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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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what they are asking about, we will find out from our correspondent, we are waiting for inclusion from the call center. the first power unit of the aku nuclear plant received permission to operate. the final stage of construction of the nuclear power plant is ahead. helicopter ik-52 in the special operation zone. crews are working in the krasnolimansk direction; footage of the destruction of a network of strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces is published by the ministry of defense. abnormal frosts in siberia in the urals in the sverdlovsk region temperature. dropped to -44. what is the forecast for central russia? 2 days left until the results of the year with vladimir putin. at this time currently, about one and a half million questions have been received, their number continues to grow. the central federal district leads in terms of the number of requests. the volga region is in second place. the third place is occupied by the northwestern federal district. we'll find out more details from yegor. egor, greetings, what is most often
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asked about, is it difficult to get through by phone now? dasha, hello, traditionally there are a lot of questions about medicine, education, and some other social issues; we receive a lot of simple requests. if we talk about whether it is difficult to get on the straight line line, call someone, with some kind of request, or talk about some problem? then this is most likely probably not the case, because even if the operator does not answer the call himself, the call will be recorded automatically, either an audio message or a video message, by the way, a video can be sent, this is not so difficult to do, you need to go to the website, by recording a video message in advance, or directly on the website online, and it is worth noting that even entire families call, they told us about this.
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vladimir vladimirovich is running for election for a new term and almost every third message ends with the words that we support him, we are with him, and he can count on us. if the operators are engaged in receiving requests, then the editorial group can already clarify some details, call back the person who contacted the direct line to the program, the results with vladimir putin, very much.
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it is important that many of the requests are literally immediately processed and some problems are solved even before the program itself, they told us about this representatives of the editorial group, many questions, many calls from new regions of russia, and as a rule, these calls, these calls are related to the so-called transition period, these are issues of social security, these include pensions, they call... categories of different people, they call people of different ages, sometimes even very young, one of the editors told us about this, we received an appeal from a twelve-year-old girl who is involved in a sports club and her parents spend 11,000 rubles a month on this. here she says that her friends would like to do the same as she, but do not have such an opportunity, because at school the only free courses are chess and programming, a large number of requests come from...
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only growing, while not a single message, not a single one of people’s requests will remain without an answer, even after the program results with vladimir putin, each such appeal will be carefully considered, each will be given a personal answer. dar egor, thank you, egor grigoriev spoke about the work of the year-end call center with vladimir putin. and to news from the krasnolimansky direction of the special operation, russian troops discovered the movement of the garden. the ukrainian brigade in the area
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of ​​serebryansky forestry inflicted fire damage on the unit, the ministry of defense reported. the enemy lost about 50 people. russian troops operating: the front line is covered by artillery and tor m1 anti-aircraft missile systems. alexey baranov has all the details. the march from cover to the firing position takes less than 10 minutes. the calculation work begins even before the machine stops. anti-aircraft ability top1 missile systems detect and recognize up to 50 targets today. is especially relevant, it is the air defense crews of the central military district here in the krasnolimansky direction that cover the units operating on the front line near the line of combat contact from air attacks. now there is a target, we are aiming there at 223° at
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a distance of 23 km. the main task is to hit both reconnaissance and strike weapons. it is thanks to the round-the-clock combat duty of air defense crews that here in the serebryansky forestry the assault groups operate confidently on the ground. the bmp-2 delivered the assault group to the landing site,
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provided cover and is now returning to its home base. it is not only foreign armored vehicles and unmanned vehicles that are working against russian units. in the terminology, they went specifically in battle, on that side there are many non-technical people, mercenaries, these are poles, americans, many others, we know, they are trained there in some special units, well, i would not say that they are trained there in anything better than ours. the first and strongholds of the ukrainian fortified military, which they built in the kremen forest for many years. of course, as the intelligence officers of the central military district see, often their long-term work deep behind enemy lines takes place in close proximity even to the third line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces. their fastenings are strong, very strong, they directly explode into the ground so that
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no artillery can reach them, many points have been seen being filled with concrete, observation points are very secretive, from dugouts, from companers, all there are passages underground, they pass and... sit, observe, correct, they are tracking, well, one might say, they are afraid. combat duty of tor1 anti-aircraft missile systems of the central military district in serebryansky forestry, meanwhile, does not stop. attention. alexey baranov, alexander malyshev, khaled tankiev, leonid sharov. get ready. maintain a line of combat contact. in the lugansk people's republic, krasnolimansk direction, torsky ledge. in moscow today the system for registering cars and issuing driver's licenses failed. by this time the problem had been partially solved. the work of departments has resumed flagship mfcs. the state traffic safety inspectorate reports this.
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work is currently underway to eliminate the consequences and determine the causes. the department promises to inform additionally about the resumption of services in full. today russia celebrates constitution day, it was adopted exactly 30 years ago, as chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko said in an interview with tas, the constitution has become a solid foundation for the formation of a modern political system, the creation of a new legal framework, preserving the integrity of russia and ensuring it further development. matvienko added that after three decades, life itself demanded amendments to the basic law, but at the same time... speaker soffeda noted that introducing amendments is a complex and complex process. the mechanism for amending the constitution should not and cannot be simple. this is the basic law of the country, which, well, determines the essence of people. and the constitution
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depends a lot on every word, on every comma. and there should not be such an easy way to amend this basic law. that's when we were preparing amendments to the current constitution , firstly, 30 years have passed practically since the adoption of the constitution, life itself required clarifications, it was truly a very complex process, and the main thing, i think, is our advantage that we were able to include the vast majority of our citizens who discussed , made amendments, changes, discussed, and from all this a special working group chose the quintessence that could be included in the fabric of the basic law, and there should not be some kind of one button, pressing which can be amended to the constitution and... and for this to affect the fate of the state, no, i think this
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should not be done, and here simplification is inappropriate, there must be very serious, thoughtful, meaningful work, and most importantly all those amendments that have been introduced and should, perhaps, be introduced at some stage at some point, because the constitution is truly a living document, they must receive the approval of citizens, only with the approval of citizens can they be worn. watch the full version of valentin matvienko’s interview on our channel after 12 enough hours have passed moscow time and gamiavox, if you have hoarseness and loss of voice, order with a 30% discount. sbermarket delivers the holiday, magical conditions , real rates.
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turkish legislation, as well as, no less important, international standards confirms that we have fulfilled all the requirements for the construction of a nuclear power plant. the main construction work on the first block is now being completed, in parallel , commissioning work is already in full swing, there is a long period ahead of checking the operability of all systems, everything must be done very responsibly, very clearly, in accordance with all technical... regulations and safety requirements, zelensky’s visit to the usa is a shameful farce, so says ohio sen. j.d. vance. on the fox news channel, he said that americans should not pay from their own pockets for the needs of the armed forces of ukraine, and in order to end the conflict, the kiev regime, in his opinion you will have to give up part of the territories.
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our own correspondent dmitry melnikov has all the details. perhaps the most important negotiations in zelensky’s life. the last chance is to personally ask congress to unblock 60 billion. after 3 days , congressmen go on vacation and the mission looks impossible. as a general at the national defense university , he vows to defeat russia next year to applause. american bradley and highmars - 155 mm caliber shells, and atak ms, patriot and f-16 missiles can do the job in europe. you can count on ukraine, and we hope that we can also count on you. russia is involved in all the conflicts in the world, and ukraine is fighting for you, zelensky convinces the generals. while scraping together the last money to supply arms to kiev, the pentagon can now only assure support and repeat how important ukraine is for the security of the united states. america's commitments must
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be fulfilled. america's security must be protected, america's word must be kept. there was no talk of further tranches, although there was a hole in ukraine's budget next year is 43 billion. and at a meeting with representatives of the american military-industrial complex, zelensky shared the idea of ​​​​creating a hub in ukraine for the production of nato weapons, not realizing that the united states already clearly sees the real state of affairs in his homeland. ukraine is functional. destroyed as a country, the average age of a ukrainian soldier is now 43 years old , this is tragic, if all this lasts a little longer, the average age will only increase, it will be a fiasco, it’s just a tragedy , what biden failed, zelensky is unlikely to succeed, his speech to senators asking them to approve the aid package to ukraine will become the main concert number of the visit, and
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face-to-face communication with the speaker of the house of representatives is completely pointless; johnson confirmed his position the day before. it is unlikely that the fate of zelensky himself will change after the meeting in the white house, it is unpredictable , it no longer matters what zelensky himself says in washington, the only important thing is what they will tell him in the white house, except for possible pressure to start negotiations with russia, one of the conditions for further support for kiev maybe become a us demand to still hold elections in ukraine next year. dmitry
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melnikov and nikolai koskkin, news from washington. the president of poland will bring in the donald government. sworn in on december 13, after which the new cabinet must receive approval from the sejm within two weeks. let me remind you that the day before the deputies passed a vote of no confidence in the government of matteusz morowiecki. following the results of the recent elections, his party was unable to win half of the seats in parliament, so the opposition forces entered into a coalition agreement and nominated donald tusk's candidacy for the post of prime minister. let me remind you that he already headed the cabinet of ministers from 2007 to 2014. born in 1957 in gdansk, a historian by training, dedicated his diploma to the russophobe pelsudsky, who concluded a pact with hitler in 1934. at the university, tusk became an active member of the solidarity trade union, under eruzelsky he clandestinely published a magazine, and was an organizer of strikes. tusk got into
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big politics in 1991, when he was elected to the sejm; 10 years later he founded his own civic platform party. in 2005 tusk participated in the presidential election, but lost to kaczynski when it turned out that tusk’s grandfather served in the german wehrmacht. in 2007, tusk headed the government after his party won early elections, was re-elected in 2011, and served as prime minister until 2014 . in 2014, tusk became the first pole to head the european council; after the reunification of crimea , he insisted on tightening anti-russian sanctions. in 2023, tusk will be nominated by the opposition coalition in the sejm for the post of prime minister. minister after deputies disapproved of morovetsky's program. donald tusk, known as an ardent russof, more than once called russia a strategic
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problem for europe. in rostov, nadono has declared a high alert regime due to ice. on monday , freezing rain fell in the rostov region; roads and sidewalks were covered with a thick ice crust. in several districts of the region, classes in schools had to be transferred to a distance format. resumed transshipment of liquefied gas from murmonsk. lng is loaded from ice- class gas carriers onto conventional tankers. as the businessman writes, the company took this step because of american sanctions. they have limited access to necessary for work. infrastructure, in particular floating storage facilities. the last time side-to-side transshipment was carried out was in june. the united states approved a ban on the import of russian uranium. congressmen supported the bill
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unanimously, the hill reports. the initiative will be in effect until the end of 2040, but first it must be approved by the senate and president joe biden. if there is a shortage of nuclear fuel in the united states, the law may be repealed, the document says. now most of the uranium in the country is imported. russia accounts for about 12% of deliveries. the international monetary fund did not support the transfer of russian assets to help ukraine. in this matter, the department remains neutral, said the head of the foundation’s mission in ukraine, gavin gray. according to him, the imf is aware of the risks for the international monetary system associated with such initiatives. let me remind you that the total volume of blocked russian assets is estimated at $300 billion. and china set a record for car production. in 10 months the country produced almost 21 million passenger cars, an increase of 20% more than in pre-pandemic 2019, reports: the result is almost twice as high
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as that of the former leader of europe. the countries of the union produced only 10.5 million cars. now there are about 80 auto companies operating in the eu, while in china there are more than 400. this was economic news. short. we 'll walk you to the train, but no need, another half hour, well, let's get warm at least, he doesn't say anything about himself, they're not interested in what i do for a living , if you ask, they'll be offended, for sure, they'll be offended, i always miss you very much... i miss you , it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm in words, winter combo, delicious period, magical condition, real rate up to 15.5%
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i will call my heart, according to the years, of course, i did not come to the zone of a special military operation approached, but i, as a military specialist , considered it necessary to be here at a difficult time for russia, i just took it, went to the military registration and enlistment office, such a time had come for russia that i had to again stand in line with my former colleagues, men, our fathers, our grandfathers ..
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serve under a contract.
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thank you very much for your devotion to the values ​​for which we live and for which we fight, i am a pashtun, an afghan, i am a russian soldier, honor... they look at this glow of our donetsk, every night it attracts them, we do not we let you in and we don’t let you in, lie down, calm down, i...


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