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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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while still a schoolboy, ekaterinburg resident konstantin kozlovsky became a finalist in computer competitions, and they talked about him as our genius. a promising guy, known to a third of the city's public, but kozlovsky put together a group of hackers who invented the lurk virus.
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how much money banks lost from the actions of the lurk group, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation. hello, dear friends, studio 5 is on the air, we are talking about international problems, affairs, there is a lot to discuss, he is discussing with us today the most important international topics, grigory karasin, chapter. this is the federation council
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on international affairs, grigory borisovich , hello, thank you for taking the time, good afternoon, alexander, yes, there is a lot to discuss, but you know, probably the hottest news right now, or something, although you know, i at first i thought i would definitely discuss it, then i was in the mood not to discuss this nonsense at all, but then i thought that after all, we are working with a news agenda, we probably need to do this, well, first of all it’s about...
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i think that in the czech republic they know this like nowhere else , the generation of czechs understand well where the threats to peace come from, it never came from russia, this is intimidation, in my opinion, it mainly concerns the name rek himself, he wants to intimidate himself with this and the population of their own country, and gregory, but it’s unlikely that this is being done just like that, it’s clear that -
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of course, i want to promote myself, i would like to bring terror to my residents, because this intimidation, it’s clear where it comes from, because biden is also on last week i talked about that it’s all because of us and in general there may be a war with nato, there are always analytical articles in various serious western publications that say, they also give examples of various gentlemen, where... they say, well, look, russians, if we the west haven’t started fighting yet, if you don’t stop everything in ukraine now, we ’ll sort of expand our military production and hit you on the head, this is all going on in one place, it turns out it’s clear, people, people who say this, want to be known as guardsmen of the nato guard and personally president biden, apparently having received some ranks or awards for this - to promote
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himself, as you rightly said, but this is empty talk, this is empty talk with russia , you cannot speak in such language, it is counterproductive, it evokes counter, very strong emotions of our people. and leads to directly opposite results, and the special military operation confirms this, both the operation itself and everything that happens around it, including this absolutely gangster sanctions regime that was introduced, the statement of a number of responsible western politicians, the calm, so to speak, reasonable speech of our president, the heads of our ministries who are coping with real tasks.
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as you rightly noted, and diplomats are serious people, international life is still, if it is not, it comes down to ardent russophobia and just some glasses through which reality is not visible, this is reality, it is now emerging, it is emerging - ukraine is very active, well , we will return to ukraine a little later, but for now the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs will return to europe - and in general this week, as they said.
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additionally, in fact , there is a big split within the european union, in the public opinion of european states , uncertainty prevails about what to do next, why this is being done and what the result and end will be from this, so let’s wait 14-15 here literally just
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outside the threshold, as they say, we’ll see to these gentle or stern faces, listen to us. he says, well, everyone knows about it, just the day before mr. sziyarta said that it would be very difficult to convince them, that is, the hungarians , that they are wrong, well, that’s just me freely i translate his words, and he says that we will not succumb to any pressure, but what do you think, will hungary be broken after all or not? i
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know that the hungarian leadership, including mr. szijarta, the minister of foreign affairs, is very confused in this sense. defend their point of view, despite the frontal pressure from the nato americans, we wish them well, because people are already appearing, and that means in europe outside of europe, who are closely following this and wishing these such courageous people,
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who defend the position of their state of goodness, success and will, i think that we can join these wishes, well, since we are talking about europe, it seems that we were not originally going to talk about this, but nevertheless, mr. tusk is now again helm practically in poland, it is clear that he is not a friend at all and... and moreover, our colleagues made a profile about his, in fact, family connections, including his grandfather, and he served in the sss somewhere in wehrmacht, and so on, these are nationalist - the mood in europe, which is manifested in poland, has been there for a long time, but nationalistic, not in a good way, as you said about hungary, but in a bad way, what do you think, is this a revival of fashion? on nazism, if i express myself correctly, maybe you can correct me, this could be a tougher statement
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in europe, how far can it go? poland has never been a predictable partner, since its thinking has always been dominated by narrow national interests, unlike the hungarians, where people care about state, the poles have always thought about leading some kind. a group of european states, to create some kind of infrastructure for managing, well, in particular, this has historically happened, eastern europe, considering lithuanians, belarusians, ukrainians and some others, other peoples as their sponsored ones, this type of junior class, in fact, this sounded in so many statements of tusk’s predecessors and predecessors, tusk’s predecessors, we know history well, a very... difficult partner poland, we we see this in real cases
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in border closures in such crude russophobic propaganda, of course, this does not reflect the opinions of all poles, i am convinced that there are sensible people in poland, but now is a period when you understand, the top are captured by such a pro-washington, pro-nato militaristic polish politics, this would have happened in history before, we know how it ended, and the poles should not forget about this, we will not give examples of the second world war and so on, we need to behave a little more quietly internationally and to deal with the real affairs of the polish state, where problems have also accumulated, where, by the way, contradictions with the same neighboring ukraine have intensified for quite understandable reasons...
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and they sent their mercenaries and are sending instructors, mercenaries, unofficially, of course, they are there a large number, suddenly there is such an ambush at the border, how do you even understand all this, well, apparently in the orang report card of the polish rules, it means your pocket is closer. therefore, when ukrainian drivers, for example, try to work on polish territory, as
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cargo delivery people there and so on, this causes dissatisfaction among the poles, they close the border, if the ukrainians want to cross, then the border of the european union is on the polish section, this also causes dissatisfaction, because it gives rise to some special problems, therefore allied obligations.
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and the poles are clearly tripping up ukraine in a difficult situation, the polish gentleman is good, that’s how all this can be understood, because it’s also in this situation. everything is explained quite simply: ukraine has completely collapsed, it is not independent, now with the current leadership of zelensky , it is not an independent unit of international relations, it is completely dependent on foreign exchange injections, it is completely dependent on the supply of modern weapons from nato, it is
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completely dependent on the political interests of washington, ukrainians, i am convinced, leaders, including zelensky, means and his teams around the world, argentina, washington, and some other countries, evoke a feeling of regret, because all these trips will not lead to anything concrete, yes, this is absolutely me i agree with you, there is one more point here,
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which of course requires, needs to be discussed, your comment is very interesting, this is an insight. aristovich , whom we are looking for for terrorism, other citizens , arahamia, what do you think , they are here now, it is clear that this is an order, it is clear that they are not singing their own voice, but nevertheless, this is a replacement for zelensky, who is allegedly being prepared, like do you think it will really happen in the near future, for some reason it seems to me that it won’t, but what do you think, well, it all depends on the decisions of washington. west, we are already with you discussed, it’s not the ukrainians who make decisions there, but the pot is boiling, the pot is boiling, because we hear statements from aristovich, podalyak, some other woeful journalists, politicians there and the military, who are talking about something obscure, but apparently
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attract attention to himself, he personally made several philosophical generalizations there , which... it means that it’s worth writing down on the tablets of history, that means, but something else surprises me, where is poroshenko, where is, uh, tymoshenko, where are past political leaders, who, by the way, are also adhered to pro-western frankly speaking, either they are silent, or they are, so to speak, consolidating some forces in order to act as opponents. in a word, i want to repeat it again, a bowler hat.
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let's move the pot, here is the new york times , the new york times writes, colleagues will now show, so as not to be unfounded, the united states recommended that ukraine, this is their opinion, consolidate in its current positions for a year to induce the russian federation to negotiate, and then the quote goes on, ukrainian, well or rather the title, the ukrainian leadership does not understand the instability of assistance from the united states, well, new york the times is almost a true newspaper. in our soviet times, so by analogy, this is a sign to comrade, mr., excuse me, zelensky, alexander, i wouldn’t offend the newspaper, really, firstly, secondly, it seems to me that everything, all these warnings , there, parting words, instructions and so on, we know ukraine well,
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we have common roots, so we know how they feel about this in ukraine. but in any case , ukraine is a territory under its jurisdiction, and that means all these arguments remind you that soon you touched on the truth, which means such a meeting pioneer unit or pioneer detachment or squad, after which the director comes out and says his words regarding how he feels about these decisions, here is the director, you understand who, this is this asset... on the public stage, on television screens to those people who really think rationally, calmly and argue, as
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it were, about how to continue to live for the ukrainian country, these reasonings, unfortunately, are not heard either on television, or in the press, or in telegram channels, ukraine is silent in this sense, it only scolds russia, she preparing to continue the war or stand still there for six months. and so on, while our country is developing, it is solving economic problems, our president goes on very important visits abroad, now he was in the middle east, negotiations with the iranian raisi in moscow show that we continue to move forward normally , of course, we have overcome the initial stage of these sanctions, now we are already used to it, the country is united,
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people, i’m not talking about what it means, i’m not throwing out any semantic lines, but americans like to count money, they too,
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by the way, they care about their own states, about their own economy, about various social projects, while zelensky, zelensky, ermak and other people are less concerned about this, they are now worried about what you and i were talking about ... , russophobia, weapons , money, which, by the way, it’s unclear where times diverge and appear in the middle east, but this is another topic, these are the conditions in which the kiev regime lives, yes, gregory, thank you very much, but about the middle east we'll talk next time, thank you, i let me remind you that we spoke with grigory karasin, head of the federation council committee on international affairs, this was the fifth studio on the air, all the best. magic conditions, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings
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10:59 am
14,000 questions for the president of russia, there are 2 days left before the start of the year’s results with vladimir putin, what are they asking about, we’ll find out from
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our... new forecast for central russia. 2 days left until the results of the year with vladimir putin. at the moment, about one and a half million questions have been received, and their number continues grow. the central federal district leads in terms of the number of requests. the volga region is in second place. the third place is occupied by the northwestern federal district. we'll find out more details from yegor.


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