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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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russia has prepared measures to increase the effectiveness of the fight against terrorist threats in the context of a special operation and taking into account the upcoming elections. the national anti-terrorism committee noted that almost 150 terrorist attacks have been prevented in the country this year, dozens of secret cells, extremists and so on have been neutralized. two hundred criminal
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groups, they were engaged in illegal arms trafficking. in total , 228 terrorist crimes were prevented in russia with coordinated actions, including 146 terrorist attacks on facilities critical infrastructure, as well as in relation to military personnel and law enforcement officers. the activities of more than 180 organized criminals were suppressed. groups involved in illegal weapons trafficking, 146 illegal workshops for their modernization were liquidated, thanks to the measures taken by security and law enforcement agencies, the building of an effective system to counter the movement of weapons from the zone of a special military operation to the regions of russia was ensured. to protect the russian information space from enemy influence, interaction between roskomnadzor and law enforcement has been strengthened.
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some of the residents for arson and other sabotage. the number of sabotage and terrorist attacks organized by the intelligence services and neo-nazi formations of the kiev regime under the supervision of the foreign intelligence community, primarily the united states of america and great britain, has increased significantly. the number of shelling attacks on our territory using unmanned, aircraft and sea vessels has increased significantly. the main... decisions were military,
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transport, industrial, energy, nuclear and social infrastructure of the central and southern federal districts. ukrainian special services do not hide their participation in the preparation and conduct of terrorist attacks against representatives of russian authorities, public figures, journalists and former ukrainian politicians who openly criticize the kiev regime. to other topics: there is abnormal ice in donetsk, it is very slippery, houses, roads, sidewalks, literally everything is covered with a thin ice crust. utility services have treated some streets with reagents, but light rain and snow nullify everything efforts. there are many minor accidents, vitaly starushchenko is in direct contact with the studio from donetsk. hello, vitaly, what is the current situation in the city, are there any improvements? hello, alexander.
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indeed, bad weather has returned to the republic again. the air temperature has remained at -1-3° for the last two days. wind gusts reach 10 m/s in some places. rain falls mixed with sleet, all of which instantly turns into ice. moving on the streets has become much more difficult, the risk of slipping and getting injured has increased. injury. an ice crust covers absolutely everything around, as a result of which cases are recorded.
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a more tense situation on the roads due to ice and impenetrable fog, driving speeds have decreased significantly, traffic jams up to a kilometer long are forming in some places, the number of road traffic accidents has increased, the state traffic inspectorate urges drivers to observe the speed limit both within the city and outside it. on december 11, on the territory of the republic , law enforcement officers registered two accidents involving two people. were injured and 10 car accidents in which vehicles received mechanical damage. due to worsening weather and road conditions, the state traffic inspectorate urges road users to be extremely careful on the roads. according to the ministry of emergency situations, nikoda will not
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retreat; precipitation in the form of sleet and rain will continue in the near future. we continue to monitor the situation. alexander, you have the floor. thank you. residents of the rostov region also faced bad weather; freezing rain also fell in the region, the layer on the lady reaches almost a centimeter. pedestrians and drivers are advised to take into account the situation and be extremely attentive and careful. and in voronezh, life for the townspeople was complicated by heavy snowfalls. this morning, the height of the snowdrifts reached a record 36 cm for the black earth region, which is four times more than the norm; representatives of enterprises and public organizations came out to help utility workers. and in siberia, severe frosts set in in the urals. in the svetlovsk region, the air temperature dropped to -44°. this is
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twice the climate norm. due to extreme cold school classes have been cancelled. the kurgan and tyumen regions, as well as the chelyabinsk and magnitogorsk regions switched to a distance learning format. now a short advertisement, we will continue later, stay with us. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and a convenient, technological vtb application. my investments. professionals work. the 2 billion draw from the russian lotto is already close. hurry up for tickets. you get up more than twice at night, afalase, at the first symptoms of the prostate, afalase is a modern drug for early treatment bph. the magic condition is a real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at
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and enters the ipo, details from the brokers for the sovcombankru ipo. the first power unit of the akuyu nuclear power plant in turkey received permission to be put into operation, the press service of rosatom reported. the next stage is obtaining a license to load nuclear fuel into the reactor and pre-launch operations. akyuyu is the first nuclear power plant in turkey, it includes four power units with reactors of russian design. in addition, this is the first project in the global nuclear industry implemented according to the so-called “stroy” model. operate, the construction of the station took place within the framework of the intergovernmental agreement between russia and turkey. the decision of the turkish nuclear regulatory agency granting permission to commission the first power unit of npp confirms that we
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have fulfilled all the requirements of turkish legislation, as well as, no less important, international standards for the construction of nuclear power plants. the main construction works are now being completed work on the first block. in parallel, commissioning work is already in full swing, there is a long period ahead of checking the operability of all systems, everything must be done very responsibly, very clearly, in accordance with everyone...
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if they can be solved right there, yes, small problems, then quickly, quickly, they are resolved in cooperation with local authorities. i will tell you the news that literally just appeared, the results with vladimir putin, let me remind you that these are two such formats, a press conference format and a live line, it is known who will moderate these results, directly for the direct line, for communication with our citizens, they will... the host of the first channel ekaterina berezovskaya is responsible for our author and host of the
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moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin, the press will moderate communication with journalists - presidential secretary dmitry peskov, this is what he told us today. the questions received have already gone well over a million, this is an excellent sociological cross-section for analyzing which problems are most acutely perceived by citizens, work on generalization. continues, there will be journalists in the hall, our representatives of the federal media, from all regions, journalists will come, as is usually the case, foreign media will also be represented, those accredited in moscow, part of the direct line will be moderated by two presenters, from the first channel will be ekaterina berezovskaya and from vgtrk, there will be a share for the ruble. this is what else dmitry peskov said, and what is very important, he informs vladimir putin about the range of issues, about the topics
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that come here, and after the editorial group summarizes this data on the table, they put this selection on his table, he himself will choose certain topics, he himself will choose certain questions, of course, he will not be able to answer everyone, but what is very important, not a single request that comes to the direct line on e in count. the center of the program, the results with vladimir putin, they will not remain unanswered, questions and requests will be accepted before the start of the program itself, but answers and decisions will continue to be made until every question has been processed, almost 9,000 calls have already been received by the call center, more than 3,000 sms messages have been processed, there are also multimedia messages, and there is also video broadcasting.
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the calls were 50-something minutes long, they told a whole story, from there we also had to take something short, but in essence , each person has his own problems, someone can call really with extremely negative emotions, but at the same time we must preserve calmness, because with a cool head we need to get the essence out of there, help the person formulate a question, write it down so that the one who will further consider and raise some actions, could correctly understand to help the person. to clarify the details of requests, an editorial
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group often works; they tell us that people of different ages call and write, even minors, even children come with their questions. we received an appeal from a twelve-year-old girl who is involved in a sports club, and her parents spend 11,000 rubles a month on this. so she reports that her friends would like to study like she does, but do not have such an opportunity, because at school the only free ones are chess and programming, a large number of requests come from the liberated territories, from the kherson, zaporozhye, lugansk and donetsk regions, well, mostly people are worried about the question. related to pension provision, restoration of damaged or destroyed housing, obtaining relevant certificates. well, let me remind you that questions and requests are accepted until 12 o'clock on december 14 before the start of the program, the results with vladimir putin, and anyone can ask it absolutely
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free, the program itself is broadcast tv channels russia-24 and russia 1. alexander. egor, thank you, egor grigoriev was on direct line from the popular front call center. in russia , the system of election commissions for the 2024 presidential elections has been fully formed. this is the conclusion reached by the authors of the report of the association nom - independent public monitoring. today there was a discussion of the main conclusions of this work. experts noted that a large-scale campaign is underway to discredit the elections. we are already witnessing a public campaign organized by western states to non-recognition of the presidential elections of the russian federation, special reports of the association of nominees were also devoted to this topic; in the future, external pressure on russian citizens, the electoral system, and attempts
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to discredit it will only increase.
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the budget of ukraine next year is 43 billion. and there was no talk of further tranches, although there was a hole in the meeting with representatives of the american military-industrial complex . zelensky shared the idea of ​​​​creating a hub for the production of nato weapons in ukraine, not realizing that the real state of affairs in his homeland, the united states, is already see clearly. ukraine
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functionally destroyed as a country. the average age of a ukrainian soldier now. 43 years old, this is tragic, if all this lasts a little longer, the average age will only increase , it will be a fiasco, it’s just a tragedy, what biden failed, zelensky is unlikely to succeed, his speech before senators with a request to approve the aid package to ukraine will become the main concert visit number, and face-to-face communication with house speaker mike johnson is completely pointless; the day before johnson confirmed the position of the republicans, no money for ukraine.
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the european bloc does not approve of negotiations on kiev's accession to the european union. slovakia, in particular, voiced its position. the parliament noted that ukraine is not ready for dialogue on
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eu membership. the president of poland will swear in the government of donald tusk on december 13. after this, the new cabinet must receive approval from the sejm within two weeks. let me remind you that the day before the deputies passed a vote of no confidence in the mateus government. following the results of the recent elections, his party was unable to win half of the seats in parliament, so opposition forces entered into a coalition agreement and nominated donald tusk for the post of prime minister. let me remind you that he already headed the cabinet of ministers from 2007 to 1914 . now a short advertisement, then we will continue. stay with us. order homeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers the holiday.
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and now it’s time for economic news, the european commission is planning. to collect up to 15 billion euros for ukraine from the frozen assets of the russian central bank, the financial times writes about this. it is expected that there will be receive 3 billion euros, the amount of 15 billion will be reached by the twenty-seventh year. however , the publication notes that for the plan to take effect, it must be unanimously approved by all 27 eu countries. the issue is planned to be discussed at the eu summit in the middle of the month. the former volvo plant in kaluga will start production
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on december 14. trucks will be assembled at the plant, the regional government said. after the change of owner, the plant was renamed into an automobile and motor company. it is owned by the industrial investment group. she bought the company in november before the sanctions, volvo trucks produced 15,000 trucks a year. novotek resumed transshipment of liquefied gas from murmonsk. lng is loaded from ice- class gas carriers onto conventional tankers. as the businessman writes, this step. went because of the infrastructure necessary for the work, in particular to floating storage facilities, during the latest american sanctions, they limited access to the ship-to-ship transshipment carried out in june. and the imf assessed the timing of the end of the conflict in ukraine. in total, the fund developed three scenarios: basic, negative and positive. at worst for in this case, the conflict will drag on until the end of the twenty-fifth year, and ukraine’s gdp will lose 5%. the base scenario assumes the end
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of hostilities. by the end of the twenty-fourth, while the economy will grow by 3-4%. as for the positive scenario, the time frame for ending the conflict is not indicated, but the forecast is for gdp growth to immediately increase by 10%. it was economic news, briefly. who are you? traveling musicians? we don't have a bright leader! legendary musical quartet and irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hi monats. where were you before? why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. there's no way around it.
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