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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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mid-hour news, briefly. the russians
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have already sent about 1,400,000 questions to the year-end program with vladimir putin, and this number is growing every hour. most often , residents of the country make phone calls, with sms in second place in popularity. the program will be broadcast live the day after tomorrow. in the magadan region, snowstorms covered several areas at once. snowfalls have already blocked exit from three villages where more than a thousand people live. an emergency warning is in effect in the region. in the mountains, the risk of derailment has increased. sinking the kyiv regime threatens to drag the west down. russia announced this at a meeting of the un security council. the acting permanent representative of our country, dmitry polyansky, also noted: all the weapons that zelensky received from the united states will be destroyed. israel says that hamas forces in the northern gaza strip are already on the verge of defeat. hundreds of militants surrender. the israeli army is ready to consider new initiatives for the release of hostages, but in hamas, a new exchange deal.
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then sweeping steps, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards, steps in defiance, steps through the storm and the storm, steps, steps, steps , here's one more step, and you understand, everything is just beginning, sovcombank takes a step and goes to ipo, details from brokers at ipovcombankru, i've been burning all day, i have a pill, i don't carry it , have you heard about amest? it is
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usually taken in the morning, heartburn can be relieved, ames has a different approach, ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach, helping to fight heartburn. ames - decisive responses to shock. this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire. buy tickets on the website in branded stores in stoloto. i want, i can, i can, i want. with a vtb credit card, i’ll get cashback. i want, i can, i can, i want. 200 days without interest, i'm not kidding. apply for a credit card. ttb hurry up for the sale, falcon ring for 199 rubles on avito, this is a corporate party, this is entermin, entermin is a new generation enterosorbent, its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, new year's discounts in a magnet, mayonnaise olive rowa 79.99 magnet. what you need, register for free
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business at the point follow your dreams, just dare, point bank for entrepreneurs and businesses, imagining the ideal home is easy, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by house-click, from dream to home, one house-click, i'm new. active: when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear, it’s time to train , meet the new nice activegel, in ural sib we know that prospects are where they feel, where they wait, where they love you, there are prospects, with ural sip bank they become a reality. ural siib - prospects are where you are. extreme frosts
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are leaving the russian plain, replaced by extreme snowfalls. changed to the east. on monday, extremely intense rainfall hit the black soil region. for example, this is what kursk looked like the day before, visibility was only 500 m. well, this is the lipetsk region. the wind overturns a water tower in the village of sentsova. the blizzard swept through bryansk, voronezh and
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even reached st. petersburg. and only the residents of the southwestern regions of russia did not cause problems with snow. alas, not because there was no precipitation. briefly about the weather in rostov. this is a children's playground with an anti-slip rubber coating, as it were, in the rostov region, in the donbass in stavropol, and also in the seemingly not at all southern kaliningrad, there were freezing rains. rostov-on-don suffered the most. areas of the city were covered with a crust of ice. the weather has seriously complicated the situation on the m4 don federal highway. several traffic jams were recorded due to an accident involving trucks. accident on the opposite side. there are a lot of fragments lying around on the road, so don’t rush there. slowly but it’s true that an active atlantic cyclone is making its way deep into our country, on its way it has to overcome the resistance of a frosty anticyclone, but today almost the entire russian
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plain will be in the zone of influence of the whirlwind, with the exception of the lower middle volga. the epicenter of the disaster is again the extreme west of russia and the black earth region, and here, as the day before, freezing rains can be mixed with the snow. voronezh will most likely do without them, but extremely heavy snowfall is expected. in the first half of the day, according to model estimates up to 4-6 mm of precipitation will fall every 3 hours. then the weather will calm down, but by the end of the day the snowdrifts in the city will grow to 35-40 cm, which is four times higher than normal. in the following days , the situation in the atmosphere will change little; the cyclone will circle in almost the same place, gradually weakening, but eventually. during the working week , another mediterranean whirlwind will break through onto the russian plain and the bad weather will break out with renewed vigor. only this time the main snowfalls will occur in central russia, and freezing rains in the black earth region and volga region. i note that the invasion of a series of cyclones will affect not only
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the precipitation regime, but the temperature regime. their circulation contains warm air masses, due to which the temperature on the russian plain has already begun to rise. this process will reach its peak by friday. when twenty-degree frosts are pushed into siberia, while thaws are even expected south of the bryansk-lipesk line. in voronezh, the snow will weaken tomorrow, and the temperature after today's -4 will drop to -7°. nastya is expecting a new round at the end of the working week. the intensity of precipitation will increase, and the thermometer will surpass the zero mark, so the snow may turn into rain, including freezing rain, and there will be freezing temperatures in the city on saturday. because of which the ice will be replaced by black ice, thaws are unlikely in moscow , the snow will still be noticeably weaker than in the black earth region, the daily intensity will be within 3-6 mm, only on friday the capital will be right in the center of the cyclonic vortex, the snowstorm will intensify in just 24 hours in the megapolis
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, almost half of the monthly precipitation will fall. that's all for me, goodbye washing cordless vacuum cleaners. an excellent solution for complete cleaning. redmond - powerful, cleaning, reliable. now on to economic news, maria's government has temporarily banned the export of russian wheat. roman, everything is in the interests of food security and more on that later. the russian government has temporarily banned the export of durum wheat. the document was published on the cabinet of ministers website. mira will be valid until the summer of next year. its task is to ensure food security. besides. an export ban will support stable situation with prices on the domestic market, a number of exceptions are provided for abkhazia and south ossetia, as well as for the eac countries, within the established quotas. in addition, durum wheat is still allowed to be supplied abroad under intergovernmental agreements and humanitarian aid. let me remind you that the initiative to
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ban exports was taken by the russian ministry of agriculture. the customs subcommittee approved this measure; the need for it arose due to a decrease in the world harvest of durum wheat and increased demand for it in the world, they explained. besides, experts say that this coincided with a rise in prices in russia itself, the government’s motivation is clear, it is absolutely correct in the current conditions, when... there is a general increase in prices and food inflation, and this is an additional measure to limit it. the world economy will not be able to afford a second cold war, the deputy head of the international monetary fund warned at an event in colombia. she spoke about the dangers of deglobalization and geo-economic fragmentation. the imf suddenly came to its senses. it turns out to be 30 years of peace of integration and prosperity, which is literally.
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polish truckers again blocked the yagodin checkpoint on the border with ukraine. kiev announced the day before that it seemed to be possible to agree with warsaw on lifting the blockade at this point, but transport company workers apparently have a different opinion, they still demand the abolition of all benefits provided by the european commission to ukrainian carriers. well, in conclusion, exchange rates: the dollar today is 90 rubles. 98 kopecks, the euro is 98. and 7 kopecks. novel, maria, thank you, we continue, right after the advertisement,
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i’ll briefly talk about some of the central topics of the hour, as well as the tax on interest on bank deposits, when it starts to be calculated, there are instructions about this in the program. register your business for free at follow your dreams. just dare, period. a bank for entrepreneurs and enterprises, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the engine throwing works fine, installation equipment as part of the national fuel project, i converted my car to run on methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel. at gazprom stations this year, russian lotto is giving away as much as 2
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billion. celebrate the new year as a billionaire. buy tickets on the website in total brand stores. highsens tvs offer bright pictures and surround sound. this is a realistic image that excites the imagination. hysens - technologies that change lives. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. and that file, how to cancel? no way anymore. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers. watch the match with kksk, kgl championship fund on december 21. when there is one step left to great success, you remember all your steps, uncertain at the beginning, then sweeping steps, desperate steps, reasonable steps, steps towards, steps against defiance, steps through the storm and the storm, steps, steps, steps. and here’s one more step and you understand, everything is just beginning. sofcom bank
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takes a step and enters an ipo. details from brokers at ipofcom bankru. hurry up to sale of a new smartphone for 2,999 rubles on avita. thick walls, high floor, signal interference. in order to have good mobile communications in your home, you must first have a cat. with wifi technology. use mobile communications even where there is signal interference. bilay. on your side, it’s just space, the real taste of smoked meat, meat from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo! new buildings in cean, call the developer directly from the application. magic condition - a real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprom bank. yours the money works and you get income. apply at! "a strong snowstorm
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has hit the makadan region, several remote villages at once, more than a thousand residents were cut off from the mainland, the only road to them was closed, motorists are asked to refrain from traveling, especially in mountainous areas. 2 days left until the direct line and the press conference about 1,400,000 requests have already been received from russians about vladimir putin, the question about the head of state is being asked by phone via sms, on the website on social networks. six-story residential building partially collapsed in new york, and there may be people under the rubble, the emergency site has been cordoned off, and people are working there at this moment. rescuer donald trusk will head the polish government. the sejm nominated him for the post of prime minister. tusk will be replaced by matteus morowiecki, in whom deputies expressed no confidence. the new prime minister is known as an ardent russophobe. he was already head of the polish cabinet from 2007 to 14. tax on interest on
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bank deposits must now be paid. when they will start accruing it and how they will calculate it, irina matyushenko will tell you in program instructions. interest on the deposit generates income, you have to pay tax on it. when, how much and how this amount is calculated, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. questions about this tax arise mainly because we are not yet accustomed to it. let's figure out the timing. the law was adopted back in 2021, but in the same year a moratorium was introduced, that is, the tax was not assessed. the benefit extended into 2022, only from january 1 , 23, the formation of the tax base began, and the tax itself will need to be paid until december 1, 2024. now let's see where it will be taken from: the calculation base includes all interest income received on all deposits, both ruble and foreign currency, in banks in the country for one calendar year. but
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there are accounts on which interest is still not taken into account. the first is escrow accounts. these are accounts with the use of which real estate is purchased from us, interest can be accrued there, they were legislatively removed from the um forming income subject to taxation, and interest received on deposits with interest is not taken into account with a rate of less than 1% per annum, well, this is so that all sorts of card deposits are not included here, as well as accounts with a processing rate, well, the so-called requirement is up to you, yes, where the minimum rate is. the tax is not taken from all the profit that interest on the deposit brought, there is a non-taxable amount, a minimum, but what is above must be shared with the state, the limit is calculated every year, it can change because it depends on the key rate of the central bank. 1 million
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rub. multiplied by the value of the bank of russia key rate, current, maximum... the value of this key rate, and those in effect on the first day of each of the 12 months of the year, that is, we essentially take 12 values ​​of the key rate, take the maximum value from it, and multiply a million rubles by this value, obtaining a tax-free minimum from the total income per year by interest, this non-taxable minimum is deducted, the rest is multiplied by interest rates, which... do not change, this income will be taxed at 13% if the total income does not exceed 5 million rubles. and if the total income has already exceeded 5 million rubles. namely others income, salary, dividends, and other passive income, then this income will be taxed at a rate of 15%. let's assume that the maximum central bank rate in 2023
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is 15%. multiply a million rubles by it, it turns out 150,000. “if your income from deposits is less than or equal to this amount, it is all yours, if more, you will have to give part of it to the state budget, and there are no benefits here , everyone pays tax, even non-resident tax pensioners, so that interest income does not add up, some citizens open deposits for relatives, we calculate tax according to for each individual, deposits are made individually, and we do not add up deposits between family members. relatives and so on, but doing this, eroding the tax base in this way, does not have such a great effect , taking into account the fact that in fact the savings occur by multiplying the number of non-taxable minimums by the number of people involved in this situation. and if you keep savings in foreign currency, banks recalculate income on such deposits into
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rubles at the central bank exchange rate that was in effect on the date interest payments. if foreign currency. you will not have to pay any foreign exchange differences. let’s take the tax as an example while the money is on deposit and calculate what part of the income on the deposit will have to be given away. let's say you have 1,800 rubles on deposit. your bank's rate is 10% per annum. the maximum key rate of the central bank for the year is 15%. we apply the following formula: income on the deposit minus the non-taxable amount is 150,000 multiplied by 13%. this is the standard personal income tax rate. in our case, the taxable amount will be 30,000 rubles. accordingly, he tax - 3,900 rub. but don't worry about yourself, every time. you don’t have to read the amount, the federal tax service does this. if necessary, she will send a notification that the tax must be paid. let's repeat the most important things. the break
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in the calculation of tax on interest income on deposits ended in the twenty-third year. the tax itself will have to be paid at the end of the twenty-fourth. the amount depends on the size of the deposit of the bank rate of the central bank key rate. the tax is not taken from all profits, but from the part that exceeds the limit. declare nothing no need, the federal tax service will calculate it itself. the manezh opened in moscow in 2009; it was built for the fifth anniversary of the victory over napoleon for military exercises for 200 people. the unique structure of wooden trusses under the roof,
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designed by augustin betoncourt, allowed the construction of a 45 m wide building without internal supports. there were no analogues to such a structure at that time. the facades were designed by another famous architect, osip bave. very quickly the maneuver area began to be used for equestrian competitions. mid nineteen. for exhibitions and concerts, at the end of the century in the manege is home to a cyclists' club, where leo tolstoy mastered the bicycle. at the beginning of the 20th century, the building was given over to a government garage, then again as an exhibition hall. in 2004 , manesh burned out almost completely, but it was restored, and today it is again a museum and exhibition association. in 875 , russian scientist and military engineer pavel yablochkov made one of the main discoveries of the 19th century. he invented artificial lighting,
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the so-called electric candle, which illuminated the largest cities in europe and latin america. a new principle was adopted arc lamp using a simple, reliable design: carbon plates with a porcelain insert that served as a conductor of electricity. newspapers all over the world wrote that the russian light is our miracle. at the time, yablochkov received a patent in paris, in 1878 he illuminated a large theater, his candles had a drawback, they had to be changed every hour and a half, but they were inexpensive. in addition, yablochko was the first to develop a system for crushing electric current, created generators, batteries, dynamos and other devices of an original design, which marked the beginning of the era electricity. december 12, 1942 near stalingrad wehrmach. launched operation winter storm to unlock the sixth army. its commander, friedrich paulus, wanted to break through to his own, but hitler did not allow it. this meant
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leaving stalingrad, the nazi leader hoped for victory and underestimated the red army. general field marshal erich von manstein was instructed to strike in the area of ​​the village of kotelnikovo and break through the encirclement. the german group was strengthened by fresh units from other sectors, even from germany and france. she totaled about 80 thousand. people, 500 tanks and assault guns. at first, the germans were successful, but our units held out until the arrival of the second guards army, which drove back the nazis, who lost almost all of their equipment. these events were described by front-line writer yuri bondurev in the novel “hot snow”, on which the film of the same name was based. 60 years ago, on december 12, 1963 , a new independent state appeared on the world map - kenya. it is located in east africa, which has been divided by colonialists since the 16th century. the british took over. after world war i they finally ousted their competitors
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, the germans. kenya gave them huge incomes thanks to the production of tea, coffee, wheat, and cotton. local tribes were exploited and expelled from their lands. a national liberation movement arose, and in the fifties the armed uprising of maumau broke out. he was raised by the kikuyu tribe. the rebels attacked white settlers and burned them. farms, and the colonialists shot them, tortured them and imprisoned them in concentration camps. at least 20 thousand africans died, 100,000 people were sent to reservations, but freedom was won, and today kenya is one of the most developed and influential states in africa. today we celebrate the day of the constitution of the russian federation, exactly 30 years ago, on december 12, 1993, it was adopted by popular vote. the basic law of our state. was developed by all political and social forces over several years, hampered by the opposition of the executive legislative branches of government represented by the supreme council. parliamentarians
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did not compromise. and wanted to deprive the president of key powers after the events at the beginning of october ninety-third, the constitutional meeting completed the preparation of the draft document, about 60% of voters voted for it. the constitution enshrined the principle of separation of powers and the federal structure of the state. its head was proclaimed to be the president, with the responsibility to protect the constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the sovereignty, independence and state integrity of russia. this is what this day in history was like.
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we are fighting, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, have the honor, they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it beckons them, we do not let them in, and we will not let them in.
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“lie down quietly, i’m trying to motivate them to live on, well, there were legs, well no, we need to move on, the doula goes out to agitate ukrainian soldiers, ukrainian soldiers, i urge you to lay down your arms, we don’t want unnecessary losses, we’re watching to know everything about russia "the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or on the website.
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march throw from cover to a position in literally 10 minutes our correspondent from the front line will show the work of tori. the number of questions is growing every hour. already 1.4000 requests have been received on the direct line with the president. i came to beg for weapons. zelensky's tour of the usa. will there be a result? republican senators are skeptical. strong wind and blizzard in magadan. in the region, several populated areas are cut off; freezing rains are approaching the european part of russia. a monumental embodiment of heroic history and modern achievements. volgograd day region and the republic of kalmykia at the russia exhibition at vdnk. new year's rental flagships. which films will make it to the box office and what is worth watching in the new year.


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