ten in terms of research volume, and in terms of the number of scientific personnel it ranks fifth in the world. 740 youth laboratories have been created, and the instrument base of leading organizations has been updated by almost half. about 80 scientific centers carry out advanced research in the field mathematics, selection, seed production and genetics. activities implemented over the past 2 years. they just made it possible to overcome the negative trend of the outflow of specialists from the field of science and the reduction in the number of researchers; the developments of our scientists are used in industry, healthcare , agriculture and provide very concrete, tangible benefits for citizens. in the regions there are quantoriums, it cubes and advanced ones. schools, by 2030 there will be 25 megasize campuses (research complexes
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world level), all this contributes to the achievement of the main goal, the technological sovereignty of russia. the country needs a technological breakthrough; state policy in the field of science, innovation and technological development cannot be catching up; by definition, it must be proactive and form priorities in all sectors of the economy. government. more, we are talking about such areas as unmanned aircraft systems, the creation
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of machine tool products, scientific instrumentation and much more. it doesn't matter only how much we invest in science, but how effectively and efficiently this is all done, so that the quality of innovation outstrips the quality of our economy. the questions that the deputies asked the deputy prime minister at the plenary session related to a variety of topics. discussed the percentage of implementation of scientific developments, the creation of domestic microchips, the organization of a qualification exam for it specialists without a diploma, and business support. what programs have been launched to date to stimulate the innovative development of small medium-sized enterprises in russian regions. you know that there is an effective federal project, a take-off from a startup to an ipo, its goal is to increase the survival rate of startups and increase the number of large technology companies. there will be special support measures made for him. deputy chairman of the tax budget committee kaplan panesh
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asked about information security. how effective is the process of import substitution of protection against hackers in order to minimize data leakage. for this purpose , industrial competence centers have been created import substitution of digital solutions, such as cc. there are 33 of them in different areas, there is a separate one specifically dedicated to cybersecurity. representatives shared their vision of ways to develop the industry. thus, first deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy nikolai orefyev believes that employees in the sector need to raise salaries. if we want a scientific breakthrough, then we need to change.
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you are trying to create some miracles there, colleagues, well, in general , you just need to allocate money for this, and then discuss behind closed doors what to do with it. deputy speaker of the state duma boris chernyshov believes that the key issue that needs to be addressed is the shortage of engineering personnel. the process of training engineers today really needs to be established at universities, through the creation of new programs, through the revival of schools - scientific in the field of biotechnology. in the field of engineering, in the field of genetics, all these are key topics for the development of our state. the development of the communications industry requires a special approach, says vladimir konanov, deputy chairman of the committee on science and higher education. besides, it is important to support research activities. the government needs to pay more attention to territories with high scientific and technological potential, to more
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effective investment of budget funds in applied research. and of course, complete the great work you are doing as quickly as possible. speaking at the plenary meeting of the council of judges. in general, over 30 years, deputies considered 188 initiatives of the supreme court. more than half of them became federal laws. the chairman of the state duma noted that the judicial community there is a great responsibility for the decisions made, since they concern the destinies of people. feedback within the framework of law enforcement practice is also important for deputies. the creativity house,
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a boarding school for 120 places and a swimming pool will be commissioned before the end of the year in the village of vysokaya smolenskaya. region, the construction of service housing for teachers is being completed, these are 30 townhouses, such an atypical scale for the russian outback, the result of the development of the phoenix boarding school, the construction of which is under the patronage of the chairman of the state duma. vyacheslav volodin visited the region this week and met with teachers of the sponsored school. their graduates here are affectionately called stars; some of them chose the military. someone went into management as a profession, their photographs are on the honor board, on top there is the inscription “we are the future of russia”, and indeed, vyacheslav volodin notes, the development of the country depends on education, people come to schools for knowledge, the quality of knowledge determines the fate of the state, there, where the quality of education is growing,
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technology is coming, the economy is developing, the state becomes strong and prosperous as soon as... 440 children, more than half of them can live in a boarding school at the educational institution, there is everything necessary for classes, bright modern classrooms, double rooms for living, a swimming pool , a new dining room, even its own greenhouse, students are provided with everything, from sportswear to textbooks and stationery, when we say: about our boarding school, children from low-income families, orphans, who do not have the opportunity to receive quality knowledge, can come to us, they will be surrounded care, it will be easier for them to succeed in life. in the settlements of malgino and dugino, two large educational buildings are already functioning, the latter opened its doors to children right
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before the start of the current school year, the third stage of the development of the lyceum is ending, very soon in... in the neighboring village of vysokaya there will be a house of creativity, a boarding school for 120 places and a swimming pool. construction is taking place within the framework of a private public partnership under the patronage of vyacheslav volodin. this will be a very good opportunity for us to be able to accept more children, children from low-income families, orphans, children in care from all over the smolensk region. and it’s really interesting for children to study here; phoenix pays a lot of attention.
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there are wonderful teachers, teachers will be provided with office housing, the village has a high standard of housing for them, very soon 30 modern townhouses will be rented out. dmitry oreshkin, maxim koul, sergey gordeev, sergey bergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. such projects. phoenix in the smolensk region are catalysts for the development of territories, capable of not only to stop the outflow of the rural population, but to reverse the trend, and today this is the most important state task;
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it is included in the updated strategy for the development of the agro-industrial complex, the head of the relevant committee noted at parliamentary hearings in the state duma. today, analysis shows that our main federal district, except for the two southern districts, the north caucasus and the southern district, is losing. recently, 12-13% of the population, but if it goes this way, then it is clear that in 15-20 years there will be not only a shortage of personnel, but and there will be a problem in general maintaining spatial connections. agriculture needs to build a model of expanded reproduction in every area of ​​the industry, said vladimir kashin. despite the high harvest, a number of questions remain. pkk requires special attention. problems with updating equipment, as well as the debt burden of farmers, lead to a decrease in the profitability of agricultural production. solving these problems is now
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a priority for legislators. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program. see you live.
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the opportunity to hear and be heard is equally important for everyone. vladimir putin will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 200 40 40 via sms to number 040-40 or via. websites and moskvadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. we will try to make sure that no question goes
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unnoticed. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. when engaging in extreme sports , take precautions.
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thank you very much for your dedication to the values ​​for which we live and for which
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we fight, i am a pashtun. afghan, i’m a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we don’t let them in and won’t let them in, lie down quietly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well, no, we need to move on, he leaves to agitate ukrainian soldiers. ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want to sweat in vain, we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, look, in the application or on the website.
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i'm a donkey, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves the remensk musicians, the fab five, this is my group, why have i never seen you and princess, i actually sing too, you clearly need a rebranding, the bremen musicians! grab them soon, what the hell is going on, where am i? so, we act according to the old proven scheme, she is a serf peasant of a cruel landowner, when everything does not go according to plan, our grisha lost his temper, improvise what we have as a slave for escaping, execution, set fire, no, i won’t, okay, i myself , homo.
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i want you to look me in the eyes when i put you out, soon!
6:00 am
russian pilots destroyed a stronghold of the air force in the krasnolimansk direction, complete the combat mission. the crews of k-52 attack helicopters and alligators fired unguided missiles at the enemy. the russians have already sent about 1,400 thousand questions to the year-end program with vladimir putin, and this number is growing every hour. most often, residents of the country make phone calls, with sms in second place in popularity. the program will be broadcast live the day after tomorrow. sinking kyiv regime threatens to drag the west under.


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