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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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a march from cover to a position in literally 10 minutes, our correspondent from the front line will show the work of the toruses. the number of questions is growing every hour; 1,400 thousand requests have already been received on the direct line with the president. i came to beg for weapons during zelensky’s tour of the usa, will there be any results? republican senators are skeptical. strong winds and a snowstorm in the magadan region, several populated areas are cut off, and freezing rains are approaching the european part of russia. a monumental embodiment of a heroic story modern achievements. day of the volgograd region and the republic of kalmykia at the russia exhibition at vdnk. new year's rental flagships. what films will kassu make and what is worth watching in the new year? in the kupinsky
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direction, the russian military destroyed the command and observation post in the isu near our positions. the target was discovered by scouts using a drone. the enemy tried to shoot down the drone, but to no avail. the operators transmitted the coordinates to the command and a crew of the fagot anti-tank missile system advanced to the firing line. the soldiers aimed their weapons at the target and opened fire. the militants' observation post was destroyed. he was so close to the front line that the hit became visible immediately, we are looking for enemy positions, their movements, equipment, we fly at different altitudes, from 100 m to up to a kilometer i rise to a height, also by distance, that is, depending on the weather, we can work at a distance of 2 km, and we can fly up to 7 km, if weather conditions allow, then we make adjustments, if anything, and the guys aim more. more precisely, it already defeats
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the enemy. in the krasnoliman direction russian air defense reliably covered the motorized riflemen operating on the front line. meanwhile, the scouts visited the rear, the ukrainian armed forces collected the information necessary for a successful attack by the assault units. in particular , it was possible to obtain information about what kind of fortifications the militants are building and what their level of training is. our military correspondent, alexey baranov , talked with the military. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes, and the crew's work begins even before the vehicle stops. anti-aircraft missile capability top1 complexes to detect and recognize up to 50 targets are especially important today. it is the air defense crews of the central military district that are providing cover here in the krasnolimansky direction.
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divisions operating on the front line near the line of combat contact against air attacks. now there is a target with azim there 223° at a distance of 23 km. the main task is to destroy both reconnaissance and attack drones of the enemy, which are almost constantly trying to cross the line of contact. 34 37, we observe, we observe in the air, that it is flying, we look at... the parameters change, altitude, range, we report to the commander, if it is no longer our own bird, the commander gives the go-ahead for destruction. the operation of the torm1 anti-aircraft missile systems, of course, is seen with their own eyes by motorized riflemen of the central military district. it is thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews that here in the serebryansky forestry, assault groups confidently operate on the ground. bmp-2 delivered
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the assault group to the landing site, provided cover and is now returning to the site basing. it is not only foreign armored vehicles and drones that are working against russian units. they left specifically in battle, on the other side there are many who are not listeners, mercenaries, these are poles, americans, many people, we know, they are trained there in some kind. in special units, well, i wouldn’t say that they are trained there in anything better than ours. the first to see the strongholds of the fortified ukrainian military, which they built in the kremen forest for many years, are, of course, seen by the intelligence officers of the central military district, often their multi-day work deep behind enemy lines takes place in close proximity even to the third.
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defense line of the armed forces of ukraine. their fastenings are strong, very strong, they directly explode into the ground so that artillery doesn’t reach them, nothing gets to them, they saw many points that were poured with concrete to observe. meanwhile, the central military district in serebryansky forestry does not stop. attention. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, leonid sharov. get ready, get ready, lead the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimanskoe direction, torsky ledge. about 1,400,000 calls were received to vladimir putin’s direct line and press conference. russians
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called the popular front call center more than 800,000 times. almost 300,000 sms messages have already been received. the question about the head of state is also asked on the website, through an application on social networks. this is data as of yesterday evening, the numbers are constantly changing, requests are accepted around the clock. there are 2 days left until the results of the year with vladimir putin. the president will answer questions from russians live on december 14. let me remind you this time the direct line press conference was combined. this will not be the first time this format has taken place. it was already used 3 years ago, when the pandemic prevented both events from being held in the same form. emergency warning due to strong winds and snowstorms in magadan. region, heavy snowfalls covered the coastal areas and the capital of the region; in a few days more than half a month's rainfall fell; three remote villages, where more than a thousand people live, were cut off from the mainland. the only highway that led to these settlements had to be closed. from magadan, lyudmila shcherbakova.
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several warm cyclones brought snowfall to the coast of the magadan region. the air temperature rose by 20°. the old snow has melted. the new soft and heavy one added problems to both road workers and drivers. it’s hard, slippery, slips into the porridge, and of course it’s difficult to eat. magadan's public road services have been switched to 24-hour operation, but even the city center cannot be cleared quickly , road workers complain. there were heavy snowfalls, of course it was difficult, people were walking, trampling, cars were driving, trampling, it’s like all this has to be cleaned up. according to weather forecasters, magadh has not received more rain in less than a week. two-week precipitation norm, by the end of this cyclone, the amount is likely to approach the monthly norm. the most difficult situation is in the suburbs of magadan, especially in the private sector, there are huge snowdrifts here and road workers have not yet reached here. residents move on foot, making their way through snowdrifts, which is especially
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difficult for elderly people who find themselves temporarily locked in their homes. many people clear the local area themselves, but the problem cannot be completely solved this way. equip the car properly, put on snow chains, take a shovel and cable with you. a series of cyclones brought snowfall and wind to almost the entire territory of the magadan region; it became 20-30° warmer in the coldest central regions of kolyma. according to forecaster forecasts, the snowfall in the magadan region
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will stop in about a day. a gradual cooling will begin in the region. temperatures will return to december averages. lyudmila cherbakov, alexey gillyaov, news magadan. the decision on american military assistance to ukraine may be delayed until january, said senator john cornyn. in his opinion, legislators will not have time to resolve all the contradictions before the christmas holidays. the fact that the house of representatives does not plan to consider the request for new tranches from kiev by the end of the year is also evidenced by the schedule of the congress. however , us national security council representative john kirby believes that washington will still be able to resolve the issue by the end of december. the us reproached congress for that he is slowing down the allocation of new funds. washington and kiev are developing a new military strategy. the previous one failed. according to
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the new york times, the pentagon will send a separate lieutenant general to ukraine for this purpose. the senior us military will arrive in kiev early next year and will take part in a number of strategic sessions before that. in germany, alika komarova will tell you what else is known about the plans of the west. the sinking kiev regime may tighten its sinkhole to the west if the curators do not realize that arms supplies will not prevent complete collapse. this statement was made by the acting permanent representative of our country, dmitry polyansky, at a meeting of the un council. according to him, ukrainians do not want to fight and be cannon fodder, and many of them find refuge in russia. the ukrainian regime, like a dying drug addict, survives today exclusively on western financial handouts, which in large part are immediately stolen. and on the supply of western weapons, which do not have a significant impact on the battlefield, because the entire internet is littered with footage of burning western equipment. these supplies only delay the inevitable collapse of the current criminal,
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anti-people kiev government, completely mired in corruption and cronyism. at the same time, the united states prohibits its allies from even talking about the end of the conflict in ukraine. this statement was made by ex-state department employee en ride at a security council meeting. according to her, the white house blocked all initiatives to end hostilities. when peace negotiations are underway, under no circumstances should they be disrupted. but the usa is behind this, and there are many documents confirming this. i mean, the former german chancellor said his efforts to bring peace between russia and ukraine were thwarted by the united states. and israeli ex-prime minister navtali benet said the same thing. however, washington sees only convenient facts. joe biden once again called on congress to speed up and approve financial assistance to ukraine for the sake of shared prosperity and democracy. and the head of the international monetary fund noted the amazing growth of the ukrainian economy, the most debt-ridden in the world.
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based on the indicators, the hole in ukraine’s state budget is still being covered by the united states. after the end of the press conference between zelensky and georgieva , it became known about the next tranche for kiev from the imf in the amount of $900 million. at the same time, europe has already moved to the acceptance stage. several western publications immediately stated that the 50 billion euros promised by brussels to ukraine could become a stumbling block at the upcoming european council summit. the reason is the split in the european brotherhood. if you look at the expectations set by the european union and what the ukrainians have actually done, it becomes clear.
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the statement that kiev allegedly fulfilled four of the seven points for entry is a huge lie. starting negotiations on ukraine's admission to the eu now would be an irresponsible step in terms of losses. it's hard to deny. the european strategy on ukraine did not just fail. now there is no hope that it will ever work. other eu members have proposed collecting. kiev receives 15 billion euros - reports the financial times, and they want to take money for the tranche from income from russian assets, in fact they offer legalize racketeering at the state level. alek komarov, lead. hamas forces in the northern gaza strip are on the verge of defeat, the israeli defense minister said. according to him , previously these battalions were considered invulnerable, but now hundreds of fighters of the movement are surrendering. in addition, the head of the military department noted that israel is ready to consider new initiatives regarding...
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the situation, the israeli authorities announced that another checkpoint will open today, the kerem shalom checkpoint is located at the junction of the borders of egypt, israel and the gas sector, this will increase delivery of humanitarian aid to the enclave. the president of poland will swear in the government of donald tusk on december 13, after which the new cabinet must receive approval from the sejm within two weeks. let me remind you that the day before the deputies passed a vote of no confidence in the government of matteus morawiecki. his game according to the results. although she won the recent elections, she was unable to gain a majority in parliament. but the opposition forces
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entered into coalition agreements and nominated donald tusk for the post of prime minister. let me remind you that he already headed the cabinet of ministers from 2007 to 14 years. economic news in the studio maria filippova, maria recommends that russian oil companies increase the supply of winter diesel to the stock exchange. what is the current situation in the domestic market? roman, there is enough fuel and prices are also under control. i'll tell you the details right now. the russian government recommended that oil companies increase the supply of winter diesel on the stock exchange, as well as agree on a schedule for its production by the end of march. this was discussed at the meeting. situation on the domestic petroleum products market, which deputy prime minister alexander novyk held with relevant departments, manufacturers and regulators. they noted that at the end of november, the production rate of winter diesel fuel was higher than in the same month a year earlier. the cost of fuel has stabilized and there is no shortage. the meeting participants emphasized that price dynamics do not exceed the forecast inflation for the year.
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saudi arabia proposes to create a joint bank with russia. the absence of this slows down business projects, he said. moreover , he added that vladimir putin’s visit opened up new opportunities for cooperation. to the kingdom. saudi arabia already has a similar experience with china, and it is proposed to take it into account in relations with moscow. the transition of russian airlines to domestic aircraft is an important factor in the aviation industry reaching a qualitatively new level. in an interview with our tv channel, the head of the red wings holding, evgeniy soladelin , urged not to criticize, along with the council. factories to work on improving our aircraft, which is impossible without large raids, over time, according to him, this could be transformed into rules foreign players for russian airlines , similar to football. in football, we once adopted rules, foreign players should be no more than 60% in a football team, this is my opinion, the same should be
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ours in russian aviation, that gradually there is no need for any serious big... steps right away do, but until we ourselves develop our domestic aviation technology, it will not get any better, and redwing today and skygates are already a clear example from the teta company, those companies that but they are engaged in a large raid on russian aircraft, trying to make them effective, we probably succeed, the more you watch the full interview with evgeny solodilin on our broadcast today after 13:00 moscow time. the cost of a taxi ride when ordering through a mobile application may differ for users of different platforms. this taz agency confirmed the quality. iphone users pay more, although not much, while android device owners pay more the price is slightly lower. in addition, the test showed that if you install several different applications for ordering on your smartphone,
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the trips will be cheaper, but in this case the difference is small - they indicated in luxury.
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changes then it was truly such a nationwide discussion, people were all involved in this discussion, it took quite a long time, in the end we made such significant additions to our constitution, the potential of which was proven by the time in which we found ourselves facing new threats and
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new challenges. the largest buddhist temple in europe, unique examples of national embroidery, a master class on old kalmyk writing and izolista meat delicacies. at the russian exhibition at vdnkh kalmykia day, how the region is developing, what achievements it is proud of and what... ancestors came from asia to europe from distant dzungaria to the banks of the volga. the steppes, bringing with them a developed nomadic culture and the oldest world religion, buddhism. kalmykia is very clearly visible from space, because there are
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large territories, pastures, fields, it is very is clearly drawn. kalmyks, alluring with their tranquility and incredible landscapes , make you fall in love at first sight. people come here for impressions. the largest buddhist temple in europe is located here. exterior view of the golden monastery. dushikimuni is fascinating, and its architectural plan, together with the adjacent territory, looks like a mandala. in the lagansky district there is the largest buddha statue, 13.5 m high. this is the buddha of the future, which in kolmytsky, as we say, but not only the sounds of the buddhist temple attract a huge number of tourists from all over the world. ecotourism and the state biosphere reserve black lands are actively developing in kalmykia. one of the few russian conservation zones where they are studying and trying to preserve rare artiodactyl mammals, the kalmyd population of saigas.
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some representatives of the animal world can only be found in the republic, like the entire island of tulips, which is located just 100 km from elista. blooming tulips in the steppe give a feeling of unity with nature, another amazing sacred place in virgin lands kalmyki region, the highest point of the ergeenskaya elevation. lonely poplar, people come to him to gain strength and ask for health protection. another symbol of the republic is the lotus flower. at the beginning of august, when the flowers bloom, a lotus festival is held in kalmykia. today , agriculture is one of the most dynamic sectors of the republic. in 1919, the republic’s budget amounted to 15 billion rubles. today, the republic’s budget there is more than 25 billion. yeah, yes, of course, here, well, they made their contribution national projects, but nevertheless we can still proudly say that
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we are increasing our own income. kalmykia is one of the few places in the country where rice is grown. in recent years, the area of ​​its liabilities has increased by one and a half times, and the grain harvest this year amounted to 834,000 tons. application of modern advanced technologies.
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now sports news ilya the international cycling union is issuing neutral status to russians for free, how much does such a procedure cost in principle? roman, for the right to compete in their tournaments without a flag and anthem, for example, the international swimming federation charges 5,000 euros from everyone , let me remind you that currently 41 russian cyclists have received the right to compete in a neutral status. 2023 rookie of the year by the women's tennis association. andreeva started this year at 405th place in the world rankings and ended at fifty-seventh, having achieved the greatest
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progress among female tennis players. during the season , the russian woman's highest position was forty-sixth place. in 2023, sixteen years old the athlete reached the third round of the french open, the fourth round at embaldon and the second round of the us open. she also reached the final of the junior open championship. from australia. three matches took place in the vtb united league. samara broke the series of defeats by beating the moscow runa. unix won an away victory over ostana and moved up to second place in the standings. and enesey beat minsk at home 89:74. and in this match , the best player of the season so far, xevier retten mays, made another solo performance. for in more than 11 minutes between the second and third quarters, only the canadian scored as part of nesei. during this time he scored 22 points. his teams in a row, with a total of 29 points in the match. enesi won his tenth victory of the season and moved up to fourth place in the league standings. andrei suzin
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was a member for 10 years. the rfu ethics committee became a guest of the russian football program, they talked about numerous disqualifications for intemperance in our championship and about the inheritance of russia in general. i have never seen a national team in its optimal composition, and i can it is difficult to understand that friendly matches, playing from a knife, but this is a question of karfas, the match with cameroon, the show before the match, the number of spectators, the television picture, participation. former football players in some pre-match show, everything made it clear that the team is alive, and after 3 days they show me kenya in the dark stadium of some reserve field in turkey, well , what is this match for, and the football players think, what, what should i show me, they don’t understand why, cameroon, please, if there are no opponents, it’s difficult now, i understand, there are no
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level opponents. cameroon, well, better then don't play. al-nasr defeated al-shabab in the quarter-finals of the king's cup, 5:2. cristiano ronaldo scored a goal in the match. this goal was the fiftieth for the portuguese in 2023. ronaldo scored 40 times for the saudi club and scored another 10 goals for the portuguese national team. also recently , kriro became the only field player to reach the milestone of 1,200 career matches. among all football players, this is the fifth indicator. there are only four goalkeepers ahead in the ranking. meanwhile, nagasaki governor kengo oishi may lose his position for trying to meet with ronaldo. the fact is that in july, aisi attended a friendly match between al-nasr and psg, which took place in neighboring osyk. officials accuse him of using government money to attend the game. the governor also missed the official meeting to attend the match. now there are demands for the resignation of aisi. hit referee khalil umut
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after the turkish football championship match with resistor. the scandal is serious. during the game the referee did not count the goal of ankara player gucu alisou, who previously played for rostov. in the second half, the referee completely removed the field sauce. sport equalized the score thanks to a goal from adolf gaich, on loan from cska moscow, in the seventh minute of injury, when the teams were already playing with equal strength. it is reported that the referee fell on the lawn . a few more kicks from strangers running onto the field. the incident was caught on dozens of cameras, it will be examined by the appropriate commission, it is unlikely that such a crime can be punished fine, the proof will be much harsher. the referee was taken to the hospital after the match. this is true sports news, have a nice tuesday.
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look how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they were conducting clinical trials on unsuspecting people, african swine fever is back in sumy, cholera in nikolaev, ukraine, new cases of batulism, there are biological research facilities in ukraine, people started. realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. supported by washington dc has a unique public health laboratory in tbilisi. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died. no one is trying to track the movement and spread of dangerous viruses in the world. then they will simply sell vaccines and medicines for these diseases, which they themselves
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brought here. hello, i am boris sakimo, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia. at what point do you say, that's it, i did everything i could on this project. i'll never tell. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized.


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