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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  December 12, 2023 6:00pm-6:24pm MSK

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history, this is one of the most modern gyms in russia today, fully equipped in accordance with all international requirements, here you can truly train the best, strongest athletes, it’s nice that this is in the center of moscow, and we will be able to hold events here including international competitions. the dynamo society, which turned 100 years old this year, acquired its first gymnasium back in the thirties, in which for many years the eastern stand of the dynamo football stadium, in his honor
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the new dynamo sports academy was also named. daniil makhalin, igor nikulin, evgeny makunov, alexander fedorchak, alexander stalmashevsky, lead. in russia they celebrate constitution day, exactly 30 years ago, for the first time in the history of our country , new conditions were necessary, the president spoke with the judges of the constitutional court. he will talk about the important statements of this meeting.
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anastasia yafimova. protection of the rights, freedoms and interests of citizens is the most important thing in the russian constitution, which today marks 30 years since its adoption. with this on this date, the president congratulated all citizens of the country at a meeting with the judges of the constitutional court, and recalled the difficult conditions in which the constitution was adopted; it was a difficult time of testing for our country, associated with such an acute one.
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a living organism, in other words, not a dusty document put on a shelf, but a real working tool that meets the requirements of the time and its challenges, which is why in the summer of 2020 a popular vote was held, within which citizens supported significant amendments.
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he works in our country, lives, helps the state, stabilizes the state, helps people, and citizens, in turn , address the main problems, by the way, there are much fewer requests from authorities, about one and a half hundred per year, and this, as valery zorkin noted, a good sign of coordination of actions and a single vector of development of the country. of course, we understand that not everyone likes us, many people don’t like us, so i recently, on the eve of our meeting...
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we discussed for six months 110 articles were amended out of 172, in general it was a popular document, but the new era required a new basic law. the preparation of the project took 3.5 years, maybe a lot, but we have one homeland, and this is a serious result of the work that has been done and passed by parliament over... the past 30 years, because if you look at the speech of our colleagues 10 years ago, twenty years ago, we will see that the new version of the law became a modern challenge to the questions and the answer; in the twentieth all-russian referendum,
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a large block of amendments was adopted, now in the constitution important points about family, social guarantees, labor, the russian language and the historical path of our country, about how... work was underway on the document, the speaker of the upper house of parliament, valentina matvienko, told tas in an interview. it really was a very complex process, and the main thing, i think, was our leaders, who discussed, made amendments, changes, discussed, and from all this the special working group chose the quintessence that could be included in the fabric of the basic law, and there should not be any - here is one button, by pressing which can. to amend the constitution and for this to affect the fate of the state, no, i think this should not be done, and this is a simplification of the dpr and lpr. over the course of 90 years, the country has changed five constitutions, each of them was a reflection of its time, the last time changes were made again in the 21st century.
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the basic law became a reflection of the transformation of russian society. natalya solovyova, denis bezlakovsky, mikhail emelin and nadezhda nefedova, news! naappt can help, it helps restore memory and attention, noapt to make the head work, the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable, now withdraw cash for free from any atm, this year we have prepared something for you in the new year's billion from the russian lotto. special 2 billion rubles. everyone has a vtb savings account rate of 15% for a wedding, save up faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb. new year's eve, a kind wizard conjured miracles for every resident
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the number of questions received on the direct line with the president has already exceeded 1.5 million. we will sum up the results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14. communication with the head of state will combine two formats: a direct line, a large annual press conference, that is, both journalists and citizens will be able to ask their questions. applications are accepted around the clock. we’ll find out what questions they ask from my colleague egor grigoriev. he's with us on direct connection with the call center. egor, greetings again. so, how is the reception of appeals to the president going? tatyana, hello, the less time remains. before the end of the year with vladimir putin, the more calls, the more requests, the topics are asked completely different,
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the topics of questions, well, by the way, there are also unexpected ones, for example, many parents, and there are not just a few, not dozens, hundreds of them, come up with a proposal, think about how to make the schoolbags of their primary school children a little lighter, because children really seem to approach a projectile when they go to school, more 5 kg, their backpack weighs about... and there are questions that relate, for example, to sports schools, let's listen to what the editors told us, the problem is that the briefcase is too heavy, this is not the first year, and this is confirmed by children's doctors who observe the development of such diseases such as scoliosis are associated with the curvature of the spine, which leads to other diseases, even more so.
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at the moment, 995 thousand calls are already preparing a summary of the topics that concern us most, that concern our citizens the most, he spoke about this dmitry peskov is on the phone with us, the questions entered have already gone well over a million, this is an excellent sociological cross-section for analyzing what problems are most acutely perceived by citizens, work on generalization continues, journalists will be in the room. our journalists will come, as is usually the case , foreign media will also be represented, those who
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are accredited in moscow, part of the direct line will be moderated by two presenters, ekaterina berezovskaya will be from the first channel and from vgtrk, calls and appeals sometimes do not last one dozen minutes, but the operator will listen and not remain unattended. and even if you can’t get through to the line and communicate personally with the operator, the call will be recorded. let's give the operator the floor? a few days ago i also sat as an operator. in one shift, in 2 hours, i had only two calls, two calls were 50-odd minutes long, they told a whole story, from there i also had to take something short, but in essence, each person has his own problems, someone may call in a really extremely negative way emotions, but at the same time we must remain calm, because with a cool head we need to get the essence out of it, help the person
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draw up a question, write it down so that the one who will further consider and raise some actions. could correctly understand to help a person. so, the results of the year with vladimir putin on thursday at 12:00 on the russia-24 channels, colleague egor grigoriev. and on other topics, donald tusk has officially become the new prime minister of poland. his government will be sworn in on wednesday, december 13th. tusk has already held the post of head cabinet of ministers from 2007 to 2014. after being re -elected, he promised to make poland a loyal ally of the united states and a reliable member of nato. in addition, tusk assured the diet that they would be with him. i can no longer hear some european politicians from other western countries saying something about how they are tired of the situation in ukraine. they tell zelensky that they have no strength left, that they are exhausted. i want to say that
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poland’s task, the task of the new government, is to loudly and firmly demand from the entire western community the full determination to help ukraine.
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gazelle and uaz patriot, they were purchased with federal funds for speed, luggage racks and special belts. 43 schools from two dozen settlements will receive new buses. at the ceremony, governor alexey dyumin instructed directors and officials to complete all procedures for registering cars and coordinating routes as soon as possible. these buses should start running soon, because new ones are appearing. educational institutions, new routes are appearing, there are plans construction of schools and kindergartens, of course, this equipment is necessary, modern, safe and equipped with all the criteria for transporting our little ones. preferential mortgages as one of the ways to overcome the demographic winter, what mechanisms are working in the country to help russian families solve housing problems.
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watch the special report by maria kudryavtseva about this. is associated with solving the housing problem, and we are talking about an integrated approach, when a comfortable urban environment is created for families with children and measures are taken state support for the purchase of new square meters, judging by surveys, more than 80% of families are considering a mortgage to expand their living space, let's build your own house, a new house, evgenia krivorodko with her husband and two children lives in a two-room apartment in the moscow region, now the eldest is 13 years old, they decided to act from my parents' two-room apartment. we took advantage of the family mortgage, submitted documents to the bank remotely, we always don’t have enough time, two children, work, various clubs, i couldn’t tear myself away from my work process, accordingly, it was inconvenient for me to go to banks, sign some house documents, collect documents, this is very difficult for a very long time, a program was offered to the house of the russian federation without leaving
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home to apply for this mortgage, the majority of all mortgages, the leading role here is played by... how times a family mortgage, where families with two minor children can take out a loan at a rate of less than 6%. and we see that over the entire period of the program since the eighteenth year , 850,000 families have already taken advantage of this opportunity. apply for a family mortgage initially those whose child was born from january 1 , 2018 to december 31, 2023, as well as in the moscow and leningrad regions, could receive 12 million rubles. in all the others. capital, which in total makes it possible to save up for a down payment , pay an affordable monthly payment , and raise the parameters for a family mortgage will not
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change. it is the housing problem that is one of the main reasons for the demographic winter in russia and they need to be solved, the government emphasizes. what's stopping them? for young women under 24 years of age, this means the absence of a family or housing with a permanent income. for women. falsity 25-34 years old, the main limitations, even if you have a family, are the lack of your own square high-rise buildings , today there is an option to take out a loan for the construction of a country house at a preferential rate. for example, for a family mortgage the rate will be the same up to 6%, for an it-mortgage up to five, and for a preferential mortgage up to 8%. judging by surveys, 67% call izh their dream home. storey buildings, especially apartments, but i, as a mother of many children, can tell you that they are not garden areas where you can let the kids out
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, go for a walk, play in your sandbox, swing on your swing , poke around in your garden bed, this is, of course, absolutely incredible, so this seems to me to be a very important development now, and preferential mortgage programs are support not only for families, but also for those who builds square meters for them, in the twenty-third year we have launched more than 40 million.
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